
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Easy go

It's so easy to lose a buyin but often much harder to make one. Paid off a SS again after he hit a runner-runner (nothing funner) straight.


Barney McGrew. Chased a draw (gutshot + FD) too far and it didn't come in. Dumb.

SB AA: Manage to actually raise preflop this time. All club flop but I have the Ace of clubs. All-in baby. Guy folds.

TT: Undercard flop, short tard pushes I call. He has set, I lose. I only called because I'd seen him push 55 on a JJx flop and river a 5 to break KK a few hands before. Thought he might still be dicking around.

BT JJ: Take it away from the PFR on a 4 club board (no clubs). Not hard really since he showed how weak he was. My 'wow' in the chatbox might have helped.

BB 66: 4bb raise preflop, I call and flop middle set. SS bets it, I call hoping some others call but no one does, not even the PFR. Turn's a King but the flush draw is still live. He bets, I put him all-in, he asks "you turned it, didn't you?". Truthfully I say no. He calls, his pair is no good.

Pretty break even session. Managed to datamine over 1000 hands last night on Pacific, which isn't bad. Think I'm going to try SS on Party later...



Amazingly I win when I put my money in with a 57/43 edge (TT vs. AJo). Fair enough since the guy had previously won a 43/56 against someone else (AKo vs. JJ). Could this mean I'm going to be running good?

Eh, flop a well disguised OESD with 96s in my newbie blind. Gets there on the river, guy bets, I call. He also has 96s...only he limped with it.

New crush: Anna Belle. Do you see why?

Windows Vista looks cool. Just like OSX only it won't be released for years. When I say it looks cool, I mean superficially all the eyecandy is great but I can really see that destroying performance.

Nope, luck's still superb. AJs, called down by T8o on a ATx flop, and he rivers an 8. Standard. His river check when hitting his 3 outer was good. I actually flop bottom set in an unraised pot but I don't get it all in. 99 flops an overpair and a gutshot but turns a Ten which helps the straight draw but not me. 97s turns a straight on a 8685 board. I fail to extract maximum value. I guess the guy didn't have trips.

God, my head hurts something rotten.

God, OESD+FD and neither come in.

BSG is the best thing ever. Absolutely amazing episode. I thought Shannon and Six were going to go with the rebel at the end. I think the Six/Baltar projections are interesting to say the least. I think both the illusions are 'God' speaking to them rather than a form of direct communication. I think it's also pretty interesting how the real Six is nothing like the phantom that haunts the real Baltar. Of the three Sixs (phantom, Caprica, and Gina) I like Caprica the best. And, Tricia Helfer is not only unbelievable attractive, but also a pretty good actress. In fact, thinking about it, she'd probably be my ideal women...*creepy internet stalker conotations*.

Oh my god, fold AA preflop in the SB since I can't get type a raise properly. Time to go to bed.


Build up a small profit without going to SD much (since I never win at SD). Mostly stealing blinds and pots no one was interested in. Wasn't getting action on my big hands so I started increasing my preflop aggression. Then I pick up AA against the biggest fish at the table and a newbie. And lose, of course, since newbie calls 10% of his stack preflop with QJo and hits two pair. Fishes J9o is no good but neither are my rockets (board doesn't pair because well, you know, it's me). Going into the turn+river I'm a 30/70 dog but if I can tie in a 87/10 situation earlier, wtf can't I suckout for a change. God, I feel like such a retard for butchering the flop instead of putting fish all-in I should have been concentrating on the newbie. Still, I don't think I fold this ever since the only legitimate hands that beat me are JJ and 77. Anything else is a retards two pair in a huge pot (QJ, Q7, J7). FUCK. That pot would have unstuck me too. Why can't I just get AA and be up against KK, KK, QQ, & QQ on a 258r board. Why?



God. Playing okay until I got into two gambool situations. First one is standard. Monster LAG/Maniac throwing money around preflop and postflop. I have 88 in the BB, LAG raises. I push, he calls, I type gambool. He has 86o and I'm in great shape. Board makes a straight, Queen high and we split. So rigged. Second time I put my money in as a dog against the person that stacked LAGfish and stayed that way (AJs vs. QQ). Crappy timing, I knew she was stealing a lot but this time she had a monster. So be it. Why did I make that play? To quote Gordon's LGB p.49: "I may the worst hand, but against an all-in bet, my opponent may fold. I have 'folding equity' and equity from the chips in the pot." She had 1000bb and is generally tight but is trying to LAG it up with the deep stack. Like I said, awful timing. I'm not gambooling again.

