
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


First post

I am in shock, obviously. I just don't understand how things can change so quickly. Tacked on to a "Port Security" bill as well, nh. How will this affect the games? Kill them, no doubt. I mean, there's always Prima...but there are substantially less euro fish than Americans. Besides, everything about Prima sucks so I will quit before I go back to playing on there.

Everything about poker seems muted now. What's the point in discussing strategy and theory when online poker is dead? Makes this blog even more redundant than normal (not that anyone reads it).

Some very nice "Well" threads in SSNL recent. TheBruiser (UMASS, Amherst. Wow.), Aba, cts, and El D.

I've only read the two that I linked. Very interesting though, and highly meaningless now. Aba's winrate before the fall:

He says he's coaching/staking a SSNLer from $50NL -> $2kNL, currently at $400NL. For free. Wow, pick me next! Only, there will be no games...

Um, thinking about poker makes me sick right now. Woke up at 5:30pm after going to bed at 10am. Felt pretty ill. Pissed around a bit, watched Crank. That film is hilarious. Jason is pretty awesome, badguy is okay, Amy Smart is hot, and the action is retarded but stimulating. It's like an extended advert for Red Bull.

So, I will hit the tables up shortly. 4 tables max! Or, um, 6. 2 FT, X party. Hopefully I busto on FT. No, in fact, I'd rather not. My expectation on FT seems to be abysmal so an excuse to stop playing there wouldn't be so bad. Two trout per fucking table might be part of that. Not that I have anyone to blame but myself, really. The KK hand where I put all my money in drawing almost dead was ugly...but I'd play it the same almost every time. Fish raises, solid reraises to isolate, I call to keep the fish in the hand, fish calls with his K5s and flops the second nuts. Against fishes range (TP, maybe middle pairs, any overpair, FDs) c/r all-in is 'correct'. I have great equity against his calling range there. However, obviously, he can be in a reraised pot with any two cards so I will run into sets, two pair, and flopped-fucking-flushes as well. I'm not too concerned about that. What I am concerned with is NEVER winning pots that go past the flop on FT. So, obviously, I'm winning tiny pots and losing anything larger. Which makes you real broke, real fast.


"Why does my monitor have 1/2/3 faint horizontal lines on it?" It's got wires, coming out...

In other words, I got my 21" Trinitron. 3840x1440 is hot. Seems to be a few marks on the screen but I haven't tried anything more than a spit and a polish to get them out.

2300-0500 pokering. I managed to stay up this time. Seriously, fuck Full Tilt. Absolutely nothing happening there. KK in the SB, raise and a 3bet to me so I smoothcall. Flop monotone diamonds, I check, opener leads $65 for pot, leaving $100 behind. I've been folding everything all night on FT, including JJ on a similar flop. Fuck it, I can beat a lot of his range, call. K5dd. Are you fucking kidding me? The one time the nitwit has a hand it's against me and I have no redraw. For his next tricks he calls all-in with a gutshot and misses. And then he loses the last of it calling all-in with bottom pair.

Plus losing every hand I play on there. It's like I just do not know how to win. I'm tempted to drop down to 50NL and grind out the rest of the bonus and then never playing on there again. But I probably won't. Probably.

Party is a completely different story. Looking relatively robutso there. Sure, I folded incorrectly a few times, but most of my hands were played correctly. Made some draws. Got some action on my sets. Don't recall actually getting action on QQ+ but whatever. Still a decent streak. I am still using tilt blocker but I know it's +4 or so buyins. FT, OTOH, is -2 buyins. One buyin I mentioned. The other I lost QQ to a pair + straight draw for 50BB and every other time I was either winning a tiny pot or losing a medium one.

Oh, fuck. Well, that's the end of that. Time to eat a bullet. Fuck me to tears.

Anyway...MILF? Kate Beckinsale is super hot. A shame most of her films absolutely suck. Underworld was pretty good but other than that...

Damn right, Beyonce shouldn't have won. ALBA!!! Biel, or Longoria. I mean goddamn:

Hot chicks make me forget that online poker died today.


Back to back

AA back to back, BB and SB. Eh, eh. It holds up both times. Prior to that, however, different fish catches two pair on the river to best my ATo and I pay off his PSB. Very, very meh hands on FT. No one folds to cbets anymore? Even when they have a stat showing that they fold to cbets 75% of the time, they don't fold to my cbets. Either that or they're catching TP+ every fucking time. Which is possible.

Whatever. Played fewer hands, hit one set, of course he had TP -- because what else can anyone hope to flop when I raise? -- and he turned trips. All over. Different hand, I feel compelled to call UTG's $10 raise with 55 from the BB. I know from his slightly bigger open and smallish flop bet on an Ace-high flop that he has TT-KK. I know exactly what he has. I know he's scared of the Ace and yet I just check/fold. This is the kind of crap I was talking about. I think a check/raise or call/lead can get him to fold. Maybe. One of the reasons I decided not to run a bluff was his super high aggression factor. I doubt he folds without a fight. A costly fight. I won a pot off my 3 outer fish when he raised UTG with T9o and there were 5 to the flop. My A4s wins at SD after no further bets go in. Next best hand was 87s.

Ordered a pci card and a couple of these. Building a hydra (21", 22", 19", & 19"), need a new desk.

If I want to make a tetris 'T' shape (.:.), I'll have to make alterations. I have a wall bracket that houses a 14" TV that I have never used. Would need to reposition it but I have a friend who's a joiner so...I'd also have to get a side table for the right most monitor. Or I just get a better desk. Maybe a Gallant. Jerker's are standard, and cheaper. OR I get my joiner friend to knock up a corner desk for considerably less. I think the last option is best. It'll fit perfectly into the corner, give me a shit load of desk top space. I probably will just make do for now.

Um, don't know how useful a 4-head system would be, either, but it's worth testing. Of course, xinerama is no goot for 3d stuff so...


Good idea

Reply to: pers-200834521@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-08-30, 4:05PM GMT/BST

Hi further to some helpful advice from a previous posting, I am seeking sex in a hotel suite with a world-famous singer (or any other celebrity) for that matter. I am very interesting, but unfortunately I haven't included a photo of my cock. Please get in touch and thanks.

* this is in or around anywhere, I'm not fussy

I also like the guy who alleges to have never cum from getting a blowjob and is going to give a £50 prize to the girl that can get him to orgasm from one. Thinly veiled indeed.

"THAT'S EUROPEAN GOLDFINCH DOT NET." Plug the Prison Break ARG a little harder, eh? I've never been one to get involved in those things but we'll see. Doesn't look good so far.

Dear god, it took almost 19 hours to cluster my database. Maybe I have no idea how to configure pgsql but that is ridiculous. See, I have no idea if that's a memory bound thing, a cpu bound thing, or I just have a very bad configuration (it's close to default). And now I'm importing 'big' blocks of datamined hands. Looks like I'm going to be flying without stats again tonight if I choose to play.

Not only but also, the Prison Break -lol dvd that I downloaded is broken beyond repair (I have had no luck converting and imaging xvids into DVDs). Big time busto. Redownloading the busto RARs from giganews and hopefully I'll have sufficient par2s to fix anything.

I was also planning on dropping to 50NL to work on my game...a lot. Cero_z has disappointed me rather since he said he would like to schedule another lesson but hasn't done so. Please, sir, can I give you $200? It's not about the money, though really. Also, Nick pissed me off slightly. "Hey, send me an email" so I send him a short email. He comes back with a shorter response asking about my interest in tennis and poker. I reply honestly and he blanks me. OKAY. I suck at social interaction as much as I do the real thing, I guess. Or perhaps it's because I am not a poker god but a low level grinder that he won't speak to me. Whatever. I wasn't expecting to be busom buddies but why be solicitous if you have no intent of following through? Not that I'm upset particularly, more slightly chargrined. He hasn't updated his blog either so perhaps that real life thing is getting in the way? Oh, the humanity.

