
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Heaven sent

Watched "The Sentinel". I expected Kiefer to be the mole but he actually got to be the good guy in a movie for a change. Basinger and Longoria looked great. I think Douglas did okay and I didn't have too much trouble believing that a man his age could be a Secret Service agent. All-in, not a bad flick. I think it would have been better giving Kiefer (and Longoria's assets) more screen time but Douglas is the "big star". Meh. Story was good too.

BOOM! Playing the $3 PS million satellite. I limp snowmen (88) from MP then the blinds go crazy. SB raises, BB pushes. I think for a long time before calling. SB has AJo, BB has AJs, giving my 'men 60% equity. No Aces or Jacks spoil the board and I triple up. Risky call considering there's about a 21% that someone was dealt a bigger pair. Get AKo and a similar situation, left contemplating two all-ins. I fold. One shows AQo, the other A5s, KQx flop. DOH. Few hands later I get TT and push. Called by AQo...which makes 4 card Broadway after I flop a set. FFS. Winning that would have made me chip leader. But no, any Ace would have been the fucking nuts against me. ARGHG!

I suck at coinflips.



Need to upgrade my computer. Was thinking Hot Rod type specs. Don't really have the monies, though :(

Playing some more HU SNGs. First one took nearly 20 minutes! Jeebus. Better, 6 minutes on that one. After I'd taken him down to t1000 I nearly called his first all in with K5o. Called his next one with A7o, he has Q2o and my hand holds up. IDK if the time shown in the lobby includes the minute before the first hand is dealt or not.

Not sure if I should play another one. The "plan", such as it is, is to gambool by using winnings from the last match to buyin for the next level, essentially freerolling. I just need to throw together a streak and instant bankroll! Think I might try for winning two at any level then moving up so that it is a freeroll.

Also there's the Alan Shearer 200/400NL on Prima thread. 40000NL? Wowzers.

Just watched a $5000+$100 HU SNG, came down to a coinflip between 99 and AKs. AKs won.

FTV Natalie, I need to leech this gallery but my shell script-fu is weak. Have to do it manually (omgwtfnoob).

Oops, realised I watched some porn with my speakers on last night. Hope it wasn't too loud.

Won another HU SNG despite paying off quads. Came back pushing A7s (iirc), then finished it by calling his all-in with A9s.

Rebekah Teasdale is a DJ now? And her music is alright? WTF? Might have to go see her. For those outside of the UK she used to be a topless model (UMC has no nudity), and is fit as a fiddle. Who knew that she had other talents too?

Jesus can stack!

Entered a $5 satellite to the PS Million. Probably a waste of time but who knows. After that, time to try the freerolling HU SNG rollercoaster.

El Diablo owning the MsGluck thread.

Playing the satellite. Best hand I've seen so far is JTs from the BB. I checked it and got a nothing flop. Wee. Hmm, K9o. Limp it, miss flop. 24s turns trips and goes all-in, ATo calls and catches an Ace on the river. I throw away KJo from the SB, I really need to double now. Wow, same luckbox has had AA twice now. I push JTs...called by T9s and T7s. 9 and a 7 on the flop, 7 on the turn. Rebuy? Uh, no. I know, not the best hand to be pushing but considering my stack size it was worth it. Besides I did have 0.51EV there.

Caught some skin cancer sun today while reading "The Poker Face of Wall Street". Vwery intwresting. Downside is I'm in the UK so there is little to no heat even when it's not cloudy.

Lost a SNG, bringing my small streak of 3 wins to an end. Would have been all over on the first hand if he'd have paid off my first push. He slowplayed his QQ on the last hand. Lost another. Push AQ called by AK, I make two pair on the turn but he resucks out on the river. Oh well, I guess I still suck.

Won another. Hate to admit I bad beated the guy with his Jacks versus my K4o.

K-Fed playing Prahlad HU? WTF?

Lost again. Sucks running into the guys AA on the first fucking hand. Won...by sucking out (J9s vs K9s, both had a pair of Nines). Hollow victory. Think I need to quit soon.

Grr, and I get sucked out on runner runner style for a loss. 569 flop, I have 56, guy has 92o. I bet, he raises, I push, he calls. I wasn't watching but I assume turn and river brought 3 & 4. GRR. One more...

Epic match which I eventually lose. Went down to about t150 and came back!

Well, that one sucked, douche kept pushing and I finally called what ended up being a coinflip...and lost. Mercifully quick.

Ugh, guy finally calls one of my preflop pushes with AQo v. A8o. Doh. Luckily I suck out by hitting an Eight. A few hands earlier I sold him on a monster bluff by repping AQ with 42s. And quite a bit before that I'd pushed 3 times in a row preflop (KK, TT, & something else semi-decent). Villain said, "no skill". I didn't say, "no balls".

Not doing or playing well. Having to suckout to win is a sure sign that I am making awful decisions.

Things that I've found annoy me HU: Minbetting postflop (minraising preflop is great), pushing preflop a lot, showing bluffs but mucking made hands, never folding to a 3bb raise, never calling a preflop push even when my stack is freaking tiny (what, are you waiting for AA against my 84o?), running the timeclock (at these limits feh), and talking shit (I no longer have player chat enabled).

Still need to make some calculations. I've run into dominated Aces HU a few times now and better pairs more than once. I know the odds are longer but I do think they are significant.

Ugh, I suck at HU. Well, having AKo beat by T8o doesn't help.


Winning Play

Is not to play at all.

Received an unpaid item strike from a retarded seller on ebay. The item (playing cards) is £5 inc. p&p but the seller does not accept paypal. I didn't notice that before I clicked the commit button. As soon as I did notice I ordered some sent him this message:

Please cancel my order, I didn't realise you didn't accept Paypal. Very sorry for any inconvenience :(

He responded saying he was waiting for his paypal account to be verified. I responded saying that I had already bought some cards "but I did misclick so...". People with some sense should be able to figure out that: I bought some cards. I no longer want cards. I fucked up. I will honour the fuck up.

