
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Wee, wii is on the way. Guaranteed Dec 14th delivery. Not bad for £235. Obviously, getting one on the 8th would have been better but meh. I should have Red Steel & Zelda (and Keeley!) on the 8th. Also should be getting my VGA transcoder this week. Exciting stuff! I wonder if I get a nunchuck with it? Probably.

Looking at the games for 6 days while I wait on the console is pretty fucked up but whatever. I think I still have an N64 so I'll be able to test the VGA box when it arrives.

To do: Find N64. Chuck Xbox & assorted junk.

It's been awhile since I mentioned it but yes, I buggered the soldering (burnt through a trace) while trying to chip it. It's sat there for over a year. All I wanted to do was put Linux on it!

Haven't played any poker today, which is why I'm in a good mood.

Also on my todo list is: Make a video and post it to...CR forums, I think. Feedback is less likely to be as bitter as 2p2's SSNL. Yes, I've been playing a year. No, I have no idea what I'm doing still. Um, yes, it looks like I'm playing 13/8 and losing. Yes, 18% WSD and losing. Leaks: Overplaying overpairs.

Can't decided whether I like tender, delicate, gentle, or soft fish. Hard to decide. They all have merits. Delicate is kind of gay. Tender or soft seem to have the best ring to them.


No skill

Poker is not a game of skill. Poker is a game of consistently calling with the worst hand and getting lucky. I see AA UTG. I say out loud: "How will I lose a big pot with AA today?". One caller, TAGfish 3bets OTB. 4bet to $88. TAGfish calls. Flop is Qxx. I open push saying merry christmas QQ. He flips QQ. Doesn't actually matter if he has KK there since a King fell on the turn. "you had the implied odds, obv."

I regret not pushing preflop. Sure, him calling there is giving me money...long term. Some flops he's folding (AKx), most he's not. I hate poker. Getting close to busto for real.

Other exciting hands: Anytime I 3bet AK/AQ and flop an Ace, no action. Any time I don't flop an Ace, instacrai.

Bad plays today: Call a shortstacks $40 bet on the river w/ 77 on 6QQQ8 board. Um, he called preflop without 3betting. He either has a Queen or nothing. There's a whole lot more nothing. Quads are good, obv.

Turn a set, get c/raised on the river. Board was Kx98J. Really, you called my turn bet with a gutshot? You can't have two pair? No, of course you can't. Cards that hit the OESD I was prepared to fold if raised. Cards that hit a fucking gutshot & get minraised? Oh, obviously such a terrible call. Mea culpa.

So...estimated money lost to bad play: $400-500. Everything else is full tilt bullshit. Actually, I can't say it has anything to do with the site (although the two one-outers are kind of special). Just poker, and god do I hate poker.

I will not be playing tomorrow. Maybe not for the rest of the week.

Watching Babel. Moroccan buys a rifle with bullets for $120. I wish it was that cheap here. As is, I'm going to have to buy some fucking climbing rope since I don't think the length I pilfered is long enough to provide a 10 foot drop.

Oh, my Wii order has been removed from ebay for policy violations. Dude is a powerseller with 3.8k rating and 99.4% positive feedback. I checked the transaction history before I bought it and there were over 10 other orders.

I'm not that worried. He's now listing some more now, for £125 more than I payed. Also, there's a website. Hopefully I haven't been reamed. Will phone tomorrow if I don't get an email.


Insert bullet

I call a guy down with AK-high for 100BB. He shows turned flush, lolz. I pick up AA, he minraises flop, with TPNK, makes 2pair on the turn. Obviously I have reads to be calling off 2 buyins with Ace-high and one pair. Reads come from all the hands where he's bet the whole way with no pair, no draw to river a king with K2s against someones TP. Or the original hand against me when I raised T8s and flopped the nuts on a 976r flop, turn 6. He puts me all-in on the river with K5s. No pair, no draw.

So fuck poker, seriously. Yeah, AK-high was probably awful. Probably should have waited for a pair. AA was blah. Without reads I might fold that turn. Against this fucktard, might as well call.

I hate myself, I hate poker, and I want to die.

Speaking of which, fucktard is pissing me off. I know firearms are hard to obtain, and likely expensive but I really want a shotgun. Paying £500 for one is exorbitant but whatever. Guarenteed painless death is worth it.

The alternative is a ten foot falling height drop with a noose. Pretty difficult to set up, though. No bridges around here so it would have to be a tree. Unfortunately most of the trees around here are conifers. Why is everything so hard?

Poison sucks, and I don't see any other good methods.

Maybe I shouldn't stack off so easy if it's going to put me on a life tilt?

I'm still at ridiculously low VPIP/PFR even raising junky shit OTB. Very low WSD, low W@SD. I hate, hate life/poker.


Dropped mad monies on Wii + Zelda + Red Steel + VGA transcoder. ~£350 all-in. Retail is £180 but I payed £230 since availability is so limited.

Roll on December the 8th.



Fucking owned by a 40/20 lag bitch. Oh, I'll all any bet from any position with any two cards, lolz. And I'll bluff everytime. Oh, you only ever have Ace-high or an underpair, lolz, owned. I'll 3bet you with 59o, lolz. I will amass a 500BB stack on one table by sucking out on people repeatedly and bluffing them off hands. I'll lose 200BB on another table by doing the same thing. lolz, I rule.