God, I think I am on some sort of tilt. In the BB with AQs, EP 6bb raise and I decide to fold because 1) I expect EP raiser to have a good hand (yeah, right) and 2) my position sucks. Flop 2 clubs and a Queen of spades. TPTK + flush draw (which got there). Best part is goofass shows ATo. God.

Would have hit a Royal today, too.



Great program. I'm surprised at how much that game resembles the games that I play. The disappointing thing is my play most resembles Buss (a nit) and not one of the better pros. Who would I like to emulate? Greenstein perhaps or Forrest. Probably Neageanu (sp) is the best at the table. Chan really did nothing in the time I was watching. Shieky came across as a fucking prick but that could have been the editing, although I somewhat doubt it. Harman impressed me until she donked her set of 7's. So nervous she knocks over her chips. No way Sammy could call that. The commentator was right: She should have called and pushed the turn. Sammy plays like a maniac but he was getting hit by the deck so he was running over the table. That KK vs. AA was played like a total fish and he should have definitely layed it down. I mean: Last hand of the night, Greenstein is not making some dumb move on you. He has to have a great hand to be reraising you here and it smells like AA/KK. Since KK is statistically unlikely, you have to muck the Kings. Face up of course.

Posting some of my leaky hands that I played today. Managed to dwindle away quite a lot of money doing a whole lot of nothing. Didn't make a really strong hand once. Folded AA on a Q4Q flop (85% confident I was up against 44 or AQ).



KK vs. AKo, first hand at the table in the BB. LP raises, 3 callers. I push 100bb, guy calls, river is an Ace. Ok, fine I win 70 potential BB here but so fucking what. Someone says 'nh' and dickhead says 'ty'. Yeah, great call. Actually, it was a great call for me if I wasn't holding the cursed Kings. That seems to be 6/7 loss with KK. The one win was when I stole the blinds preflop.

So yes, I am running bad and it's not just my imagination.



UTG+2 KK: I know I should fold preflop by now but I never learn. Standard raise, 3 callers. Flop is something innocuous like 5c6d3s. I pot it, 1 fold, minraise, fold. You flopped a set? You hit a straight? Fine, whatever. Push. Villain flips 99, turns a 9. I can't win 87/10's for fucksake (I know that doesn't add up, but that's what twodimes says; ah, ties). Die, in a fire, you fucking 'retired moran'. Saying that, I want him to pull that BS all day.

QQ: Lose. Of course. Who calls 50bb preflop with AKo? Christ. I should of, could have folded the flop. I meant to put him all-in instead of checking. Duh. C/R for the last $4 of your stack doesn't have much FE. Fucking misclick. You know what the bad beat is? Cuntrag is tight as hell now preflop. Maybe it's because he realises how retarded that call was. I doubt it. And now he's left. Grr.

CO AJo: Limp in now. I want my money back from AKo. TPTK. Guy bets 1/3 pot, I raise to full. SS pushes, Guy calls. Thank fuck he did. Guy shows J3 (?!), SS shows a set.

Fuck poker, QQ & KK = down 2 buyins because I never win, even with all/most of my money in with the best hand.

In case I forget tomorrow.


Die fuckers

KK cracked by AJo (flop AAx), AA cracked by K6o (flop KQ8r, turn another King). Did it not cross AJ's mind that raising UTG his Jack kicker might be no good? No, because no one raises AK UTG. Duh. K6o was a shortstack twat who put his money in when he was behind so I made mad Skalanskys there.

I try and steal the blinds with KQo, fails.

Not sure why I keep trying.

The curse of KK

I swear it's cursed for me. I ran into AA preflop against a shortish stack. Of fucking course.

Now I just folded the nut straight. I read board good.

Pick up AA, fold AA on a KKx flop after I'm minraised. Same guy calls me when I have QQ, flop a set but this time douche is not interested. Ha, cunt that had AA when SS runs into QQ & KK with JJ when deepish. No one improves and KK fleeces him.

Another marginally losing session. A table's history (the one with KK & nut straight) seems to be missing from PT. Grr. Need to register PT but...I can't afford $55, that's how good I run in life.