Um, anyway, tangents aside...work on my game. I shouldn't even be typing this drivel (I am multitasking; downloading porn/downloading uncorrupted rars/waiting for PP to finsh importing), I should be re-reading P. Gordon's LGB. I have re-read NLTAP a few times. Maybe I'll get more out of it this time through. Bottomline: More hands + more aggression = more profit. And when I say more aggression, I do not mean indescriminate aggression. Oh, I have AKo, let's 3bet; let's push. I mean, hmm, I have JTs OTB against someone with a wide opening range who will play predictably in a reraised pot, let's 3bet. Hmm, I have xx in the BB against a raise and two calls. I don't think I can call profitably, let's 3bet because if I don't steal it preflop, my hand may hit the flop hard enough to win at showdown. Hmm, I have xx in the BB against a bunch of limpers, if I check it I will hit no flop, let's steal. Basic, simple, plays that I don't make. Why don't I make them? Because the money matters, sad to say. Which is an awful mindset for a poker player. Chips are tools and I should look to play the best poker...and that will make me the most money. I fold to big bets without big hands. I am still pretty weaktight which means my turn and river play aren't good. This is devasting to a NL player because mistakes on these streets cost the most, and conversely, this is where a good player hopes to make the most. It's all very well to flop something and B3B allin. Yeah, that's 'fun' and easy, however, it's not the be all and end all of poker. I need to be able to read my opponents better. Not just their cards either. For instance, there's a regular on FT who must be 2p2. Playing against a 'fish' QT5r flop (or something). Fish bets his Ten weakly throughout the hand and regular is being aggro and ends up pushing/overbetting on the river. And fish calls and stacks regular's Ace-high. Regular then of course berates the fish but he just got owned, IMO. Fish telegraphed what he had, fish knew that regular knew what he had and regular pushed, so fish had a clear, albeit expensive, call. I mean, if I can play my opponents perfectly like that I could destroy the games.

So, I want to play better on the later streets. If I can't, I might as well buy-in for 50BBs. Which is always an option.

Hmm, so...more thinking. I earn 20PTBB per day, on average working my 9-5. Which is sucky. That's 500 hands at a solid 4PTBB/100. Key there being solid. I need to be 100% solid. I cannot be making calls I know I shouldn't, I cannot be making folds I know I shouldn't. I need to be constantly playing for +EV in every situation.

Anyway, part of all that moving way down to become bulletproof solid was to not only become, well, bulletproof, but to improve my ergonomics. Currently I play however many tables I can fit on my 1920x1440 22" right hand monitor. That's normally 4-6. FT tables, of course, don't resize so are a real pain in the ass. The alternative is to switch to nvidia's twinview and have 3200x1200 across left and right. I need to practice that with 4-6 tables and then add more. I think 6 party tables do fit into 1600x1200 reasonably well. It sucks that I can't have vmware windows running two separate screens at two different resolutions. Meh.

Real life. There are stray kittens near the building at work. Really cute. One had a damaged back leg but guy took it to the vet. Hopefully it will be alright. Another guy fucked up his left hand, quite similar to my injury. However, the way he did it was kind of tame. Snagged the back of it on some shelving. Still, looked nasty. Said he had 4 stitches and nearly had ligament damage. Sounds familiar. He came back into work the next day. Uh, huh. Brown nose much? Whatever, I hope he gets better soon.



God. What is it with these muppets? How can they never make a delivery to a freaking business address? No, they fuck it up and leave me voicemails. Last one threatening return to sender. Turn up 9-5/mon-fri. Make delivery. What a freaking concept. elseif fail the first time, try again...see, it's a business. People are there all the time. If you turned up when it was closed, come back the next day at ~9am. YOU FREAKING MORANS.

However, I should have checked my messages sooner.

Haven't played fuck all tonight. Been clusterfscking the DB. However, did just play 33 on FT. Muppet opens for 6BB which seems to be his standard open (done it twice). Is he doing this with pairs? Has he read NLTAP? Or is he just stupid? Anyway, call with treys. Monotone diamonds but one's a trey. He checks, I bet $20 into $25. Everytime I do this with air they checkraise me. Everytime. But no, he folds because I have a set. Oh, and then that was bullshit. Get AA UTG, raise, everyone folds. Hooray.

Oh, comeon. pg_ctl restart doesn't restart it with TCP connections enabled. No, of course not. Can't fucking do that. clusterfuck is still going and taking forever.

Bought another monitor. 21" Triniton. Now I have two 19" 1451's that I don't need.

Manchester causual girls. I am betting those with pics are actual whores. "so what i get naked on webcam. SO THE FUCK WHAT! I use to strip, that was 10 times worse. I enjoy showing off and do it a lot for fun not for money but have to pay the bills." I'm actually not judging her but I doubt she's real. Why would a camwhore need to post on craigslist? Seems like there's a whole advertising campaign going on there. There's probably one real w4m post there but I can't find it.


25 seconds to respond

Just before I turn in I thought I'd finish my thoughts on the AQ v. KJ hand. I think I've finally worked out what I should have done. Call the flop minraise, check/fold the turn. Why? He's passive. When he turned A6 into two pair to beat my flopped bottom two he bet ~1/2 pot or something. He limped A6 preflop. No stats but, yeah, he's loose passive. Might even be a fold to the flop minraise but whatever. Turn, he bets $30 into $75 on a blank after I check, leaving only $55 behind in a large pot if I call. That's a made hand he wants to get all-in with. Whether KQ is part of his range is debatable. Probably not. With KK and AA I should go broke since he can have AQ. Anywho, I think I should fold the turn to his weak bet. Meh. It's taken me a lot longer to work that out than 25 seconds.

Tilt Blocker

Eh, might help. If only I don't go busto without watching.

FTbuddlist.ahk looks cool too.

I checked my balance and I managed to give back 1.5 buyins on PP today...and, honestly, I have no idea how. The only big hands I remember were against the SS. There was one hand when my cbet got minraised in big pot. One hand where I played JJ like shit out of the SB. That's about it.

I turned one set on PP which I mentioned before but of course he was 'just testing' with his flop call. Perhaps I should have bet less on the turn and let him draw dead cheaper.

I did hit a few sets on FT. At least one I remember hitting AA2 with ducks. I check flop from the BB, checked around, I bet turn, everyone folds. Yay for limped pots.

IDK, I thought I was playing the same as the other day but the results are very, very different. Everytime I induced a bluff and called, they had the nuts, etc.

Started reading Casino Royale. Just for something to do.

Blinds are -EV

Here's why: Everytime I flop a BB special (two pair of trips) I get outdrawn. Just now, T5o flop bottom two on A JT5s flop. I bet flop, and turn but river is another Jack. I should realise now that I have a pair of fucking tens and should check. For some reason, though, I think I have a full house and valuebet. KJ, of course, calls. So that was fun. Great way to waste $30 by misreading my effing hand (I'm not taking into account the money I lost pumping the pot while ahead, either).

Um. Turned a FH with 22 which was HOT. Having the calling station then fold (he's calling on a Q33hh flop but folding when the deuce of clubs falls, wtf) is not.

Um, are you fucking kidding me? AKs OTB, raise a limper Qxxss flop. Limper bets into me weakly, I call. Turn offsuit King, bets weakly again, I call again intending to snap off a busted FD or fold if another spade falls. Board is 78QK9 on the river and he bets $35 into $45 or something. There's my bluff! Call, JT good. Sonofabitch. Okay, I should have raised the turn but he calls anyway so what's the fucking point.

Cannot seem to catch half a hand today. AA in the SB, raise and get one limp called. Q77r flop. Bet $25, fold. Yes, fold your fucking shortstack. Because when I do the same thing with AK in position on a Q77hh flop you fucking push, don't you? You fucking little bastards.

I love looking around the tables and seeing 2x/1x/3+'s with under a 1000 hands running at 30-40PTBB/100. Yes, run hot you fucking cunts. Why not? Fucking douchebags.

Oh god, fucking whatever. I fold bottom two correctly since it turns out fish hit top two on the turn. Then I get AQ on a stupidly co-ordinated flop QT9. Yes, fishy shortstack flopped the fucking joint with KJ and I double him for $100. BASTARD. There's no real excuses for that. I called his flop minraise with the intent of folding to future betting...but then he bets 1/3 pot on the turn. And I call. And then he bets $55 on the river into $120 pot. Can he have a busted draw? Can he fuck. That can't be QJ. Not today.

OTOH, raised 44, 66, fold ATs, get AA. Guy on my left was coldcalling/folding flop against me and was getting sick of it. Decided to take a stand with TP2K (KJ). Board went to shit (4 card straight, for a change) otherwise I get more value. BASTARD. This was on FT.

Don't even want to check balance. Have a feeling I'm down a buyin on PP. No action when ahead today. Thanks!

Watching Talladega Nights. Pretty funny. His wife is hot stuff. French guy is hilarious. Quality is pretty shitty.



It's funny how many people call this film 'hostile'. Effing tards. Watching now. 48 of 130mins. Good so far. I love the sex and nudity. Not so hot on the 'surgery'. I am not going to Bratislava. Okay, at 56m and the last guy has been captured. Is this going to be a 30m torture sequence? Probably. Funny thing is, it's easy to imagine that this shit could be real. There are some sick puppies out there with plenty of money to play with human life like this.

Anywho, with this on low, I'll finish the post I was making earlier when X crashed. Again. Played not many hands on FT, and took two buyins off a fish on my left. Means I have made +$20 on there, +$160 of deposit bonus. How fucking crappy.

