
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Michael Jackson

Could only bet $0.50 on the river with the backdoor nut flush because the slider was buggered. Grr.

1/∞ are my odds of winning the Euro lotto seeing as I don't have a ticket. Grr.

UTG AQo: I'm new to the table. SS raises, I put him all-in. He flips AKs. Bollocks. What I like is the guy who considered calling my isolation push with 95s. Now I wish he had done.

Wow, I found the pushy preflop table. Guy called off huge amounts with Michael Jackson twice. Man, all the fishies are going to bust before I get a hand.

Made the rather large mistake of calling LP raise with KJs. KQ8r flop. He bets a little, I raise to full pot. He calls. Check/check turn. River T. He bets full pot now. I have TP3K and I'm awfully behind to AK/AJ/KQ. Calling is awful, pushing has FE but if he was the straight or two pair he's probably calling. No other way to play it after I called...but I should never have called.

CO KK: 6bb raise, no callers. Wow, this table does surely suck. I'm stealing from the CO next orbit too. Guy limped KK and won a nice pot.

UTG KQs: TP2K, I take it to the river and the flush doesn't come. I'm sure that's what he was drawing to. Didn't call my value bet. Betting went: pot, half-pot, half-pot. Pretty strong by me. Maybe if i'd played KJs this strongly.

Presto! Get a full house on the river, guy doesn't call my half-pot value bet. Slider wasn't working so I had to choose between betting 1/4 pot on flop or 3/4. I chose 1/4 and got raised to full. Bargin. Potted turn, half-pot river value. I love PP, they're so easy to play even OOP.

I told you this guy was nuts. I was into all the shit when I was 12, he's 35.

UTG QQ: Ugh, like the idiot I am I go for the LRR. It fails again. I am not LRR again now for a long ass time. I don't care if I win the dead money. Rather that then have to fold to minraise on overcard flop. His raise there actually looked like a set/two pair rather than TPTK. He hasn't gotten out of line much so I'll have to give him the benefit of the doubt. I now wish I hadn't. He's just showndown a very poor hand indeed.

CO TT: Semi-bluff steal. Queen high flop, really quite good for TT.

EP AQo: Fold to CO raise. Of course, would have hit TPTK. Too worried about being dominated again. Not good.

JLH is rumoured to be doing PB. While I doubt it's true, it would be fantastic. She has such a great rack, and is just generally cute as hell. I'd be hard for a week just from the pics; if I was with her I'd be permahard.

SB KK: Reraise PFR, open push Jack high, 2 club flop. Nothing I beat likely calls me, if one of them had Fishhooks, so be it.

UTG+1 99: Limp, take it on Jack high two spade flop. Definitely stealing from the CO. Or not. KK raised before me and I folded J9o. KK lost to AJ's broadway. Guy just tilted off the last of his money with Michael Jackson.

BT J9o: I would have flopped quad 9's had I played. Imagine if I'd have made a steal there.

Card dead after 'wasting' my big hands earlier. NO MORE LRR! I have to wait for my PP to run over someone elses/or hit a set. I can't wait for payday so I can put money on party. Bonus whoring & multitabling. Woohoo!

BB T2o: Obvious fold but I'd have hit two pair against AKs. Fucksake, all I want is to double up. Just need a villain to make a hand he's comfortable calling with.

KK: Lose to ATs. Two SS all-in on Ace high flop. Wins with flush. Fuck you? Would have lost loads had the other SS not had unimproved pocket snowmen. There is litterally no way I'm folding KK to SS there, though. Ironically, had I LRR here, ATs would have probably raised and I'd have put him all-in preflop. I'd have won more Skalansky dollars that way.

Almost litterally can't make a hand now. BB ATo: Wow, might as well just go all-in now. Maybe if it were suited. I need to quite soon, been at it for hours and I'm tilting.

BB AKs: UTG+1 and SB have a preflop raising war. I think about calling SB's reraise but I decided that it's likely that at least three of my outs are tainted, the only way I'm winning is with a straight or a flush. UTG+1 showed AA, SB had QQ. Queen on the board. Ouch.

Wow, AA runs over KK. Why can't I have these sort of situations for a change? (I know, I've had them before, I'll have them again...but it's annoying.) No, I get my good hands cracked by fucking shitty Ax hands. Fucksake.

4hrs -$12. Damage control, I think that could have been so much worse.