I don't know. I hate poker and I hate myself right now (although, I almost always hate myself so...).



Poker. Tried 4 tabling 25NL. 331 hands, WSF$ 12.12%, -$36.27, -21.92BB/100, WTSD 10.61%, W$SD 28.57%. So, um, yeah. Either I'm way worse than I thought I was, really bad at multitabling, or running on ice. I think it's a combination of all three.

Biggest losing hands: AJo, flopped TPTK, villain hit bottom two with his SC and I paid him off. AQo, villain limps from the BB QQ preflop and minbets undercard flop. I call with overcards not knowing that 3 of my outs are dead. Of course I turn a Queen and MHING at SD. Looking at his stats, it shows he limped KK too. I'll make a note of that. A9s, hit TPWK, bet pot. KJs runner-runners two pair. Hot, hot, hot!

Sets hit 0. The only PP I'm in the black with are: QQ, TT, & AA. KK, well, I've bitched enough about KK. JJ is now in the red after I raised UTG, got reraised from LP, called, and folded to his PSB on flop of undercards. 99 (1), 88 (3), 66 (2), 55 (6), 33 (5), & 22 (2) have all missed. That's 19 PP so I should have flopped 2 sets (or better).

I have a standard raise at 25NL of $1.50 and no one called AA once...and yet I saw people going all-in QQ vs. KK vs. KJo. And then there's this guy: 74 hands, had AA once, raised once, +$4.54, +12.27BB/100.

Party Poker crashing twice didn't help. I need to register PT...

Banging out 300 hands 4-tabling though was okay and something I can deal with. Of course, I think I can stand to improve my multitabling a great deal too. There were a few times when I was in hands on 3 tables at once and sort of lost it.

Now it's time to get drunk and shout some more at my monitor (although, not playing poker).

Fuck. Poker.



Wee, KK cracked by 86s, flopped trips and he rivered full house. I can't even steal the blinds with KK for fucks sake (I was button, scumbag was BB).

KK is at -20.50bb per hand, and I'm running at -27.57bb/100. Coincidence? I think not. Of course, if I were hitting flops harder things might be different. Although I did slightly misplay a runner-runner straight but I don't think I was getting anything more on the river by anything I beat (easy boat board).



Well, that was a bunch of totally not awesome.

91 hands, -$75.75, -41.62BB/100, went to SD 11.76%, won at SD 0.00%. In other words, KK got cracked by 75s flopping two pair...after he called $9 preflop (reraise). Meanwhile, at Party: 94 hands, -$32.05, -17.05BB/100, went to SD 23.81%, won at SD 60.00%. Now, that was my own fault: Attempted steal with AJo, bet QJx flop and called river bet. Of course villain limp/called with AQo and MHING.

Total savings from laying down those hands after the flop, i.e. not putting any more money in when I may be behind: $30. Arguably I shouldn't have bet the flop with AJo. What a shitty session. A lot of the other spewage was set mining...and not hitting one. First time multitabling, too. Think I could handle four easily (my BR can't...it can't handle two if I bleed like that regularly).

Scumbags stats: 26 hands, VP$IP 84.62%, $165.75, 318.75BB/100, went to SD 40.91%, won at SD 66.67%. Jesus, his most profitable hand was cracking my KK (obviously). Second winningest was A9s (rivered flush). Then there was A6o which he won with twice. Best was calling a PFR to crack TT. Then 42o where he flopped the straight (I had K7s on that hand; gutshot+FD, neither hit [only saw the turn]). Best part is he lost $98 with AQo when someone flopped the wheel (limped preflop, overbet 5h 3s 4h flop, raised by wheelman, calls, calls wheelman's bet on the turn [Qd] after checking, then calls wheelman's all-in on the river [8c]. Great play by wheelman, managed to get it all-in). Ha. Ha.

Laughing at VP$IP 84.62% donk makes me feel slightly better. Other than KK and AJo, standard session for me (i.e. didn't make one hand). Yes, I am bitter.



Crap, I found out that while vmware workstation doesn't work locally the new free server does. So I butchered two boxes for nowt. Oh well.

Pokeredge has me at -33BB/100. Woot! Looks like that's over a tiny sample (<100) since it has my PFR at 0%, my steals at 0% and my postflop agression at 0. Yes, I never raise, steal, or bet. Still, might be worth getting...

