
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


New site, new rivers

Well, that was an exciting way to lose $167 in 66 hands. God, one time, eh? I didn't mean to raise that much on the flop but he called so...I mean, I'm only 87.5% favourite on the flop, 77.3% favourite on the turn. Jesus. Oh well, I made (40*.875+80*.773)...~$97 Skalansky bucks! How else did I lose money? Oh, I called a 3bet with AK. How silly of me. I folded AQ to a 3bet. I called a few raises with speculative hands.

But I made like $0.25 in RB. SWEET.

Goddamn does it suck to play a hand FTOP perfectly and still get shit on.

Played again. Eh, way tighter than Party. Got QQ once, in the BB, defended my BB to steal with it. My AQ won a small pot. My 33 got floated and lost on a straightening board. Zzzz.


Cashout Curse

So I decided to avoid that altogether and cashout everything. Comment: "I've had enough of the 2 outers and runner-runner draws for now."

Sad part is I'm not even joking. AA, raise. Bet undercard flop against nit, check turn (??), call small bet on Queen river. QQ good. I checked turn because he was a nit and I thought there was a good chance he had a set on the flop anyway. He didn't even 3bet me out of the SB with QQ FFS. Oh yeah, lost AA all-in on the flop versus shortstacks QQ earlier too. Bitch on the river.

AND THEN..! Qxx flop with 1 spade. I'd raised 99 preflop so I cbet. Call. Turn 9 of spades. POT. Quickly called. River X of spades. Villain takes awhile to check. Hmm, I'll check behind. KQs, spades is goot.

Oh yeah, and then I got c/minraised with QJ on a Q-high flop. Checked turn, called a bluff from his missed FD on King river. Good only he had K8s. FUCKING GOD.

And then I start folding Kxs/Axs even more often because I cannot win with a cbet. Next time I fold it preflop I get a TP + FD flop, flush on the turn board.

Even with flopping a FH (fours full of nines) I only get his stack because he makes a runner-runner flush with AKs. And, even with stacking that guy I managed to lose $40 this evening to...what? PT is kind of fucked up but I listed the few ones I can remember. Oh, I misplayed some of my drawing hands by not building big enough pots early. I may have flopped more sets if I'd seen more flops with PPs but I either got everyone to fold preflop, or I got floated or c/r after I missed the flop. There was one great hand where I raised 33 and the flop comes AK3r. I bet 2/3 and everyone folded. lols? I forget that they all call with crappy suited/offsuit connectors and nothing else. Kill me now.

Anyway, after my cashout is complete I will close my party account and deposit like $2k on Prima. If the games really suck I'll go back to Party next week with a RB account. I think 30% is the best I can get...but I think I've only been offered 25% so far.

This girl looks exactly like my biggest crush in Secondary School.


Duh Bank Holiday

Durr! No, not him. Dur, dur.

Well, I met my goal...Including JJ sucking out on KQ on T9xJ board, it was wet as hell, he can have two pair, lower sets, and combo draws. I don't really regret the call. I said "I apologise" and villain responded "if you're that sorry transer me the $400". I should have then replied "I said I apologise, I'm not sorry" but I said something weak about not being that sorry. Meh, I should just avoid the chat altogether. Also, I called a button raise with 99, flop J9x. I decide to slowplay it because he probably has nothing that can stand a raise. Flop c/c, turn T (fuck!) c/c, river 8 (JESUS FUCKING CHRIST) c/f. Kind of weak, I guess, but I don't see heroic calls being too profitable there.

I also had a fish overbet hugely in a pot where I had KJ and a pair of Kings. Flop checked, he overbets the turn, I call because "WTF?". River pairs the turn card and he pushes for a stupidly large overbet. I almost call because "that has to be a bluff, he's getting no value from the hands in my range and he cannot expect me to call." But then I realise he's probably only thinking "zomg, two pair. OMFG, fullhouse now!!". Perhaps.

Anyway, there is no point me withdrawing money until after the bank holiday so I guess I'm stuck on Party until then.

Tried watching Fight Club but I think one of my CSS libs is fucked since it buggered up at chapter 20 or so (after Tyler is giving his Space Monkey recruitment speech at the club after Norton fights Bob). Damnit.

I had 22 tables open which was kind of neat. 9 party, 9 prima, & 4 pacific. Shame everything was slow as fuck (obviously) and PAHUD stopped working. Need to grimace and make a windows box just for poker (and use a KVM, obviously).

Uh, 24 open now, I think. Maximum prima, maximum party. It's either 22 or 24, can't be bothered counting. PT is fucking melting trying to import HHs.

Pacific 10/20 looks so incredibly soft I wish I had $2k to shortstack it. Well, I wish I had $50k to play it, TBH, or $10k to take a shot.


Kings and Aces

So, I win 100BB pot with AA on MY SECOND GODDAMN HAND. Holy. Guess what the poor schmuck had :/ Fold until I pick up KK UTG. Raise, everyone folds. Sit out. Damnit. I only sat at the table because a fish was there on my right. Played 0 hands against him. The good part? I lost 100BB with KK v. AA at 1/2 but I won 100BB with AA v. KK at 2/4. I know it doesn't mean anything. 100BB is 100BB but it's more monies! Sometimes poker can be kind.

The bad news is I slept through the whole night, missing the good games. Ugh.

Crazy lottery lady. Eh.

Wow, 15gb of porn from PSN. Jesus. I need an affliate link. To pimp them and earn monies. Content is good but I'm a bit obessive compulsive on my downloading...

Decided to sign up for Royal Card Club and not fulltilt today. 35% RB, prima skin. Hmm, sounds good. Um, only I haven't received any emails so maybe it didn't work. Lobby is not encouraging either but maybe it's a bad time of day. Sweet, it DID work. Now to put some monies on there. There's like 6 good 1/2 games on right now. Think I'll move $1.2k and 4 table. Um, just as soon as I hit $6k on party. I'm ~$200 short so I just need to stack someone. Famous last words.

Oh well, time to get some rest in before hitting Party. Hopefully, after that I move roll off there, play at Prima, get RB on Party, move back if needed.


Fuck August

So, my August has been small heater (wow, hands getting action and holding!), downswing (wtf, nothing ever holds, no action), small heater (ah, that's better, hands are holding, bluffs are working, action), downswing (are you fucking kidding me? I thought we were past this). Result? A little over even. Result without bad play? Not much more over even.