But then I forgot about it and didn't log in for a month. He opened a dispute and it closed earlier this week. Good going, fella, that £5 must be important.

Now, I was going to respond to the cunt but, honestly, what's the point? Would it make me feel better to send him a snarky message and tell him that I hope he dies in a fire? A little, perhaps, but I'm sure he would report it.

So, the winning play is to just ignore him and the strike. I think it will only matter if I get more but I need to be more careful in future (that's twice now I've bought things only to realise I can't use paypal).

This is a nip slip? Am I blind or something? Her bra is a little see thru but it's still fucking there. Grr, so close but yet so far...

I <3 BBV

Unfortunately, reading all that took up the time I was going to use for pokering. Oh well.

Alias is freaking weak. Oh noes, evil twins again! Thank fuck it's been canceled. It had become by far the worst show I watch (well, maybe). Garner is no longer looking as hot as she once did. Unfortunately it also means Rachel Nichols disappears from my screen :(

UV screener release but not been posted to newzbin yet. For shame.


Sorry Mouse

Not in this house.

Little bugger had chewed one of my snickers so I immediately set a trap using some of the spoiled bar as bait. Half an hour later, click, scrabble, scrabble, scrabble. I hate killing mice but I 1) can't be doing with droppings all over the kitchen and 2) have them nibbling on my food since it's either ruined or, if I don't noticed, possibly diseased. Still, I feel guilty :(

Watched Battle Royale 2. Pretty crap, much like the original. Oh well.

Got paid £20 for completing someones Cruiser install. Considering they're selling it to end users the installer should probably, um, install the drivers. Don't you think? Or is having to manually install them through Device Manager some sort of brilliant feature?

As an aside, that box (XP home, 2.6GHz, 256mb RAM) was riddled with malware, as I imagine most peoples are. Took over 10 freaking minutes to install the first lot of drivers (subsequent installs -- yes, there were three drivers to install... -- were faster). I eventually got the nerve to CAD (I couldn't remember if that brought up taskmanager in XP home or rebooted instantly, rofl, eff windows) and the amount of processes chewing on resources was just scary. Later, as he was dropping me off the lad asked why his mother's computer was so slow. I told him and he asked me if I could fix it. "Well..." but then he mentioned an alternative (some shop) so I said "YES! DO THAT. TAKE IT THERE. YES, GOOD!".

IDK, I'm sure the money would be more than fair but, honestly, it's the technical equivalent of janatorial work. Talk about total lack of job satisfaction. Shall I decruft your keyboard for you too, sir? Why yes, it is all running nicely for 5 minutes or so.

I always try to think of an analogy here but I fail. Anything that involves cleaning toilets (plumbing, janitorial) is out because there's no high-end counterpoint to that. Construction engineering to "will you pave my driveway/lay my patio?" is close but that's implying that cleaning winblows is strenuous work. Performance mechanic rebuilding you engine is about right but...I'm guessing that gearheads (even top tier ones) like getting dirty and doing that stuff. Maybe I'm just being equally ignorant about their profession.



Needs his dick slicing off unless it was Michael's idea to tell Bellick (sp). But I see no way that doing so would fit in to a new escape plan, and I can't see how they are ever getting out in the next three episodes ("Tonight", "Go", & TBA). So is season 2 going to be them still trying to escape from Foxriver?

Oh, I was way off with the Company == CIA. My initial guess was a non-government organisation but then I thought, no, Company == CIA, stupid.

Great episode, finally meeting Dad, Johns' return, and Tweener. If Tweener did instantly betray Scofield's confidence there is going to retribution like no other, I hope.

On to 24...

Way off on the Aaron thing...And those are the gayest bunch of conspirators I have ever seen. At least Day 1-3's (trying to remember Day 3's ending) were much better.

Heller, tries to redeem himself. Curtis makes a timely entrance. Hayes wakes up and smells the coffee. Bloody fantastic episode.

Henderson is an awesome character too, such a strong villain. Logan is great as well.

Played a HU NL S&G. All over in 15 minutes, 1/3rd of the time it took the excruiating HU Limit BS. In fact, I had twice double his stack in under 5 minutes but I took my time in finishing him off. Final hand: He calls 98s (spades) from the SB, I check T5s (spades). Flop 5c6s2s (or similar), I bet, he pushes his last t250, call. Spades get there and MHIG.

NL > Limit.

Win another one in 3 minutes. These are easy! Um, if you get dealt AA on the 3rd hand. Flop Q98 (98 are diamonds). I bet, he calls. Turn Queen of diamonds. I check behind. River Queen! He bets, I push. Since he doesn't call instantly I think thank god, MHIG. He takes his whole clock and calls with 9x.

Doh, lose one pushing into a made straight. Redo another one, sat with the same douche. Last time he kept pushing with 9-high and showing. First hand push A5s, called by 99. He flops a 9 and says "gg. u suck", yeah, you won a coinflip (Ed: he's 67%), big whoop.

Eff, lost another one. Back door flush got him back in it, and he called my push with 2nd pair. Meh. Maybe I do suck.


Faster pussycat

Carolyn Murphy sextape...clip (may be down by now, I pulled it from a.b.e. Eff it, it's only 7.5M). I have no idea who this bitch is. I now know she has tan lines and can't dance. Oh, supermodel. Yes, she is rather fit. I'm sure the full tape will grace usenet any day now.

I like the new Oakenfold track featuring Brittany Murphy, even though I'm not madly into her. It's not like I'd kick her out of bed, though.

That's it for Murphys.

Listened to Gnarls Barkley's St. Elsewhere. Meh. It's good but I think I only really like track 8 ("I've tried") other than Crazy. Maybe the rest will grow on me.

