
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Responsibility, Responsibility, Responsibility

As Aba says, I must take responsibility for me own results. If I bluff someone who is unlikely to fold, that's my own fault. If I call someone who's unlikely to be betting with a hand I beat, that's my fault too. Poker is fundamentally simple: Lose less with your losing hands, win more with your winning hands. Just like stock trading is easy: Buy low, sell high.

Play less HE tables. If I find the need, add some O8 to alleviate boredom. Today, I run much better at Omaha. Was able to get about of a third of my stack in preflop with AAds, so I took the opportunity.

Concentrate on what I am doing. A player who calls all bets with half his hands, more than often can't even beat top pair, so I need to valuebet appropriately...and stop cbetting whiffed flops. I mean, this is the type of player who is theoretically trivial to beat. And, in fact, I didn't lose all that much to this guy. True, it was frustrating as hell having him on my left but w/e.

Oh, and I play good defensively, so when the guy pushes over my blocking bet with TP2K...I don't call. I mean, I took almost this exact same line on my bluff...on a similar board...and the guy calls with TPTK. So, yeah, I lost money and may have folded the best hand but I played it 'okay'.

But a trend I've noticed from my biggest losses are: I pay off too weakly and I bluff too much (oh, and I lose when ahead too often). I mean, it's okay to bluff small amounts but the largest mistake small stakes players (good and bad) make is they call too much. I mean, if they'll call raises and bets OOP with very weak pairs and draws, I have two options: 1) Don't raise/bet with hands that have no showdown value or 2) Bluff the river. I think option 2 is pretty terrible when these guys call too much. So, yeah, from now I'm giving up when my hand has no equity on the flop/turn, and, like I said, I'll continue to bet draws until the river unless the board is paired.