
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.




Yawnaments. A few hands later, flop is Q9xdd and I have 99 again. Villain raised PF and c/r all-in with AQ. Doesn't runner-runner this time. Great, I (well, FT) double him up and then take it back. Why is everything so goddamn hard?

Played meek/weak, actually won some hands. SB LRRs me and I have AQo. I have been folding here but the last time I got shown 66 so I call, even though I hate being dominated. Flop is Axxss. He leads, I call. Turn goes check/check. He checks again on river so MHIG, I bet, he folds. Flop the nuts with AQ. Donk c/c's two, folds river PSB. Put him on a hand? Qx/Ax drawing for a split. Josh berated me for checking behind the 2nd nut flush on a paired board. So I'm trying to valuebet more, even if I don't think they can call.

Watching Next. Yes, Jessica Biel is worth dying for...


One time

I think I used to post about eschewing one-pair hands, and never going very far without two-pair plus. "Oh, he called my cbet and bet the river, I'll fold TPTK." Surprisingly, that guy was more successful than whatever I have become. Oh, I flopped overcards to my PP, c/f or sometimes cbet. Basically, give the fuck up without a monster.

Now, I'm doing outrageous stuff like playing large pots with overpairs/TPTK. You know, those crappy one-pair hands. No wonder I'm losing so badly.

Whatever. I had something I was going to say but I just sidetracked myself by still bitching about poker. God I hate that game.

Anyway, ordered some rope, need to see about drugs (probably Ket). Nearly busto so things are going accordingly.

Double or nothing

Doubled my winrate today. When it's negative and way too high, that's not a good thing. How'd I double it, you ask? I turned a set. Yep, that will do it. What'd I lose to this time? Oh, 2 outer on the river, obviously. I call with JJ because, well, they only have set value (IMO). Qxx flop. No set? I c/f. He checks. Turn J, second club, UHOHS, TIME TO STACK OFF. I bet, he raises, I 3bet, he calls. Ace on the river, whatever, I'm not folding in this pot with this stack left. Push, hope he rivered twopair. AA FTW. Doesn't matter, I thought he might have had QQ anyway. Haha.

So called premium pairs = overcard flops. Watch TPNK take it down when I bluff/pay off perceived induced bluff when I don't.

Flop TP2K on monotone flop. Take a passive line representing the NFD to maximise against his weaker made hands/bluffs, turn trips, call river. Flopped baby flush. Oh, well, good for you sir.

Basically everything I did was wrong today. Open folding 90% of the flops would have been better.

Don't know why I run so nitty, either. I mean, I open pretty weak in LP when possible. Situations where I don't think it's possible: Calling station SS or two has limped, TAG/LAG has raised. I mean, yeah, I'm calling with some 'speculative' hands some of the time but it seems I need to be calling/3betting more OOP which...just seems retarded. Or calling with dominated hands...which also seems retarded.

Am I really supposed to be defending (by calling or raising) with AJo in the SB/BB to 'average' CO/BTN steals? I guess so. Although, as soon as they call, my hand is total trash unless they're playing strictly fit or fold. If I flop an Ace, am I supposed to be stacking off? I don't get it.



Why bother? I played super-nitty/semi-okay and still lose a buyin because a drooler refuses to fold a FD/SD whatever. I should have just c/f the river instead of wasting money blocking. Both straight & flush hit the river so I'm good like never.

I lose less then I'm supposed to with JJ v. AA by playing passively.

I flop top-two with AQ. Expert calls from BB with a flush draw. K-spades on the turn. Great. I call experts value donk on the river.

I flopped one zomg set though. AT2 and drooler goes busto with limped A2. He had 2 outs twice. To my surprise he fails to suckout.


In an emergency

"You can eat these raw". Bear takes bite out of fish. WTF, dude! You are insane. Man vs Wild is pretty cool. Some of the things were pretty weak but on the whole entertaining.