Need to run some math to find out how likely Ax is dominated by Ay headsup. The probability of two people being dealt pairs headsup is 0.0035 so I'm probably never folding TT (can't be bothered to actually calculate it right now).

Have no money on Stars so I'm playing some HUSNNL. First match went well, he was stealing quite often until I got TT, raised, flop xxQ, I cbet and he calls. Turn Ten. BOOM. I bet $250 into $300. Guy pushes his Q9s. Thanks! He pushes preflop next hand and I call with Q6s (diamonds) unfortunately he has A8s (diamonds). Doh! Nothing much happens until I flop top pair with 98o. I bet, he pushes (as he has been doing a lot), and I call. He has bottom pair but the river gives him two pair. Uh oh, he's back in it. Nothing much then, he seems to have mastered the art of pushing when I have total junk and folding the SB when I have AK or such. He's also respecting my raises when I have a hand and pushing when I'm stealing. Grr. I get KK and check from the BB. Flop 555. I bet, he pushes, I instacall. If he has the case 5 then whatever. He has J2s. Jack-high no goot. That was easyish.

I forgot to mention my misbet the other day. Meant to bet $2.50 into a nothing pot and bet $25. Standard. Luckily no one was "thinking at the 2nd highest level" there and they all folded. An excellent player would push with junk; an even better player would call that push (thinking at the highest level).

SSNL is funny. I have 34o out of the BB on a KQ2J board and it's being checked around. Someone bet, ffs.

Owned by misclick. Meant to play NL HU but ended up sitting at HU limit. rofl, oops. I nearly won but he bad beated my for t1000 twice hitting a straight and a flush on the river. Standard. My increasing tilty chat went: "rofl" (KK loses to AQo's rivered gutshot, "rofl" (QQ loses to AJs rivered flush), "ffs" (I've just been hammering the raise button to end this nightmare and my all-in wins), and "good" (I busto). That was such a fucking waste of time. I could have busted 3 fish (provided they don't call all-in and river shit) in the time it took to bust this guy down to <t900, have him river me in a huge pot, bust him down to <t900 again, to have him river me in a huge pot, again. In theory I could have mounted a comeback but I need to get to bed.



I hit two sets on ugly boards. First, JJ connects on a Ac Jd Kc flop. QTo smooth calls me on 3rd and 4th, I suck out on the river by getting running 9's. One time! It bothers me that I was behind on the flop and turn in this hand. I guess I put him on two pair or a flush draw. I considered QT but I thought that AJ/AK/KJ would all give me action too. Meh. Later on I take his last 25BB with AKo v. K8s on a KAK flop.

Later, I drop down to 25NL and TT hits on an all heart flop. Ends up beind 4 to a straight as well. I don't win much against the guys two pair.

I must be due to hit loads more flops by now.

Brokeback's back

Put KK all-in preflop against AKo at 100NL. Guess what? Standard. Guy only had 50BB, though, so his suckout was less costly than it might have been. God, and I wonder why I have to redeposit.

Dick's left with my money. Hope he gets AIDS.

Lose another 50BB with AA. Yep, yep, YEP. Of course, the fact that I ABSOLUTELY BUTCHERED THE HAND makes me feel so much better. Seriously, good job I don't have access to a gun.

Oh, and sets flopped today = zero. How many hands? Few hundred so small sample but whatever. Oh, and what's that? I have yet to get it all-in with a set at 100NL. In fact, I've yet to get it all-in with anything (combo draw/straight/flush) for 100BB. That's how good I run.


Enter another $3 satellite on stars. Second hand I get AA. Guy raises, I push, guy calls. AA v. 88, I flop top set but it's all clubs and he has the eight of clubs. Predictably, 4th club comes and the board doesn't pair. I'm the 4th to exit the donkament on a 80% favourite. Actually, AA v. ${RANDOMHAND} is more like a fucking coinflip as far as I'm concerned.



So, uh, um, played some more tournaments (the promise of big payout is oh so tempting) but without any real success. Last one I busted pf. AA v. AJs (QTxxK board). I really don't know what he was thinking with that call, first hand I'd pushed, about the third hand I hadn't folded outside of the blinds. But he had Jared Diamond (loleos, GG&S ftw!). I was slightly below average chipstack so I felt I had to double soon.

Meh, it happens and I'd rather it happen early in a donkament than in a cash game.

In a different tournament I get AA on the very first hand. If I remember the action correctly I limped in from EP, two people pushed, I called and it held up. Instant-chipleader. I managed to fuck it up though later with AQs v. AA (TPTK v. overpair). My excuse was he trapped me and I wasn't deep enough to get away from it. His minraising preflop should have set off alarm bells, I guess.

Felt rough as fuck today again. IDK if it's still something to do with my nose being busted.

Watching "Running Scared". Not bad, the paedophiles were creepy as fuck. The woman was hot, though. Ugh, and I'm missing the ending on that release. FFS, ends just as he pulls up outside the Motel.

I guess I could watch Hostel but...I don't really want to traumatize myself :)

Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0 no wonder my ISP webspace is down.

My ball juggling (aye-aye!) is no where near the level it once was. I have lost almost all the skills I once had, which is nice. Considering I could do 500 or so at 14/15, including some of the slightly more advanced stuff (catching it on the foot/knee/neck). I remember practicing with a tennis ball, ffs.

Meh, my ring game is off. Turn a straight on a 3 flush board, bet pot and get one caller. Block river for half. Flush wins. I guess I shouldn't have even peeled on the flop.

Oh, lol, flop a an underfull with 44 (4AA), all-in against A3s. Turn Ten, river Ten. Nice hand. Semi-glass tap comment by me "lol. typical pacific". I mean, come on first set of the day (not many ring hands) and I lose to a shortstacks 23%? Fucking standard.

