
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Almost even

AA beats...a flush draw. AKo beats AQs with the 'freerolling' NFD but bastard was short stacked. Some sets get some action. I 3bet my old friend station with AKo OTB.

Downside: NOTHING ON FT. I get AA, hey, I've been active (13/10ish), time to get some action! Nope. One table where I was running 38/18 or something ridiculous I was getting decent action but not good hands. The AKo hand was on FT, though. Still managed to lose monies on there.

I've decided that, against unknowns, my 3.5/4BB raise with PPs is all I'm putting in the pot unimproved. They never fold on FT. Never. They call with any pair (top, middle, or bottom) and any draw (including gutshot, backdoor straight/flush, and overcard[s]). Even the guys who I have stats on that fold to cbets 70% of the time seem to call every bet (when I'm weak; when I want action of course they can't).

I only really misplayed one hand that I recall and that was not jamming 43s on the Q-high flop with a naked FD against JQ in a blind battle. He minraised my cbet and I decided that I would take the immediate odds even though he was semi-shortstacked. Turn and river were both Kings but I didn't think he would fold on the river even though my hand had no showdown value.

Won't be using this anytime soon :(


Nip/Tuck.402: Good god, Kimber looked hot. So did "Blu Mondae". The Scientology theme could be really interesting...and lead to the show getting cancelled when TCoS litigates. Variance.