
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Ha Ha

SB AKo: I hit TPTK. Call a SS all-in. He shows ATo for two pair. The very next hand I pick up AQs. Two pair man has TT and raised in EP. I push, he calls. I win a coinflip. After that two pair man loses to TT, I don't think he had anything much.

QQ: I river broadway to beat a set of Jacks. Shame it was against a guy I like. 4 to the flop: KJ8r. Bit shitty but I pot it and get a caller. Uh oh. Turn: Ace. Check behind. River: Ten. Guy bets $6 into $16. I raise $17. He calls.

SS with 82o goes all-in against AQ. WTF.

32 of diamonds wins twice in a row. First time I hit bottom two and MHIG at SD. Second time, I have a flush + gutshot draw on the flop. Turn makes both and I have a straight flush draw with the 6 of diamonds. Villain bets, I raise to full pot. Villain folds.

BB T4o: Flop bottom two again on an AT4r flop. Turn is a Queen. I check since it's likely one of the 4 callers on the flop had a strong Ace and the turn has given him top two. Or someone could have been playing KJ. I fold to action on the turn. River was a blank, winner shows AJo. I folded the winning hand. Major grrr.

AJo: TP3K lost to 79o runner-runner full house. Wow.

AJs: I win a coinflip against a SS with TT. I am the TT crusher. Thank god the other guy didn't call my iso-push, he had AKo.

SB KK: I lose stack to A7o. SOB. Should have pushed over his raise preflop. Fucking faggot. For his next trick he cracks Aces with A3o by hitting trips.

QQ: LRR all-in. No callers.

I haven't hit a set for ages and I really, really want to double up off of this guy. Take a medium sized pot off him with KJo, TP2K. He's dropped a buyin but considering he was sitting on 6 it's a little early to celebrate.

AQo: Dickhead button raises, I contemplate pushing but I hold back. He could have AK, in which case I'm smoked. Or he could have a PP, in which case I'm coinflipping. If I had AK I'd have pushed. At worst I'm coinflipping but more likely he folds. Or he plays his Axo and is drawing very slim.

Stayed too long watching dickhead lose his stack. Had to abandon AKo when it was 3 way between a mostly solid fish, dickhead, and me. Solid minraised me on the turn which seemed to indicate that my TPTK was no good. Dickhead didn't call him on the river, though, so he could have had the straight, a full house, or air. Dickhead left after pissing away about 3 buyins. NH, sir.

Seemed to be profitable early in that session and breakeven/losing later.