BTW, the games at Pacific mostly suck hard now that they've allowed multitabling. One juicy Pacific table open + some other sites was good but now it's pretty rocky. See they've started spreading 1KNL too.



Well, finally made repeater 'work'. ra0 (rt2500) connects to the AP in Managed mode, then wlan0 (ndiswrapper) is in Ad-Hoc mode, and I'm using IP_FORWARDing to tape it together. Unresolved issues are: DHCP and DNS. Question is, do I want to bother setting up dhcpd and named on the relay if I can just point the laptop to the router? It might be 'fun' to learn but it's unnecessary.

Still need to get a 3.5 stereo jack to...2pin Din plug? Dunno, hi-fi is a piece of crap. Speech/Voice recognition is never going to happen.

Let's Sexy English! (TF?).

1000facials looks good but no siterips. Vicki Vette's armpit is scary, though.

Paris apparently lost her Bentley playing poker...and Party are offering her a chance to win it back. Wow, if there was ever a fish at high stakes that I'd like to fuck...

Hmm, finished a donkament in 12th pushing AQs v. KJo. Started another one now, fold ATo @ 10/20 against two all-ins, A5o & 66. A5 hit two pair but AT would have made not only two pair but Tens full. Doh.

Toothache again, other side this time. Grr, bruxism or lack of brushing?

Woah, out of a tournament in the rebuy period. I play not so good. Well, I lost the coinflip and I can't be bothered rebuying so...

Both cards both randomly stopped working. Rebooted. Should have tried removing and reinserting the modules first. I guess the thing being stable was too much to ask for.

My name is Earl (yes, it's retarded, yes, I watch it because other people do) 22 still not on newzbin.

Connections dropped in the relay again, reinserting the modules made it work again. FFS. Also got a call from my neighbour at 10:30 this morning asking me why the wifi network wasn't working for him? WTF? I give you free internet and you have the audacity to wake me up because it's not working? FOAD.



Uh, man, I think I need to go back to ring these donkaments are doing my head in. I play snowmen conservatively and lose to J3o's trip 3's. Meh. So while I was about 10th in chips with 30 donks left I'm now well below average and 20th. Time for doubles. Looks like I have to push the next Ace or pair. Meh!

Plus the fact that it's taking an excrutiating long time to complete. Back to 15th, woohoo. Funny thing is I think I would rather take the booby prize (13th: $171) than a $200+$15 entry for Sunday's Millon. I'll probably end up with neither.

Watched Basic Instinct 2 while I've been playing. Fucking crap. Stan Colemore(sp?) was funny but the plot was utter trash. Although I must say her body looks great considering her age.

SOB, 23rd. What a waste of time. In a cash game I go broke there never but if you have less than 10bb left TPGK == the nuts. Fair play, he had the best hand on every street.

Tomorrow, back to (sucking at) cash games.


I'm for the...

One in the dark red shorts. Oh. Yes. Indeed.

Watched Desperate Housewives too. Pretty good :o


God, way to drop the ball there Secretary of Defense Heller, you dumb schmuck. So disappointing after season four's solid showing. Don't you know Jack is always right? God.

Of course, the next 6 episodes will be full of "Oh my god, Audrey, I'm sorry", "I never meant...", & "okay, Jack, what do you want me to do?". Standard.

And did he jab Jack in the windpipe? WTF! Jack should fucking chin him for that, cheeky cunt.

Have to say, great season. Bringing Buchanan back into the story was a good move. Chole's Bondian rift is cool as fuck. Aaron's dead/missing? Who the fuck would have got to him? AFAIK, Logan himself is the only conspirator at the retreat and he seemed ignorant of Aaron. Of course, it could be Logan but he's been a little preoccupied...A benign abduction by Mike makes little sense but is possible.

Oh, and what does the VP make of the he-said-she-said bullshit that went down in the President's office? If he noticed the letter of resignation, I wonder how much detail he got? Enough to realise Heller is telling the truth? Either way, I don't think he's going to be on the Presidents side after this...Perhaps the VP bagged Aaron? Yes, that would make sense, actually, and the more I think about it the more likely it is. Sorry if this was obvious to anyone else, but the VP fished around Logan with talking about a photo-op with Palmer's funeral plane or somesuch. Logan just took it at face value. However, Wayne told the VP that he was flying Palmer's body back that night (?sketchy here) and had no time to talk to the President, and that the purpose of his visit was to give Aaron a service medal. Now the VP knows that Wayne was lying so may suspect Aaron of knowing WTF is going on. Or maybe I'm reading too much into it.

God, I remember the awesomeness of watching DVDs back to back. Watching it weekly is painful.


Owow. Nick's a prick, Link's been 'extracted' by the CIA, and they burned that guard? Awesome.

Who the fuck is leaning on Nick, the CIA? If so, the CIA have a weird agenda. Plus I have to think the granting of Link's (I'm sure it should be "Linc" but I'm a fan of Zelda) little bus ride and then the accident are way too big of a coincidence for them not to have been planned. I'm sure that's a logical fallacy but come on, no way it's just random (well, you know, as random as events can be in a narrative).

When the guard said that someone had already given $700 for Scofield's cell I was expecting John to reappear. I'm pretty sure he's coming back before they make their escape.

And now they've added "Slim" to their group. Great.

I think I know what season 2 will be about: Breaking LJ out of wherever he ends up...which could be Foxriver. I guess if he did end up there the show would be able to reuse a lot of the first seasons characters (Pope, Doctor, Bull[?], all the minor inmates). Be kind of lame though. Breaking out of Foxriver...again. Whee.

If the writers plan to move on from that are we just going to say goodbye to some pretty big characters (the Doctor is probably the largest but I don't really see how she could end up with Scofield). Have to wait and see.


