
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Don't tap the glass

So I'm done taping the glass. My interactions with the fish is now restricted to 'nh' and 'ty'.

Kournikova is aptly named, I can't hit a flop hard with it. Made the mistake of calling a preflop raise with it out of the SB, complete miss.

77 won a small pot. Should have been more but I think I raised him too much on the end. Should have gone for 2x to get called. I had Sevens full, he probably had trips. I have yet to find a good amount for when I want to get called (or hope he pushes that). I asked closer to 3x/all-in and he wasn't having it. Screw eww!

Some people are ridiculously deep stacked at this table. There's one ~4x, two ~3x, and two more ~2x. Insane. The worst loose-passive fish is on my left. I don't mind too much since he's passive.

Almost call a 6bb PFR with 87s but then I think better of it. Table breaks. New table seems to have broken too. Grr. New table...

K5s cracks Aces with two pair on a all diamond flop. He's a genius for calling $10 preflop with K5s. SS keeps buying in with 10bb. Get a stack you moran! Pushed AQo this time but lost to KJs. Ace cracking fish is sitting out. Grr. Damn, someone doubled up through him before I got a chance. lol, down $100 in two hands. Once against Broadway vs A5o TPNK, then against rockets holding a pair of eights. Jesus. He's nearly bust. Oh no, he's bouncing back. Damn he's gone.

EP AA: Limp/reraise...only without the reraise. Grr. This table sucks now. Bet pot on Q high flop. Turn puts pair of sixs on the board. I don't believe he called PSB with bottom pair so I put him all-in. Thankful he folds since I imagine only hands that beat me call. Then again around here you never know. Maybe he put me on quads like the other guy did...

Finish up dead even. Grr.