
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Nuked Ubuntu in order to install OSX :( I hope it's worth it. I hope it's not a major hassle to install either.

Some of the advice on 2p2 is so bad it's hilarious. Yes, valuebet someone you think bluffs too much~!1 Good idea, FeltBelt. Actually, a lot of advice on 2p2 is very good but...most of the advice FeltBelt gives is terrible.

lol, the new computer is making me super cold with it's stupendous airflow. Ugh, 5am and I'm installing OSX and listening to Oakenfold.

Even once I get OSX playing nicely...I have to install Parallels and bootcamp XP for games. Hopefully the C&C3 demo hits this week.

UM, well, that was easy. Video, networking both working. Audio is probably working but I didn't check the right box in the installer. Supported resolutions are kind of crappy. 1920x1440@60Hz...ow. I get at least 70Hz with xorg. Installed a shareware thingy that might allow for better refresh rate. Only have it running on one monitor now at 1600x1200@85Hz. Using separate kb/mouse right now too. Not only do I have to do a lot of configuration to the OSX box, I have to then do some jiggery with the Debian box too. Updated, restarting...

Would like to monitor system temps but the InsanelyMac forums just went down. I went to 3.2GHz and DDR-720 (or something, pretty conservative with the RAM since it's only value stuff). Probably have more than sufficient cooling but I'd like to make sure it's not cooking. This shutdown is taking awhile...

Looks like I need to buy Parallels and download Bootcamp. Oh, Bootcamp doesn't work with non-Apple hardware. Have to install XP and hope it doesn't fuck up the Darwin bootloader. Think I'll install it to a separate drive and disconnect OSX's disk to be sure.

So the above paragraphs were written last night. It's morning now and I have audio working (in theory, at least an output device is showing up I haven't tested it yet). Need to fix the keyboard layout as it isn't mapping keys like '#' and '\' correctly. Unfortunately, the page that tells me how to do this is down due to the Flickr API borking. Isn't Web2.0 marvellous?