AKo (or "King-Ace" as Tony likes to call it...eh) was uncomfotable to say the least. That's the beauty of playing hands in position, I guess. I mean if I am calling OTB and not playing for stacks with TPTK then there's no point. I actually read him for QQ or TT after he checked the flop. I mean, he either has a scared QQ/TT or he's got me crushed with JJ or AA. On the turn, I had decided my King was probably good. Minraise was hairy but of course, there's no folding there. After he checked the river there was no way he had a boat. There is just no way he's tricky enough to check a boat there. So, he either had AA or MHIG. Either way, I push hoping that he either folds AA or makes a tough call with QQ. I think I'll post the hand, though, see what the 2p2 thinks of it.

And then I get Aces. Normally I leave the table after doubling up since I do not like playing deepstacked. It's hard :) I like simple decisions for 100BB, but as no one else was deep so I decided to stay. Also, the fish had rebought full. Not sure what to say about the hand. Flop minraise is, again, hairy, given that it's a rainbow board but King-high flop with AA is generally money. I don't know what he's doing on the turn, to be honest. Representing AA or a set, I guess. Turning a hand with some showdown value, in position, into a bluff, more like. I mean, he probably thinks I call with AK there. Yeah, I may fold better hands like KQ and QQ but come on. No one plays a set like that.

So, yeah, anyway, after that and he left, I quit the table.

Okay, wow, Hostel is fierce. Worst part is undoubtably the blowtorch on Kana's eye. Jesus Christ. And then Paxton cutting the optic nerve of her ruined eye and the pus streaming out. Shudder. That is fucked up. Anyway, good film and I can't wait for the sequel. Glad I wasn't watching it too closely, though. Um, also, the director claiming that it's about American stereotypes of Europe is pretty absurd but whatever floats his boat.



Watched Smith.101. Hmm, not amazing but not awful. Ray Liotta is the best thing in it. Things that make me not want to watch it ever again:

  1. Imogen-fucking-Heap. WTF is that bullshit. I had to mute it, utter, utter rubbish.
  2. Amy Smart's character. Okay, we have an attractive woman on the team to increase viewers but she did nothing. I have nothing against Smart, she is beautiful and reasonably talented but her character seems kind of waste of screen time. And the love story with Miller's character? If it even is a love story. Yeah, having sex in an airplane bathroom is true love. Whatever. I just feel they've put in $HOT_CHICK just because.
  3. Flashbacks. I hate goddamn flashbacks. They are so cheap and lazy. Considering the whole episode is a series of flashbacks...I didn't like it much.
  4. Nit: Okay, you plan a heist. You're armed with assult rifles but you neglect to use suppressors and subsonic ammo? WTF? Sure, it reduces the effectiveness of your rifles but the increased stealth surely means you won't need that effectivenes in an all out battle with the police. If any shot is fired, the job is probably going to hell. If that shot then brings armed police, then you are well and truly fucked. Just my opinion.

However, I did really like Riotta's double life. He owns his boss, he has an amazing empty apartment with all manner of goodies, and a mint Aston Martin. Awesome.

I'll watch a few more episodes before I pass final judgement but it doesn't look like must see tv to me.

Speaking of which: Lost season 3 premiere's October 4th. Meh, hopefully it gets better. Desperate Housewives this Sunday although it's pretty far from must see. But...

BSG(!!!) is back on October the 6th. BOOM. Number 6 is bringing sexy back. I so cannot wait for this, even though Apollo is fat and Adama has a dodgy mustache. Oh yeah, Lucy Lawless too. Excellent writing, great acting, and sexy girls. What the hell is not to like?

Speaking of which, I must visit Brazil and find a supermodel of my own. Or Argentina and pick up someone like Keyra...Crazy Brazilians.

OMFG. 300. This looks incredible. Gerard Butler's filmography has been less than stellar so far (Tombraider2, Timeline) but things seem on the up (Beowulf and Grendal was good if not successful). With this he's set to move straight to A-list. The quality of this trailer (well, the one on youtube) is fucking dire but content is king.

Speaking of Russells, whatever happened to Russell Crowe? Did he just get rich enough from a few flicks and decide to retire? Can't blame him if he did, really.

Um, I need to shower and powernap before donking off more monies playing perfect FTOP for long sessions tonight.




MrStation33 IS my nemesis. He out aggro's/out VPIPs me whenever I'm at the same table. He always seems to be winning/losing big pots against my fish. E.g. I'm at a table with a really deep stacked calling station on my left (OF COURSE) and Station on my right. Station does stupid shit like 3bet KJo OTB after quasi-TAG opens in the CO (well, Station is 28/2x, TAG is closer to my stats). CS calls after limping Q5s UTG or whatever, TAG folds, and Station flops KK5 or something and gets CS to pay him off. I, OTOH, get JJ in the blinds, and flop and overpair on a semi wet flop. I turn a Jack and CS FOLDS.

I made a big call. KK UTG or some rubbish. 982r multiway flop, bet $25 into $30, suspected fish minraises. Minraise pretty much confirms fishiness. So I call. Ace of spades on the turn, putting up a BDFD. I check. Suspected fish puts me all-in. I call. He either had me crushed on the flop or he has a draw. A9/A8 I doubt minraises flop. I cannot put him on an Ace so I'm WA/WB. Call. T7s, I don't recall whether he had the BDFD or not. Anyway, he didn't make it. BOOM.

Made a smaller calldown with 88 on FT and was correct. Unfortunately, I also raised JTs EP and got a T22cc flop against a shortstack. He had ~$50 or maybe ~$60 to start the hand. I valuebet my ten and he minraises. Whatever, I have TP and go all-in. 32s goot. What are you going to do?

I also cost myself mad monies by not opening A4s (hearts) in EP (this is back on Party). Would have hit monster flop (532hh) and rivered the NF (almost a straight flush).

FT is kicking my ass. Netted $400 on PP this evening, broke even at best on FT. How bizarre. Almost unstuck for the month (oh my gods).

Had to regress to 2.6.16-beyond4.1 kernel since 2.6.17-beyond3 was fubar. Want to try building my own 2.6.18 one (or maybe beyond) but reiser4 doesn't have a patch for the final release (and I don't fancy MM).

lol, German kid. I've seen it before but I didn't realise he was getting so angry at booting Windows. rofl.

Listened to this stream tonight. Not bad. May experiment with others.


Almost even

AA beats...a flush draw. AKo beats AQs with the 'freerolling' NFD but bastard was short stacked. Some sets get some action. I 3bet my old friend station with AKo OTB.

Downside: NOTHING ON FT. I get AA, hey, I've been active (13/10ish), time to get some action! Nope. One table where I was running 38/18 or something ridiculous I was getting decent action but not good hands. The AKo hand was on FT, though. Still managed to lose monies on there.

I've decided that, against unknowns, my 3.5/4BB raise with PPs is all I'm putting in the pot unimproved. They never fold on FT. Never. They call with any pair (top, middle, or bottom) and any draw (including gutshot, backdoor straight/flush, and overcard[s]). Even the guys who I have stats on that fold to cbets 70% of the time seem to call every bet (when I'm weak; when I want action of course they can't).

I only really misplayed one hand that I recall and that was not jamming 43s on the Q-high flop with a naked FD against JQ in a blind battle. He minraised my cbet and I decided that I would take the immediate odds even though he was semi-shortstacked. Turn and river were both Kings but I didn't think he would fold on the river even though my hand had no showdown value.

Won't be using this anytime soon :(


Nip/Tuck.402: Good god, Kimber looked hot. So did "Blu Mondae". The Scientology theme could be really interesting...and lead to the show getting cancelled when TCoS litigates. Variance.

T is for Tilt

Wow, burned through one buyin getting it in with TT v AA & KK preflop. God I play good. WTF would I do that? Shortstack limps, I raise to $10, unknown button (irrc) calls behind me, donk calls behind him from the blinds, SS now pushes...er, I don't know why but I think TT is good against his pushing range here, so I minraise to isolate. Button pushes and donk folds. WTF. So you smooth call my raise with a monster in position and then push? Really? APPARENTLY YES. Shortstack had AA, button was playing KK very trickily. I put him squarely on AK. Anyway, King on the flop. He immediately leaves.


I don't know wtf I was doing. I've decided in the past that TT is not quite good enough to gambol with shortstacks with. QQ+ only. I am retarded.

Then the icing: Donk limps UTG with A6o, I raise JJ up from the SB, donk calls. Flop is T97ss, bet, donk calls. Turn Ace. OH FUCKSAKE. Bet planning on bet folding. Donk calls. 9 on the river, no flush, check planning on check/folding or maybe calling and he checks behind. FUCK YOU AND YOUR 3 OUTER. Another half a buyin gone.

Meanwhile, on FT, oh look, I'm losing to another 4 card straight. Imagine that. Oh look, I have TP, flush gets there on the turn, overcard on the river. Isn't that swell?