Last hand, I 3bet fucking TAGfish with AKo, lagtard cold calls from the blinds. That doesn't mean anything, he'll call with any two he wants here. Flop is J84, lots of help for me there. They both check, and I check too since lagtard will OOP float me 60% of the time, and I won't be able to make him fold any pair. Turn is another 4, which isn't a bad card for me. Lagtard bets into both of us, and we fold. He shows 96s.

Such a hugely profitable play, there. Calling OOP with suited junk, and then betting into two people.

Also, raise JJ OTB, obviously I get 3bet. I call, flop is Q-high w/ two diamonds. He open pushes. YESH. 52s, go all-in.

I don't call these pushes without being able to beat top pair, too much chance I'm beat already or up against a FD with two overcards. Terrible equity against that range.

Also, I can't get people to fold bottom pair. Cbet 529r flop with 88. Turn K, river A. Turn is checked through, he bets $28 on river. HOW THE FUCK can he have an Ace there, seriously? A9 maybe. Whatever, call. A2o, awesome.

I think I won one hand. Of course it didn't go to showdown, I don't win at showdown. 224. He check calls. Turn Jack, he leads pot into me. Okay, fucker, call this push with 88-TT.

I honestly didn't intend to make this a bad beat post but whatever. I'll make a new one.


One too many

Christ, one out is one out too many. Not only do I lose set under sets, I lose set over sets too. "Standard. For FT." I am not a happy camper. UND THEN: Ten-high flush against unknown, of course he has the nut flush. He played it retardedly too, and still won. Overbet the pot on the river when the board was something like Q2QJA. I figured must be Ax hearts representing a boat. I should have folded river, but it looks so much like a bluff: Check/minraise turn, 2xpot river. He was trying to fold the only hand he should get value from.



Sounds interesting.

"Spears to give away free sex tape." Yeah, right, I'll believe it when I see it. I may not leave the house for hours when I see it either. Actually, it depends if it's 'hot' Britney: Boom, shipit. If it's fugly, fat Britney, um, please keep it to yourselves.


By the fish. I recall winning two pots over 20BB, both were against TAG regulars, both times they checked down Ace-high against 44 & 22. SHIPIT.

I recall losing countless pots: Raise AQ, SS call, deepstack calls. A25 flop, deepstack leads, I call, SS calls. SS checks, deepstack bets again. My plan was to get all-in on a blank turn but it's a 4 or something making wheel possible. Frak, whatever, I call, SS calls. River, a low diamond, SS checks, deepstack checks, I, of course, check. SS shows KJ OBV.

And of course, shortstacks monster 5-out draws kept crushing my overpairs. Then I coinflipped AK for ~40BB with QQ. Pff, when I need outs they're nowhere.

Folded QQ on a 5-high board vs. 20/2/1 guy after he minraised flop, bet turn semi-strongly. Superposition: If I call, he shows a set. If I fold, he shows JJ-.

Flopped one set, that I recall from the SB, J3J. No action. Zero action when I had the best hand, and I flopped the best hand maybe three times.

Raise KTo OTB, flop Kxx, blind checks, I check. Turn Jack. He bets, I call. River is a club, I call his bet. KJo for the awesome. Probably should fold river. No point raising KTo, if I check/fold TP every fucking time.

Next, get AJo. Flop is QTx spade draw. He check/calls. I miss on the turn, miss on the river. River was a spade but I think that he's going to look me up with KQo. I had the Ace of spades, though. If I could have seen his cards, I would have potted flop, potted turn, pushed river. I'm sure he snap calls, though.

Yeah, so today all I did was lose when ahead, put money in behind. Never won at SD. I love, love poker.

So, yeah, I really cannot be bothered playing the second session tonight. Gosh, I wonder why?

Thinking about advertising Stars in FT chat everytime I get sucked out on. This will either force those fucks to flip my boomswitch or ban my chat. Or they'll take my roll. Whatever.


I'm all-in

WTF, 4bet AA against aggrotard, he check/folds the flop (Txx). WTF calls a 4bet and folds on a Ten high flop? Seriously.

Good hand, raise 22 against guy who I've 3bet twice with AKo. He folded once, raised me off ace-high once. I also took a pot where I had QQ on a xTJQ turn. Ugliest turn ever. Enough for me to go broke on if he had AK/flush/AK. Anyway, I raise 22, he calls from the blinds. Flop QQ2. SHIPIT? He leads $20 or something. I make it $50. He calls. Turn is J. Meh, not the best card for me but a hell of a lot better than A. He checks. Obviously he has a Queen to call flop raise, or a flush draw. I donk bet $50, setting up a river push if he just calls or, hopefully, inducing a raise since he's aggro. He pushes. Fuck, bound to be QJ...snap call anyway. AQ, misses on river. SHIPIT. That push is a monster error since, I probably call with nothing he beats. Maybe KQ.

That was the good hand. The bad one was flopping top two with A9o on 49A flop against the main attraction. He is 53/12/1.6, pretty fucked up stats, eh? Super low aggression is semi-misleading, I think since it equals 26/x/3.2. That's pretty fucking aggro, really, if I'm right. Anyway, I bet, he raises, I 3bet, he pushes. I think "44? Well, I some equity if he has that...". Call, he shows 44. I curse. I look up how much equity I have, like 17%. Yep.