Jesus, wtf is with this game. I flop two sets, they both hold. +200BB in 17 minutes. Equity in those pots? Um, set against top pair and top two against turned QUADS. So pretty much 100%. That puts me at what? 2BB/100? Wheeee.

IF, I had sucked out on a higher set and been resucked out on it would have been, like, the sickest thing ever and I would win BBV (since quad sixs don't qualify for the BBJ). However, that quad hand did cost me some expectation since I picked up QQ shortly after and folded preflop to an oversize raise because I didn't want to lose profits. UGH. FWIW, flop was Kxxr, tilter bet and folded to the other guys raise.

I did post a modified version of the KK v. AA hand on 2p2 showing myself check/folding the flop and seeing if I got berated for the fold. So far the expert analysis I have receieved consists of: "gross" & "If you're gonna pull stupid stunts like this, you'd be better off shoving preflop." Which I really don't know how to interpret. Honestly. Are they berating me for folding (which is the true intention of the post) or are they saying fold to the 4bet? I know, I know. "The fourth raise is always Aces." The hilarious thing is, VP posts a 10/20 (or maybe 5/10) hand which is very similar and everyone jumps on his cock saying how tough it was and that a c/f isn't bad. Granted, he was significantly deeper stacked but still.

2 outers

66 gets reraised, flop Qx6. All-in on the turn, King on the river, I already know I can only beat a bluff. KK good, of course.

I get KK, 345 flop. Pot. Turn Ace, bet, push. Super, 4 card straight and an overcard.

AJo, A8x flop. Bet call, turn 8, bet call, blank river, pot...call, even though I know I'm probably beat but I'm sick of folding rivers. 89s goot.

QTs, Q45 flop. Checked through. Bet, call, blank turn. 2x pot slider bet on Jack river. Awesome. I do beat a total bluff but whatever.

It's great looking around the table and seeing cunts with 20BB+ winrates when I'm down 3 buyins with KK, sets, or TP over the last two sessions.

So, sick.



SWEET, I keep getting KK!!! Oh, they keep getting AA. Ooh, they keep making 4 card straights. Ooh, they keep raising my bluffs. Ooh, fuck this fucking bullshit. Ooh, I have a hand, time for everyone to fold.

FUCKING, jesus. I can't believe I didn't fold KK. Get 4bet by a 20/13 and the flop comes QQ9fd and he pushes when I check to him. How often is he bluffing there? NOT VERY FUCKING OFTEN YOU RETARD. He can't have QQ, so he either has the other KK, AA, or some random bluff type hand. I don't think he's bluffing much. JJ probably isn't in his 4betting range against me. I even said 'jesus. aa' before calling off the rest of my stack. God I'm dumb. Okay, if the flop comes 25Tr, I can see how 'oh, it's just a cooler. no way to get away from it' but I had plenty of oppotunity to fold and didn't.

And my fucking semi-bluff. God, if I never bluff again it will be too soon. OOP KJx9f board. I check/raise his weakish turn bet with AQo (queen-high flush draw). He 3bet minraises me. ARRRRR.

Oh, and my 88 takes too much heat on a J2345 board. I WONDER WHAT YOU CALLED TO THE RIVER WITH? AJ perhaps?

God, play bad: -50BB. Get cold decked and play bad: -100BB.

I love Party, it's my friend.



Eh. Anyway, I have a confession to make. I sometimes berate fish and cost myself money. Recent event: I raise AKo UTG, shortstack fish minraises from the button. We see the KTx flop, I lead, coldcaller folds, fish raises me all-in. Pff, it's another $20 for me to call, I've invested $50 already. I'll pay off AA/KK/TT. Fish had KTs. FUCK YOU. I don't think I said anything, though. Just stoicly rebought. About two hands later I pick up KK in the blinds. Fish minraises. I make it $30, fish calls. Qxx flop. I just push. Fish calls with QJ or somesuch. River Queen. I said something mild like "fucking jesus". REBUY. Eventually I pick up QQ in the blinds again. I make it $30 again. Fish obliges. J9xfd or something flop. Jack-high, flush draw, and pretty connected. I bet ~pot, fish calls. Turn is a offsuit deuce or something. I push. While fish is deliberating the call I say "call. bad beat me again. come on". He runs his timer down and folds. He said he had a OESD (needed a Queen or an Eight), so he was drawing pretty thin. But I cost myself ~$100 because I couldn't keep a lid on it. That's not to say that if I say nothing he's calling but still, it must have influenced him slightly.

But, generally, I suck it up or say something sarcastic. E.g. Someone 3bets my KK with AQ. XXX flop. Don't know how it goes but we get it all-in. Don't even know if he paired his Queen on the flop. He says something like "damn, what a setup" and I reply "yeah, sorry for sucking out on you". "Sorry you didn't suck out on me this time" would have been a better line, in retrospect. Blah.

Also, my small PPs are gay this month. Seems like everytime I raise and cbet a missed flop, I get check/minraised or minraised. Well, actually, that happens everytime I don't flop a pair or if there's an overcard too. However, when I do hit sets, everyone folds (unless they have an overset) or calls and hits on the turn. So fucking gay.

However, however..! I got fed up with this. TT, I raise, AJ calls. Flop Jxxfd. I bet, decent sized raise. OK, fuck you. I am so sick of getting raised off hands, bastard! I 3bet my underpair. He calls. Turn completes the flush. He checks, I check behind. Turn T. MUHAHAH, 2 outer! I bet, as he's contemplating the call he asks me if I have an overpair. "yes", I've played it exactly like an overpair. He calls, oh, he must be able to beat an overpair. AJ. I told you TPTK no good (through my betting, dunno, I probably wouldn't believe what I said either) and you called anyway. Thank you, come again.

That's about the only way I can seem to win big pots right now, drawing out. It's the PartyPoker way.

Which reminds me I need to get off that shithole ASAP. Seriously. I've kind of lunched out on fulltilt. I have ~$5k now on party running break-fucking-even at 200NL all month. However, even if I run/play just as bad at FTP I am 1) getting a $600 bonus & 2) getting rakeback. Which would allow my roll to grow much faster. Problem is...I don't want to withdraw $1.5K from Party and deposit on fulltilt only to find that the games are shit there and that I've triggered a "cashout curse" on Party. Kind of retarded reasoning, I know. Hmm, I think I'll take out $1k from Party after I hit $5.5k and deposit $1.6k on fulltilt. Hopefully this will not anger dikshit too much. I think I should have $600 to spare.