Well, my BB/100 is a decent number. Only it's negative. 4.4k hands plus the prima incident. I am a losing player.



Cried Faye as she spread A♠J♠ in front of Spike Spiegel and raked his entire stack.

And even though PBJ is temporarily +EV I probably won't play a single hand. Oh, bollocks they cancelled it anyway after they realised how much money they'd be losing to 2p2ers & other savvy gamblers. +$400-$1600 or -$400 for 3 hours (1800 hands) doesn't actually seem that bad. Damn, now that I can't do it I want to, of course.

Hmm, was about to sit but all the games are crap now (8pm GMT, 3pm ET). Why were they seemingly good (or at least, better) at 5-7 pm? Surely it's not just east coasters playing in their lunch hours? Euros home from work and need to play for an hour or so before going out? Game selection is hugely important to me. Why sit in a game where my BB/100 is halved or worse when I don't have to?

Well, damnit, that is annoying. I will try again at 9pm (4pm EST). Perhaps I need to reschedule my evenings so that I am playing earlier...or much later. Later is a problem since I have to get up at stupid o'clock.

I played...I rather wish I didn't. JJ OOP, sweet. Can't be bothered looking through PT. Regular raises UTG, 533r flop, I check/call. Sometimes I donk, sometimes not. Regular hits the pot button. Qx turn, check/check. My hand is probably good, bet/fold 9 or something river . Perhaps I bet too little since he instantly pushed. Of course I folded, however, I don't actually think he's capable of pushing without a near nut hand there. Turn check kind of threw me into think MHIG but his river action screams monster since pot is moderate and effective stacks are semi-deep still. I really think he had 55 the more I think about it. Of course, 33 is not impossible, just stupidly unlikely. Why 55? Because he had a calling station on his left and instantly potted the flop. Before he was not betting so big, especially on such a dry board. Possible he had QQ+ too. Whatever, I am 80% sure he had Jacks beat. Still wish I'd c/c river or c/f.

Also, raise QQ EP, QJTr flop. Bollocks. I bet, called. Turn King and I check behind. River 8 or something and I want to valuebet but check behind again. A2 or whatever is good. Motherfucker. However, I get into a pot with KQs against the same guy from the BB. Flop is JTxdd and I bet. Two calls. I check non-diamond Queen turn, he near pots it. I call (?). River non-diamond King. He pots it again. I think, I think. I think he wants me to fold with that large bet so I call. 85hh no goot.

About an hour and down some monies. Flopped a set in position on a wet flop and won...fuck all. It's like, HAVE A FD YOU SCUM! Or put me on a FD and push your overpair. Or fold your ATo unimproved. BASTARD.

I'd like to win some money on FT. I know I did somehow but...I gave it back with an overpair (my bad) and pushing in as 95% favourite in the main pot, and an 84% favourite in the side. Play good, go busto?

Actually, no. I play bad too. Cbetting into 4 way pot with Ace high? Calling an $8 button raise with QJs and folding to a $15 flop bet on a monotone board 3 handed. Sure I had Queen-high and the fish in the SB folded but that is mad weak shit.

Not to play down my deficiencies but...if I could stop running into 4 card straights it would help a little. TY.



Champloo: 587538 players, 113945 hands. Holla.

I have noticed an amazing increase in system performance since rebooting. Which is annoying since it means something is degrading it over time. Perhaps reiser4, maybe vmware or nvidia modules. Who knows. Bad thing is my last uptime on this kernel was less than 15 days.

I need to build a new system. My general rule is to go with 2x as fast as the last one. I have a 2500+ barton and 5200++ is top of the line. Of course I'm not pay that much for a fucking processor, and I'll see if there's any super value chips like the Barton that can be OC'd reliably. But I'm thinking £100-£150 on a chip, <£100 on a mobo, ~£150 on RAM or maybe twice that; 4GB would be kind of future proof, case, HD or two, & graphics card.

Looking at £800 or so and I'll make that investment when I have a £4k+ month, which will obviously not be this month. Before Christmas, though, I'm pretty sure I can do that at 2/4 without breaking a sweat, even with playing bad/running bad.

Of course, with such a hotrod I will want to play games sometimes hence the 2 hard disks, one will be Winblows. Goldeneye anyone? Might even be able to play Q4 with a decent framerate. I doubt it will improve the experience any.

10k hands should yield +$3200 but, of course, variance can knock that down to, well, $1600. It can, of course, knock it to $0 and negative numbers but so far I haven't run that bad for that long. I think I have played 6k hands and I am down $600. Which, of course, is not a good position to be in. It is not, however, awful. And I think I will turn a small profit ($1k-$2k) by the end of the month. Touch wood.

Also, I have decided that I want to be more of a dragon and less of a nit. Something Taylor said in one of his recent videos struck me: "The way I play, if I have TPTK, I'm all-in." Of course, he's also all-in with 6-high...

Wow, cut that session short. Highlight reel not in order: a) 98s (clubs), hits A25 monotone spades, short stack minraises cbet. b) Call a tightish players raise with AKo, flop QTJcc. HOLLA! Lead, call, blank turn which I lead again. Call, Ace river. I bet $70, minraised. OH YOU SCUM. KK good for a split. How can I flop the nuts and still lose? Oh, poker, right. d) AQo OTB, raise, call, call. KJx flop. BB donks small. Probably has a Jack, probably won't fold it so I nitishly fold. c) And this is my favourite. Unknown limps UTG, I say unknown since I don't have <25 hands on him but he does seem to love to open limp. I get AKo in the SB. I haven't been raising here in the past but in an effort to ramp up the aggression I am now. I am also 3betting it against overly aggressive players who play semi-predictably postflop. Anyway, UTG limp reraises. Uh, AKo is crushed by a standard LRR range. Fold. UTG shows 83o, instant buddylist.

I think I won like two pots but at best that was breaking even. After the flopped nuts pot I lost the will to go on. The LRR with 83o was the fucking straw. I flopped one set on a monotone flop and everyone folded to my cbet. Yeah, because you can't minraise me with the NFD that time. BASTARD.

Media consumed: FamilyGuy.602: Very good this week. Much better than last weeks. The HAHAH radio shows use stupid, long clips that are meant to be wacky and HI-larious but aren't and play them too much joke was severely overplayed. But then FG loves to 'overplay' jokes that aren't really that funny. Possibly it's ironic, mostly it's annoying. 'Sindy' catching hotdogs for a boobjob was sexy. "Oh, I got her in the eye that time!". AmericanDad.302: I thought Debbie might be some famous guest actress. Guess not. Still a good episode. God bless this panic room. Simpsons.1802: Much better than last week's. White Stripes scene was fantastic...even though the music was mostly guitar and not drums?! Very good.


It's funny how Christina Aguilera looks more like Krystal Steal in this photoshoot then Steal looks like Xtina in her Hustler one (which I can't find a link to, pretty sure I have seen it though).

Local myspace whore. Ad aspera indeed. Forbidden, another myspace whore. Eh. More myspace whores in Playboy. Oh, Hef took that down. Sucks, although it wasn't great to begin with. I guess I shouldn't call them whores, per se, most of them are only attention whores...the ones posing in playboy, however...

Anita Dark has a site now too? WTF.

Wow, BoostedJ's car team's model is super hot. He actually seems like a cool guy too. Him and Gabe (ggbman) are two very successful, very young, and very centered poker players. I think Taylor (GP) is more my age but he also comes across as a sound guy. EM2 seems like a douche but that's just his online persona, you see? It's funny because IRL he's really a decent guy! Oh, the hilarity...Anyway, I wish Boosted good luck with his $350k downswing (good god) and his marriage. I don't know if the marriage is a beat or a brag at that age but I'm sure they're in love...for now.

Oops, I pot poker in the porn section. Sorry.

This week I am mostly downloading porn. Will Jack ever cast his music video? I HAVE TO KNOW! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6, & 7. Jesus, that's 20GB right there. I think I'm going to be over 100GB of data downloaded for the month at this rate. If only I could get money out of poker so easily.



I'm missing 36GB due to marketing bastards and their non-standard SI definitions. And, no, I will never call them gibibytes. Copying ~40GB of porn off of /mnt/moremedia on to the new drive (/mnt/media). Taking awhile. moremedia I use as my 'incoming' partition for usenet

2p2 is down :( Guess I will try and play a few hands.

Champloo has 492304 players and 95273 hand histories. Not bad for a few days work.

Did family stuff tonight. Surprisingly enjoyable. Maybe I'm getting old.

Wow, cockbag. KK UTG, cockbag calls with 66. Flop 4sTc2c, I cbet $19. Cockbag disconnect protects on the flop. Turn 6, ship it to cockbag. It's good in that he didn't call, turn his 6 and stack me. It's bad in that he should have a) folded or b) called drawing super thin. Yeah, this is pot/kettle black territory but I have learned my lesson and repent my wickedness.