Alias is back and hopefully dying soon. As soon as it went "main stream" (I think it was half way through season two) it's gone from bad to worse. Not that it was ever omgomg great but it was decent. Now I only watch it out of inertia. When it became the Bennifer Baby show it was obviously going to be cancelled ("No, I can still be a supersexy, superspy while I'm pregnant!" Uh, huh). Shame to say goodbye to Rachel Nichols :(


Donkament Redux

Played some more low stakes donkaments. Got a 3rd ($64), a 5th ($8), and a nowhere. The $64 was for a $2+$0.20 or so which I thought was a pretty good ROI. The $8 was a shitty booby prize (top 4 all got seats at a bigger donkament) but I probably couldn't have fit the main one into my schedule anyway (early morning on a workday). The $64 was a booby prize too but a much better one.

I was right in guessing that having the VMWare image on a reiser4 partition was the issue. Moved it to an XFS one and everything is dandy on 2.6.16-archck2.

Another "bot" thread on 2p2 and another idiot saying how a) he'd love to sit at a table with them (and rape them with his mad skillz) and b) that they will never be a problem for an experienced player. a) lol and b) keep up the wishful thinking, shall we?

Even if the majority of them are very weak, as I believe they are right now, they're still taking money from the fish that would otherwise have gone to bros or to other fish. It's like when a fish cracks my AA and then good player stacks him with a set. Do I expect to see the money that I lost come back from the good player now? No, of course not. If he's as good or better than me I have little expectation of winning against him.

Oh, but bots are exploitable! Well, maybe they are now but before long they'll be as good as an average multi-tabling 2p2er with PT+HUD. Then you have no choice but to avoid them (and they you, of course) but they'll still be there taking money from the fish on hundreds of tables 24/7. Which is a pretty bleak future for online pros or aspiring online pros.

The solution, and you're not going to like this, one table per verified account (passport number or whatever, like party). This protects the fish but of course kills the 2p2ers as well as the bots. IDK, the only alternative I can see is trusted computing, which raises a lot more problems.



WTF is up with Leilahs stomach in the third panel? Her body is severly misdrawn there.

Look for tables where $(avgpot) approaches buyin. Find two 50NL tables with $40+ ones. Sit at another 100NL table with a ~$50 average.

Always the fucking same. KK v. AQs. He flops a flush draw, I have only an overpair. Boom, turn's a flush. GG. Every goddamn time. And I misplayed it to boot by betting insteading of checking behind AND by not raising the flop enough. Motherfucker.


Sit down at 25NL. After a few hands I think "WTF am I doing here?" and prepare to leave. Unfortunately at one table I get dealt QQ. Push maniac pushes with JJ, I push to isolate, AA calls. I turned a Queen but he rivered an Ace so...No, not a bad beat, I made a hugely -EV play thinking it was slightly +EV...which is standard for me.

Still sick. Eyes are red as fuck in the morning. Had to sleep with my head upright.

Fucksake. AQo, TP but I'm sure one of these monkeys is chasing a flush. I bet flop & turn, river completes the flush, chasing muppet checks and I check behind. Well done, 0 money in when you got there.

24o out of blind. Flop bottom two. Woot, play it fast but turn & river are Tens. Doh. Fortunately a pair of fours is goot.

Played ~150 hands, zero sets. I'm not quitting until I hit one...woot, hit middle set with 99 and everyone folded. Yesh!

Probably BEP minus the QQ v. AA buyin. Lunch.



Played a $10+$1 satellite today for a change of pace. Kind of fun. I doubled early by raising 99 UTG+1 (not standard) and hitting top set. Bet pot, pushed flush turn. AKo no good, although if he had a club he'd have sucked out on me when the 4th one fell. Got AA but no action. Ran into trouble with 88 by bluffing at a turned King. Ended up having to make a move with AJo. Got called by ATs so 70/30 favourite until he flops a Ten. 107th, wee.

Played about 100 hands of ring. Biggest hand I was dealt was QQ which took down some dead money. That was offset by KJo hitting TP3K on a monotone flop. Slowplayed nut flush extracted some value when the 4th heart fell on the river and I improved to the 3rd nut flush.


Eh, try another donkament. Haven't played a hand and my stack's at 945 with the BB at 150. I get dealt AA in LP, I push and I'm called in 3 places by Ax and KT. Board ends up something like QJT9x and KT wins. Some dumb crap like that. Rebuy? No, thanks. I've made hugely +EV decisions in these donkaments and been bad beated. Standard.

Meh, overextended myself with 99. Raised from the CO, called by the button. Flop 86x two hearts, undercards. I bet $9, raised to $20. I call :( Turn's a Queen, I check, he bets $40, I push. He calls with QJ of hearts. I put him on either a draw or a set, and I figured calling flop, check/raising turn was the way to extract the most from a draw. I couldn't put him on a Queen. Damnit. Standard 3 outer, put it all in when behind. I wasn't deep enough to have any FE either. Fucksake.

So, um, dropped a buy-in there, and I'm down two buy-ins overall this month.

I've tried. I've tried everything but suicide...Just a thought.


Mucopurulent discharge

Still sick. Horrendous amounts of 'sleep' (mucopurulent discharge) around both eyes this morning. Yesterday it was only the left eye that was bad. Sick of being sick.

Maybe I'll blame it on the aliens. It's weird, in the light of day there is litterally nothing where that light was. Either someone was out in copse of trees with some sort of beacon, or in the field to their right. Either someone was dicking about last night with an emergency beacon on a helicopter (although I heard no noise) or it's something far more unusual.

bindkey -e for the win. I love ZLE.

Films I will watch for one reason or another:

  1. April 21, 2006 The Sentinel: Meh, Kiefer film, might be good.
  2. April 21, 2006 Silent Hill: Never played the game but I've read positive offhand comments about it. Radha Mitchell has impressed me since Pitch Black.
  3. May 26, 2006 X-Men 3.
  4. July 7, 2006 PotC 2: Highly looking forward to this as I'm sure a lot of people are.
  5. July 7, 2006 A Scanner Darkly: Could be brilliant or could be awful. Have to see. Either way, I predict a poor box office taking.