Missing reel

But, damn, Rose McGown has a fine body.

olol, mini-moto. Tarantino, heh.

Werewolf Women of the SS looks great...

Meh, I don't really 'get' Grindhouse. Mediocre films...but that's okay because...they're meant to be mediocre. Mkay.

"I always carry a gun." Next time Stuntman Mike proceeds to try and kill them. Do nothing while under attack. Attack ends so then you try and shoot him, managing only to wing him. Aren't you glad you threw away all those headshots? lol @ ending (even though I missed the coup de grace on my release).

Well, fuckit, I'll rewatch once...maybe twice but they're pretty meh films.


I won a 300BB pot as an 80% favourite. WTH is going on?

Beat: It's 100NL and I've lost way more to the 20%. Plus all the other times where I play terribly/pay off.

Watching Grindhouse. Machete looks great! :) Saiyd! Willis!


But what is poker really other than getting money in as a 80%+ favourite and losing 80%+ of the time? That has been my experience hereto. Sure, I have made some superbly horrendous plays (ridiculous calls, mostly) along the way but that is it.

Is it any fucking wonder then that I don't feel love for this goddamn game?

Meh, whatever. Need to play larger sample I guess. Total lack of motivation, though.

Man vs Wild might be interesting. Bear was on the radio, friends says it's entertaining so I'll give it a whirl.



Yep, back to the old justifying their (TAGFISH in this case) great calls routine. I know it's a mistake on their part; I know it's a losing play and will become a major leak if they move up (which most won't; because they have these leaks) but I pay them off anyway. OH YAER.

God I hate poker.

I wish I had never heard about how 'easy' it was to make money online. lol, yeah, it's so easy. Just outdraw idiots like me everytime. That will do it.



Broke my self-imposed poker break today. Good starting hands...Uh. No action when ahead. Could have C/R AK all-in on flops and tried sucking out 6 outs. Made a flushdraw OOP...river 4flushed, because, you know, why the hell not?

Watch a few other TAGs sit down: KK > QQ, make a straight, flop a gutshot+FD+overs & suck out on top-two. Shocking that you run at 14BB. Oh, look, KK raise, one call at best, c/f the flop. 2xo the rest of the time, fold. Loosen up? Okay, J5o all-in.

44 UTG, SB 3bets, tiny stack in the BB folds. He has to have JJ+ here so I call. Ksx4s, SB makes standard cbet, I pushoo (because it's my duty to pay off oversets). He folds. If he folded AK/AA there, very nice. Doubt it, though, more like QQ and the King killed my action.

Watched Brian's PLO vid from...Saturday or whatever. Interesting. His 3 street bluff didn't work out so good but yeah, he has a very tough time calling with marginal hands, even trips-King kicker. Uh, QQxx (iirc), overpair+FD in against KKxx, overpair+FD was nasty. Obviously, Brian knows what he's doing, decent starting hand selection, etc, etc. But even he didn't so well that session. Surprised he didn't mention the guy on his left who only minraised PF.

Entourage.314: Ari Gold is my hero too. Funny that there are so many Jews on the show. I'm not anti-Semitic, I guess it's illustrative of Hollywood...just like Lloyd (lol). It's just weird that they seem to make such a big deal of it. Not a lot of bla^Wafric^W...er? Um, coloured (?!) people on the show...which is slightly odd, no? Nor latinos...Is LA really like that? Full of beautiful but above-all, white people? Not that it bothers me (I don't find black chicks hot), it's just odd. Whatever, decent episode. Eric is such a penis...yet he get's to tap chicks far too hot for him.



Downloaded some HD trailers. 1080p is pretty sick. Day Watch & 28 Weeks Later look good (well, the action in DW looks hot, wasn't too impressed with NW). Resident Evil...meh. I love(d) Milla but she's getting old and most of the films she's in are solid B's. UV was forgettable, can't remember what I said at the time but it's like an extended MTV flick.

