
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Well, balls, still got craptastic performance with 4-tables+HUD. Um, not sure what to do. 3 is 'okay' but, obviously, I'd like more.

As to the actual play, not very fun. 3bet 'guy' with AQ, whiffed, turn a gutshot (TxxrK), pause...check it, and bluff river...representing AK. Of course, he makes a big call with AT...even though he is beating no legitimate hands there except AQ. Had 'fun' on monotone flops. One hand, I had AT with no pair and NFD. I either bet or raised the flop, and I think I bet the turn. He calls those easily, and then bets 6BB on the river. Well, I know my ace-high is no good and I'm not sure he'll fold to a raise so I decide to look him up. He shows middle pair (7). Fucking genius, then he instantly leaves making the price of the information worthless. Hit a few more monotone flops, KJ landed TP+jack-high flushdraw, I wasn't about that. Um, I also landed a montster draw with AJs (OESD+NFD). Guy check calls, and pots into me when the 9 pairs. FUCKSAKE. If that had been any non-pairing card and he'd potted into me, I would have pushed. But no, the board has to fucking pair. Very frustrating session. Good hands: AA v. two shortstacks KK & TT. TT is all-in preflop and KK on the flop. Surprisingly, AA wins. Actually, not that surprising given they both had pairs. I much prefer that situation to one where they have random two cards. I also flopped a 7-high flush (74s on 956) but played it badly. Guy leads into me and I think back to the JJ-quads hand. 'Hey, he's probably FOS. Just call.' Turn is the 3 of hearts giving me a straight flush but killing my action, he check/folds. I think I would have done better to raise the flop like I would with the NFD. If he folds, who cares?

Trying to download something to watch. I have some films that I could see (apocolypto, prestige, um, blair witch 2...) but I don't really want to spend 2 hours watching stuff. Of those 3, I know I will enjoy The Prestige but the other two are probably going to be rubbish. So, I started downloading the first season of ST:TNG. Could only find the DVDs, though, so this will take some time...Then I discovered that there's some Ghost in the Shell I haven't seen (Solid State Society). Guess that will have to do!