Some more things I'll probably watch (MI3, Clerks 2, DOA, F&F) but mostly because I'm a glutton for punishment.



I think I may have seen a UFO? Freaky orange star, maybe a mile or less away that remained stationary and displayed different patterns. Obvious answer is: It's a car, since there's a road in that direction. Okay, but I saw a car's headlights moving down that road while this was going on. Different direction, no where near as bright. It could be a tricky reflection of some sort but I don't think so. I could also be having some sort of hallucination but...it's not that late and I haven't taken too many substances (cough medicine and a few sips of wine).

I honestly don't know what to think. When I was 14 I believed in crap like this (the Xfiles was in vogue). Now I don't but I've seen something that I'm hard pressed to explain.

I grabbed my Kabar tanto and took a look outside after the light show had ended but couldn't see or hear anything.




Yep, Amazon screwed me now. Placed two orders then went to combine them but it was so long since I've used amazon that they had my old card details. No problem, just delete the old ones and add the new one. Yeah, great. That works for one order but I can't see the card for the other one. Says to try back later. I do that. Can no longer combine the orders because the first one is "complete". Pff, P&P^2

Ugh, tables suck tonight. Well, I've found a few fish but they quickly get stacked and then the tables all unimaginative TAGs. Sinusoidal indeed. Folded AK to a single raise earlier (...?!), probably for the best since PFR went nutso on 9-high flop. Then there was another guy who C/R all-in on a K4T after raising preflop. Top set, maybe? What a dumb way to play it, if so. Oh, and these are the "TAGs", or what passes for them.

Trying to work on my image so I prepared to b3b all-in with TPGK+FD holding JTs (paired the Ten) in a raised pot. I tend to not call PFRs with SCs but with 3 already in and me closing I thought I might as well. Donk bet, I raised to full pot, all folds. If someone had just called instead of raising or folding I would have been in bad shape.

Think I need to upgrade. VMware is running slow as shit with just two tables. Of course, there's other resource drains on the host but that's the main culprit. Speaking of techbits, bought a Linksys PCI card to make a wifi repeater/tune box for work. Reminds me I have to order a phono cable to wire into the POS stereo. Spanner put something through it before he left.

DIE SS! Catch 88 as I'm winding down the session. Awesome, see a flop, make a set, drag a pot (or make some Skalansky's). No. Huge family pot and fucker in the BB raises 1/5th his effective stack. Fuck and you. Ha. Pick up JJ in the SB, if he does that shit again I'm putting him all-in. Nope, see a KQ8 flop. Jacks no good, unless I can make him lay Aces (possible but doubtful). Ah, there's a better flop for hooks, QQJr. Meh.

Totally breakeven. Only because of 4 hands: 44, 87s, AQo, JTs. 44: Checked down, 44 wins? AQo: TP2K and no one wants to bad beat me or call with a worse Ace. 87s: TP + gutshot + FD, I want to go all-in but no one raises...or calls. JTs: Raised pot, pair + FD.

Player who I saw with a seven buy-in stack is only 0.5PTBB/100 (over 179 hands). The other guy who had a 3 buyin stack next to him is a -24.39PTBB/100 (over 155 hands).

Looking at my own stats this month is pretty shitty too. I know I say this everytime but maybe nutpeddling isn't a winning strategy. Yeah, small sample but it's still depressing, thought I was doing okay. I guess not.


I hope he made her watch


Evelyn Martin's idiot daughter got the both killed after Jack rescued them. Stupid little bitch. Making her mom struggle across the motel room with a bullet wound. Selfish little snot rag. I hope Henderson made her watch him cap her mom. Shouting "This is your fault, bitch!" is optional.

Aaron is in a tough spot knowing that the President is behind everything that happened, and having a duty to protect him. VP is about the only one he can go to at the resort. Mrs Logan seems to be useless now.

Bank manager was unexpectedly cool. "Wow, you're Wayne Palmer, OMGOMG". It was obvious he was going to die if he left the bank with Jack and Wayne.

Sec. of Defense Heller is a great character/actor and it's good to see him return. He and the VP are going to be crucial in bringing Logan down. It looks like they want to go the legal route rather than assassination but we'll see.

Oh, and the James Bond incidental rift was cool. And Chole owns.


Took a sick day today, even though I wasn't feeling that bad. Makes up for going in yesterday when I felt like death just because I knew I had a lot of work to do.

Playing some pokar. Best hand I've made was Nine' full of Tens but that didn't get paid off because of a flush turn and I guess the guy thought I hit my draw. Bah. Later on he got stacked by someone else with Nine's full of Tens.

Eff pacfic. Crappy software keeps sitting me out and, of course, everytime you sit back in you have to post. Coindidence?

Easy to see which players to avoid on pacific now I've finally installed the new software. Just make a "sMTT" note on them and avoid.

Slept. Showered. Watched Prison Break 117 then 24. PB was excellent. LJ is retarted. Now the whole family is in fucking prison and he didn't even tell Veronica about what he found in the well. Kellerman/Kraverki(sp?) is interesting...Buffalo jerky salesman cover? Lara Flynn Boyle is a decent guest actress. Haywire, eh? Tweener's going to be getting it in the ass. Sucre came through. I can't believe Bull (forgot his name) actually bought the panty story.

Watched a lot of YouTube shit since the movies actually work for me now. Urban Ninja is awesome. Guys site is jonathanphan.com. The Ronaldinho advert is amazing, even if faked.

God I've made some good calls today but they've all been split pots. E.g. I have JTs or somesuch in the BB, flop JJx. I lead, LP calls. I lead turn, he makes nutso raise. I call. I C/C river, and he has JT too. Then, turned a pair with AJ on a QxxJ board. Guy bets, I call, guy bets river, I call. Guy has AJ. Nice reads!