$1.6k working bankroll is a little thin for $200NL, though. Kind of relying on NOT running like dogshit for the first few thousand hands. Hopefully, I get some depositors luck :)

Beat: I joined a pornsite network today. That's pretty fucking low, man. I'm not going to try and salvage any balla points by saying it's a very good one. And if anyone is thinking "lol, why pay when you can download it all for free, newb?", some content is good enough to pay for (and it's not very expensive). And, yes, I have a granny-tranny scat fetish so it's hard to come by on the regular internets.


Party Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $ BB (6 handed) internettexasholdem.com

saw flop|saw showdown

MP ($248.30)
CO ($199.80)
Hero ($197)
SB ($220.99)
BB ($148.01)
UTG ($100)

Preflop: Hero is Button with Th, Ts. SB posts a blind of $1. UTG posts a blind of $3.
UTG (poster) checks, 1 fold, CO calls $2, Hero calls $2, SB (poster) raises to $12, BB raises to $22, UTG folds, CO folds, Hero folds, SB raises to $46, BB calls $23.

Flop: ($101) Td, 7d, Tc (2 players)
SB bets $101.01, BB folds.

Final Pot: $202.01

He showed 77. WTF. If only I had his pattern mapper.



I thought it was kind of funny anyway :x



What can you do when you're playing against a loose passive fish that's running that incredibly hot (32% went to showdown, 100% won at showdown)? I raise AJ, he instacalls with A9, flop A45, bet, instacall, turn 9, check/check, river 6, valuebet/call. UGH. Did I mention that I didn't get position on him at any table? Typically there were shortstacks on my left all goddamn night too.

I made some good laydowns. Raise AK, blind calls with 45 because it's awesome. Flop A45, check/raises me all-in for 45BB. Uh, have it downie. Raise KK in the CO, button calls with 22, blind/limper calls with AQ. Flop Qx2fd. Bet, minraise from setminer, AQ comes OTT of the minraise so it's 40BB to call. Um, set and a draw? Minraising fucktrads. Had JJ on a Qxxfd flop, bet, minraised. HMMMM. Wanted to make a ninja call but I don't play to make awesome moves; I play to make money.

Got it all-in once with 44 (I flopped a set, HOLY MACKEREL) in a reraised pot. Had to call $14 more to hit it but there was a bit of dead money in there as well. Think that's the only time I went all-in and won all night.

Got huge action on my Aces in the BB. Button minraises, I make it $28, limper and button call. Checked to button who pushes his shortstack (I fucking hate shortstacks) in on Jack-high rainbow flop. I call, limper calls. Uh, ohs. I push turn. Limper finally folds whatever the fuck he had. Button has the other pair of aces. SWEET.

Other than that, all my QQ+ won preflop or on the flop. Boo.

I overslept, too. Meant to wake up at around midnight, set my alarm wrong and ended up waking at 2/3am. DOH.

And now I'm quite at a loss for things to do. Didn't play that many hands but still ended up a buyin. A little tired but not that sleepy. Finished watching Samurai Champloo, the second greatest anime I have ever seen.




I am all but done with my job now. STAY GOOD POKERECONOMY. Damn, to think I missed 2 whole years.

Plan: 2000 hands a day 1/2NL 6-max 27% RB at FTP equals about as much as I clear a month anyway. LOLO, my job sucks. 2k hands is 5hrs of 4-tabling or 3.3hrs of 6-tabling. I haven't yet seen FT's software so I don't know if 4/6-tabling is impossible or not. I suspect it is possible but whether it is comfortable or not is another matter. I feel I can 9-table Party quite easily. Obviously, I don't know whether 9-tabling is a profitable idea or not. Pretty much give up EVERYTHING in terms of reads and rely solely on notes & stats. Just like every other 2p2er...



There is a Usagi Yojimbo strip where our floppy haired hero is drinking tea/eating rice and a filthy vagrant starts causing trouble. The vagrant is surrounded by a small swarm of flies. Drunk and obnoxious, the troublemaker starts to goad Usagi into a fight. Usagi does not respond for awhile but eventually draws his sword and cuts with lightning speed all around the man. The man examines himself and finds that there is not a mark on him or his clothing. He goes to mock Usagi oncemore but stops when he notices that all around him are dead flies, cut in halves or thirds.

Tonight, walking the last 5 minutes home, I felt very much like that vagrant, surrounded by my very own swarm of flies. I have not been able to have a shower since Thursday. I have been boiling a kettle to wash in the morning and evening. It dawned on me that I haven't washed my hair since Thursday, either. So I managed to do that. No two ways about it, I am deducting this shit from the rent.

Poker is a funny thing. I followed my maniac fish (83/42 as of last count) to 3/6NL. I watched him call off 200BB in a blind battle with KT on a AJ9AK board. BB had AJ. Fishes response: "Lucky". Yeah, being ahead that whole way is really lucky.

Soo. I only played two hands, pretty much. Although I did call a raise with AJs and check/folded Kh9c8s flop.

Hand 1:

Party Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $ BB (5 handed) internettexasholdem.com

saw flop|saw showdown

BB ($529.50)
UTG ($399.34)
MP ($687.45)
Button ($549.13)
Hero ($594)

Preflop: Hero is SB with 5h, 2h. MP posts a blind of $9. Hero posts a blind of $3.
UTG calls $6, MP (poster) checks, Button calls $6, Hero (poster) completes, BB checks.

Flop: ($33) 2s, 5s, Jd (5 players)
Hero bets $27, BB folds, UTG calls $27, MP folds, Button folds.

Turn: ($87) Ac (2 players)
Hero bets $84, UTG calls $84.

River: ($255) 2c (2 players)
Hero bets $177, UTG calls $177.

Final Pot: $609

Results in white below:
UTG has 9h Js (two pair, jacks and twos).
Hero has 5h 2h (full house, twos full of fives).
Outcome: Hero wins $609.

You want to know what the funny thing is? That wasn't even my fish. My fish is Button and folded the flop. Limping J9o UTG and playing it for top pair value could be a leak, perhaps. IDK, I only play 1/2.

Hand 2:

Party Poker No-Limit Hold'em, $ BB (5 handed) internettexasholdem.com

saw flop|saw showdown

Button ($577)
SB ($382.90)
BB ($746.04)
UTG (FISH!) ($671.38)
Hero ($871.50)

Preflop: Hero is MP with 6d, 6h. SB posts a blind of $3.
UTG calls $6, Hero calls $6, Button calls $6, SB (poster) completes, BB checks.

