
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



In what has become a painful standard happening, I make a good enough second best hand to call down 50BBs with at 400NL. Of course, while I had flopped trips, my opponent had also flopped them. His kicker was better.

Oooh, AKo, watch me miss a flop. Oh, better than that. TPTK with nut redraw v. flopped flush. I don't improve, of course. Bye 100BB...at 400NL, which I can't really afford. Turns my winrate at 200NL to nothing.

Here's some strategy: Play any two against my raises and you'll win. Suited, connected, high card -- any property will do.

Ugh, I thought my 4 boat outs would improve my equity but I was only 25% on the turn. 25% I could have done with. 31.5% on the flop. Meh, the best flopped hand won. Me: "I need to find a gun". Exeunt left. Maybe I'll see a thread in BBV about the tard who stacked off with top two + nut redraw. Of course, I go broke with KK there all day probably.



Not so smooth

Compiled 2.6.16-beyond4.1. Meh, not running so hot as I had hoped. VMware and nvidia seem to work okay which is essential. Kind of disappointed that my desktop seems to be grinding to a halt, performance wise. Multitabling Party slows it and quake3 is pretty choppy. I think it's probably reiser4.

Meh, didn't earn as much as I wanted to over the holiday. Back to shitsville tomorrow. There was a soft as fuck 5/10NL game while I was losing with two pair in the 400 one. Didn't have the balls to sit, though. 400NL would have been good, two players who looked very, very bad but I made no hands against them. Ach vell, tomorrow is another day.

two pair

Grr, bottom two always seem to get outdrawn on me. 400NL I hit the flop with 37o from the BB and pot it. LP calls. Turn makes the flush. Gah. He makes small valuebets and I pay off. Yay for flopping bottom two. So that makes me -5.5PTBB/100 @ 400NL (166 hands). Oh, I forgot about my misclick that cost me $9 too.

Also, I should be up a buyin. JJ, I limp because I like to play for set value. Button raises...SS blind pushes. I call. Button pushes. I think about it. I think about using DP. I fold. Button downie shows AKo, blind downie shows 22. Ducks win. Next time I should iso push or fold. Although, next time button downie gets pushed against I'm smooth calling with KK+ and then his retard ass is mine. Ooh, looked at the HH, 22 hit a set.

That table sucked for me. My blind steal with 77 went well awry. I raise from the button, BB calls. 3d8s9d flop, I pot, he calls...I give up and check it down. A9o wins.

I really need to start thinking about implied odds when playing for set value. Against tards who raise from EP with KTo, there's just no point.

Highly fustrating session when I see downies willing to stack off with TP all over the place and yet I can't win a sizable pot.


I took 2nd in the 16 man SSNL HU Donkament...ran into slowplayed AA. Eff the Penslyvanian Welsh! Folding preflop would have been funny and great for inducing tilt. Argh.

Oh well, good donkament. First guy...was too easy. To be fair I was getting dealt good hands and hitting flops but he folded far to much. IIRC, I fired the 3rd barrel against him on a AKJxQ, 3 flush board holding 57s of a different suit. I showed too.

By contrast, I made some excellent calls up until the final. Second match I called his flop push with A9o, Ace high...and I was right, he had K5o, no pair. First match I bad beated the guy when he was shortstacked but whatever. I raise 3BB with KTs, he pushes for ~6BB with QQ so it's not as if I can fold. Two tens come and he's out.

Last match, however, my calls were pretty bad. I called down his turned trips with TP and his TP with second pair. Meh. I made back like t7000 to even though by making the right calls and the right bets. If only I had KQs like I did one hand before his AA push would have looked fantastically stupid. Whatever, I called with a worse hand so it worked out. Typically, though, pushing an overpair on a QQ6K, 3 flush board is only getting called by Qx, KQ, 66, or the flush. Pretty dumb place to try it but, hey, I called what looked like a bluff with TP3K so it worked.



Another shit session. I didn't even get dealt AKo once. Strongest Ace I got was AQo in LP facing an EP raise from an unknown. Got a fair few PPs...and they all missed. At one point I had sticks (77) on three tables at the same time and I whiffed every flop. Next hand two of the tables have JJ7 flops. I did flop top two with 86s from the BB. Of course, calling station fish turned a higher two pair...and minbet it. $88 pot to the fish.

Hmm, can't hit any flops, card dead...time to move up since this is bound to turn around soon and it might as well do so at a higher limit.