Still unhappy about hitting FH against fish and then him not stacking off to me, but stacking off later to someone else with the exact same hand. Grr.

I still don't "get" FF but Rikku is hot. The intro to FFX-2 was on YouTube and I really don't understand why the heroine is a pop star...?

This was supposed to be online yesterday but, eh, I guess they slipped behind. Watched some of their videos on google and it's all about urban football (soccer) in Holland. Some sick skills on display.

Poker: I seemed to have tightened up considerably but maybe that's not such a good thing. Considering only playing Broadways if they're suited since I'm not really playing for high card value. Stopped playing SCs so much. Kind of a shame since straights and flushes are perfect weapons to stack opponents with. Just watched 3 way all-in with set vs. flush vs. fishes pair of eights (he was calling their bluffs!). Set guy is kind of annoyed at being drawn out on. Didn't watch the whole hand but I don't think he gave the guy odds to draw.

Christina still sexy.

Poker: Yep, tighter but only running at 6.5BB/100 over the last 3 days. Meh.

Stir frying frozen instant crap is a nightmare. Bits all over the place, kept getting spit at, burned my fingers, and the whole thing tasted like shit. At least it's cheap.


Fell at the first fence

Eh, bet £10 on the National and my horse didn't make it over the first fence. Standard.

Meh, guess it wasn't a longshot for nothing. Glad I didn't bet on the two favourites I was considering...or "Jack High".

P-p-poker. Wow, fuck poker. I misplayed Aces once by going for a LRR, missing, then paying off a shortstacks flopped two pair that improved to a full house ("hey, the board pairing is good for my overpair as it hurts his two pair hands...oh, snap"). My Hiltons ran into what looked like quad Tens. Of course, he could have had a smaller FH but probably not. End of story: WtSD=14%, W$SD=0%, -29BB/100. VPIP is still too high (14%), I need to fold crap like ATo more often. One set (AA) but that didn't get action. Kind of hoping for set over set in my favour there but no luck.

What really pisses me off is this isn't the usual suckouts it's bad play. Continuely making -EV plays adds up and costs me, and I don't suckout enough when behind. I'm not playing standard TAG and I'm not nutpeddling correctly so I'm hit with the worst from both worlds. WtSD should be low but W$SD should be stupidly high. ARR.

Melissa Theuriau, enjoy.

Oh yeah, the two 2.6.16 kernel patchsets I tried (beyond1 & archck2) both royally fucked up VMware. Probably a reiser4 thing.

Played another poker session and managed to recover half of my losses from yesterday at one table. At the other it was the same old story (never hit a flop). Big pots: AA flops set against calling stations KQo. QQ on an Ace high flop. I was playing QQ for set value but villains (who had raised, then reraised preflop) showed that they were afraid of the Ace. I'm pretty sure the reraiser had JJ since KK would have probably called my river value bet.

Pretty fly for a fly guy!

Seems ROW beat the USA in the SSNL donkament. I have to play HU sometime. Pretty sure I'll lose (having never played HU before) but meh.

Rewatched HSPe12. Greenstein's set of ducks amuses me endlessly. After Phil semi-bluffs at the pot then Barry raises $25K straight Daniel and Antonio start cracking up. It's so obvious Greenstein probably has a hand and yet Phil bluff calls. Then Buss' comment: "He sounds like a rapper", LOL. King of the donkamentsis being destroyed at that table.

Chan: Good luck, gentlemen...and lady...[notices dealer] ladies.
Greenstien: That's no lady, that's Jennifer!


I feel like shit today. Was coming down with flu anyway and getting my nose busted doesn't help. Throat is rough as fuck and I'm choking down phelm.

Sweet Sophie, man, I think I need to go to Budapest on holiday. Fuck Vegas. East European women for teh win.

Mmm, Shana Hiatt.



Litterally took a bad beat today when a steel bar fell and hit me in the face. Yes, that's how good I run (and I think I can play a game of chance for a living. Ha!). Bar's 50x50x2.5 wall, about 3m long and weighs about 12kg. I'm ~6'1" (1.85m) and the thing pivoted from upright to glance my cheek and bust my nose. I was going to try and work out what sort of force it hit me with but then I realised a) I don't remember enough physics to do that, even roughly and b) I don't care.

Wait, I googled. 2KN+ of force. Owie.

Sooo, blood everywhere. Little difficulty breathing because of the dried blood in my nose. It is possibly broken (linear fracture) and therefore crooked but of course the NHS doctor did not care so long as I can breathe.

Cull before the storm

More beauftiful killing machines.




Pete & Re-Pete


Wow. I don't think I commented on last weeks episode but it was spectacular. Jack gets pissed off and the crisis gets solved in 30 minutes or less. What an emotionally supercharged 40 minutes of drama that was. Awesome stuff, and overall this season seems to be second only to the very first. Season two was good (discounting all the Kim storylines...grizzlies...) but three and four were lackluster (with four being pretty goddamn terrible with some highlights).

And then the final seconds of 5x16. BOOM! The lovable/hatable pansy makes his final (?) flip-flop. I always thought that his character was meant to be Nixonesque. Question now is: What will Jack & co. do? Is this going to end in assassination, public or otherwise? I can quite see Martha Logan joining the counter-conspiracy eventually, afterall, he was going to kill her for what looks like no reason at all.

Prison Break

1x16 good, 1x15 not so good. Probably because I watched the screener version of 15 but it seemed piss poor. Then again anything following 14 is going to look abysmal...especially if it's VHS with a lot of audio "placers".

