
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



No lost this week :( Day off sick, backs playing up a bit.

Just watched ultra lag get busted after pushing in a 3 way pot. Called by 78s and 99, and he lost $200 to a straight and a set. NH. Shame, though, I was looking at him to double me up. If only I could get a hand.

Lose a little with ATo in a blind war. Flop was AKJ. I knew BB was laggy but whatever. I'm WA/WB. Villain then fucks me with the nut flush (A2s) with my 86s OESFD. Bollocks. Then again, I should have just pushed flop and hoped no one had landed a boat.

Nasty session loses me 1/4 of my shot BR. Other than those two hands, I played okay. I picked up 2 or 3 PP that I remember, and folded one of those preflop (can nay set mine). I didn't pick up one hand that neccessitated a PFR. There was one situation that I could have taken against another SS when I had AQo. That's a coinflip at best, though.

Good news is I identified two new fish, suited Michael Jackson villain and another. Both of them are loose but the other fish pushes all the goddamn time with air, bottom pair, etc. He also habitually raises preflop. Michael Jackson goes to far with shitty hands but he's not that bad, and no, his play in the two hands above isn't indicative of the rest of his game.

Just over 1h30m session, needed to break anyhow. Think I took my beats pretty well there :/