Update: "We have found that the hand you reported to us was indeed suspicious and as the investigation has revealed further suspicious disconnects in the past, we have proceeded to block the protection feature for this player. In future, should they disconnect their hand will be folded. The player concerned has been sent an email explaining the reason for our actions." I WANT TO BELIEVE.

Everyone seems to flop top pair against me and I flop nothing. E.g. I call a raise with 66, flop is Q58r. I call cbet, he checks turn, pots river. Looks like a bluff, no? Board has maybe two overs with only the Queen representing broadway. Of course he has KQs. I mean, of goddamn course. How could he do something like...raise AQo UTG, flop 77Tss, get called by JT. Fuck it, I'm not cbetting OOP into unknowns.

Wow, that was sick. Flopped two pair with Q5o from the BB. Calling station calls down...Q5Tdd flop, Ax turn, Jx. I check, he bets half pot. I don't think he's bluffing since he's committed half his stack. And if he is 'bluffing' he can be doing it with half a dozen better 2 pairs.

AND THEN. I 3bet button's raise with QQ from the SB. Button hesitantly calls. 7 high flop. I bet $45 into $60. He calls, I check the second 7 on the turn. He bets $100, I think fuck it, he may put me on AK/AQ and may have TT/JJ (or even 99, at a push) and push for $128. He doesn't instacall so I imagine my hand is probably good. He calls with JJ and DOESN'T spike on the river. Thank fuck for that.

4th time lucky

Get KK 4 times at one table. See a flop once. Get stacked by cock's 99. Sweet, only time I get action...any action...I'm way behind. He's a 21/7/2 which I heard was an awesome style. Very, very annoyed at getting stacked...again. Although this time I semi-deserved it. I say 'semi' because who calls a button raise with 99 for set value? And who check/raises said set?

Another cock calls me with bottom pair on the flop, bluffs river when I have 55. Shows his paired 6. I guess he thought he was bluffing.

So while things were going nicely at FT, they're back to square one. Down two buyins with a set and an overpair, sweet. I think I am probably down almost a buyin through not getting there. Variance.


Bitch of Diamonds

When is a two outer not a two outer? When it's also the goddamn flush card. Not that it matters. 44 on a 4h9d3d flop. QQ bets, shorty pushes with diamond SC, I call. Turn is the King of hearts, QQ checks, I push, and he eventually calls. Nice call, sir! 2 outs! HAHAoh. Queen of diamonds on the river. At least he lost the side pot. Christ. Talk about demotivating. This is on FT as well. Plus, everytime I would do something outlandish like raise with AKo and cbet, I would get minraised. Of course I never did something like flopping a pair or better on those occassions. -$257 at that table alone. Fucking, fucking, fucking fuckers.

Oh, I also recall misclicking with my set on the turn. Minbetlol. If I'd managed to pot it, perhaps he makes a crying call on the end there. Also, PP AKo and idiot on my left (yeah, I suck at getting good seats) I have TPTK with NFD on the turn, make draw on the river on an unpaired board. I overbet pot representing a bluff and get minraised. Oh, snap. I have the second nuts...and call leaving about $50 on the table. WTF. Oh, I actually thought he had broadway...no, he just rivered a pair of jacks with QJs.

Iron-o-lickly, PP is more robusto than FT today. Dropped maybe 1.5 buyins on FT, made nearly 3 on PP. I actually don't know how. I do remember dodging a FD and folding out AKo unimproved with KK for a nice 3 way pot. Can't really recall much more, not that I really want to.

Only another 319,800 Party points to go and I can get the watch I posted for 'free'. I am pretty sure it was ~$2k so each PP is worth ~$0.006 cents.

I'm about as far from a motorhead as you can get but I found this video on Joe's GTTT very interesting. *Spoiler* After all that having him say at the end that he lost his first street race is kind of disappointing. Also: smart car vs. Ferrari. I don't care, I think I'd rather have the Ferrari.

I told a lie the other day. I was asked how I was doing this month, and I said 'meh'. "ZOMG, you're not losing are you?" "Um, no". Truth be told, I am down still from Prima.

Holy shit, it's 12:30am and I thought it was about 8pm.

Wee, need to install that drive today.


Mkay. Got stacked by a 70/30 on an A76 flop holding 67. TBH, I didn't think my hand was good on the turn when he pushed but I was getting sick odds to call. Yea, and down some more through "bad play" etc. IDK, there was one hand early in the session where I smoothcalled with JJ preflop, got an undercard flop, called flop and got check/minraised on the turn (I dumped it there). Ah, I confused it with a TT hand where I got minraised on both the flop and turn. Also, T7o from the BB, TT9ss flop, I lose monies to 99. Oh, and there was a point where every raise I made was getting 3bet by different fuckers. I'm sure they had the hands to do it with for the most part but it is still super annoying. Oh, I was wondering why I was looking overly robusto, hadn't added my PP alias. -17PTBB/100, sounds right for party. 7PTBB/100 for FT. Don't you just love working hard to only end up down a few buyins at the end of the session? I know I sure do. I could be a party spokesman.

I got action on one set, btw. Every other time people seemed to guess when I hit after my PFR perfectly & I never hit one calling a raise. Oh, and there was one sexy hand where I got the 70/30 to fold on the river King with AQ-high after I reraised preflop (of course he calls). He put me on AK, obviously.

Damnit. I'm going back to sleep now (7:45am).



MEEH. There must be over 100K hands in my Party dir. 125 files...must be an average of ~100 hands a file. I won't get in any fucking hands again tonight while PT is being a dog. I told you it was a bad beat.

Figure: 4PTBB/100 winner (I strongly think I am at least this now) -> $16/hr per table -> 4+ tables = a $40-$80 hourly. Which isn't bad. Means I need to put in probably another 50-100 hours at 1/2NL. Although...possibly much less. Which is just as well, really, since I want to be part of MSNL and not relegated.

Although, to be fair, some of the 200NL posts (possibly my own) do belong in SSNL, e.g. "limp 77 preflop, 7QQr flop. What should I do?" Duh.

In other news, I got this poll right. I find it very, very interesting that Cero recommends checking TT in the BB there because that is my default play. Sure, sometimes I'll raise 2 or fewer weaklimpers but my raise is 'standard' not some pussy crap. He raised 4.5BB with 3 limpers OOP. That is fucking terrible. He needs to either raise to $24+ or ~$12 (I hate sweeteners). Cero's point about reopening the betting is not really valid at these stakes, though. However, better than simply identifying the mistake correctly, my reasoning for not generally raising TT there is the same as Cero's. Perhaps I do have some aptitude for this game afterall. Also, the point others made about having a raising range wide enough from the BB that you don't offer good implied odds for SCs/PPs is a good one. There is nothing worse than calling a PFR with a PP/SC and hitting the flop only to have the PFR fold before you extract the necessary value. Also, see NLTAP p.105.

Anyway, Pat brushes me off with a copy & paste. BASTARD! (Note: "BASTARD!" is an obligatory poll option in BBV, I am not actually angry everytime I use it.) Meh. I will also clusterfsck after the two big imports and then vacuum/analyze. Woot, PP finished. Took 4 something hours and only 20K hands. God, let's see how long FT takes.

Hey, Nick, screw you! Not only does he win loadsa monies by tourney donking but he has an uber hot girlfriend (allegedly, I haven't seen pictures...I don't know if that makes it more or less likely to be true but it does mean he's not an insecure jerk so good for him) with an uber hot car. Plus he's fixing to do some high stakes tennis hustling on Gus Hansen. Geez!

A GIS for "channing" is, uh, unhelpful.

Only a third as many FT files so hopefully it might be done before I hit the hay. Out.



Hands played: 0. Fuck.

I was planning to play ~8 to ~10 but...PT is still being a bitch. 115 Party files and it's been chugging for 4 something hours. [x] BASTARD. I really hope it finishes before I go to sleep otherwise I will have to do the conversion tomorrow. Meaning FT import won't happen until tomorrow evening. IIRC, pgsql imports are quicker...?

pgsql should be good to go. Can't guarentee it will start/stop correctly on reboot but it should work.

My new database's name is 'champloo' and, hopefully, I should flesh it out with some mined data. It's no smartazz but it's cheaper. I think at 5/10 I would consider it. If your wondering what I'm talking about, here's a hint: Cheat codes. Try up down up down left right left right a b start in the Party lobby.

Neteller (forever more known as NT on here) finally completed my bank transfer. The Indian women was unintelligible but I managed to satisfy her that I was the one making the deposit into my account. Great. So I now have enough monies on Party to play (unless I run excrciatingly badly, which is of course very possible). And, I have enough monies on FT to play provided I continue to play/run goot. I also have some monies in a savings account earning a paltry amount of interest.