Backstories for the inmates as told in 16 was interesting. Teddy is a majorly creepy fuck, and Sucre is going to kill Hector when he finds out. Plus the whole origins of the Linc (apparent lowlife)/Michael (success story) dichotomy. Those were all highlights. The VP & brother thing was weak (although the fact that he has dentures was a nice link back to the exhumation in 15), so was the Dr. Tancredi morhpine addict crap.


Nothing fishier than redepositing. Blah, blah, short roll, high ROR, blah, blargh. Fact of the matter is by playing weak-tight, low variance (ha!) counterplay I'm bleeding money between high equity flops. Standard TAG play can pick up money between flopping monsters or monster draws by, um, playing poker. As it is...I'm paying money to see flops cheap with "speculative" premium hands, missing and folding. Or I'm in cheap and up against all sorts of crap. True, people can still pair their crappy kicker in a raised pot but, more likely, they're going to be dominated and lose. Or the cbet will fold people on the flop. So I know I'm leaving money on the table between flops where I get it all-in with 80%+ equity, and then I lose those pots too and BUSTO.

Also, while dooberry's call to river with OESD was wrong it wasn't that bad. Had the turn in that hand not completed an obvious draw, he would have checked it to me and I would have severly shortened his odds (of course, that player would have called anyway). Flop was K87 (two hearts), I hold 77, dooberry holds 69s (iirc, could have been unsuited but it wasn't 69 hearts). I round the pot up to the nearest dollar and bet $5 or so. Turn is the Queen of hearts and I only bet $8 into $13, ready to release if he wants to raise his flush. Calling with 8 outs here is pretty marginal but if he can get me to call his push or put him all in it's just about okay. Also, the slightly disguised nature of his straight helped him here. If the river was a 9 or a 6 there is substantially less chance that I'm paying him off than if the board is xx78T w/ 3 to the flush. I think my river bet was more of a bluff after I decided that he didn't have the flush after his turn action. Good read but I put him on two pair at most but more likely TP and didn't see how the river changed anything. Me-eh.



Imagine how it would be to be at the top making cash money...

Went to the dentist today and god did it hurt. I don't know if she was impacting the nerve with the drill or what but I haven't experienced that much pain in the chair for awhile. Possibly the anesthetic hadn't kicked in fully but my word was it excruciating. Of course, I remained stoic even though I felt I might black out. Slow drill was the worst. Ugh.

Think I may have identified a leak. VP$IP too high! Dunno, I'll have to watch myself on that. Folding more from EP would be good, calling less raises would be great. Oops, tried bluffing what turned out to be a calling station on two streets...who had the same hand I did (KJo). Maybe I should have fired the third shell.

All this weak-tightness in the name of avoiding variance and increasing winnings. So far, not so good.

Jesus, fucking, christ. I just folded KK preflop with no action in front of me. WTF is wrong with me. BAD misclick. BAD. Well, that's one way to get VP$IP down...

Typical, fucking typical. Flop a set, cunt rivers a straight. Flush draw on the turn. That's how good I run.

Reraise UTG with QQ, button cold calls which worries me. BUT! I flop top set, bet pot, button pushes on a QT7 board. I instacall with glee. Turn: Ace. I already know that I'm dead at this point. Either villain hit their two outer, or will do, or...River: Jack. Yup. KK. NOTHING FUNNER.

I guess all-in with 85% equity just isn't good enough. I did fail to scream "PAIR THE BOARD" so that was a tactical error.



Poker not so good today. AA minraises UTG and I call with AQs. Unfortunately, I hit my Queen and end up paying off $15. If I'd have hit an Ace, chances are I could have folded before the river. Very next hand I limped 77 and duder raises to $8. Of course I call and miss. Maybe it looks good for table image.

Maybe I need to stop calling raises with AQ. Accidently called EP raise with AQo and hit an Ace. Folded on the flop :(

No sets today so far...did hit a monster draw (OESD+FD) that I was prepared to go all-in with but everyone folded. Called UTG raise with JJ and had an overpair but I let it go. Too weak, probably, but I've lost so much already today. I really don't see how. Some bad calls, bad call down vs. AA. And that's it. Yet it adds up to about 50bb.

I decide to fold ATo preflop and of course would have flopped top two.

Final damage: -$51.60. Biggest loser: AQs -$16 (AA call down). All the rest are PP that didn't hit, including JJ (3 times) & TT (once). Playing JJ/TT for set value is kind of weak tight, I guess. Not sure if my overpair hand was good or not. I could have raised him to find out where I'm at. Should have raised...

Would have been nice to have hit a flop to some significant degree but that's just not the way I roll. I only managed to steal 3 pots. One I wanted to go all-in with. Meh.


OMG!!! Ponies!!!

Hmm, won tiny amount over a tiny sample of hands at 100NL. Looking at my biggest losers I see 33 and AJo. One of the those 33's would have been overset (KK) had I seen the flop with it so thank god aggro bitch pushed me out preflop by going all-in with A7o. Wow, looking at the HH now board was 3h, Kh, 4s, 6d, 2h. Someone folded J7s (hearts), someone else folded 44, and someone had JJ. Would have been set over set over set losing to the flush.

Won big with QQ by reraising from the BB and flopping a set. I bet half pot on the flop, guy obligingly minraises me leaving $3 behind. I push and he...folds. LOL? Not that I mind, I'm sure he'd have got runner runner Jacks if he'd have called. Shame he was a short stack.

Shortly after I get AJo in LP. Flop is Tc, Jh, 2c. Two people bet before it gets to me. I raise 3x their half pot bets, SS from QQ hand pushes, other guy calls, and I fold. SS shows 22, called shows Q9s (clubs). Flush draw wins and I lost the minimum.

Disappointed that I only ran at 7.2BB/100 for that stretch. Thought after QQ hand that I was up way more. Things to take from this session? AJo is crap.

bad_ip runs goot.

Finally watched V for Vendetta...meh, good but not great. Portman looks nice but her accent is a bit off.