"But how much did you lose?" $0. Rock! The winning move is NOT TO FUCKING PLAY. 2 more lessons and I'm probably donzo. Which means I need to get some rope & drugs for my exit strategy. Unfortunately, however, I'm not that depressed!? Partially because I'm not forcing myself to play poker right now. But, basically, it is time to go. I need a lot of money to salvage anything out of the rest of my life and I'm unlikely to ever get it. Sure, I could keep on keeping on but, as a nihlist, I don't see much point in living anyway and if it's no fun whatsoever...

Wee. Loss of sync #240...241...

Probably go with Ket as my pain relief. Oh, and I figure I might as well busto my bankroll totally before I go. So maybe I've longer left than 2 lessons. It's not like I can take it with me so get rich or die trying. gg.


Loss of synchronization :235 Yeah, having any amount of connectivity is overrated. I mean, yes, a faster sync would be nice but this is pissing me off now.


la la la

Thoughts: Party still looks fishy. 2p2ers are having 10k months at 400NL and below. Why the fuck am I pissing about at FTP where a) games aren't great & b) it's clearly rigged against me? So...datamine Party and have a looksee. Problems: Party software is fucking terrible.

PokerEV sounds similar to what I was thinking about. A bit retarded but easier than writing one myself.

Damn Enta. What good is having a huge download allowance if one cannot download a fucking thing due to terrible connectivity? I hope this is the profiling thing otherwise I'm going to be pissed off.

300CR videos! Taylor's vid was slightly chopped. Maybe I didn't download it all. Let's see, you flop the nuts in a 3bet pot, turn a straightflush. Retrying...Damn you enta. Watching Brian's POV, lols. This is freaking hilarious. "Taylor's playing like a nit but I'm just going to go with my 9-3 offsuit against him..." rofl, Andrew doubles Brian up with his K2o, then 67 > AQ flippament.

Great, crash fire. Possibly because I was transcoding something. Eff that.

DS9: Dark? Uh, not so far (116). Okay, a little darker now...



New and exciting ways to lose: Actually hit a FD and get overflushed. Yeah, you played it brilliantly, check/call, check, check/raise. Here, let me pay you off. 2p2: Call because it's a tough fold/need read. But when you do call you're beat 4/5th of the time...That's just great.

So I continue my spate of going broke in reasonable situations. Fabulous darling.

I'm going to make a perl script to analysis equity from HHs. It's going to be mostly worthless but it will find how I'm losing with sets (to begin with); set over sets, 2 outers, FDs, etc.



Even Josh's luckbox can't save me from FT. KK...I finally hit a very good flop against a monkey: KQx. Make standard 3bet cbet. Call. Turn J, uh, I don't know what to do and Josh isn't saying anything so I do $40 into $55. Call. T on the river. I cry. I try and push, FTS resets my push to a minbet. olol. Call. Yep, AQ. Yep. Yep. Why not.

Oh, and KK again. JT8hh. 30/9/1.78 guy CRAI after calling a 3bet cold. I say JJ/TT. Josh says not a good spot but you have to call. STANLEY YOU IDIOT. I told him exactly what this guy has. I call it anyway, partially for illustration purposes. TT. Meh, I thought JJ would make this guy less of a moron to be coldcalling a 3bet OOP but w/e. He knew what was coming on the flop and that I wouldn't fold (one way or the other). Going to post hand. I guarantee responses will be overwhelming folds. Because that's what SSNL does most of the time. Like Josh says I'm never folding KK v. Q9xcc9, CRAI. Ever, for any reason. lol, what?

FTS majorly pissed me off tonight. 3 minbets/raises because it kept resetting the betbox. Minraises, meh, whatever. Minbetting river on KQxJT though, omfg. Apparently it's a bug due to mousing over the OSD stuff moving the cursor outside of the window, even though I have OSD crap disabled. So I've repositioned it and hopefully that's the last of that crap.