Anna Kournikova

So I bad beat HeyImGay's Kings all-in on 235r flop. I figured I could get him to lay down QQ-TT, and if I couldn't then I had 10 outs (plus BDFD which I picked up on the turn). I don't expect him to fold AA/KK there ever. Most of the time I'm pushing a sets, straights, FDs, AA, & KK.

Fold, one time

God fucking damnit. No one will fold anything on the flop. AJo on a K9x board, c/c. What? Somehow my 9 is goot. 36o on a 35xboard. Bottom pair is an autocall, oh, you turned a higher two pair to bad beat my 35 BB special. Great. Oh, I'm on quasi-tilt and push AKo some the SB, okay, thanks for calling with AQs. Somehow I win this coinflip. KEEP CALLING YOU FRAKING MORONS.

And the bastard that stacked me: A6o in the BB. SB limps, I let him. Flop is A65, he donks, I raise. He calls. Turn is a 7. Frak! I bet $20, he check/minraises me. Oh fuck, well, I'm getting good odds. River is a 6, shipit? He pushes. Um. Fuck. He has a 3.0 river aggression factor. Likely hands are: Straight (meh, maybe), 56, 76, & 55. I don't see him having AA here at all. And how the fuck does he get to the turn with 77? Well, guess what, 77 on a A65 is an autocall of a raise. And, oops! I hit a two outer is just icing. I don't think he was going for the two outer, more likely the runner-runner straight. So, yeah, I'm fucking sick after that hand.

And earlier, I was ended up folding AA-QQ all over on one table. By the end of it, I was bluffed off KK by someone with a one-card gutshot OOP on a straightening board. EXPERT.

Fun times: All-in with AK pf and being ahead. Stacking QJo on a QxxA board. He pushed over my turn bet, I wasn't sure I was ahead but TPTK+NFD is generally good enough unless he has a set.

I feel I played good, even when I went on 'tilt' by pushing AK pf I was getting money in ahead (surprisingly). Fucking morons calling/sucking out/outflopping with ATC takes its toll on my fragile psyche.

Lessons learned? SD 25-30% of your hands and you'll be a big winner in unlimited texas nofoldem since you'll suck out/have the best hand ~50% of the time anyway. Sucking out and having the best hand are the same thing, really. You know. See, I'm up 300BB and all I do is limp in and showdown any pair. Sometimes I get lucky and beat a rocks overpair by calling two PSBs with bottom pair. This game is about luck, init?


Still love Keeley Hazell, as does any man with eyes. I'm sure some women love her too (and some blind people). Utter perfection.



Broke my rule, 3bet AAds. 789 flop, I bet, he pushes. I have FUCK ALL draws. AA + a 7. UGH, UGH, I've put half my stack in HOW THE FUCK CAN I FOLD NOW? 56xx goot.

Then, to make matters worse, QQx on Qxx flop. I have the nuts! I get it all in against shortstacks AxAx. Guess what?

Sigh, back to my old rule. Limp call with everything unless I can get a third of my stack in preflop with AAxx. AA unimproved is a fucking piece of shit and only wins very rarely. I'm using the donk philosophy of 'any two cards can win!' but I get four!!1

Well, that was that. AAxx makes two good hands: Aces-full & nut flush. Worthless otherwise.

Holdem did better. Contacted 3-bet.net. Coaching++.

Only notable hand in HE was opened 77, guy calls. Q88. I cbet, he calls. UGH. 7 on the turn, he bets, I raise less than pot. He calls??? J on the river. He check/folds to my push. EFF? Thought I was going to up against 78.

Got QQ a bunch of times. Nothing happening. Got 3bet with Axs, easy fold. It was a session in which everything went right, pretty much. Opened 55, shortstack calls. Flop is A53, I cbet, he check/pushes. Um, duh. Best part is he was calling my raise with A3. HAHA, no wonder you have 20BB you fucking idiot. Shame you don't have 100.

Awesome. Maybe I can do that if I continue to suck at poker (2.7PTBB/100 over 30K). What's that...$3600? WTF, I have +$3.6k, really? Don't think so. Wonder what the rake is on that...mmm, according to the rakeback calculator, it's $4.6K. So I'm not beating the rake now? Wow, depressing shit. Unless PTBB figures in rake? I think it does, actually since there's a rake column. I know I'm not down $1.2k, anyway.

Truth: Deposited $600 on FT. Clear bonus. Deposit $1k for reload. Clear bonus. That's $1600. I should have $2700 w/ bonuses. Over that with RB. Um, NOPE. Burnt $1.2K at 400NL.

IDK, so I have done nothing but lose money at FT. Was at $3.3k after second deposit. Then I took a shot and failed. Then I 'ran bad'. I am about $600 in the hole after RB & bonuses. Impressive shit.

Oh, I'm quote/unquote up but I've been running less than breakeven.

No, wait, I'm up a small amount at 200NL since 400NL disaster really crippled me.

I'm also not sure why I keep playing PLO. It's supposed to be variance free monies through nut peddling yet I'm going all-in with AAxx still. Calling all-ins with King high flushes. Fucking, DUH. This shit is meant to be helping my winrate, not crippling it.

If I played 2k hands a day (~5hrs 4tabling) I could live off the rakeback at 1/2NL. When I say live, I mean that would match my currect paycheck. I think I'd stick a fork in socket before doing that, though.

Speaking of which, my contingency plan is going all to hell. Fucking dodgy drugdealers are unreliable. Plus I'm sure I'm paying a back pocket tax. Grr.