Flop: ($30) 6s, 3d, 5c (5 players)
SB checks, BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets $29, Button folds, SB folds, BB calls $29, UTG calls $29.

Turn: ($117) 8s (3 players)
BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets $90, BB calls $90, UTG calls $90.

River: ($387) Kc (3 players)
BB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets $276.34, BB folds, UTG folds.

Final Pot: $663.34

Results in white below:
Hero has 6d 6h (three of a kind, sixes).
Outcome: Hero wins $663.34.

UGH, CALL, DAMNIT, ONE TIME! Slider tell?! I HAVE A BUSTED STRAIGHT DRAW, OBV. Had this been 1/2 I would have raised preflop, since I'm rolled. Still, I couldn't spend $18 dollars to win $600!? False economy, baby.



AA? QQ? Nope. ONETIME, just get my fucking pot equity. Jesus christ. I swear, if it weren't for beind outdrawn continuously this month I'd be up ~5 buyins.

Aiming to become less of a nit, preflop, at least. 24/18 seems a bit far off but whatever. I often find myself saying, fuckit, I'll fold this since I've been opening too much. I had someone minraise me with KTs (diamonds) when I have had A7s (hearts) on a Ac6c9d flop. WTF. I 3bet him and he called...with his...??? Backdoor flushdraw? I, cough, timed out on the turn. (weakass pussy bitch.) Karma, however, bit me when I actually did start getting connection problems when I had AKo on the right of a 86/48/2.3 maniac. And then again when I was in the SB. And then I lost my seat because my buttons disappeared. Fucking argh. Oh, and I took another seat and turned Aces full against him and a shortstack who had reraised me preflop. Making such a great hand is fine but it killed my action from both the SS (who obviously had JJ+) and the donkey.

Talked a bit to a 2p2er. He said I was too much of a nit to be 2p2. Probably right. Then again I'm not the one discussing cbets and 2p2 at the table. My buddied fish starts asking what a cbet is, what 2+2 is, etc. "tap-a tap-a tap-a", I said to the 2p2ers. Then I told my buddy that "zomg, i'm out of pistachios!". Another good reason to get off party, half the table are normally 'pros'.

I'd go back to Ladbrokes but the software is shit. Same with Pacific. I will try FTP eventually but there's loads of 2p2ers there as well. Need to find a much quieter hangout where the software doesn't suck and there's plenty of fish and less pros. I also want a pony.

Nothing funner

Today was the day of the backdoor flush draws hitting against my sets. But, hey, he had a gutshot on the flop! Oh, and that converter doesn't subtract rake because I wasn't underbetting the pot that much. Second time I boated on the turn and he still chased. We both had to take the worst of it against the shortstack but whatever.

Oh, and I got AA v. KK, and won! Freaking sweet. That's twice in the past two days, although unfortunately once against a shortstack. Think I mentioned the QQ v. SS AA earlier.

Lost a bigish pot with ISFD v. TP+FD. Ironically, since he had K9s he might have folded to a river bet assuming that I must have him outkicked. Terrible line for TP+FD to take, though. Check/call, check/call, check.

Blah, blah, blah. Watched Macross Plus 1-4. Top Gun in anime form with a little bit of Gibson's Idoru thrown in (possibly it predates Idoru, though). Yes, it does. There are no new stories, I guess. I'm still not entirely sure what happened between the three of them 7 years before. Looks to me like Guld sexually assulted the girl (well, ripped her top off) after he found her with the other guy. Whatever. Didn't really like any of the characters much. Dyson should have just kept banging the blonde chick instead.

Do a fish search and find one of my new friends on a 600NL table. Hmm. This guy is special, treats it almost like a tournament. Overbets preflop and post. He'd added a new trick, LRR. He'd limp in the CO, blind would raise, he'd reraise to a stupid amount with nothing and either win with a bet on the flop or take it down pre. Of course, being such a clown meant he got mad action when he had a hand. Left the table with a stack of $2.5k...and I finally got a seat. Sweet. Followed him to a 400NL table where he bought in for $130??? Some other cunt takes the seat to his right :E I get a seat opposite, bleh. He doubles through the guy on his right going all-in preflop with 55 v. AK in a blind battle. Then he loses to a tight guys AKo when tight guy sucks out with whiffed AK by pushing on a JTx flop. I'm assuming my buddy had a jack, a ten, or a pocket pair. If he had Queens I'd almost feel sorry for him but more likely he had an underpair.

Oh wells, another shitty day done. If I got rakeback it might offset my abmismal winrate. IDK, I think I do things right mostly: Raise 99 UTG, blind calls. Flop K45fd. Cbet, call. Turn blank, check, check. River Queen of hearts, he bets half pot. I fold, blind shows A5o. Well, my plan was to call a bet on the river if a non-heart fell. Two overcards and a flush so I think calling there is a losing play. Most of the time I bet the turn.


Trip report

Short stacking went...meh. Probably better than regular game, tbh. Set over set is fun! He played it like a downie, too. Although, I can't really have a FD there so whatever. Uhm, +$171 at 3/6, -$120 at 5/10. Yep, even running bad at 5/10 is better than playing 1/2. Hmm, I was going to leave the table too since I was getting fucked off. That was the first set I flopped that session. Moments later: Top set and no one wants to know. Set over set? Hahaha, once in a lifetime event for me to have the overset. Fuck, I'd be happy to be all-in against T8o just because I'd be all-in with decent pot equity.

Comeback. Why bother. JJ UTG, SB 3bets me. He's 27/14 but he's given odds to draw to set. Flop unders + fd. Pot, fold. IDK, I really don't give a fuck. Wee, limp 66. 6 on the flop. Bet, folds. Yesh.

Fuck you, party. *joins as many tables as possible and sits out on every one*. You like that, bitch? You like me killing your games? You like me taking maximum time over every decision too? Huh? FUCKING CUNT. ROFL, OOOPS. Meant to buy-in for 20BB but bought in for 100. LOLOCOPTERS.

22 UTG. ROFL, fold that I think. Jesus, 55, raise. Turn OESD, river set. He has set of sixs, of course! Ugh, spewing tard makes it $20 to go at 1/2. I have AKo. Call. Flop AQQ. He pots it. I really don't care if he has a Queen. Against this guy it's a cooler. But I can't raise or bet. Call flop. Turn 4. He bets, I call. River, thrid Queen. He checks. I contemplate pushing but I don't see him calling ever. He has 44.

