
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


One out is all you need

And with three, oh boy, are you bound to get there. So that was today's big hand. Then there was QQ v. KK with a 68/18 calling station. On a wet, ten-high flop. He just called all the way down with KK. And I thought I was betting for value. Got some back at the end with AA. 3bet from the SB, QJT flop (OBV). I bet flop, check turn, VB Jack river (thank you Doyle/Jaime Gold, AA v. KJ hand for that!). He has AQ. YESH!

Lost coinflip AKo v. 99. He then proceeds to donk his good fortune away by going all-in pf with AT. I forget what called him, actually, but he lost. Flopped one set, that I recall, may have flopped another. Decided I have been trying to c/r them too much so went for B3B. Everyone folds. Why don't they do that when I have a draw? Made a big call with Q5s. Turned a pair of fives to go with my FD, another 5 on the river. Guy overbets the pot. Uh, fuck. 45? Fuck. I call. T3s, no good, and would have been even worse if he'd got there (although I have a hard time calling a push with a Q-high flush).

I had a hard time calling a push with A6 on a J66r flop, tbh. But J6 and JJ made no sense. Although, it was possible for him to smooth call with JJ preflop OOP in a large multiway pot.

Big mistake: Raised AQ (uh, that wasn't the mistake), 4 people call (two blinds, button, and guy on my left). I bet the flop after it only gives me a gutshot (iirc). Um, one of the many guys raises. DUH. Count the the callers, FFS.

What really sucks is that was the biggest mistake that I made and yet I dropped a buyin or so because I can never realise any equity unless I have a total lock. They have to call and be drawing dead not to get there.

Oh, and FYI, set or a flush on a monotone board and I raise all-in. I realised after the quads hand that I am probably pushing AJo/ATo if I have the NFD+gutshot, so why the fuck am I slowplaying my big hands?

Oh, and I really hate shortstacks. Not because of the coinflip but because they call too much and really destroy the value of speculative hands...which I'm raising to build a pot and image against the other deep stacks. But no, 15BB mikey just has to see every flop and check/call every cbet. JJx flop, call. 976hh, call. OKAY BUDDY.

Overall, I played looser/more aggressive for small bets where possible (i.e. the table wasn't full of shortstacks). Quite happy with that. Not too much folding, although I did pass on AKo/AQo OOP once or twice, just because I didn't think I had any FE. I squeezed once or twice too. Once, the original raiser folded and the fish called...and folded to the flop bet. Nice one!

Tired, played longer than I intended. Still haven't watched last Sunday's BSG. Probably won't do that tonight as I doubt I can appreciate it. Need to shower, eat, and sleep. Need to shave too but that can wait until tomorrow.