Not nearly nitty enough

Still learning just how nitty one needs to be in Omaha. E.g. JJxx J9x flop, SS bets, I raise, SS pushes, deepstack calls. Turn is a Queen. Fuck, check/check. River Ace, he bets $30 into ~$60. FUCK. It is a protected pot so I can fold but I call. KTxx. Doh.

Anyway, before that got it allin with KK45 on K9x flop. Straight draw hit but I runner-runnered a 5-high flush. Top set never wins.

Wow, fuck. As I was just writing that/watching FamilyGuy a huge wasp, about 40mm long started buzzing in front of my monitor and face. To make matters worse, I missed it with my shoe the first time. So it was angrilly buzzing around. Made damn sure I hit it the second time. Yet it was still alive on the floor.

Lol, at cleaveland steamer reference in PrisonBreak.

One hand of HE that I wasn't sure WTF to do. 77 on 645 flop. I cbet, TAGish guy who's 70% fold to cbet raises pot. Um, push? Um, no, that can't be a good idea. Sure he's got a FD/combodraw which he'll fold most of the time. Sometimes I'm sure he'll call with better draws. Also, I could be drawing for a split. Not to mention that the majority of the time when he calls here I'll be up against top two/a set. I really think folding is better than raising here. With AA, I guess it's the same deal but I have a hell of a lot of a harder time letting go of Aces there.

Meh, it comes down to that he wasn't the player at the table that I was prepared to play a big pot with with pair+OESD. Lost a fucking cbet, though.



HE: All-in against shortstacks J9 on 98xx board. Survery says: "Jack on the river." Okay, fine. I knew that was coming. I literally said it aloud. I mean, why not?

Omaha: AAds, limp since I can't get anyone to fold. Idiot minraises, I consider repoping but it's not enough of my stack so I don't fucking bother. NFD + overpair. Guy bets, I call. Turn misses but he checks. River also misses and he bets less than pot. Board has 3 to a straight, 8Tx so I'm concerned about that but not overly since if he made the straight on the turn surely he would bet to protect against the FD. MM, I have top overpair. He could be bluffing a missed draw. Call, yeah, he's bluffing a missed straight draw that rivered two pair. Sweet. Before that, though, I see two people go all-in on a Queen high, FD flop with AAxx & KKxx. Neither had the FD. AA won. WTF?

It's amazing how sometimes FT lets Aces win when other people have them. I shouldn't complain too loudly, though. SS going all-in as a dog and sucking out is better than me going in as a dog for 100BB and not sucking out.

Oh, and I double barreled A8o, no pair, 'some draw' (um, not much of one), & checked the river. Mostly I just wanted to see what the fuck these guys are calling me down with. Oh, yeah, a gushot. lolz. Calling two ~PSBs with a gutshot OOP, that's got to be a winning strategy. Jesus.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, EV is a fucking fairytale. Short/Medium term results aren't affected by EV decisions at all. Hence you have good losing players and crap winning players. I can play fucking blind and run at 10BB over several thousand hands, I'm sure. Well, someone with a little luck could. I guess I couldn't.

And now, considering I lost like $1k to B3Bing combodraws and getting snapped called by a pair or better I'm loathe to do it. So I'm not going to be getting that money back.

Also lost ~3 buyins at 2/4 with overpairs. I probably won't make that back because I'll be folding the best hand when they do have a busted combodraw/TPTK. I hate life, glad it's nearly over. Variance: Costs £500 to end it. Viva capitalism.

God, I don't know where that comes from. I'm going to use that as a backup plan if I go busto but given 1) I suck at poker & 2) I'm unlucky as shit it's more than likely going to go into action.

Damn fucking DVD stuff is pissing me off. I think it's a software problem since VLC in vmware plays dvds but VLC/XINE/MPLAYER in *nix do not. WTFaments? libdvdread3 updated. It might be related to the new kernel but I can't see how.

Okay, fuck Torchwood. Seriously. The stories go nowhere, the effects are terrible, there's no large storyarc that I can see. What is the fucking point?

Oh, teaser for next week looks okay...damnit.



Wow, I'm addicted to Entourage. Been watching episodes back to back instead of playing poker. Seth Green, lol. "Yeah, I blasted her [Sloan, E's gf] right in the face." and then Drama goes sick on them since the masseur he was 'seducing' agreed to have gay sex with him. All after Ari & Vince play a $300k hand of blackjack.

How fucking awesome is this show? It has everything!

I only have 2 episodes left to watch and I'm caught up with current scheduling. That means I've watched nearly 32 of 34 episodes since...Friday. See, this is my problem, I get way too obsessed about this stuff.

Oh, and BSG was good. The "oh, the baby made me immune" crap was such a copout for Athena, though. I also kind of hate that callsign. I'm sure if I look in the wiki there will be an Athena in TOS and it will have some sort of relevence. Helo did a good thing, the President is way too hardcore. Not that I'm saying she was wrong, necessarily but to sanction genocide? Come on. It's a hard one and she seemed to take the decision far too lightly.


Went to play poker and found the Gold freeroll running. WTF? Finished ~40 in it and got $80! Wow!

Got shortstacked, put all my money in behind (random junk against TT, twice in a row, junk wins) and then got knocked out when A8 got cracked by QJ. RIGGED!

