
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Cold decked

Not much I can say. Not hot at all. Lost a small pot when my TP2K ran into TPTK. Could have gotten away from his river minraise. Lost money set mining and not hitting. But there's so much dead money flowing around the table I can't leave.

My first raise of the table doesn't get called, which is good seeing as it was a steal (BT A9o). I've had to fold some good hands to raises preflop which is annoying. Well, not had to but I have.

SB AQs: Reraise preflop. Hit an all diamond flop, King high while I'm holding two spades. AKo wins with rivered two pair. Maybe I could have taken this on the flop with a check-raise. I'm pretty much pot committed with that, though, and I don't like being pot committed with Ace-high. The alternative to pot size raise is check/push and hope no one flopped the nut flush.

Proper pissed off now. I can't hit a flop to save my life. Oh I lie, hit TPTK with ATs. Great. No idiot with KT to pay me off.

I again lose money set mining. Implied odds were there since PFR showed AA. Happy I called that preflop, though.

UYG KK: LRR 4x, no gamblers. Guess 3x would have been more likely to be called. I'll have to bear that in mind next time. I was hoping someone actually had a hand for a change, though.

CO 77: I semi-bluff and take pot.

MP3 77: Again! To make up for not hitting a set in ages I flop quads...again. Flop I check to the CO PFR, who bets pot. Sweet, I call. He fires $5 into $15 on the turn and I think about raising him there but smooth call hoping he'll bet river too and I can raise him all-in there. Unfortunately he checks behind on river. Should have value bet.

EP JJ: Fucksake. Super fish calls raise with A6o and flops his Ace. I fire pot on flop and 1/2 pot on turn but check river. He checks behind. Fucker is good and I lose my sessions winnings...which as I'm playing BEP puts me down.

Making a little back at new table. Not a fan of the minraise but it seems to evoke calls. I'll do it all day then.

UTG AA: LRR? Again, no. Pot flop and no callers. Previous hand I limped TT, potted undercard flop, got raised, called (?!) and folded minbet on flush turn.

Mostly happy with how I played that losing session. A few things I'm not happy with: No value bet on the river with quad 7's, firing two barrels with JJ when it was likely superfish had an Ace (albeit I thought he had a stronger one), folding TT to a minbet on flush turn (I should have folded to flop raise...or pushed. Pushing is gamboolrific because nothing I beat likely calls), AA & KK LRR...without the reraising (I need to make a standard raise to build a larger pot. If I get setted, I get setted). Still largely small mistakes in terms of dollars...except for JJ, where I put most of my money in when I was behind.