I've told Josh if I busto, we're donzo. We're probably donzo, so I'm probably hanging myself. Need to get some decent drugs for the occasion.

Enta has been terrible tonight. Skype didn't work. So glad I bought a headset.



PKD, Nic Cage, Jessica Biel, (Julianne Moore). Best movie evah? Well, probably not but looks very promising.

Super quiet until release too. Not always a good sign.

BT will 'train my line' to determine my stable rate over the next 10 days. Speed++.

Hello, Hayden. Hmm, where's Alba? lol, Paris on there, and a load of nobodys.

Good 24. About 10 seconds of reprieve for Bauer...


Hmm, after migrating I am showing a downstream of ~6Mbps/upstream of 448Kbps but no actual improvement in throughput. Well, unless the site I'm downloading from right now is limiting me to ~225kb/s. Haven't tried usenet yet. Could be my line is too poor.


Yeah, poker is like printing money. Just flop a set...under set...AGAIN, stack off. Or just get AA...against a 40/20/3 guy...who has top two...AGAIN.

The most +EV thing I could have done (other than not playing at all, obviously) was to fold every hand preflop. Especially junk like AA.

I know I'm a sarcastic bastard but when that is LITERALLY the truth you know something isn't quite right. Okay, 2p2 agrees with stacking off with AA. Set under set is of course, go broke city. And, well, set over set is literally making me go broke so...


I know

Why don't I call the UTG PFRs C/R all-in on a 923r flop with JJ? Because...I beat...uh...well. Let's see. THATS NOT IMPORTANTANCE! I HAVE A PAIR. A MOTHERFUCKING-OVERPAIR! I CAWWWL, LOLZ.

Another fantastic session. I play JJ tricky, he c/r AA all-in on me. 2 outs twice, not the nuts for me...

I raise TT, shortstack calls with Q3s. Flop QQx. I bet, he calls. I know he has a Queen after that but I can't fold so I give him another 7BB. 2 outs once, not the nuts for me...

I flop FH & quads. No action. I play quads tricky by c/c, checking, and checking against aggro. He rivers two pair and still doesn't bet. Owned. Of course, he c/r me off 6 high earlier and is a c/r monkey but...no. I should have donked the flop, I guess. Donked the turn. Donking the river would have actually worked, probably, since he hit two pair but w/e. FH: I call for set value because villain is tight-passive. I donk but I guess I should have c/r.

Should have folded the JJ, even though it's such a ridonkulous line for the PFR to take. I only beat a bluff and I doubt a regular is bluffing with AK there ever. I don't actually know what he's doing there but w/e. FUCKING 2p2, I want to post the fucking hand, you scum.


Wow, C&C3 AI (hard, GDI, turtle) is actually freaking formidable! Looking at the statistics, it owned me pretty hardcore. Sent commandos a few times, took out vital structures with commando/firehawks...made sizable squads of units (I shit myself when it attacked me with 10+ orcas, and again when I saw 10 juggernauts). Built loads of sonic turrets...was out pacing me in resource gathering the whole match. It played very, very well. I don't even know how I won (er, aside from 35% handicap :P) with my mammoth, mammoth, mammoth strategy.

Will need to practice exclusively against 'turtle' from now on.

Hmm, I was going to watch something and go to bed but I've run out of things to watch. 2p2 is down. Downloading Stinger's side of the PLO HU match & DS9101/102 (followed by the rest of season1). Stinger got outplayed, however, so I don't know how useful it will be. Both of those will take ~1hr. Guess I'll play some more CNC.

Oh, and the weather's gone shite. Great, just great. Neighbour went out today so I got to enjoy some peace and quiet outside...but it was overcast and not that nice so I cut it a little short. Bugger.

FishQuest: Yeah, I'm getting better at NL. Feel better, feel that I'm clearly a winning player. Just need to continue to improve, get some crucial results, move back up...get some more crucial results. My posting to 2p2 again is a good step. Watching CR. 3bet coaching. But at the end of the day, I have to make the decisions in the actual hands. No matter how much theory I learn, I have to follow thru.