God, they say omaha is a game of the nuts but as a holdem donk I have a real hard time letting go of some hands. E.g. King-high flush, "He must have the Ace-high flush to pot the river...but I have the King-high!!!1". I call, he has it, I quit $200PLO. No higher than $100 until I get my folds in order. Another hand, KQJ flop. I pay off a bet on the river. "He must have AT...but I have top set!!!1". Dohs. And then, I try and get money in preflop with AAss. Big mistake, I limp reraise, and, even though I've telegraphed my hand and made sure he doesn't have odds to call...he calls anyway. Flop is QJ6. I check/fold. I mean, odds are he has KKxx but the xx might be diamonds, Queens, or someshit.

Back at NOFOLDEM, I flop trips with 62o from the BB. I hate my kicker so decide to check flop of 636. Turn is 2 and I am oh so much happier. I pot, guy with 0.67 aggression calls. River is Q, I bet $13 into $15 pot, guy with minimal aggression over 200 hands pushes for $193. WTF? I treat it like Omaha, Q6, 63, QQ, 54 beat me. He limped in preflop so QQ is probably out (although, IIRC, he had low PFR numbers). Q6 is total trash so that's probably out given his VPIP. 63 is worrying, very worrying. 54 is not really. I suck it up, hope he was slowplaying 33 and call. A5 no goot. Thank fuck for that.



So I've started watching Entourage and I'm up to ep206. I've heard about it before now (on 2p2) but I didn't think it would appeal to me. I thought the same thing about Prison Break. I was wrong again.

I have to say that I think Ari is my favourite character and 'E' is a douche but I guess he's the guy that I and most viewers are meant to identify with.

Stopped hemoraging mostly. Stopped raising pf in omaha since there's like 60% to the flop, even when it's raised. Nut peddling seems optimal when there's 4+ players every flop. I'm also not bothering with small pair hands and, so far, it's saved me monies (would have made quad ducks and lost to quad treys), as is playing AA for set value (would have turned top boat and lost to quad fives).

NOFOLDEM is meh. AA, 50BB guy minraises, I make it ~$18, he calls with KJ. Flop is KTx or similar. I bet close to pot, he check/calls. Turn Jack, he open pushes for 5/6ths of pot or some such. Bah, whatever, I call. Yes, well played you fucking cocksmoker. Oh, yeah, sit out now, well done. I can't even win with them allin pf. Shortstack open pushes KJs for ~$30, I call with AA. Make a flush, yes, nh.

Yeah, so 'variance'. Whatever, it's boring shite.


Buddies go bye

Frak! Real badbeat now: Buddylist erased. Good old AHK writeIni function fucked it, I think. Or maybe it was some other windows crapola that killed the goose. Either way, this is a serious beat. Although, mostly I see my buddies playing freerolls or μNL. Well, I guess they have to get their money from somewhere other than outflopping/outdrawing me all the time...

Lesson learned: Back that shit up.



I hit a one-outer in omahaha. First, get it in with AAxx v. AK66 on Kxx flop. I had a read but still probably not good. King on the turn. He only had 4 outers, amazing! Then, I limp call with KKxxds. Me, reg and donk who's potting every hand prelop and every flop. Flop is AKQ. ZOMG, middle set! I check, reg checks, donk pots, I call, reg raises pot, donk folds. Fucking JT, really? But I have a set! Shit, I have outs!!! Yes indeed, he does have the nuts. King on the river. Sorry :(

Oh, and this doesn't make me and FT 'even' with one-outers. Not by a long shot. 1) This was $100PLO & 2) there was much fish dead money in the HE hand.

Odd holdem table where there's like 4 donks to every flop even if it's a raised pot. I deep limp/call with AKs and miss (well, flop was K66, I doubt TPTK is the nuts there against 5 people). Flop a semi-monster with J7 in the SB but the pot is 6 ways! AT8 flop, wee! I check, donk bets, donk calls, donk calls. WTF, how can I raise into that? I call, hoping to hit gutshot since my flush outs might not be clean. Turn 3, I check, check, check, pot. BUH. Damn, my beautiful dream has come undone!

Before that, unknown floated my KJo steal OOP. Yay for you? And not much else happened.

Except, I didn't stack off in holdem. WTF? I think I was actually up a small amount, WTF?! Maybe even a small amount in omahaha too since I flop the nut straight out of the BB against shortstacks top set. The AA & KK hands balance out.

However, I know I'm a dog in PLO. Down one buyin or so. I've stopped growing so fond of AA, though, and cbetting into more than one person.

To do: Find spots to deep limp AA (overaggro TAG-lagtards to act behind) and push preflop. Possible deep limp KK in similar situations since moving in preflop is 'better' (avoids ace-magnet flops). If only I could stop getting it UTG, or folded to me, then this would be easier...



Godbless the Planet Earth team. I didn't even know that the new series started again this weekend, I've just been rewatching the old one because it's so damn good. They reused the female polar bear and cubs footage from the first episode, though. Doug, the scottish cameraman, also had a diary in the first season but I can't remember what he filmed. I think it might have been the snow leopard. I bet he wishes he film somewhere a little warmer.

Case fan's bearing is doing my head in. It's silent now, whether it's broken or running perfectly, I don't know. I daren't touch it. Yeah, they're cheap as chips but pnp is ridiculous if I only order fans. Need to measure it too, since it fits the door grill. Think it must be 80mm. I'll get a bunch of 'em, anyway.

Also need to start thinking about building a new system. Performance on this one is just dire. Well, not 'dire' but not excellent. Main reason is to get a vmware system that is capable of having 4+ tables with PA open on.

