
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


T is for Tilt

Wow, burned through one buyin getting it in with TT v AA & KK preflop. God I play good. WTF would I do that? Shortstack limps, I raise to $10, unknown button (irrc) calls behind me, donk calls behind him from the blinds, SS now pushes...er, I don't know why but I think TT is good against his pushing range here, so I minraise to isolate. Button pushes and donk folds. WTF. So you smooth call my raise with a monster in position and then push? Really? APPARENTLY YES. Shortstack had AA, button was playing KK very trickily. I put him squarely on AK. Anyway, King on the flop. He immediately leaves.


I don't know wtf I was doing. I've decided in the past that TT is not quite good enough to gambol with shortstacks with. QQ+ only. I am retarded.

Then the icing: Donk limps UTG with A6o, I raise JJ up from the SB, donk calls. Flop is T97ss, bet, donk calls. Turn Ace. OH FUCKSAKE. Bet planning on bet folding. Donk calls. 9 on the river, no flush, check planning on check/folding or maybe calling and he checks behind. FUCK YOU AND YOUR 3 OUTER. Another half a buyin gone.

Meanwhile, on FT, oh look, I'm losing to another 4 card straight. Imagine that. Oh look, I have TP, flush gets there on the turn, overcard on the river. Isn't that swell?

Well, my BB/100 is a decent number. Only it's negative. 4.4k hands plus the prima incident. I am a losing player.