Couldn't fold

But couldn't call. So I was a douche and disconnected. I was right to do so since I was drawing...and sucked out. Yay. Flop 748 all clubs in a raised pot, I have 44. Flop action suggests either a flush or a higher set. I call flop bets, turn does not pair. I yank and come back to see my stack at ~200BB. River was another 7. Optimal money making line but I really have to stop doing that.

I guess there's some justice in that it doesn't show up in PT and I have been unsuccessful in adding it... Er, added it now.

Noticed that playing prime time the 2p2ers are quite obvious, well the terrible ones and the good ones. Their presence does affect my winrate, primarily because they often drain the fish before me. However, there are so many minbetting/minraising fish of all sorts that it's not really an issue.


Excellent film. Very Guy Richie-esque but American. Freeman is okay but Hartnett and Willis are better. Even Lucy Lui, who ("Little Lucy Lui Who?" -- Dr. Seuss) I normally dislike, is good here.

Ugh, bad Party session. I hit one set against a SS and drained him. I hit another set in a HU pot against the BB. Unsurprisingly he wasn't strong enough to even call my flop bet. I flopped bottom two against a SS on a wet board out of the BB (T4o). He flopped top two (QTo). Ugh, that accounts for my loss.

I watched an idiot drag an 800BB pot by hitting his two outer on the river. Now I don't know that he didn't have the best hand (QQ) before that because one of the villains in the hand was extremely fishy. However, given the action I have to say KK/AA were very possible, a flopped set/turned FH too, and/or a turned flush.

I also get fed up with 20 VPIP/9 PFR tables. Oh to be back on fishy 30+ VPIP Pacific. Anywho, cold session shrinks winrate shocker.



When do I quit my day job? I need to average at least $1k per week pokering to do so. At 200NL that's still quite a grind. Consider $20/100 (5PTBB) I would have to play 5,000 hands. Um, actually, that's not so bad at all. However, 5PTBB @ 400NL is obviously eminently preferable, or even 5PTBB @ 600. However, equally as obvious, I probably don't have a 10BB winrate at 600NL. Probably. Say my winrate was 5BB/100 @ 600NL, 7.5BB/100 @ 400NL, & 10BB/100 @ 200NL my best option is to play 400NL until I could sustain a better winrate at the 600s. However, if I can only manage a poor 5BB/100 @ 400NL then I am best off grinding the 200s, even though I could win the same amount in half the hands at the next level. Why? Because as I improve my winrate at 400NL will hopefully increase substantially. Etc.

I would say I'll be able to give notice by the end of June, however, I may be overly optimistic. Meh, we'll see.

Um, run hot much? 5PTBB @ 1kNL, 10PTBB @ 2kNL, and $14k from running stupidly hot at 2kPL/600NL. I love the fact that he ran so hot at 2kNL that he made almost as much as at 1kNL playing 1/5th the hands. Whatever, I'm not jealous but I seriously doubt that he can sustain 10PTBB/100 @ 2kNL. Means he's stacking someone every 500 hands. Good for him, though, I just hope I can run that good some day.


Ugh, fucking fucking. Won 3 buyins at 200NL, bleed back 1.5. One AA against 55. Action was: Fish minraises preflop, I reraise to $25, fish calls, others fold. Flop rags, no Ace, no King, no Queen, no fucking 5. I bet $50. Fish calls. Turn 5 completing the FD. Pot is $150 something and I have less than a PSB left. I move in. Fish calls. -1 buyin. Fish then runs up his stack a bit before dispersing my money to the rest of the table while I go card dead. Fish currently has about half a buyin left. I'm afraid I lost my temper and said "lol? muppet". Hardly touching the fishbowl.

Before that I B3B top set all-in on a 976r board. Of course, 58s wins. Fortunately the muppet only had 50BB. Why he only had 50BB when he was sat on 3 other tables and was up 400BB on one of them god knows.

I also sat at 400NL for a bit. Flopped one set but my lead bet won the hand. Meh. Games are much more aggressive than 200NL but some of the players are actually good enough to know when to stop applying aggression.


Chase Chase

Uh, yeah. SB complete with AJo, JT8r flop. Lead 4way pot, minraised. Uh, huh, call. Blankish turn, check/call PSB. WTF, is he playing Q9o? I call anyway, suspecting KJ. River Ace, completing a backdoor flush but giving me top two. I block for 2/3rds ($50 into $75). Villain: "chase chase" and folds. WTF? I chase chase a BD flush? Orly? Work on your fucking reads, moran, or, preferably, don't.

