
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Better days

I've had better days. My throat is killing me. The best it could be is inhaling ozone, the worst manganese (causes Parkinson's). Need to fix ventilation at work because this job, while on the whole okay, is not worth crippling myself over. I think (hope) it's ozone because it's more or a burning sensation and my eyes are a bit irritated too.

Back to 25NL for the time being. May have another 50NL shot at the weekend. If I hit set over set on my first hand, I'm going to sit out even if I don't think it's affected me. It did last time but I didn't see it until after I tilted off a good chunk of change. Looks like KK just ran into AA preflop (both put nearly 100BB stacks in). AA won with Broadway, KK must have been sick to have hit his set and still lost. I just folded AKo UTG to BB's (guy who just showed AA) raise. King on the flop and he overbets the pot. I imagine that he had AK and not AA/KK. Just called his 4BB PFR with black AKo. I could have probably won that pot had I bet the flop when checked to but took a free turn and folded. Main villain lost to a pair of Fours so it's likely he had AK there too. My buddy got tricky and lost to a a straight Jack high. His opponent had an OESD on the flop, made his hand on the turn. Bah, I think I just folded a SC to a PFR that would have made trips had I called. Buddy just gave away half or what he had left to Jack high straight man.

I question the value of hands like A8s then I see a flop like AA8r. If only I could flop a full house like that. The luck boxes are swinging plenty of pots. AT vs. AK just took a bunch off me with two pair. On the plus side I learned he bets his middle pair hard. QQ just won me a smallish pot of overcallers money. Very standard. Could have done that with any two cards, though. Could have gotten cute on the flop by not potting it. AKo made Broadway for a tiny pot. Playing out of the SB sucks so bad. Probably should have checked the turn and given someone else a chance to bluff at it. On the plus side I've showndown only one hand which should let me buy more pots with semi-bluffs.

Scurvydog continues to post interesting and entertaining bloggage. Bonus whoring is definitely the way forward but I need a roll to make it worthwhile. He's talking about sinking $1k into a single site. Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of roll. Still haven't received new card.

AA, won a tiny pot when I hit an Ace on the flop. Pooh. Beats winning the blinds. BB AQo, gutshot on the flop, TP2K on the turn. Would have prefered a Jack really but he seemed to know he was beat. Maybe he could only beat a bluff? God knows he's bluffed a lot. Luckboxes all left, time to find a new table. Looks like I'm -$5.

Site's crashing, yay. Screw ewww! /quit -$5.