Did not play poker. Got a jovial response from FT support about 'boomswitching/OMFG, I ask for boomswitch you give me a 1-outer'. Called me a 'sophisticated' player and mentioned the HSP Hansen/Negraneu hand. Yeah, yeah, he's appeasing the fish :) The comedy gold response from Kevin about him actually turning on the boomswitch was better, though. I  FT.

NIT: That XHTML is ugly, span around a non-breaking space. OMG, you're breaking the internets!

Does that seem right to you?

Man is by far stronger than woman, yet only woman can make a child; that seem right to you?

Also: I pay £12($23)/m2 for a grand total of (drumroll please) 25m2. Does that seem right to you?



Stataments lol

So I've been looking over the TAGtards stats this month and he's got a slightly worse loss rate than me. However, he plays really, really bad. Check it:

  1. J7s v. 99. Um, no pair, no draw, just raw aggression. How's that working out for you?
  2. This time he had a pair. I guess he hates minraises as much as I do?
  3. AKo is the nuts, obviously.
  4. lol at this guy thinking bottom set might not be good.
  5. Whole lot of hands where he 3bets light and gets shit on.

Not that I'm ragging on this guy particularly but, jesus. When I play bad I lose pots a quarter the size of those. And I generally do it with at least some outs.

Things could be worse. lol, yves.

I guess I should play today. I guess.

Edit: Uh, no, I can't be bothered. Games are sucky and, well, I hate poker. Maybe I'll play Q3? lol.


So, I got second in a BBV omaha donkament. Or, rather, I lose 1st when I agreed to flip since I suck HU. Actual cards made me a 40/60 dog. I had QJxx unsuited, he had JJ44ss. Uh, great.

But, I did alright, even if I did suckout as a shortstack KKTAss v. AAxx v. some donkey hand early on.

Holdem, however, fucking sucks. How about a one outer against an overaggro TAG and a fish? Yes, thanks FT. I open 99, aggrotard 3bets me in position. This means he has a pair, a suited connector, or Ax. I can't call for set value. I've dumped AKo once to this tard and maybe two other hands. I really am sick of this BS. Fish cold calls from the blinds. Uh, okay, let's call and see a flop. 983r. Shipit? Fish checks, I check, tardo checks. I'm going for the check/raise obviously and I pretty much have a lock at this point. I fully expect tardo to bet, fish to call, and then I can decide if I want to raise or just sandbag. But no, he checks too. Turn is another 8. Well, if you had an OESD tardo, and where taking a free card, fuck ya. Fish bets $12 into ~$60. Um, okay. I smooth call because I want tardo to raise that donkbet. He does, and I smoothcall. River 3. Balls. Fish checks, I panic and push, hoping someone has 8x somehow. Tardo pushes, fish obviously has to think forever and folds KK. Oops. Tardo shows me 88. I puke.

I mean, what can I say? Technically all the money went in when I was behind and from a FTOP POV he played it perfectly. Um, however, neither of us choose to bet the flop because we figured to have a lock and wanted someone else to make a hand to pay us off with. Actually, I'm not entirely sure why he checked the flop unless he could see my cards. He, being the overaggro tard, is fully expected to bet here with whatever he raised with. That's why I fucking checked to him instead of betting myself. B3B is all very well but in a 3bet pot leading into the PFR is super, super strong. Also, if I lead into him and he raises, fish should dump most of his holdings. Turn play, IDK, I think he raises donkbet with air here some of the time. River, I'm not sure what I was thinking. After fish checked, I push since I would hate to see tardo check behind and I don't think he can bluff again. So I push hoping one of them can call me. Of course, the nuts can call me.

Down 2.5 buyins at FT, that's despite stacking some people with overpairs/sets. From what I can see, this and pushing a combo draw against 2pair account for my biggest loses. Everything else must be breaking even.


Very sick

Oh so very sick of poker. KJs AQ2 flop giving me two nut combo draws. ALLIN against A2. Do I get there? LOLLL.

JJ, get bluffed off my hand on the river by Q8o missed OESD. Of course, the one time I fold he has a bluff. Every other time I c/c they have a two pair piece of crap.

AA, fold on the flop correctly against 33. QQ, fold to shortstacks river minraise on a 787Kx board. I am sure bitch had a 7. Well, I'm sure if I call she has a 7. If I fold she will have had T9.

Losing so much money.

FINALLY FLOP A SET. Turn brings the flush, I bet, he (the guy that bluffed me off JJ) raises. At this point I am sick of all the bullshit so I push. He instacalls with JT, a pair and straight draw. He doesn't get there. WTF?

I notice I'm down $150 in PLOL over 500 hands. AAxx/KKxx are my biggest losers. I guess I'm misplaying them to an extent. Right, no more cbetting.

I just don't get it. People with TAG factors of 1-2 are bluffing all the time, it seems to me. When, clearly, their stats say they won't.

Whatever. I hate poker since I suck at it. Can't wait to top myself. Actually, that's kind of the good thing. I don't care about losing all the fucking time anymore.

The only real regret I have is not being able to finish watching BSG.



Watched the animated Riddick thing. Rubbish. Watching Chronicles too, even though, it's rubbish too.

PLOL. Getting sick of AAxx NEVER being playable past the flop. I think I need to check every flop that isn't HU since it is entirely a bluff. KK55ds did better. Flopped set of 5s with FD.