Finally watching last weeks 24. Go Tom! Well, there's 17m of 24 time left so maybe he dies before the end of the episode but so far, so good. Chopping of your own arm, ow.

Watched "All Good Things...". Meh. TNG: Some good, some bad, nothing brilliant. Could have been a lot better. Most of the episodes revolved around Data or Troy/Riker. Picard is cool. Very vapid sciFI.



Great forum upgrade. Now it runs slow as shit. Congratulations.

Played some poker. Lots of folding. K7s, KJh7h flop. BB ($60) c/c. 8 on the turn, C/C. T on the river (flush missed), $30 shove/fold. I mean, how the fuck does he have a 9 there I don't know but he probably does. Mined a few more hands on him, 60/<5/1 over ~60. Doesn't mean I was necessarily beat but w/e. Trying to post the hand but forum downgrade is making it difficult.

Downloading some more pr0n. Almost finished with TNG. Might watch DS9 next. One season of DS9 = 10G or so. Much more manageable.

Managed to crash Firefox due to too many tabs of pron. Had to wipe that session. Oh well.

2p2 AK floppush: "I 4bet AKo OOP and open push a Jxxr flop for 100BB after he called. Standard?" Uh, no. My analysis is: If villain is in a 4bet pot with total crap that he'll fold here, then there are much better spots for you to be in. But if he's got a legitimate 4-bet pot hand, he's probably not folding after getting such a nice flop.



Nip slip. E's gf, very hot. Far too hot for E.

Uma Thurman's saggy breasts have been around the web these past few days. Ugh, there goes that fantasy. The Jessicas (Biel/Alba) are getting sexy in upcoming comedies. Yay. It's such a shame Alba really sucks as an actress. She was okay in the first season of Dark Angel...but after that, pretty darn terrible.

Anyway, so much for playing beaucoup hands. AQ has me on tilt. If it were only the TPTK+FD hand, w/e. That's how I dumped loads of buyins at 1/2. Pushing 'good' draws into 2p+. That's FT for you. Then to payoff a shorties set the very next orbit...instaTILT. Even if I have AA, I'm still going to be mega pissed that I have to payoff a 44BB fucktard.

Winning move

...is to firebomb these fuckers into the ground. Fuck FT. Two setup hands right after the other: Raise AQs, flop TP+FD, get C/R, all-in, TAGFISH called OOP w/ QTs and instacalls. Obviously I can't get there.

Then a guy with 30/11.7/3.7 & 44BBs flops a set on me. Flop had two hearts, I have ace of hearts. I only call his flop raise. Heart on the turn...I c/c his push. Do not get there. I don't know if I played that right or no. Probably should fold turn/push flop. With an overpair, I push flop.

Insta -144BB. Thank you FT, you heaving cocksuckers. TPTK hand & turned FD, meh, I don't like it. Flopped TPTK+FD, I'm 5% behind. Big whoop. Obviously, I can't get there, though. Only droolers can get there. My range for pushing that flop is pretty narrow: AJs+/KJs/set/QT. Yeah, so it's an instacall with QT...which you should have folded preflop you fucking TAGFISH. I'll keep saying it, but I don't like my AQo hand.



Interesting but short Scrin campaign. I wonder which ending will be canon. I'm thinking possibly the Scrin one. I actually was surprised at how weak the Scrin were to play. Masterminds seemed pretty weak compared to commandos...and then I read teleport engineers = profit. Pretty sick, that. Although, I still think GDI commandos > Nod commandos > masterminds.

I was actually surprised at how weak Scrin were to play as until you unlock the higher units of the tech tree. Last mission was a cakewalk (on easy, at any rate) due to how much money you were given. Although I choose not to destroy the GDI base. Would have been almost trivial with the planetary assault carriers though.

