
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



It's funny how many people call this film 'hostile'. Effing tards. Watching now. 48 of 130mins. Good so far. I love the sex and nudity. Not so hot on the 'surgery'. I am not going to Bratislava. Okay, at 56m and the last guy has been captured. Is this going to be a 30m torture sequence? Probably. Funny thing is, it's easy to imagine that this shit could be real. There are some sick puppies out there with plenty of money to play with human life like this.

Anywho, with this on low, I'll finish the post I was making earlier when X crashed. Again. Played not many hands on FT, and took two buyins off a fish on my left. Means I have made +$20 on there, +$160 of deposit bonus. How fucking crappy.

AKo (or "King-Ace" as Tony likes to call it...eh) was uncomfotable to say the least. That's the beauty of playing hands in position, I guess. I mean if I am calling OTB and not playing for stacks with TPTK then there's no point. I actually read him for QQ or TT after he checked the flop. I mean, he either has a scared QQ/TT or he's got me crushed with JJ or AA. On the turn, I had decided my King was probably good. Minraise was hairy but of course, there's no folding there. After he checked the river there was no way he had a boat. There is just no way he's tricky enough to check a boat there. So, he either had AA or MHIG. Either way, I push hoping that he either folds AA or makes a tough call with QQ. I think I'll post the hand, though, see what the 2p2 thinks of it.

And then I get Aces. Normally I leave the table after doubling up since I do not like playing deepstacked. It's hard :) I like simple decisions for 100BB, but as no one else was deep so I decided to stay. Also, the fish had rebought full. Not sure what to say about the hand. Flop minraise is, again, hairy, given that it's a rainbow board but King-high flop with AA is generally money. I don't know what he's doing on the turn, to be honest. Representing AA or a set, I guess. Turning a hand with some showdown value, in position, into a bluff, more like. I mean, he probably thinks I call with AK there. Yeah, I may fold better hands like KQ and QQ but come on. No one plays a set like that.

So, yeah, anyway, after that and he left, I quit the table.

Okay, wow, Hostel is fierce. Worst part is undoubtably the blowtorch on Kana's eye. Jesus Christ. And then Paxton cutting the optic nerve of her ruined eye and the pus streaming out. Shudder. That is fucked up. Anyway, good film and I can't wait for the sequel. Glad I wasn't watching it too closely, though. Um, also, the director claiming that it's about American stereotypes of Europe is pretty absurd but whatever floats his boat.