
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


They read me like a book...

Getting heckled from the table coach. Unfortunately I pick up AA on my second hand and I play it as standard (e.g. >10% raise). All folds. Table coach is ragging on me about how I wasted AA. Of course, he has no idea that I actually had AA and I'm not inclined to tell him. I could explain that I would have made the same raise with TT+ (I should do this with AQ+ too early in the session) and it's regretable that no one liked their own hand enough to call. He then further heckles me betting 2/3rd of pot on turn (with AJo on a QTxx board) and then folding to raises (winner had a boat). Whatever, I hope he makes a great 2nd best hand against me.

What an unsuccessful POS session. I pick up more fishy hecklers. They've got me all figured out, apparently. AQ on a AJT flop. I pot it, get smooth called then raised all-in. I have to fold. Raiser shows TT, caller shows KQ. I get away light. ATo, TPTK, pot flop, fire again on turn, minraised. Again, I have to fold. He could just be playing back at me but risking a stack with a pair of Tens is retarded. These two hands made me really stuck since I invested money postflop. AQo...I could have checked the flop. ATo, I could have checked the turn.

AKo MP. I raise to $2, everyone folds, which is exactly how I wanted that to play out. I then get more heckles of "what a waste of AA". I shouldn't have bothered responding but I did: "i didn't have AA". Expert comes back with "you're lying is as good as your poker". rofl. If they think I have AA everytime I raise, good for them. At least they won't make the mistake of calling me :)

I've found a much looser 50NL table. Two people have stacked off since I've been sitting here. AA lost to KQs, 99 (set) lost to a straight. Fish who cracked Aces is still here so I'm sticking around.

BB AA: Please some action. I reraise preflop, open push the flop since it had T9 hearts and I couldn't afford to slowplay. Damn, with a safer flop I can pot it.

MP JJ: 3bb raise (should have made it 4bb given position), pot Ace-high, two diamond flop. Caller there and I have to C/F.

BT KTs: I raise 3bb (should have been 4) and flop top two but they're diamonds and I have hearts. Someone likes there hand and bets flop, I raise to full pot, he calls. Turn is a non-diamond. He bets 1/5th pot, I raise to full again and he folds. Good because if he'd have pushed a diamond river I'd have been livid.

UTG ATo: Knew I shouldn't have bothered with TPGK. Lost $3. Villain minbets 2 club flop, I reraise to full pot. Turn completes the flush and helps the str8 draw. Villain now makes a real bet. Grr, nice call. I guess if he had a OESFD then fine.

Dude with JJ pushes the river on a xKKxA board? NH, sir...

Finish -$10. Didn't earn enough off of AA the two times I got it, and I could have made the same amount with any two cards. Oh well. Quite happy with the amount JJ netted.

Not bad and I'm sticking to 50NL from now on. I now regret ever using the chatbox. From now on I'll have it open but not use it.