
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Nights like this

And, again, I change nothing about my game but my reads were uncanny (for the most part) this evening and I make a buyin without breaking a sweat. Getting AA three times in a row doesn't hurt either. Except, I raised the turn when I hit another ace in a blind battle. DUH! I'm holding three of them so I have to call and hope he makes something to call a bet with on the river. That was pretty dumb. Also, I checked to induce a bluff on the river from what turns out to be a calling station. Oops, missed oppotunity to double. Conversely, I checked river 'scare card' to induce a bluff from a missed draw with a BB special (74o two pair), he bluffed...and I eventually called. Meh, that's about it. Call in position with 77, flop QKQ. Cbet, I contemplate representing a Queen but decide against it. Later on, I call in position with 99, guy cbets Jack-high rainbow flop, I raise, instafold. I've decided I fold to cbets too easily and I need to be more of a bastard to play against.

Out of the hole for now. Perhaps I'm playing better? Catching the better end of BS situations helps too. Need to become more zen-like while playing. Play good and the money takes care of itself. I'm also pretty concerned about just how late I'm coming into this poker thing. The money cannot last forever so I need to pull in as much as possible, as soon as possible.

Re-watching Cowboy Bebop, just for fun. Up to Jupiter Jazz part 1. I've noticed that there are an inordinate amount of scenes with Faye nearly naked, or bending over, or showing clevage. WTF. Not that I'm complaining, of course.

Finally apt-get dist-upgraded, not sure if anything broke. VMWare, nvidia, and new kernel seem to be in harmony. However, ISO scheduling doesn't seem to work properly. Always something.