
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Why are the pretty ones

...Always so lacking in coordination. Cute waitress managed to spill condiments...and then managed to knock over a vase of flowers while relaying a table. Not that she would need a lot of hand-eye for what I had in mind.

Anywhoo...didn't manage to get any pokering in due to being dragged out to lunch. Did some rejigging of my system. Using 2.6.17-beyond4 now and there seems to be some improvement. Also using the xfce4-panel in fluxbox. Not sure if I'll keep it. Meant I had to remove the FB toolbar on screen0 and launch devilspie. Newsflash GNU/Hippies, cute names that are unsearchable fucking suck. Oh, and totally changing the configuration file from xml to lisp is not genius, it's annoying. I also recompiled 2.6.19-beyond2. I have tested this with 4-tbls+HUD and it worked...will see if it still works tomorrow.

Running out of space again. Tempted to get another 320GB (actual size: 300GB). Also tempted to get an Antec 900 case. My reservations about it are: Drive cages are apparently kind of crappy. No quick release. And noise. 200mm fan (!), 3 more 120mm case fans as standard. Plus whatever cooling I have on the CPU (120mm) and graphics cards. I don't want a fucking vacuum cleaner.

Watching TNG...just for something to do. Denise Crosby is damn hot. It's scary to think that she's now 49. All good things...

Poker thoughts: Need to start playing slightly longer sessions, 1.5hrs will allow me to clock up more hands a week. If I can get in 10hrs+ (7x1.5), things start looking sweet. In terms of money, it's nowhere near enough of course. At 1/2NL, it's only a measly $800 (+/- whatever ridiculous variance) at 5BB. Which is nice but not enough to quit my day job. Well, actually, if it were variance free it would be but I've had enough variance playing like a nit to know that, even if my true winrate is 5BB, on any given week I could be +$4k, or -$2k. And if that were my only source of income that would be pretty taxing on my mental health...which isn't terribly robust to begin with.

But enough about money. I will continue playing lower stakes and improving my game for the coming week. Ultimately, I have been playing better poker, and Kyle agrees. Part of the reason is I don't hesitate to bet when I think it's a good play. The other day I 3bet AQ in position, Txx flop. Guy check/calls, turn is a King. I checked behind...as I would do with AK most often. River missed me, he checked, and I didn't flinch in betting. Of course, he ultimately called me with AT. So maybe it wasn't such a good line to take as a bluff if I'm taking the same line with AK for value. Anyway, the point is, I can't hesitate to make the bet because of how large it is in absolute terms. If I was playing 5/10, I can't stress about bluffing $400 on the river. I can't berate myself with OMG you bluffed 40bb into a calling station. Yeah, if I'm bluffing a station, it's bad and I need to fix it. I just can't let the amounts paralyse my play.