Hmm, I think the reason I never get action on top set is that I can only normally get action when drawing to one out. However, if someone has flopped a straight or a flush then of course, I'll also get action. However, if they've only flopped a draw, they'll always fold it. So the one time in 30 I flop a set, I will only get action if behind. Moreover, any time I flop a hand that is not the immortal nuts, I will only get action when behind. Therefore it is -EV for me to play any hands ever. For instance, I treat an UTG minraise as a raise and 3bet to $27 with KK. He folds. Next hand I call with 33 and get a deuce on the flop. Therefore, fuck poker.

AA v. KK for FUCK ALL BBs. QQ v. AA for more BBs.



So, normally I try and sleep 6pm to whenever on Friday to hit up the drunks late at night. I then finsh 7/8am on Saturday. However, I had the landlord and the fucking plumber here 6:30-8pm. No hot water since Tuesday. Why? Because fucking landlord couldn't be bothered to fix a leak for EIGHT GODDAMN MONTHS, and now the leak has fucked the boiler. 8's the max time he had, 5 at the least. Whatever, it's pathetic. I pay far too much rent as it is but I get free electric/water so I guess it works out. Except he's complaining about the electric bill now even though I seriously doubt I use that much. Running 3 computers, assuming 400W each (which there is no way I am drawing that much consistenly; plus two of them don't even have those size PSUs) equals ~270KWH each, £44 a month. Which is fucking high, but I am not drawing that much. However, even if I was drawing that much every month, it doesn't amount to a quarter of the bill he stated. Sum: Whatever, consistently try to piss me off and you might succeed.

Anyway, it's 11pm, I've been up 16hrs. Ideally I need to stay awake and alert for another 9. No way that's going to happen. I think I might get to 2am if I'm lucky. Fucksake. Oh yeah, the plumber was meant to turn up IN THE MORNING when I wasn't here. But of course.

I half watched Miami Vice. Uhm, what? Could have been better with nudity. Blonde chick owning the white supremecist (lol?) was hot. Asian chick was hot. Their cars where hot. Film seemed pretty damn dumb but then I was only half watching it.

rofl, just started observing highest pot average at 1/2NL and of course it has a "minbetting/raising WTFonkey" on it (my note). I guess these guys are "having fun" but they seriously piss me off. Resized 12 tables earlier just to see what it would look like. Really funky. I would need some serious stimulants to be able to have a positive winrate playing that many tables.

Random thought: Someone said in a 6m v. FR threard that in 6m you have to learn to love the action you're getting. That means often playing two pair for stacks, etc. Kind of freaking weird but I'm slowly making the adjustments, I guess. Well, at least I'm mapping out the nits with whom I never want to play big pots without nuts/near nuts.

This random gossip thread is purely awesome. However, Kathryn Smith is on another level entirely:

Oh, I wish I was Joe!

God, I want to sack it off, piss around for an hour or so and go to sleep. 16+hrs! But giving up EV is hard. Right, I'm off to 4-table SS 3/6NL. Trip report to follow. Prediction: "Oh god, why did I do that!"



BLAH. AKo, I isolate SS UTG minraise, and SS in the SB. Flop QJx monotone hearts. I have no heart. Check, cbet, push. Of course. Fucking shortstacks. I call with AQo here. Fuck, I probably call with 88-TT. Earlier hand. Raise AQo OTB. Flop KQxfd. Minbets into me. I call, ready to hammer a non-flush turn. Non-flush King turn. Minbets, I raise. Instant minraise. WTF, fine. I'll fold my second pair.

SS check/calls to the flush river and pushes for 3/4. In the chat he says "call". Whatever, DP available. He pushed with Q7o, pair of sevens. I guess he likes donating?

I missed a valuebet OOP with QQ earlier, guy had AJo, about the only hand I could beat. I checked to him so he could bluff his missed flush. But I completely misread him and he had flopped (J22) TPTK.

Still technically a winning session but, sheesh, getting pushed around by and losing to shortstacks is no fun. On another note, considering SS 10/20 or 5/10 since, well, shortstacking is easy money (in theory) and those limits fit in with the Kelly criterion of my bankroll. Perhaps I need to drink before I do this. I can only imagine my ire if/when I move in with AA, get called 3 ways, and lose to some donkey ass hand that makes two pair/trips/straight/flush by the river.


Nights like this

And, again, I change nothing about my game but my reads were uncanny (for the most part) this evening and I make a buyin without breaking a sweat. Getting AA three times in a row doesn't hurt either. Except, I raised the turn when I hit another ace in a blind battle. DUH! I'm holding three of them so I have to call and hope he makes something to call a bet with on the river. That was pretty dumb. Also, I checked to induce a bluff on the river from what turns out to be a calling station. Oops, missed oppotunity to double. Conversely, I checked river 'scare card' to induce a bluff from a missed draw with a BB special (74o two pair), he bluffed...and I eventually called. Meh, that's about it. Call in position with 77, flop QKQ. Cbet, I contemplate representing a Queen but decide against it. Later on, I call in position with 99, guy cbets Jack-high rainbow flop, I raise, instafold. I've decided I fold to cbets too easily and I need to be more of a bastard to play against.

Out of the hole for now. Perhaps I'm playing better? Catching the better end of BS situations helps too. Need to become more zen-like while playing. Play good and the money takes care of itself. I'm also pretty concerned about just how late I'm coming into this poker thing. The money cannot last forever so I need to pull in as much as possible, as soon as possible.

Re-watching Cowboy Bebop, just for fun. Up to Jupiter Jazz part 1. I've noticed that there are an inordinate amount of scenes with Faye nearly naked, or bending over, or showing clevage. WTF. Not that I'm complaining, of course.

Finally apt-get dist-upgraded, not sure if anything broke. VMWare, nvidia, and new kernel seem to be in harmony. However, ISO scheduling doesn't seem to work properly. Always something.


Under the ray gun

Third time I've tried writing this shit. New monitor = good. 1920x1440@72Hz = not so good. Dot clock at 123% = variance.