Folded KKAx on AKxJ board in 3bet pot. I thought it likely that he had AA but now I kind of regret the fold. He could easily have had some combo draw with QQJx/JJQx or something. Enough to make getting all-in on the flop 'okay' if not great. Especially 4 handed, especially since I have an Ace.

Fuck today. Nothing works. PLOL is a fucking joke, raising AAds as a pot sweetner for whatever pissant flops a straight/set to get it all-in with someone elses set/two pair. FUN FUN FUN. I hate holdem too. AA UTG (OF COURSE), inconspicuous FD flop with a 6 on it, I pot, he calls. Turn is an 8 that makes no straights or anything. I check, shortstack pushes, I instacall. 68o FTW. I flopped a set in omaha, HU after the flop. 3 to a straight on the turn. Of course this being HU he has to have the straight. Can't have two pair, can't have underset, can't have missed FD. No, when it's HU he has to have 2nd nuts always.

3bet AK in position constantly, constantly miss every flop. ACE-HIGH IS THE NUTS, YO. I am not 3beting AK again at 1/2NL and below. WTF is the point. "AK misses so often that you have to reraise to take the initiative". FRAK THAT. There are two flops that I find AKo profitable on: JQT & AAK. Kxx SUCKS because they always have AA/KK/twopair/set/straight. Axx SUCKS for the same reasons. AKx SUCKS too. AK is a very, very small pot hand for me. It never wins more than ~25BB and yet I pump the pot with it preflop with 3bets. Good idea, chump. My idea of a good time is floping TPTK and having everyone else fold. As for retaking the initiative...well, if they folded to a cbet in a 3bet pot than MAYBE that would work. If they didn't lead into me in a 3bet pot maybe that would work. BUT obviously those things don't happen.

Also, obviously those things don't happen when I do have KK+ unless they have me crushed. Or they're going to expertly outdraw me on the turn.

Based on evidence to date, I am not a winning player. My job sucks. My life sucks. Things aren't getting better. Good thing I'm getting a euthanasia device as a back up plan. Frak the back up, though. Unless I make $100k+ in the next six months or so (which is kind of unlikely with my winrate) nothing will be any different.

Oh, I mean I have won some money through poker. Slowly built a bankroll. ~$10k in one year is hardly an achivement. Good players make that much a month.

And this isn't whining "why do they never fold!!!" because obviously good players deal with this shit. Sometimes they make them fold by multi barrelling 9-high or whatever. Sometimes it works.

*Whine* but whenever I multi barrel it's a no brainer call for them with any pair. Plus, frequently they improve to two pair which means they'll never fold.

By definition a winning player wins large pots than he loses. I have been winning very small pots, occassionally, when someone lets me. I have been losing pots the same size or bigger when they don't. It's that simple.

In a nutshell, I've been raising 22-TT, losing the pot almost every time I miss my set and winning nothing when I do. CARDS IS FUN.

Think I might move down and just start raising/3betting every flop where I have Ace-high. Message: You have a pair? Okay, want to play for your stack?

That's what Grimstar does...



Called in 'sick'. Ergasinitis, HAHAs. Watched John Tucker...God knows why. Although the lead (Brittany Snow) is hot as hell & played Ariel in Nip/Tuck season3.

Played a HUturbo donk. Won by zeeboing someone QJ on 5Q5TQ board, I potted river he called. Must have had a 5. Maybe I should have pushed there but coinflipped 33 v. A7o for the rest of his chips.

I would like to get into HU's since good players have a better edge (maybe not as evident in HUSNGs but definitely cash). Unfortunately, I'm not that great a player so...

Still, it makes good practice.

Might go back to bed but I'm not that tired. Meh. Want to watch SawIII and Texas Chainsaw but there are no good releases yet.

Want to play some poker tonight. Either practicing 100NL and PLO or 'practicing' at 200NL.

*plays omaha*. Maybe I don't want to play any more poker tonight, or at least PLO. AAss/ds 3 times, outflopped every time. KKA8, I fold on AKxJ board after getting 3bet preflop. I guess Omaha might not be for me afterall. I don't want to play a game where I have to fold middle set in a 3bet pot. I don't want to keep raising AAxx and have it always be a bluff on the flop. But on the good side, everyone calls my raises so if I do flop something I am almost guarenteed action.



Omahaha might be my new game. It's very 'nitty' and even if you put your money in bad it's almost always 40/60 unless you're a complete idiot. Also, there doesn't seem to be that many pros at small stakes. Not sure about midstakes. This is also "inspiring".

Can I have one? Either one? I mean, if they were identical, I'd rather have the double all to myself without having to share her with the world.

Um, I think I quit AKo. It is a piece of fucking trash. I have not won a significant pot with it that I can recall. Playing SSNL experimenting with a more aggro style. Call a 3bet with AKo, OOP, flop is king high. I check call flop, check call turn (Jack) push. KK goot, AK not goot. This wasn't for 100BB, mind, but more than 50BB. I called to confirm that I should fold. Which makes no sense but I knew it was a fold but wanted to look it up at small stakes rather than higher.

So, yeah, I wish I could fold AKo/KQo from every position but they provide camo for better hands (i.e. any hand) so you 'have' to raise them. I would rather have JTs any day. I just don't know, it seems like the classic reverse implied odds hand, and one that I don't know how to fucking playing, obviously. I think, in future, I will fold AKo OOP preflop to a 3bet but call with AQs+, PPs, & JTs+. Frak AK. I guess pushing with it isn't 'bad' but its equity against a typical villains calling range (QQ+) is pretty bad. I'd rather take the equity of 56s.