Plus, the first hand I get dealt fish hooks in the CO. I call a shortstacks raise from the blinds and see a Seven high flop. Wee, weak OP for me. SS bets $12 into $20, I put him all-in. A7o no goot. Would I do that for 100BB? Hell no. 25BB, though, and it's a no brainer.

Ugh, KK on the button. I see a raise in front of me, ugh. I 3bet anyway. Folds. Result. He only had 50BB so I was happy to call anyway.

I've solved my KK preflop problem. I'll only play on DP tables, if they push I yank the cord. Suckers.

Crappy session. Lots of shortstacks pissing me off, e.g. SS raises a third of his stack on AQo, I have JJ, I want to call or isopush but there's too many bitches behind me. UTG raises him all-in. I am congratulating myself on avoiding QQ+ until he shows TT. Board is JxxxT, FU.

Lots of crappy passive play against me too. Slowplayed top two allows me to turn a set. I bet and get raised. I call for deception hoping to get more when he pots the river. He bets $10 into $30 or some crap. I value raise to $30, he calls on a very dry board. Yay for passive bastards.

I flop a set against a min/3bb raising donk. He check folds. Uh huh. I limp JJ and have a raise behind me which I intend to call, it gets 3bet to 10BB. Callable but not really.

So I didn't hit the flop hard when any of my villains hit it. E.g. Take a rag flop 3way in a raised pot with QQ. I intend to C/R villains cbet. Other guy c/r's first. Ugh, I am not ahead often here. Fold.


My little pot

Ugh, I am hitting flops but my opponents aren't hitting them enough against me. E.g. I call a raise with 44, flop a set on an Ace-high FD flop and the PFR checks it. Oh, good, going for the C/R. I oblige him by betting and he folds. "I hate JJ" he says. UGH, I hate the fact that you raise JJ from EP and C/F an Ace-high flop.

I did win a largish pot but villain folded to my B3B on the turn. I assume he was raising me light, however, with the FD live, and a straightening board I couldn't slowplay.

And, of course, it seems every time villain actually makes a hand that he's willing to invest in, I miss the board completely.

But I did flop quads! I lead the flop from EP and everyone folded. Standard.

Oh, super standard. I get 3bet all-in PF and get shown AA. I think I am folding KK preflop. -1 buy-in but I was +1 buy-in from sucking out with KK before. I'm undecided at whether to continue my shot at this point, although I am only -$10 net.

I think, I think, that without a read, KK becomes a fold preflop as standard at 200NL. That is twice in two sessions that I've been pushed against only to be shown Aces. First time he played it weirdly and I guess a call could have been justified. Second time I probably should have folded but didn't. Actually, both times I had a sick feeling that they were pushing because they hoped I was strong enough to call.

When does it become my time to have AA in this fucking matchup? Probably sometime never.



You know, I hate party. Every flop misses me completely and makes my hand dogshit. E.g. KK, monotone heart flop, I have no heart. J6s flops a flush and I call down. Super. I call down with QQ against AKo, river an Ace. Super. I have not hit a set in about 500 hands. Super.

Of course, misplaying my last couple of sets and overpairs does not help.

Oh, there we go. LP KK, raise to 5, blind raises to 15, I push, he bluff calls me with ATo. Flop KQx. GG.

I get C/Red all-in on a A45 FD flop. I use DP because I'm sick of this guys over aggressiveness. Eh, location: Livepool. "Calm down, scouser". Turns out he won the hand, probably a set or FD.

Pay off a shortstacks flopped straight with TP2K. Fucking shortstacks.

Now this is ridiculous, I have not hit a set in about 4 hours. I'll have to check how many hands that is but it's getting absurd. I guess I hit one if you include the KK all-in v. ATo. I plan to leave just as soon as I do.

Won a $10 HUSNG earlier. Aggro fucktard, I C/Red my FD into his overpair and sucked out. He managed to come back from t80 to t1000, though, through a series of suckouts (after I stacked him, I raised him all-in with A2s v. K4o, flop A2x but he runner-runners a 4 high flush). He then wins a few coinflips, and picks up KK too. But, then I win a coinflip and it's all fucking over. He seemed as shocked as I was that I could actually win one.