Played 7-8pm. Crap. KK 3 times, won preflop. Folded postflop the third. When turn brought a 4 card flush, villain bet 1/3. I call and re-evaluate. Villain bets 2/3-3/4 on river. Fold. Played 9-10pm. Turned a set of eights to busto flopped set of treys. SET OVER SET IN MY FAVOR, OMGODS. And, I called a push with QQ. I decided if he had KK/AA I was paying him off. K4, no pair, no draw. And then, I think I correctly folded JJ to a river bet. Flop unders 2 spades. Villain calls pot bet. Turn Ace. Villain again calls my 3/4 pot bet. River Ace of spades. Villain puts me all-in. I can beat a bluff but, IIRC, I raised UTG, villain was in the SB. He'd check/called on 3rd and 4th. He has to think I have at least an Ace therefore he has at least the flush and hopes I will call. IMO, anyway. I want to 2p2 it to get feedback however PT has killed my registration key since I updated it. GRR.

Oh, and this is a beat:

BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#0!

Pid: 7388, comm:           vmware-vmx
EIP: 0060:[] CPU: 0
EIP is at _nv000974rm+0x3a/0x78 [nvidia]

That's why I've written the same thing 3 times in two days. Ugh, compile a new one, update vmware/nvidia. Fun fun fun.



Lol, "got to gamble to win" as Pham calls with 27% pot equity. What a fucking donkey. I didn't like Zilem much but that was fucking stupid. Rofl 53o > QQ. Goddamn tournament donkeys.

Jen Harmon is so cute. Even after knocking Lees chips over.

Ugh, why do I even bother. Sit down at a table where a douche has 600BB. I raise fucking AQo, he calls in positon. Flop KJxfd. Bet, call, turn flush, check, pot, fold. I mean why bother? Why do I even bother raising crap like AQo? I don't flop pairs so WTF is the point. Guy is 55/32/1.9. Folds to cbet 38%, turn cbet 27%. I'm running at 5.3/5.3. Last orbit, fuck this. Wow, T4s in the BB, I flop a FD, river a Ten. SB has Jacks and calls river bet. I have like the only hand he can beat, of course. KT, A6, A9, 72, 74, 84, fucksake. FUCKPOKER. I don't make hands, nobody folds when I have nothing, nobody calls when I have a monster.

This really is not a game of skill. Fucking shortterm.

Doug Lee all-in again way behind. And then again straight after. LOL donkaments. JTo > KK. "I feel it! I say I feel it!" Fucking donkey. Pham knocks someone else out with his shitty FD.

So, I try and play some more poker. Make the 'mistake' of raising AQ with someone who folds to cbets 75% of the time behind me and an unknown in the BB. Both call, BB folds but 75% folder calls. Of course, I don't flop anything. I think fuck it, and go into check/fold mode. River is the flush and he bets. I fold my Ace-high.


Oh wow, AKo in the SB. I reraise button's steal. He calls. UH OH. Miracle upon miracle I flop an ACE! Flush draw, though. He calls...I have a PSB left and turn pairs the board. I can't check. Any bet pot commits me so I push and he folds. Super. Then I reraise the guy OTB with KK and we don't see a flop. meh.

How incredibly fucking typical. I flop TPTK + nut flush draw OTB and NOBODY WANTS TO PUT ANOTHER PENNY IN THE POT. And then I finally flop a set of Tens (albeit on a monotone flop). I bet them out. PFR FOLDS. Of course nobody has so much as a FD when I flop a set. Wow, AKo UTG then AA in the BB and I get no action on either. Well, I got to squeeze some monies with AA. Sweet. AQs, I manage to turn TP!!! And river a boat. I bet a substantial amount since no one ever folds a full house.

See flop with 22, trey on the flop. See flop with 33, deuce on the flop. See flop with 44, deuece and trey on the flop. YEP, I CANT FLOP SHIT.

JJ, Qxx flop. I call down, of course he has AQ. I mean, OF COURSE. Single over AND HE HAS IT. EVERY TIME. HYCHCHCHCHCH. -$50.


See a flop with 77, flop 89K. SCHWEET. According to my PGSQL view, I've hit 2/56 sets with TT. Pretty good, huh? On the whole, though, they are at ~10%. 44 & 22 are above expectation at 10/60 and 10/62 respectively. Missing 4 times in a row with 33 is annoying.

Whatever, whatever, whatever. Reiterate, I don't flop shit, I don't take it down ever without flopping anything, I don't pick off bluffs. I fucking hate poker.

Ya ya ya

Flop another set! Multiway pot! Wet flop! Lead, call, raise by me, call, fold. Check, 2/3 bet after turning a boat...fold. Played exactly how 2p2 suggests, bet the turn because he'll call to draw anyway. Will he? I think not.

Fucksake. Just a little action when I'm ahead. Even if he'd flopped the straight I would want to get it in on the flop just for the fucking sake of getting all-in with decent equity in a pot.

Jesus fucking christ. I've had 88, 77, 44 and I can't catch a cold. KK catches a AJT flop OOP against a shortstack. Woo, KK UTG+1, limper UTG, reraised behind, UTG limper calls. UH OH. Fuck it, I'll push and make them think I have AK. Fold, fold. DAMNIT. When he didn't instacall I was very thankful.

Um, -18BB no hands and then two pair < gutshot on the river. -16BB no hands period. -16BB KK catches AJT flop. Um, and that's it today. Saying BB since it's mixed limits. Hmm, and BB = BB not PTBB.

Looking at my starting hands. AJo -$135 called down with FD on two streets & ran into AA. A9o -$104 when I didn't believe the guy had limped Kx on the button...when he'd actually limped KK. KQo down a little bit because I flop no pairs and get check raised. KJs -$89 because I bluffed a monotone flop. KTs -$149 because I figured top two was ahead of maniac. JTs -$128 when my bluff gets snapped off. J4s -$75 when I flop bottom two and get minraised twice. T9s -$197 OESD doesn't get there. Shortstack had a set but he made a losing play by calling with set value in the first place. Cest la vie. 98s -$53 no draws ever get there and two pair loses to gutshot. 55 -$75 I've had it 16 times and I have yet to hit a set. 44 -$96 had 23 times, flopped a set once.

And admittedly, I have lost value on some of my winning hands by playing them like a downie but still, mostly it's been: Flop big, everyone folds. Flop mediocre, get outdrawn. Flop nothing, everyone calls. When I move in with draws they call, when I move in with made hands they fold.

4k hands of being a nit and I'm getting nowhere. I like to think I'm playing okay. Raising more when I have position on people who fold to cbets a lot, raising less when I am OOP against calling stations. Well, that's the theory. My VPIP and PFR are disgustingly low.