(Watched stuff. Simpsons.1801: Meh? I think I smiled once or twice. HSP.215: I laughed out loud during this, though. No real huge pots but pretty entertaining. The OESD v. OESD v. OESFD was a great hand. Nip/Tuck.401: Christian is a baller. Pure fucking baller. The daughter was hot, the mom was not. The golddigging black chick was also not. Brooke Shields was good and I hope/think she'll be a recurring character (she was the shrink, right?). Woman at the end was also hot. AmericanDad.301: Pretty good. Not fantastic but decent. I watched this and FG yesterday but I'm including it for completeness. FamilyGuy.601: Funny moments, hated Peter's storyline. Decent but not fantastic.)

(Why can't these be HQ? And naked, obviously.)

It's ten to eleven and PT is still not done. BASTARD.


Ugh, so...I need to upgrade Netbsd2.0 to 3.1. Should just be a matter of finding time to reboot and put the ISO in. Well, and plug in PS2 keyboard. Silly old BIOS. I don't know when I'll get around to that since it isn't urgent.

More pressingly, I need to downgrade psql 8.1 to 8.0 on OpenBSD. Tried installing the 3.8 8.0.8 package and it failed. Now I'm trying to make && make install the port. If the port doesn't work, I guess I have to try installing from upstream.

That, of course, is only the first step. However, I think I may scrap "my first poker tracker database"(s!) and start afresh. Unfortunately that means junking all my mined HHs too. Hopefully it should not take long to build a better DB, and, frankly, mining really only establishes meaningful stats on the regulars who I try to avoid anyway.

(The microwave Chinese chicken thing I just cooked smelled diseased, so I had to chuck it. Variance.)

Neteller still hasn't credited my bank deposit even though it supposedly left my bank yesterday. Damnit.

Heard more about HDTV. I think it was 720p and some feature film. If it was 1080p I will be impressed.

(PrisonBreak. Geez, could you just drop John? Why is there a need to put 20 holes in a guy when he only has an 8 shot semi-auto pistol? Kind of weak there. Uh, huhm, Holly Valance. Phew, god. How could you ditch her? Okay, she's crazy...about you, Michael you tit! Meh, her or the doctor. Not a tough call.)

It doesn't look like this port is going to work. Make seemed to complete but make install found no packages. Goddamn, looks like I'm building from upstream sources.

(Poker. I'm going to stop including so many details about poker. Suffice to say I ran better tonight. E.g. AA UTG -- NO DOUBT! -- Flop K6Thh, unknown BB leads into me for $12, I raise to $36 or so. He calls. Uh oh, but I think KT/set 3bets because of the FD. Turn 6d putting two FDs out. He leads $65 or something, leaving $80 behind. I really want to push at this point but I don't know if WHFBHC a push. So I call. River Tc. Oh snap. He checks, I curse and check. KJo no goot. Damn, I left $80 out there. That's 20PTBB! See, a better player would have pushed the turn and gotten called by KJo (snicker). Thinking about it now I didn't want to see half the deck on the river: Any diamond, any heart, any King, any Ten. 3rd Six would have been awesome but meh. Oh, less detail, right. Also AA > QQ [100BBs] & QQ > 77 [50BBs]. Nice to see that kind of action. Hi, Prima!)

making psql-8.0.8 for the 3rd time (tried the port twice, dunno why I thought it might work the second time). Hmm, well, it's not pretty...but it seems to be working (the rc.local/rc.shutdown stuff probably isn't). Of course, now I have to import my backlogged hands and then convert that access crap to psql. Getting there.


I didn't win $10K today

Wow, go Nick. AAds holding up in PLO is fucking unreal too. It is amazing that no one had a Queen, two pair+, or a flushdraw. I think I got dealt AAKKds at $25PLO once (I've played <100 hands).

I might do his tennis hustle too if I go fulltime pokering. I would need to practive a lot, which is pretty much the point. Keep active. I was a pretty good but not excellent player. Story of my life; well above average but no where near good enough. Still, even if I wasn't a lock on the hustle playing tennis again would be nice.

Um, poker. Yeah. Neteller still hasn't cleared even though it says it has left my bank. Also: "User manually triggered import...9/11/2006 05:49:22 PM". Time is now 07:39 PM. And those are just the Full Tilt HHs, never mind what I've mined from Party. Doesn't look like I'll be able to play much tonight. I think I might need to make a new database too...

Showed neighbour/friend Casino Royale trailer. He's a Bond fan and lent me the book but I haven't read it. He seemed pretty impressed by it too. The "...considerably." got a laugh.

Guys at work were talking about HD...TV(?) I think. Some motor racing but I don't know if it was live or not. "You could see the peebles!" rofl but I'm not the kind of guy to go "I've been watching HD shows for years". And, actually, I've never seen HD sport either so...(I'm pretty sure the BBC streams were 800x600 or something).

Ordered a new hard drive. IDE 320G 7200RPM WD Caviar. Of course, the actual geometry is going to be...296GB? Or something. I could work it out but meh. Why IDE? I have 4 HDs already, 2 SATA and 2 IDE. One of the IDE ones has partitions that I don't often/ever use. Actually, it's got one partition and the 3 root folders are: porn, legacy, & dvd9. legacy is a backup of an old windows drive. It has a few things that I will look at again (e.g. Cowboy Bebop is on there...however, I need to get dvd/dvd-quality rips of the episodes; some of the divx's are rubbish). dvd9 contains some dvd9 images (mostly porn) that I haven't converted yet.

Damn, I have a lot of porn. And I've downloaded 40GBs(!) off of PSN in the past 3 weeks. Kind of hard, though, when they have girls like Tawny Roberts on there. Geez, if anyone reads this I bet I sound like a complete total sex pest. That's not completely true...

Christ on a crutch, still importing! Thrown up two errors too. Eff it, I will try playing some on FT. God knows when these party histories will get imported.

Played $hands. PT still importing old hands. Two hands I FUBARED. AA OTB and AKs UTG. Uh, only AKs I believe I played correctly against an unknown. How was I to know that he was such a muppet? Hmm, probably should raise the flop, though. Doesn't really matter if he's going to pot it OOP with 9-high. Downer is I didn't pick up anything after that and he lost most of his stack. Hand before it too, I 3bet UTG's raise with KK, Kd7d9c flop. He folds to my flop bet. FU! Have AA, better yet, have 99. Oh, I was sitting out the hand muppet lost $400 to trips with...fuck knows, pair of 8's or high card King.

AA? BET THE TURN. Don't induce bluffs you can't call, muppet! FFS. Board is 3 to a straight on the turn, 4 to a straight on the river. If I bet turn, he folds, most likely. If I check turn, he can bet me off my hand since I can't call profitably. DAMNIT.

Um, breakeven. Or, actually, down $40 (but got $20 of bonus). Win small pots, lose big ones. Whee. If only I'd made two bad calls I'd be robusto. Shit.

PT is semi-borked. Oh, great. Wrong version of Postgres. FUCK. It's been silently failing since I upgraded 41 days ago and using Access instead. Bollocks.



Watched "Monster House". Don't know why, it sucked. I do want to see Crank, though.

Did play some SSNL. Grinded a bit back. Neteller should clear tomorrow, though. Only semi-interesting hand was KK UTG, flop xx6fd. Bet/call. Turn 6 bet/slow call. River bet/fold to push. I doubt he'd call flop with bottom pair (possible). He was repping a boat. Don't know, perhaps I should have called. UTG, no doubt!

...But if you lose, our government will have directly financed terrorism. Eh, red Aces, I bet they get cracked. Craig actually looks good as Bond. That Aston Martin is fucking sexy.

You can't take the sky from me

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Firefly is one of the best shows ever made. Interesting to see two guys who showed up in Desperate Housewives ('Tom' and 'Karl') and 'Charles Logan' making appearences.

Oh, tried shortstacking 50NL on Party since my Neteller transfer has not gone through. Motivated by all the BBV "turned $20 into $5k in 30 minutes" threads. Got AKo twice UTG. First time guy folds to my cbet. Second time flop is 999 and 55 is goot. -$10. Fuck shortstacking. 55 is a good call against a nitty shortstacks range, yeah. Damn you Zeebo theorum.

I might actually play some 50NL or 100NL just to get in some hands. Games on FT are kind of rubbish right now. Eat and re-evaluate.

I may one of these...in the next few months. Although, I can think of better things to spend £800 on. I am also growing concerned that the games are drying up. I mean, not completely, but they are getting harder and perhaps soon (within the next few years) will be largely unbeatable by all but the very best players. I am under no illusion that I will be one of them. Will I get better? Yes. Will I be able to crush the games other famous internet pros have? No. I would like to, of course, but I don't think I have the innate abilities of someone like aba, bruiser, or prahlad.

