
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Details, details, details

Yeah, so, um, I didn't mention XV at all yesterday, even though I titled my post after it. I am having some problems with Xorg and xv. I don't know why exactly. Also, I am experiencing massive increase in CPU usage by Xorg when drawing FT tables with HUD overlay. To the point where vmware becomes unusable. Perhaps I should not of reniced vmware to 0...

Anyway, the xv output issue seems to be on my 6600GT. Mplayer will just crash, and take X with it. Problems seem even worse in the latest Debian revision of 7.1.0, so I've downgraded to -10 from -11. Although, my 6600GT could just be dying. I have had several 'no power' failures on rebooting. Once the actual connector was damaged and I replaced it fine. The second time, it may have been loose but I have my doubts.

Also, my xconfig may be partially responsible. Quad-head, both running nvidia, one in twinview? Yeah, that's bound to cause some problems.

Oh, and I need to burn ~210kWh a week/~800kWh a month so as my consumption doesn't look suspicious. I will then go 'geez, oh well, that's my problem. I guess I had better try and save some if I can find the time otherwise, no biggie.' I'll step it down to ~600, then 450. But, WTFever. Wow, you made slightly less profit then you should have. Because, you know, that's profit you're entitled to. Fuck the M*AAia and fuck capitalist entitlement. You're still profiting by exploiting me so I should shut the fuck up if I were you.


But, I can't focus on such trivial problems. Had second coaching session tonight. He sweated me again. Apparently, I am playing much better poker. This included observed hands such as, me 3betting AQo OOP and calling a push with AQ-high on a king-high flop against a shortstack (he has JJ, I hit an Ace). My bluffing a shortstack on the river with 75-high when the backdoor flush not only got there but an Ace fell on the river (he thought a long time but eventually called with Q7s, TP...7-kicker). Before we could begin the meat of the analysis, however, the fucking chatroom died. (Oh, and the aforementioned X problem locked up several of the tables during the sweat.) He's emailing me now...uh, later.

But, anyway, I agree with him: I am playing much better poker. Paying more attention to details and using that information to my advantage. Being a tricky player and not a robotic one (cero_z). Robotic is probably +EV (at least at SS), especially in limit but it's horrible.

Oh, btw, I can't believe I haven't seen Tricia Helfer's PB spread before now. She really does have a fabulous body. No full frontal shots but her breasts are literally perfect so who cares?