Sigh. Eats and watch WSOPe05.

The Enormity of it all

I am not surprised I'm down. I am surprised that I am down 3 fucking buy-ins without stacking off.

Let's see. -9.2BB/100, WSF 21%, WSD 13%, W$SD 60%. Look good? No. Uh, my VPIP and PFR is also alarmingly low. That's due to extremely loose passives/aggressives who will call me down with 22 unimproved.

Just go through and pick out the > 25BB pots. -$55 when I'm called down OOP by a FD that hits a pair on the river after I fired flop and turn. -$84 QQ runs into slowplayed AA. Let's see, he smooth called preflop with 3 people left to act, smooth called flop, bet 1/3rd pot turn, and called my 1/3rd pot blocking bet on the river. SB JJ I call raise, BB minraises. Uh oh, I get odds to call. I bet 3/4 pot on turn after it's checked through and both call. I check to the BB on the river (board is 26945r), he bets half-pot, PFR folds, I think. There is litterally nothing I can beat except TT and a bluff so I fold. Guy said he had JJ. -$73 when I run into slowplayed AA again after making TPTK. Guy's a regular and his UTG limp did kind of throw me since he's very aggressive preflop. That's ~$230. And then I'm -$20 to -$30 all over the place. Why? I can't flop pairs, sets, draws, or any fucking thing. Oh, I forgot, I did flop bottom two out of the BB with J4o. Minraised on the flop. Minraised on the turn so I dumped it.

There is a little green in there. I did flop a few sets and win the pot on the flop/turn. IDK, I kind of misplayed 99 by check/calling (King high) flop, checking (Ace) turn, betting river. Way to win the least. Guy had AQo so flop c/c wasn't bad from a FTOP POV but BET THE TURN! He either loves the Ace or he's folding. Um, I flopped top set on a wet board. I check/raised it all-in. WTF is wrong with me. However, PFR did overbet the pot so I caught that. Still, I think my line looks like a draw. I can't raise less and I don't want to see a flush/straight turn since it will kill my hand or my action.

That's despite making plenty of new buddies. I did busto one where his QJo on a J22 flop turned out to be less than my AA. I guess he put me on AK? There were no fucking draws, I had reraised the pot hugely preflop. If he had JJ or 2x I was going to pay him off. And then there was another guy whom I made absolutely nothing off but who managed to lose more than I did in just 57 hands. Guy on tilt won the most with this hand. Kid also doubled someone up when he had JJ and they had AA. Then he makes a retarded bluff with 92o. And he slightly overplays pocket fives. He managed to be up $11 on me though, obviously.

So what am I to take from all this? Over tightening too much is bad. For instance, I fold A9s because I never hit anything. Flop comes Axxfd giving me TP+FD had I played, turn flush and plenty of action. Some of it, however, is good. Limping and calling bets with small PPs is transparent but the donks don't care. Folding crap like AT+ OOP with calling stations behind. Not cbetting people who fold <50% of the time. Not cbetting family pots. Blah blah, woof woof.

Who cares? It's all luck. I flop 5 flushes, 3 of them nut flushes. I bet them like a good little 2p2 and win a tiny pot on the flop. I flop a set and no action. Which is luckier flopping the nuts everytime or having villains willing to pay off big bets with worse hands? Not that I have experience with either. I do not flop shit and I rarely have a better hand (patently not true! You have a better hand when you go to showdown 60% of the time! - Ed. [Yeah, all 13% of the time I have something worth showing down] Perhaps you should showdown more? - Ed.). Whatever, things swing down hugely and sometimes they go up slightly. HYCHCHCHAHCHCH, etc.

Oh, reminds me. I played 2/3 orbits with tuff_fish. Didn't actually get in a hand with him that I recall. He wasn't filming anyway. Table was a shark fest, though. I managed to breakeven by firing two barrels with AK. I was hoping to get a set because I know tuff overplays overpairs. Not that I really wanted to bust him (especially if it wasn't being filmed :p).

Hmm, just looking through PPs. I am -$75 with 55 since it has not setted 16 times in a row. 44 is -$84 after flopping one set in 20 times. Oh, I managed to fold it once preflop by timing out too. Nice. See, this is what I get. Eagle is the guy who called me down with T8s chasing flush and rivered an eight. Had I known I would have bet the river. But this is luck or lack thereof. I raise as a pot sweetener. I get a set, albeit on a shitty monotone flop, and I get no action. RUN RUN RUN RUN as Tony would say.

But then there are some major problems. I river top two after turning TPTK+FD. I win less than I should. Then JJx flop with AA. Bet call. Turn third Jack, giving me the second nuts. I CHECK??? Need to bet and hope he has something to draw to a full house or try and take it away, or even go nutso with a smaller PP.




I did have a post here but firefox crashed so I lost it. Summmary was: Rakeback is motivation to play more hands (even if you run like shit). FTP offers $600 deposit bonus + 27% RB. I will deposit 1.2k at FTP once I hit ~5.5k on party. If I find FTP good enough, I'll withdraw and expunge my party account with the intent of creating a new one that has rakeback. Once I have completed the FTP deposit bonus, I may move back to party.

The only "bad" part about this is not taking a premature shot at 2/4NL. Although, strictly speaking, that might not be so bad.

Played...11pm(?) through 5am on party. I won a whole buyin! Can't recall exactly how many hands I played, probably only ~1k. Which kind of sucks. I always find myself changing tables a whole lot since the ones I am at breakup since the fish bust. Uh, memorable hands: AA all-in pf and lost for 40BB or so, top two against a maniacs flopped straight for 100BB (honestly, anyone else and I fold this in a heartbeat; overbetting the pot is my kryptonite), TPTK v trips for ~50BB, my set of Queens sucks out on a cuntrags turned straight. I'm ashamed to say that I used DP twice, once vs. trips, once with my set of Queens. Set was really a "fuck you" moment more than anything. Button open limps, I raise my QQ from the SB, BB folds. Flop 9QJfd, I pot, OTB open limper calls with his powerful T3s. Turn King. I check, downie overbets the pot. I think FUCK YOU and DP. River King. FUCK YOU AAHAHAAHA. I mean, jesus fucking christ. Limp suited crap OTB, flop an OESFD and merely call on the flop, then OVERBET when your draw hits. FUCKYOU.