Point in case: Just played some 50NL/100NL (eh, not 50/100NL) and I'm down $120. These things happen, I guess. Funny. +$150 on FT, -$120 on Party. Surprise, surprise...

I'm not really going to whine about the hands themselves. Shit like shortstack donkey with AJs minraising UTG, calling a 3bet against QQ, 4/5 way flop of JJxfd, I check call the turn getting better than 2-1. Probably should have folded but he could have had a flush draw or an x. Valuebet good hands, right? Meh. What's slightly disturbing is I don't even care. Well, care enough to stop datamining and look through PT.

Hmm, even after all the drugs and Pete Doherty (sp), Kate still looks good.



-EV stuff goes here

Playboy presents women of McDonalds. I'm loving it.

Ben Affleck gets away with things that would get common men arrested. Ya' know, he is kind of my hero...

Yes, Liz Hurley is kind of old. Yes, I would tear that shit up.

Blah, blah, celebriTITies. It's kind of hard to get worked up over them too much when I have access to so much hardcore porn. This is both a beat and a brag.

Rewatching Firefly. Utterly fantastic.


Slow and steady

Finally spoke to Cero_z! Interesting...not sure if it's $200 worth of interesting but interesting nonetheless.

01h:27m:06s £-1.32 (USA). Sipgate rocks. Except little bad line quality at times (may have been on my end, perhaps). Oh, and 5 minutes before I was due to phone him I realised that my hardphone was FUBARed. Of course, of course.

Cero didn't tell me too much I didn't already know, which is good because it was a foundation lesson. He recommended Super System II. I'm not going to give away the whole lesson but we talked a bit of preflop at the end and I was kind of surprised. Basically, any position open AK, PPs, Axs, & SCs. Which is kind of a surprising range. Also, he said to fold all but AA/KK/AK to a 3bet (at 1/2NL); QQ is just a bluff catcher. Semi-interesting. I go to him because I think I'm a nit and he tells me to be more nitty! :) I won't, obviously list it all but I have no idea what VPIP/PFR that gets you. Personally, I have been trying to play 22/16 (obviously not getting there).

Quote BigJim:

UTG/UTG+1: A7s+ AJo+ KTs+ KQo 9Ts+ 22+
MP: Same as above + Axs QTs+ and start adding more SCs / one gappers
CO/BN: Same as above + Kxs Q8s+ J8s+ all SCs suited one gappers, A7o+ Any two broadway, and a bunch of offsuit connected junk.
SB: About the same as MP, but a bit looser.
As I get to know the table, I'll widen or narrow these ranges as I feel appropriate, and I don't ALWAYS raise the weakers hands in t hese ranges.
I at about 22/16 + 2

Anyway, tried playing Cero's recommened preflop strategy on FTP. Only 166 hands but 7.2/5.4. Wheeee, the nit just got nittier. However, 22.8PTBB/100 (+$151). OMGOSH. Well, that payed for that lesson...

I kid, I kid. Probably haven't seen enough hands to see what my true stats look like after playing like that over a larger sample. Also, wow, FTP is amazing. I only have $600 on there (maximum deposit) and I don't know if I am going to be adding more. Compared to Prima, lol, it owns. Software and, infinitely more important, the games are so much better. Goddamn do I regret pissing away 4 buyins on Prima when there are uberdonks on FTP. I mean uber. I was running 7/5 and still got action on my 3bets. 3bet AA cold called by AKo from the BB; KK 3bet got called not only be the opener but by the caller...and the opener only had ~$8 left in his stack on the flop. Yes, I bet slightly under pot...by $8 or so but look at the caller's stack!

So, yeah, Full Tilt has good games. However...Younghov17 (or whatever) was not wrong: It's slow as hell. Seriously, hands per hour can not be high there. But then it does say 70+ in the lobby so...

Anyway, I have 27% RB on Party now (yay!) but I'm having trouble getting money back on there since I can't use my debit card. Neteller is cumbersome. Hopefully, though, moving money will be an asynchronous process :) Only have $500 on there now so, obviously, it's not worth playing 2 tables. At least on Full Tilt I could play on 3! So, yeah, I need to drop more money on to Party after my transfer to Neteller clears. I probably won't drop more money onto Full Tilt unless I busto but I will try and always have 1 or 2 FT tables open if it's possible and/or necessary for game selection.

So, yeah, happy with my lesson, happy with sipgate (I may have to pull some pranks with that; I forgot to mention that my number is 01337xxxxxx, ha!), and happy with FT. Semi-decent evening.


On tilt

Straw: AJs UTG. I raise, SB calls. Flop QsJx9s. $15 in to $16, checkminraied. Hmm, fuck it. I've lost KK to AA already this evening, gotten check/raised on multiple turns. I have not won at showdown once. Push. Instacall. Turn 8c, river 8d. 99 is goot. Because, of course he has a set. I mean, of course. How could he have anything else. I mean, I may have played it stupidly (he's minraising OOP, calling is surely a better play) but it's just the final straw.

Sit out. Redeem rakeback. Go to withdraw. 4 buyins down. Sweet. Withdrawl options...oh, of course I can't withdraw to the Visa card I deposited with, that would be stupid. Open Neteller account. Withdraw to that. Fuck you Prima. I mean, okay, I get it, I am running bad. That happens. Why do I always get called when I am semi-bluffing and never when I have nuts or close to? I have won one big pot in 2.5k hands. Do you see how goddamn scary that board is? 4 to a straight, 3 to a flush. I call down with fucking KK because of a read. Second biggest pot I've won I actually make a fucking flush draw with FD+TP2K. I mean, one hand goes perfectly I still don't stack him. Sure, I maybe push instead of valuebetting but meh. Okay, after KK and K9s, AA is most profitable...without going to showdown. Largest net hand is +$27. 14BB, monster win. Then JJ, ATs (made top two against a shortstack, holy..!), 88 (bigest net +$55), T5s (flopped flush and shorty turned trip Aces, net +$38). And that's about it. Yeah, 25 others are in the green but all less than 1BB/hand.

And of course there are the losers: AJs, obviously. 77, er, not quite so obviously (that's the only set I flopped with 77 so there's -$30 from that too). 55, lol, misclickaments. But, I have lost more than that due to EVERY OTHER time I raise and cbet (and miss, obviously) I get raised, or if I call a raise, I have missed. Trips no goot. Very meh, hand. And at number five, a missed flushdraw after shorty turns two pair. Again, meh, hand. Leading is BY FAR better than c/r'ing there and calling is better too. I know this but...fuck it up. And then 66, K9o (I called on turn to check/fold on river. Not sure if that's entirely correct), JTo (cbets minraised), 44 (no sets, I float in my own fucking pot to no avail). Other decent hands losing: KQ, T8s, QJs, AJo, KTo, & AQs.

So, I get it. 30% W$WSF is no good. 16/48 went/won showdown equals "I seldom make good hands/no one calls down with worse hands". Nittiest of stats @ 13/7/3.7 (13737, letet?). Aggression is 5 on the flop, 3 on the turn, and 1.6 on the river. I mean, I am playing a much tighter, more aggressive game than the 20/10's, right? Yeah, I should probably be 13/13 with such a low VPIP but still. I mean, I could be a 20+/7 spastic with ease. Just call, call. OOP, in position. Open limp and call raises. Wheee, maybe then I could run at ~20PTBB/100 like the other fags. Ideally I would like to be x/13, or blah/blah/woof.woof. Whatever.

Crux is, fuck Prima. Try FT. RB hitch on Party but I think I'll be going back. END_WHINE.

This is kind of brilliant. Banksy++


Break Looser

Jesus, christ. I break even again, again, again. Why? Flop trip 2's with T2o from the BB. Sweet! SB leads, I go for overcalls from the limpers. Nope, damn. Turn 3rd heart. Damn, that sucks, SB leads again. Well, he could have 2x. Call turn. He leads river too. Goddamn, well, he could still have a worse 2. A9h. Well played, sir, but fuck you. God, no wonder hands from the blinds have a negative expectation...

Um, not much else. I raise KQs OTB, 20/8 shortstack reraises me. Um, okay. Got KK a bunch. Fishy, fishy who's lost most of his stack to the guy on his left and has now sat to my right with $60 LRR me with TT, I 4bet to 30-something (kind of crappy 4bet, where for art thou beloved betpot script?), fishy calls. Flop Txx, fishy pushes for PSB. I see the bad news. Fishy proclaims 'looser' (I am not kidding). I mumble 'yea, nothing ever holds up on this shithole' into the chatbox. One time? Mmm, actually...