Wow, the quest for a fucking set still continues. I rivered one with 44 but I don't think that counts. Hitting one against a PFR? Forget it. That cannot happen. Even if I were to add more tables it would be a lot more folding on the flop.

Woohoo, finally. 44 hits bottom set (K54r) against the BBs 3bb PFR. I think he had TT-QQ, though since he check/folded. Typical.

Um, then 99 hits on K95 FD flop from the button. I B3B all-in, everyone calls (AA, KQo, ATs)...turn completes the FD but the 5 pairs on the river and I take down a $385 pot. Holla, ship it.



I'm going to let the previous post stand because I am feeling the ire again. Flush into fullhouse (I value raise the weak river bet on a paired board, duh), KK hits a AAT flop HU (I bet to fold a missed set, of course, called so fold turn. Next time I'm open pushing KK from the SB HU). So basically: I cannot win using cards but no one folds better hands. Ever. I bet OESD, blank turn. Of course. God forbid I make the nuts for a goddamn change.

And frankly, it's just a matter of time before I do top myself if my life continues as is. I'll just get some pipe and a shotgun shell then make some sort of firing pin. Easy. Until then, I'll continue in my silent misery.

To that end, back to Party. VPIP needs to drop to under 10 or something. I'll only play pairs, and then 22-QQ for set value. SCs are overated. Axs is overated. AK/AQ is overated. Stealing blinds is overated. Playing theoretically sound poker is overated. Straights and flushes are overated. Do I sound bitter? Funny thing is I don't know if I am joking or not. God.

I guess I'll tighten way the hell up, AA/KK have overpair value. JJ and QQ do not, typically. Drawing hands mostly suck. Straights are better disguised but they almost never get there (if you're me; be glad you are not). Damnit, I failed to raise Jacks full on the river because I thought he might have hit quads. HAHAH. I am retarded, seriously. He played that hand like a champ, checking when he hit his gutshot and raising on the paired river. Note to self: Do not fear quads, ever. I can't believe I actually did not raise. Wow.

Saying that, AK hits quads against AA but AA played it like a total retard. KK flop, K on river. Stack off? Um, no.

Called PFR with 87s, flop a FD. I check/fold. Um, why call? Need to b3b all-in if I'm calling preflop. And since I'm not rolled to play that way, I can't call preflop, even if 4 others do make it a highly call attractive.

On to nicer things. Prison Break finale was totally awesome. Oh, and I was mistaken about the Agent who looks like Lara Flynn Boyle. It's Michelle Forbes, some former ST:TNG actress. Anyvay, a real shame about the doctor, she did not deserve that death. Teabag deserved to get the chop, though. But I can't believe they missed the fucking flight after all that, god. The VP assassinating the President was kind of obvious.

24 was okay. Surprised to find Aaron alive still but whatever. The first Lady's little group will probably be responsible for destroying Logan while Bauer stops Bierko in the next two hours. Kind of an interesting scene with Henderson at the house. He could have been telling the truth about getting the guy to dump all his files but I think it quite likely that he could have actually been trying to escape. Like any good lie, it's almost impossible to know the truth.



I just punched the biscuit tin into some modern art. No, it does not make me feel better. I may take the day off work to kill myself but I've already had one day off this month.

I think it's time. Beyond time, even. Hanging is...not ideal but I no longer wish for a quick painless death, I just wish to stop living as soon as possible. If I still feel this way in the morning I will just go into the woods and do it.



AQs loses to...75s on the river. I block and then call the raise. Well done, very well done him too for raising me on a paired board. Oh, and I did hit a set but villain folded to my 3bet (had to really, unless I was folding on a flush turn).

Puts me into the red for the month (-$40). Yay. Biggest losers: TT (yesterday), AQs (today), and AKs (dumb flush push). I'm losing on one pair hands and straights. Fuck poker.

Oh, and I can no longer play on Pacific since their software is so shit. IDK why it's become like treacle but it's utterly unusable.

Read "Going Postal" and "Thud!", much more enjoyable than playing cards with retards. My major weakness is, well, lack of aggression but besides that it's not coping with donks raising QTo and 75s. I haven't really experienced this before but I'll adjust (either by 3betting preflop or severely limiting how much I play TPTK/2K for). Hitting more flops and getting played back at when I'm strong would be good too.


No Love Lost

Lost sucks. It has become what Alias was to me: Something that I only watch because it used to be good, and I can't bring myself to actually stop watching it.

Eff lost.