Good thing is I now have no disconnect protection for a week so I can get off that crutch.

Anyway, I finally flopped a set against an overpair in position and got it all-in. Thankfully the flop was pretty wet which I'm sure is one of the reasons he pushed (to shut out my draw). I've taken to open limping/limping behind with small PPs and SCs. Obviously exploitable by good players but, well, most of these guys aren't good players. Plus I can call raises more profitably than I can call 3bets, I think. I'll keep an eye on this but yeah, when people don't even try to put you on a hand limping monster makers is fine.

And I've decided that since my reads normally suck I'm not putting much stock in them. Why is he overbetting the pot on the flop/turn/scare card? Surely he must realise that I only have TPTK/two pair? Since he must realise that he must want me to fold! He's pushing every river, he must be bluffing this time! Argh. Second level thinking is no good if they're only on the the zeroth level. Need to think on the first level instead.

newzxxx.com Hmm, apparently the reason they had to separate the XXX section off of the main site is that their bank did not like it. Christ, fucking middle-American neo-puritan values for you.

Shaved today and I am looking a little tidier. Not by much. Slept 7am to 3pm. Intend to play 1am to 7am tonight. At one point I was playing 8 tables last night but at 1600x1200 on a 19" monitor it's pretty fucking bad. 4 tables on top of 4 tables works, sort of. Need MTH to queue stuff, though. Party Planner crashes for me :/ 22" should be here by Tuesday. Seller said he shipped it Friday. I really don't know what to do. Dual/triple-head is the obvious way forward but VMWare doesn't support it. I have tried twinview and 3200x in the guest but that didn't work. KVM and second box for poker instead of VM? Pretty far from ideal, IMO. Hmm, twinview does indeed work. 4 tables on each? If I resize lower than 530x400 or so per table I cannot freaking read anything. And since the action is so hectic on 8 tables, stats are pretty much all I have. I think I'll try 6 tables for now. Might still be able to make some sort of notes that way.

Watching V for Vendetta again now. Very good. I still don't understand the faux captivity of Portman, though. Who are V's supporting actors? UGH. DVD fuxored on chapter 32. Bollocks, have to redownload and rewrite.

Watched District 13 earlier. Version had semi-dodgy dubbing but highly watchable. Brilliant action sequences. Story was whatever but it served nicely as a catalyst for the fight scenes. Cast was great too.

Time to try and play some poker, I guess.


FTOP perfect hand

HOLLA. I considered jamming the turn but then I figured to have him so crushed that he couldn't call, especially if he was on a draw. Flopping sets, turning boats, getting all-in, winning at showdown. Why can't more hands be this way?

If that turn had been a 3/4/5/9/T/J or a diamond I would have probably check/folded (or called, if I was getting odds). Thankfully...

Betpot.ahk seems to invite the anti-bot protection catchpa. Or maybe it's winning pots for a change. Either way, party seems to think there's something screwy about me today. They're probably right.

Ah, this is better: OESD, against a shortstacks set and an overpair. Obviously, I do not get my 30% equity of 450BB pot. Get there 1 time? Never.

Oh..I do get there 1 time. Guy waited until the last second...and calls with 97o. Really, a very nice call. I thought I might have some fold equity as well as 14 outs. Nope, second pair is the nuts.

And then I stacked a donk AKo v. AQs. I thought I was crushed. I raise AKo...from the button, iirc. He reraises me from the SB. AJ9fd flop. He bets ~half pot. I 3x his bet (I did 'autobet' pot but that was essentially all-in. He moves in and I figure I have to be up against Jacks or nines...so I call. AQs, no FD. Uh, thanks?

And finally I push over $4k. I was at $3985 before I hit my 6 last night. Since then I hit eights full...then I pushed an OESD and lost...then I pushed GSFD and won...and finally AK v. AQ.

Getting nowhere fast.


Keep it low

Eh, over 250 hands: 22BB/100 @ 200NL, -22BB/100 @ 400NL. Think I'll stick to 200NL for now...

Only one bad hand, really, the rest is just missing flops with small PPs and SCs. I think if I have AT/KT I call the turn. I probably should call the turn and fold the river if he bets.

Oh, and I tried a bluff again. Donkey has 77, I imagine. Whatever, I can't call with King-high. He might be pulling that move with the naked Ace but I think I still fold AK (w/ King of hearts) since I may be redrawing dead.

On the plus side, I stacked a shortstack with a set :/ I didn't have the implied odds really but the SB called and he was deep, and I guessed (correctly) that the limper would call if I did.

And then I actually pot, pot, push and get called by a hand I beat. I did figure him for a flush draw on the flop, but then he called the turn so I was unsure what he had. Decided that he might put me on a busted draw or AK and snap off a bluff. Normally they pick up two pair not one :/ Still, pretty good board for Queens.

Anyway, as I was in work and contemplating how much I hate it there and when I could quit I made some realizations. 4PTBB/100 = 8 buyins over 10K hands, which is about how much I'm playing right now per month. And at 200NL that is SHIT money and no where near "fuck it, I'm quitting". Even if my winrate is higher than that at 200NL it's still not much better than my day job (the fact that it *is* better shows just how badly my job does suck). Solution? Play more fucking hands. New monitor will help with that. Try and get up to 6 tables. Need to discipline myself also. More hands! At least 5K a week.

HSP: 99, baby. Open push top set. Well played. Freaking at least 5 all-ins. WTF.

Wow, but less hands like that. Gutshot > *. Goddamn do I wish I had checked behind on the river.

What was my plan? Kill myself by July first if my life had not improved significantly? Okay then.

NOTE TO SELF: DO NOT BLUFF, EVER AGAIN. River bluff, check/raised. River bluff (I thought it looked like an obvious valuebet size), called by top pair. Do not call down with flopped top pair if it's a FUCKING 9 and the turn brings a King (true, he had limped KK OTB but still, calling turn minraise and river bet = spew). HYCHACHACHACHA.

At least my stats are looking less weak-tight...shame my results look like shit. Wow, the guy who stacked me with the gutshot is now sitting on 4 buy-ins...and he continues to overbet the pot all the goddamn time. He just lost a $167 pot calling down with 22 unimproved. Jesus.


Rofl, I leave table to kill hobos, come back and villain has 8 buyins. I leave table to kill more hobos, come back and villain has <75BB...Villain has 55BB. Villain is open pushing preflop.

Moral of the story? STICK AROUND AFTER A BAD BEAT.