Another semi-short 'trickyfish' (that's part of his SN) limps UTG. I get Kings in the SB, I raise, BB calls, trickyfish LRRs. I call, BB calls. UHOHS, BB has a PP and may stack me, trickyfish is saying he has Aces but, given the stupid bluffs he's made I will pay to see them. Flop 98xfd, I have no flush card. Me and the other regular check to trickyfish. He bets whatever, not pot, I call, thankfully BB appears to have missed his set and folds. Turn, 7 flush draw hits. I check...because if I am correct and trickyfish is bluffing he's not putting anything else in if I bet. He pushes for less than pot, I pretty much instacall even though the board is pretty scary. River 7 and trickyfish shows J8s no fd. Well thank fuck for that. If he'd have hit another 8 on the river I would have broken something. Honestly.

So, um, yeah. Other than that, raise QQ UTG (NO DOUBT! as tuff would say), 3 to the flop. QT8fd, oh boom. Hopefully no one flopped a queerass straight and someone will raise me on a FD...or maybe someone flopped an underset. $20 into $24. One caller. 7 or something on the turn, no flush. $60 into $64. FOLD. Oh, kay. Asks me to show before I fold, I think about it but don't turn off automuck in time so I say "call to see". EH. "AQ", he said. "Good fold", I say. Telling the truth probably confuses him more than not. "Does he mean good fold for him? Probably on a fucking flush draw. Or had AK." Unfortunately, I had already decided that was my last hand so...

Um, and yeah. I've only been playing 3-4 tables on Prima because...the game selection isn't mega (unless I want to add 100NL or 400NL tables...and I'm not throwing good money after bad by adding enough to play underrolled 400NL on there) and the software sucks. Well, it's okay. Pretty nippy, in fact but I'm so used to the my party ahk scripts that having to select the bet field, work out bet size, enter it, press return, click the bet button is so fucking slow it's ridiculous. If the prima_betpot script worked at all things would be different but...Oh, and don't even talk to me about rebuying. You have to wait until you're not in a hand to do it. Fucking what? F12 on Party and I instantly have more monies to pay off 2-9 outers with.

I think, I think, I think I'll grind back to even on Prima and GTFO of dodge. Yes, running like shit is what I do best, and at least I now realise that IT'S NOT PARTY POKER, IT'S POKER that I hate. (Um, hate? Meh.) But, at least at Party you have fishies galore donking off monies all over. Hit a flop hard = monies. Stupid levels of aggression from regulars as well as fish. Regs will get it all-in with a combo-draw against your set any day of the week. I have seen one person B3B a flush draw (can't remember if was combo or with a pair as well) on Prima. One fucking person. Weak, weak, passive fuckers. Prima regulars seem to play 20-something VPIP & <10 PFR. With a 2/3 TAG. Jesus. Talk about rocks. And there's me trying to be a 20-something/15+ at first. Uh, yeah, that didn't work too well. Whiff lots of flops and I'm called, minraised, or folded. Folds are great...but not really. I pick up one or two small pots, get played back at, and lose whatever I'd made previously in cbets. Yeah, yeah, things happen and if I'd started flopping big when I was getting played back at I would win big(ger) pots but "running like shit is what I do best".

Poker cursing over. Crux: Grind back to even...if that means I have to earn it all in fucking rakeback, then I'll do it. Effing cunts! Poker_rant_end.

Setup Skype forwarding to my hardphone over the weekend. Kind of weird since I get their voice out of my speakers (not sure if it comes thru the handset too)...Had to buy PSGW for $20 in order to do that. Kind of meh purchase. Why? Because I'm getting pokering lessons from cero_z and, while Nildram offered free VOIP (as a test? I don't recall), Pipex do not. So this was the cheapest option. Besides the lessons are $200 each...but, honestly, if Mr. Z can improve my winrate at 1/2NL to something decent (6PTBB would be decent, yes, I do run bad but I estimate that my true winrate is only 3-4PTBB anyway) then I can make it back in no time. And, that's not even the point. The point is to improve my game enough to make a decent winrate (again, ~6PTBB) at levels above 1/2NL...and I'm not just talking 400NL. Dr. Cero and other coaches like him claim (and I quite believe the claims) to have ~$500 hourly winrates. El D. was running at $600/hr. lolo runs at over $2k an hour or something ridiculous. Aba probably runs at $20k/hr :p

Do I think with a few (he says most people have 5-7) lessons that I'll be making $500/hr in the next few months? Hell no. But $100/hr? $200-300/hr? Hell yes! So, yes, it's quite a price to pay but if it helps then it is sooo very worth it.

P.S. Job sucks. Seriously, I think I might get more satisfaction pumping fucking gas/stacking warehouse shelves/working retail/admining windows. I nearly lost my cool with Mr. N. We are friends...of a sort but every hour at work it is very obvious that he is the boss. Which is fine, I have no qualms with that...unless he asks me to do something utterly retarded. On the most part he is a good boss but...sometimes he really does not think. Oh, and on the most part I am a good worker...but I do make some retarded mistakes so I guess it evens out. OHMN.

Eh, I've written far too much. I am sure there are typos, grammatical errors and whatnot. When I read the crap I spew now it really makes me regret how far I have let my abilities degerenate. I guess I don't really care. Declension metanarrative. Even the Mona Lisa is falling apart. I better go to sleep now :/

PSA: Holly Valance is stupidly hot. DOA will suck, no doubt, but I think I will watch it with a stupid grin on my face anway.

Adios, senor!


Still hate prima

Yep. Even though I see my fish stack off with A5o against a trout's AQ on a AQx flop. However, I raise 88, flop 8xxr. Bet, minraised, 3bet, fold. Sweet.

Whatever. Keeley is still hot. I have porn. I will probably move to fulltilt if prima continues to piss me off so much. Yes, I am running bad. Yes, that happens. But the games are way too shitty on the most part. For example, fish raises $8 in EP, I call with AQs from the SB. KQJr flop. I check, planning on folding...fish bets $6. Given that weak bet I figure my hand is either way ahead, or behind with a draw. I call. Turn 9, giving me a better draw. I check, fish checks. River Queen. I check...fish bets $8. I call. Fish has Kings full. Okay, maybe he got the maximum from me w/ AQ in that spot but this trend is typical. Boats, straights, and flushes are winning tiny ass pots. Not just mine, but everyone's for the most part. It's ridiculously tight-passive. Yes, some are much looser but still passive. I have seen one maniac on the site. Of course, he sat down on my right. That game played much more like Party. 100BB pots with TPGK etc.

Meh, I'm just bitter because I haven't gotten 100BB in the middle yet...as a dog, as a favourite, whatever. Nobody plays big pots.



QQ is killing me. I 'break' someone with it on a KQJ flop. Of course, I can't finish him because the river comes Ace. AK no goot. And then I donate back when he flops a set of nines while semi-short. $30 family pot on the flop, unders and a flush draw. I bet $28, he calls. I put him all-in on offsuit 3 turn. He got +$40 out of the two hands. FUCKING ACE ON THE RIVER.

But, hey, I have almost $4 in RB. So far this month: 433 hands @ -11.53PTBB/100. Playing a nitty 12/6. Ugh. Blah, blah, woof, woof. I have hit 3 sets that I recall. KK after I 3bet from the blinds, QQ as I mentioned above, and 33 which I lead OOP into 3h5h9s flop and the other fuckers folded. Ooh, and if my damn cbet gets minraised ONE MORE TIME, I'm going to kill something.

What's more I am totally unimpressed with Prima. I did some security check in order to increase my deposit limit...and they haven't increased my deposit limit. No worries, I likely won't be depositing more. What's more, they asked for photos of ID, address, and back&front of credit card. Identity theft trifecta? Like an idiot I not only gave it to them, I sent it via email. I did, however, open a new savings account and move most of my money from my current account to there.

Also, prima_betpot script sucks, PAHUD doesn't work all the time, and the games are fucking shitty. I mean really shitty. Party my have it's share of problems but at least the games are fishy. Maybe I'm playing at bad times but the pots are all averaging $40-60. It's mostly weak-tights, a few TAGs, and sometimes a fish. Who's shortstacked. And minraising my flopped Ace-high.

However, a few buyins is hardly a catastrophe. Whatever, I could do without it.

Going to be taking a few lessons with cero_z. $200 a lesson. Owie. Need to set up a Skype-to-SIP gateway first.

Watching Pulse. Kind of rubbishy. Ron Rifkin is good, Kristen Bell is hot. I have 20 minutes left.

I leeched all the videos off theluckyman.com. Ehhh! Actually, the action is a little boring in the ones I've seen. I mean to be the lucky man would be awesome. To watch one guy with 5 girls, 3 of which look bored all at any given time is not so awesome.

OMFG, first time I've ever done that. Folding the flop would have been one thing, folding the turn??!?! FUCKK. I fucking hate Prima and their fucking software. God. Fuck me to goddamn tears.