Fuck poker. Fuck party. Fuck. SB TT, UTG raise, I call. Flop 987r, I peel with my OESD. Turn Jack. Boom! Only..only...it turns out he was raising QTo from UTG. -1 buyin. FUCK POKER.


Bet Pot

Bet pot button on Party screws me by changing as I click it to the minbet button. Nice UI. So...I minbet my set of Jacks on a 2 heart board, and bet pot on the flush turn o_O Fortunately, I C/C a weak TP and MHIG.

MI3: Good. The release was a bit poor but the film was highly enjoyable except...a bit too much Alias (almost too much to mention; explosives in the head, Davian's extraction, lots of the fight sequences, geeky tech guy, Shanghai, and Eric fucking Weiss [Greg Grunberg]) and Lost (er, Eric fucking Weiss and the resucitation) crossover. Up until last month I still thought Sodenberg was directing?! Shows how much I know. Um, Laurence Fishburne is fantastic as always, Ethan's team are good support. The only let down is how incredibly unsexy his wife (Michelle Monaghan) is. Both Keri Russell and Maggie Q steal the screen from her, although I guess she does look a lot like Katie Holmes so...Philip Seymour Hoffman made a good villain too.


If I start the fires...

...will you die in them? So goddamn cold decked. And fuck Party, anytime I have a hand and bet all folds. Lost with the wheel to 7-high straight (15BB), lost QQ to KK (30BB), lost KQo to T4o (20BB). Soon as I flop a set, boom, nobody wants to know. Total bullshit session.

Get Cancer.


Play a HUSNG get it all-in 88 v. 55. Of course...wow, the guy went all-in preflop 3 times with PPs and hit sets every fucking time. Honestly one of the worst people I've played but the luckiest. "rofl, king of the two outers" I said when he hit the second time. After I came back from t100 (rofl!) and had him at t500 I made a bad call with Kx v. Ax. Other than that it was all about his fucking blind sets.

Stars rebuy, I fold 55 to a 6bb raise. Flop 655, oh darn. I get sick of losing to runner-runner and start pushing with the best hand preflop. This lasts two hands before KJo is proven to be greater than ATo. Goodbye cruel donkament.

Weather sucks today which really aggrivates me seeing as how yesterday was beautiful (until we finished work).


War wounds

Ugh, had to work overtime today, which sucked. Of course, the balmy weather disappeared as soon as we finished for the day. I managed to shoulder charge a metal gate and fuck up my shoulder. Then after work I cut my knuckle quite deeply disassembling a snooker table. Those slates are heavy!

And, ugh, I cashout of Ladbrokes to give Party another shot. Ooh, AA, sweet. Reraise to $15 preflop. QJx flop, bet $25, villain raises to $80. Oh, snap. I call because I'm retarded and of course villain shows me QQ. Close Party tables.

Another table, another site. SB QQ. Call a raise. AAx flop, K turn. I bet the turn, called, villain bets pot on river, foldsville.

Get my Party monies back (well, most of them guy wasn't full) with AA v. QQ(?) on a Jxx flop, King on the river. I then value bet my 4 card straight into the cunt who I gave my stack to earlier.

Oh, fuck this shit, Pacific decided to fold JJ UTG for me. Fuck you Pacific. Don't want my monies? Buh-bye.

Stars rebuy. AQs v. JJ. Best hand wins. Next hand I push what's left of my stack with A6o. JJ calls with J3s, 3 on the river. Uh, yeah, you'll get deep in the donkament playing like that. Hope my chips help you, faggot.

A VERY VERY interesting thread on KK deep stacked. I give 'advice' but it probably sucks.


Oh snap

Playing satellite donkaments is hi-larious. The players are so, so bad. Oh, will you call an all-in HU for t60 more into a t1200 pot? Tough one, lets activate the timebank.

However, as per usual I am card dead but, sooner or later, I will push with AA and get beaten by 72o.

Oh, played another HU match last night. Very evenly matched. We both got dealt Aces which is about .000268 HU. Anyway, first hand @ 50/100 blinds he raises to 150, I call with K8s. Flop is 235, giving me the flush draw. He bets, I push, he calls with A4o (nice to flop the nuts, eh?) and I miss. GG.

