
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Back in the saddle

Decided to sit for a quick game. If I lose more than $10, I'm gone. Interesting table. SS limped QQ and then really didn't do shit thru the rest of the hand. Board made a straight and it was a 3 way split.

SB A8s: Flop flush draw but I don't bet it? Talk about weak. Gets there on the turn. I hate myself for not betting this.

CO AKo: I fold to 5bb PFR. Weak ass. Two aces on the flop, turn & river are both 9's. I hate myself for not calling preflop.

AQs: Bet flush draw, probably bluffed off when it doesn't get there on the river. Board was paired. Don't think my Ace high was good enough.

I give up 50NL and go sit at 25NL. Going okay until I call river bet with pocket 7's thinking my two pair might be good enough. ATs, bet my broadway draw. Doesn't get there on the turn. C/F. I like 25NL, my mistakes aren't costing me as much. Also, I seem to get paid off which is nice. Plus people do crazy shit like going all-in preflop with K3o, called by T9o. NH.

lol, flop trip Queens coming out of the BB.

BOOM! If only he'd cracked Kings too.

BB 67s: Call PFR, have a heart draw but SB overbets the pot (he flopped two pair). River made the flush. Could have bad beaten both of them.

See, this is why I love 25NL. You've got some idiot seeing the river in a raised pot with 32o on a A2QQx board. Surprisingly PFR's KK was good.

Dumbass slowplays AA, gets stacked by a set of snowmen.

Q8s flops gutshot + 2nd nut flush draw. I should have probably pushed. As is, I called flop, folded turn. Flush came on the river.

Pff, you'll get yours. AJs, call PFR. Hit TPTK on a JT diamond board. Villain bets 1/4 pot, I raise to full and he min raises me. If I had the flush draw I'd have pushed his sorry ass.

Maybe not, he rivers a straight to beat my TP2K. Like a knob I call. Another dickhead looking for a beating. Raises twice in a row. I have 77 the first time and KQs the second. 77 misses and KQ of diamonds hits TP2K on an all heart board.

Just fucked up calling with Axs. I called flop which I shouldn't have done. I then folded turn. River completed the draw. I should have folded the flop or called both streets. In fact, I really hate my turn fold since I should have been looking to take two stacks. Great implied odds.

Crappy table/session but less crappy than 50NL has been.