
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Uh oh

Getting more questions about E6600. I can see someone sniping it at the last minute so I get...like £50 profit. So glad I auctioned it to increase my margin...

Damn, and I was looking forward to keeping it! Well, 4hrs to go. We'll see.

Started getting a little wild at the end of my session in order to protect my big hands as Brian says. This is an important concept. I shouldn't have to think "OMFG, did he outflop me this time? Or has he made his fucking draw AGAIN?". Also, I shouldn't be making big calls ever at small stakes. It's just not the road to riches. To call 3 streets with an overpair when the board rivers 4 to a straight is pretty bad. Yes, bluff catching is cool but unnecessary. Also, I'm a little annoyed at the TPTK, bet flop, check turn, call PSB line that I've been taking. I mean, most of the time I can't call the river since I have 8-high or whatever. It's just annoying to see this line again and again used for value against me. Especially when I river trips. I am betting the fucking turn next time, I don't care if worse hands fold.

ALSO, I wish PAHUD would work all the time. Having no stats on a player makes things hard. Is he bluffing or is he too passive? Should I be valuebetting or inducing bluffs?

Meh, second time I've tried downloading Stringer's HU vid only to get it truncated. Thank you, Pipex.

Looks like I might be going to Entanet. 'Be' would have been better but, obviously, ASDL2+ is not available in the sticks. Enta has the problem of the network becoming swamped as soon as off-peak (2200) kicks in but other than that it looks good.

Went to the bank, got house contents insurance for £10 a month. Exciting! Although, I did talk to her about poker a little (because my bankroll is mostly offline in savings). She was friendly and gave me her card...so obviously she fancies me. Ha.

Think I may have played too long. Did a 3 hour session (1715-2015) at probably not the best time.

The top two hand. I played it wrong. I should have c/r the turn all-in if I intended to call a bet on a non-flush river. If I intended to fold to a river bet, calling would have been okay. I mean, yes, it's a marginal spot. Top two in an unraised pot is not the nuts but I was caught in two minds: Not paying off a set, and not getting bluffed by a draw. Decide which you are doing: If you're not paying off a set, you're folding the river. If you're extracting from a whiffed draw, you're calling the river...so may as well get it all-in on the turn. IDK, against his exact hand I played fine and he rivered me. Against his range (draws...sets, bottom two, top and bottom two)...I'm not so sure. It's probably the best, actually. And block flush rivers.

Heroes.117: Need to download this...at a socially acceptable time.