Oh, and I played another SNNLHUSNG and got 3rd. Great. Final hand, I'm semi-shortstacked with 66 OTB. Raise, he calls. Flop is J42 or something. Single fucking over card. He bets pot, and I push for t700 more or whatever. J5o goot. I mean, I guess I could play these things more optimally by just waiting and spening half an hour on every match like these downies seem to.

Oh, just tried a 3rd one. Final hand OESFD v. overpair (87 v. KK on Q56. lol, coinflipaments no goot. I just don't know how to win heads-up, let's face it. Limping every button, calling every raise in and out of position and making me fold every fucking hand seems to be the optimal strategy. Flopped two pair on 84x, turned eight's full and got minraised, I think I should have pushed here, really, in the hopes he had an eight instead of calling, and leading on the flush river. Hey ho, one line makes money off of trips, the other off of the flush. OF COURSE, I choose wrong.

Anyway, these donkngos are supposed to be helping me with my HU game but mainly they're just highlighting how much it sucks. 0/3 is a sweet ROI, yo!

Fuck it, I'll play 6max Omahaha and set mine with AAKKds.


So that worked well. Talking to BW about c/r the turn all-in. Playing HU donkament shootout, AJ on 876Q board, I check/raise the turn all-in. Called by 73

3rd pair is the nuts, yo. That guy kind of owned me, almost wished I'd have called his push with AK-high on flop. Or maybe called his push preflop with 22.

Played some PLOL. Don't know what the fuck I'm doing. Think I should have gotten it all-in w/ TP+NFD on the flop although I assume the guy had a set. AAds got out flopped too, I think.


First post

So, first of the month. Time to review last months playing. Cursory glance shows that I will not be playing tonight at all. I thought I was doing better than break-even but I am not. And I need to be brutally honest because if I can't be realistic with myself then there is no point.

200NL: 2PTBB. 400NL: -$1k.

One of these tilts me, the other doesn't. Guess which.

Yes, that's right, it's the abysmal winrate over a significant sample that shows that I am not a good player. That tilts me, losing 4 buyins at 400NL over 1400 hands doesn't. So let's concentrate on 200NL.

First, my stats are an unhealthy 12.5/7.5/4.3. Need to work on those VPIP/PFR numbers. Dan Bright claims to be quite nitty UTG/UTG+1/blinds but much looser in position, obviously. Anway, hand review.


  1. AA in the SB vs. BB, I pot flop, turn makes flush. I bet again & I check/call river. I think river might be a check fold after he calls the turn. What's he betting on a K4Q92 board that I beat when I check to him on the river?
  2. AA v. KK OOP. He 3bets me preflop OTB, maybe I should 4bet/push being OOP. King flops, I bet, he minraises, I push.
  3. Party hands. Nit flops a set in position, I bet flush turn, he checks behind on the river. Meh. Other one, loosey-goosey flops trips I push turn. I've talked about both of these before, they're not that interesting.

AKs is fine, healthy, healthy. AKo sucks.


  1. A lot of fold after flop/turns are costing me monies.
  2. Big one is TPTK v. combo draw OOP. Need to bet the flop. -$200
  3. Obvious two pair and I pay off PSB on the river w/ AQxJx board. What is he betting that I beat, other than a total bluff? -$80
  4. Owned in a reraised pot with Ace-high. So much for 3betting. Oh that happens twice for -$120.
  5. 99 calls me down two streets for -$60. I'm OOP.
  6. The most it has won me is +$57. Frak AKo.

Okay, this is a little tedious. Suffice to say, ATs+ are good. ATo+ aren't. Suited Aces also suck. A6s loses to middle set when I push TP+FD in a blind battle. -$200. I really have not won much with Axs, they just provide cover for my nittishness preflop. Hmm, A4s hit & won $110 with a flush draw. Miracles happen.

KK is semi-healthy. Worst loss is my 'thin call' on AJ3 against a shortstack. That is a mistake I have been harping on about but it won't be made again.

KQs sucks. KQo stacked two pair when I filled a gutshot on the turn v. minraise.

KJs sucks after losing a combo draw to two pair.

QQ sucks compared to KK/AA. Major loss is when I pushed it versus two pair.

JJ is actually more profitable and I don't play that for overpair value. Maybe because it never flops undercards?

JTs & JTo have hit some draws.

TT I made that awful play against AA. Also, funny hand I get called down by 99 & JTs (backdoor flushdraw which missed on the turn & backdoor straight draw). 9 on the river gives shortstack a set and makes floater nut straight. GREAT FLOP to call me on JTs, you fucking muppet. Made a great call against that aggro tard, though for +$200.

I'm getting bored/hungry. Low PPs and SCs seem to be +EV. Except 33 because I double barrelled it into a shortstack.

Looking at position stats, my VPIP is constant. This is terrible. I'm actually raising less on the button than UTG. WTF. Going to showdown 5% more UTG than anywhere else.

So lets look at someone elses stats. Subject is running at 9.5PTBB using a 20/16/5 style (although my sample only shows 4PTBB). Hmm, good, my AF numbers decrease rapidly by street and so do his. He is, however, twice as aggressive on the river.

He's given me a range and I'll just try and suck less with it.