Meanwhile in the rebuy, blinds @ 25/50, stack @ 1330, best hand so far A6s. Whee, more SCs, no big Aces, no pairs (premium or otherwise). Dude, I get nothing. 96o, 75o, .., ATo (sorry, missed about 20 hands of junk and crap aces). ATo v. JTo, Jack on the flop, Ace on the turn. Wee? I still have a small stack but I'm ahead of the blinds for the moment.

ZOMG, AJo v. ATo and I hold up. My mantra -- "No ten, no ten, no ten..." -- worked. My stack is still below average, though. 44, I'm offered a coinflip and I decline after limping.

Piss around until busting with JJ v. T9o (ten on flop, 9 on river. Standard). I need to start playing a higher variance strategy in these things since making +EV plays has 0 reward. At least in a cash game I can just reload and take my money back off the table. Donkaments are just largely a waste of time.



So, uh, I guess Michael really wants them to attack that "village", eh? Jesus.



I don't remember mentioning it but the new England World Cup song by Embrace is absolutely terrible. I realised just how terrible after hearing "Three Lions" on the radio today. Fucking emo crap.

Doctor was of absolutely no help, taking a "just wait and see" approach to my nerve damage. Gee, thanks. At least the A&E surgeon actually seemed to give a shit. I think surgery is contraindicated but "oh, I think that may be as good as it is going to get" does not sit well with me, bitch, because if this is as good as it is going to get then I am partially crippled for life and I am damned well getting compensation. The reason I haven't sought compensation before is because my relationship to my boss is more than a little complicated. However, if I have to endure this for 40-50 years (and it will only get worse with time) then I cannot just be the "nice guy" and say forget about it.

Um, anyway. Goals. My pokery goal this month is to earn £1000 (~$1832) to buy...crap I don't need.

Well, yesterday I lost my phone, which is old and pretty shitty anyway, and so I figured my poker quest would be gambling my way to a new one (at huge ROR). Note, gambling, not tight-passive nut peddling but 32/20 LAGtarding, or maybe just a hell of a lot more aggressive tight play.

So I was thinking Nokia 8800 + a 770 would be coolness. I really don't see the point in the special edition black 8800 which seems to be an extra £200 for a different colour.

Anyway, so whether or not I buy an 8800 or a 770 that's my goal: New pimp phone from poker. So I need at least $500 for the 770 (which is probably adequate if they add VOIP) and probably more if I want an actual phone. I'm setting the 8800 as my goal as it seems to be top of the line but I'd probably be better off with a N-series phone. However, if I make my goal I could of course choose any phone I wanted and pocket the difference.

Um, very meh start to the quest (although getting dealt almost 0 PP meant I wasn't set mining and C/Fing all flops). Flopped one straight but I closed out what I think was the FD on the turn, and no one had two-pair or sets. Hope to do better over the weekend.



Prison Break

Sub. Lime.

ogg123 "massive attack - protection.ogg"

There's not much more to say.

Except, of course, to ruin exquisite drama with my crass predications for who's not going to make the flight: Tweener will have to atone for his betrayal; T-Bag needs to die; Charles isn't looking too healthy; Ben Franklin and the Sucre cousins just aren't that important if there are only three seats. So, Veronica, Linc, and Scofield? Or is John not going to be in charge of seating arrangements?

Is Sarah only going to be a passive assist? Scofield surely doesn't need her now...Could she, would she go with Scofield?

We will see in "Go" and "Flight".


Yadda, yadda, the President is going to shoot the plane down (a la Day2) and Jack will play escape and evade. Meanwhile Mike will keep digging at Logan's conspiracy.

Not a whole lot happened that episode, in all honesty. Chole continues to own but her reaction time when $BARSLEAVE came round was way too slow. Could present problems down the line.

Um, Miles is going to out Karyn, jumped up little prick that he is.


Casino Royale French teaser. Looks good but then they almost always do.

Going to the doctor tomorrow. Wee.




Dr. McNinja.

Lose another coinflip against AKo when the board pairs twice. FFS.

Wow, played an aggro pushbot. Called his all-in with QTo v. J5s. He makes a 4 card straight. I mean, wow, could I lose anymore +EV matchups? I could be calling these with AA and it wouldn't matter. Wow, guy flops a fucking straight with T9o and I go all-in with my two pair. Sweet. Roflcopter, I still won. Sucked out when I was short, then owned his K9s vs A8o on 567r flop, neither of us improve but Ace-high is goot!

Sigh, next match I lose two coinflips and busto (well, first one was not a coinflip, 88 vs A5o, when he was short, 33 v. A9s when I was short).