
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



MrStation33 IS my nemesis. He out aggro's/out VPIPs me whenever I'm at the same table. He always seems to be winning/losing big pots against my fish. E.g. I'm at a table with a really deep stacked calling station on my left (OF COURSE) and Station on my right. Station does stupid shit like 3bet KJo OTB after quasi-TAG opens in the CO (well, Station is 28/2x, TAG is closer to my stats). CS calls after limping Q5s UTG or whatever, TAG folds, and Station flops KK5 or something and gets CS to pay him off. I, OTOH, get JJ in the blinds, and flop and overpair on a semi wet flop. I turn a Jack and CS FOLDS.

I made a big call. KK UTG or some rubbish. 982r multiway flop, bet $25 into $30, suspected fish minraises. Minraise pretty much confirms fishiness. So I call. Ace of spades on the turn, putting up a BDFD. I check. Suspected fish puts me all-in. I call. He either had me crushed on the flop or he has a draw. A9/A8 I doubt minraises flop. I cannot put him on an Ace so I'm WA/WB. Call. T7s, I don't recall whether he had the BDFD or not. Anyway, he didn't make it. BOOM.

Made a smaller calldown with 88 on FT and was correct. Unfortunately, I also raised JTs EP and got a T22cc flop against a shortstack. He had ~$50 or maybe ~$60 to start the hand. I valuebet my ten and he minraises. Whatever, I have TP and go all-in. 32s goot. What are you going to do?

I also cost myself mad monies by not opening A4s (hearts) in EP (this is back on Party). Would have hit monster flop (532hh) and rivered the NF (almost a straight flush).

FT is kicking my ass. Netted $400 on PP this evening, broke even at best on FT. How bizarre. Almost unstuck for the month (oh my gods).

Had to regress to 2.6.16-beyond4.1 kernel since 2.6.17-beyond3 was fubar. Want to try building my own 2.6.18 one (or maybe beyond) but reiser4 doesn't have a patch for the final release (and I don't fancy MM).

lol, German kid. I've seen it before but I didn't realise he was getting so angry at booting Windows. rofl.

Listened to this stream tonight. Not bad. May experiment with others.