Where to now? May replay the campaigns and try to complete them on hard but...well, it doesn't have that much appeal. Skirmishes to learn the maps and then probably some multiplayer. Doubt I'm going to get overly into it.

Registered FTS. The script is compiled as an executable so it's not trivial to crack it. And he's only asking $20. The old version I was using wasn't completely broken, just anything involving the betsize box. One of the most important features is being able to rebuy/rebuyall with one-click.

Haven't played poker today. Kind of goofing off. Weather was great (for this country, for this time of year). SPOILED by neighbours fucking brat shouting to his brother all afternoon. Is he 4 or 5? IDK, but I was seriously considering snapping his fucking neck. Not very +EV, life in prison versus an hour or so of peace. Eventually his brother came over and kicked whatever he was playing with and told him to STFU. Obviously he begins balling at this point. NOISE++. Although, secretly I was grateful to the brother.

Sick thing is I pay neighbour/landlord stupid monies for this dump and I can't even sit outside because of his annoying kids. It was the same last year. I don't like children much generally, I don't like spoiled and noisy children especially. Which is why I didn't like my step-siblings all that much. Where have all the old fashioned values like discipline gone? What happened to "children should be seen and not heard"? My step-siblings got 'timeouts'. OHNOES, what a great punishment.

Just to clarify, I'm not into children much but I tolerate a certain level of exuberance. I understand that they like to play and whatnot. What I don't tolerate is brats shouting all the fucking time. I knew I should have gotten some ear plugs. I could listen to music but...I just want peace ad quiet when I'm reading.

Oh well, I'll just have to do what I did last year, and go out if I want to do something unreasonable like read in the sunshine. Neighbours hardly ever go out so I'm shit out of luck there.

On 7th season of TNG. Just watched 715, one with the junior officers. It's a shame the cute blonde Bajoran had to die.

Making the last of my big downloads while I'm on Pipex (fuck em). Moving to Enta on Tuesday. Hopefully it will go smooth...


Take it bitch

Hazah! Completed penultimate Nod mission. What a bitch that was, even on easy (yea, I suck). The plan was to capture most of the south-western GDI base and go from there. Went okay until my commando decided to blow up the battlebase I was trying to capture. Oops. Then it was hairy holding out against advancing Scrin tripods, totally decimated about a dozen mammoths as they rolled out the factories. Good use of ~$30k.

Tip: Use engineers to resurrect the fallen tripods and war factories to repair them. Table has turned, bitches! Oh, you've upgraded to shields. SOB.

All the while I'm getting peppered by Scrin and GDI air units. Mammoths and lots of AA guns helped but still pretty brutal. Fuck that, take a force of mammoths and tripods north. Goodbye GDI. Then...well, pretty much couldn't lose. Scrin pressed some attacks but the outcome was somewhat inevitable. Capturing the eastern base gave me some lovely alien toys to play with. Found the mothership to be somewhat...rubbish, however, Scrin air units and tripods with shields are fucking unbelievably powerful. How the multiplayer balances this inequality, I have no idea (unless they're unplayable...? Haven't touched it yet).

Uh, was going to watch 24 but...the function to unrar the days newest files failed to unpack it. Then I rm *(c0). Oops.

Looks like that's the end of the season for Prison Break. Meh. Season one was excellent, two not so much. Three...he's back in a special, company project prison. Sounds...yawn. We'll see, I guess.


All I do is lose during the week. Why do I even bother? Junk like QQ+...fold preflop and I lose a lot less. Or, limp/call for set value. Totally no point doing anything else. Don't get me started on total junk like AQ+...

I did misplay a flopped straight by not b/f the river. Why BF? Because of course flush draw hits the turn. I c/f much to the amusement of 2p2. Although, I am 90% confident that C/F is fine given that a) I flopped a straight & b) flushdraw hit the turn. Those two things mean my hand is like never good there. But, yeah, it's better to bet and fold.