
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


I hate you newbie poster

EP KQo: Minraise from newbie poster. Hit TP2K on flop, 3/4 pot. Called. Half-pot blankish turn, minraised. GRRRR. Fold.

Next hand JJ: I open push. Newbie poster almost calls. Looks like a mad tilt move. It sort of is but I actually have cards.

BT JJ: Reraise CO to $3. All heart flop (I have Jack of hearts), newbie poster opens for 1/3 pot. I raise to full pot + his bet. He times out/folds. Bitch.

EP 56s: Flop bottom end of the straight on a rainbow board. Raise minbet to full pot, PSB blank turn. Villain folds. Wish it were the cunting newbie, he'd probably have called down.

LP K9s: Get into trouble postflop. I have TPGK & an OESFD on the turn but the river blanks me. River is check/check. I lose to 87's two pair. Grr. Bitch here just lost a large pot to a set of 6's.

Poker hates me. Someone gets AA all-in against AKo. I can't hit a flop to save my life. AA was so obvious too. Do you really call $20 preflop with AKo? Do you then stack off on an all heart flop holding the 2nd nut flush draw? No one does that against me.

Past three hands I've been dealt are: J5s, J4o, & J3o. WTF?

New table. 66, miss flop. I haven't hit a set for awhile now. I haven't stacked someone with a set for ages. I am down about half a buyin and I really haven't been playing that badly.

SOB, fold A7s preflop to SB raise. Would have turned the nut flush. Sometimes I should just peel it off. BB A5s, TPNK + flush draw I bet 2/3 pot on my draw. Folds. Fine.

EP AJs: 6bb raise, folded preflop. Cool.

AQo: TP2K, improves to top two on the turn. Lose a buyin to 32s that flopped the wheel. Fuck you?

Two hands later I get black Aces and open push. I take the blinds despite typing 'tilt' in the chatbox.

Wheelboy loses my money to...newbie poster from first table. God.

I pick up black Aces in EP again and play them normally. Largish pot but only two way. I had top set but I didn't want to see a flush river so I put caller all-in on the turn. I'm still so way behind now thanks to wheelboy. I see he's lost some of his own money now. Good.

I pick up Aces again (3rd time at this table). Play them normally and win without SD. Thing is...now I can't bluff Aces because I'm more liable to have to SD.

Dropped just over 1.1 buyins in 2h30m. That makes me sick. Seriously sick. What makes it worse is I lost because of my own stupid mistakes: Not raising AQo preflop, and then thinking my top two was good enough to stack off with in a multiway pot. Generally I'm way ahead here and normally I wouldn't bother calling a push with just two pair. However, I've watched myself piss away money all day while people with shitty, shitty hands are taking stacks. My little note even says: "Never go all-in with less than a set." It's weak-tight but it avoids variance like this. I wish I had had a set, then I wouldn't feel so bad about dropping a buyin. I seem to remember I dropped a buyin before with two pair. I guess I had 6 outs but it was a huge mistake and the poker gods were unforgiving.

I'll give 50NL another shot tomorrow or later. If I lose more than half a buyin, I'm going to have to drop down. Looking at my log, I haven't won significantly in over 13hrs of play. That's about 650 hands.

Like I said, the worst thing is I seem to constantly be putting my money in with what turns out to be the worst hand on the flop (JJ vs A6o, KK vs ATs, AQo vs 32s). And then, magically, no one ever calls when I'm ahead. GRR.