Thinking about it, that means that only one pokeredge user has seen me play (and, uh, lose) a few hands so I'm not sure how much of an advantage it will afford me on the tables I play.

I'm also now in a position to use all the groovy windows poker software (pokertracker, pokeredge, pokerdavinci, pokerace HUD...) and I'll be able to see if I am -33BB/100 or not. Tonight it seems all I've done is download poker apps (screw pipex and their peak time restrictions on my account!).



Oops, butchered my FreeBSD box, got it all setup with vmware etc. Needed more disk space so I canibalised the 'bust' box I had knocking around. I thought the mobo was fried. Nope, I noticed the power switch had gotten pulled off of the pins. SOB. I've now dumped what used to be my FreeBSD HD into the bust box since the bust box has a faster cpu (only about 300Mhz but whatever). Not that either of them are blazing by any standards. So far, VMware is working okay over SSH. Have to see how XP deals with it...

No poker again tonight. Grrr. If I had spent all that time doing useful shit, fine, but mostly it was waiting around on my useless neighbour (he said he would help me on Saturday...then Sunday...then at 7pm tonight...didn't pin him down until about 9pm). Thanks.


Aggression is a great compensator

BB Q7o: Folded all the way around. SB completes, I check. Flop is QQ4 rainbow. SB bets pot, I call. Turn is a 9. SB checks, I bet about half pot, SB minraises me. Now I'm really worried about my kicker but I call. River is an 8 and there's no flush. Possible straight but I don't put him on a runner runner straight draw. SB bets 1/3 pot, I call. SB shows A4o, yeah baby...

UTG+1 77: UTG (SB from blind war) open raises to $10. I fold, of course, not getting proper odds to set mine. Rebuy or raise less you fruitcake.

Oops, just wasted $0.50 completing with 53o. Bah, I can't draw since villains keep betting before action gets to me (so I can bet my draws. Both my flush draw and then my gutshot would have given me the best hand at showdown.

I get AA, bet slider goes FUBAR. After my reraise preflop I can only bet $1 on the flop when checked to. Fantastic. Villain makes a bet on the turn. I can minraise, whoppee. Villain bets whatever on the river and I call only. Bit stupid but whatever. Running 4's were probably good for me if villain didn't have QQ or JJ.

Haha, I love it when a scumbag who hits runner-runner (flush in this case) gets owned by the slowplayed flopped fullhouse. Trapper here gets AA all-in preflop against a shortstacks KK. SS rebuys for 50bb again. Probably a good idea for his own protection. Why can't I get someone to have KK when I have AA?

Oh wow, quads again! UTG+1 QQ: Black Hiltons in a shit position. I raise to $4, button ($40) and BB ($60) call. Flop 3s9hQh. Top set on a flush draw board. I bet $8 into $12 pot. Both call. Turn Jack of spades. Okay, I want to get as much money in before the flush comes so I bet ~$30. BT calls, SB folds. River Queen of diamonds. Jackpot. SS has $2 left and he of course calls. What does he show? AA, KK? 99, 33, JJ? No, KJo. Jack/King off indeed.



Weak river play from me with KK against the limp caller. I was only behind to a set on the end, should have destacked the cunt (A7s, bluffed on the end with a missed flush draw).

Wow, dicks took all the dead money off the table. Fish had 67o with a paired 6 and maybe a straight draw. 'Sharks' had ATo (TPTK) and KTo (two pair). Grr, fish busted. A few hands later I pick up QQ on the button. King high flop I pot it, guy calls. Flush comes on the turn, another King on the river. He checks, I take the cheap showdown and win a smallish pot.

Picked up 77 and TT, neither hit. Playing out of the blinds I turn trips on a 3 spade board.

KK and QQ go all-in preflop for 100bb. KK wins unimproved. Nits can harp on all they like about folding KK preflop but at this level, with these players it's the wrong goddamn play.

Marginal winning session (half a buyin), would have been more had I not looked at the board at all with KK and QQ. Good news is I'm not getting that much respect at the tables (calling my PFR with A7s).

My variance at 25NL is essentially minimal, I haven't dropped a buyin in weeks. My variance at 50NL & 100NL is sick. I don't want to get into it anymore but I dropped two at 50NL on Sunday. The largest winning session I've had at 50NL was half a buyin. My shortstacking 100NL just didn't work at all. I can't afford to finance another stint at 100NL this month, and dropping $100 there would hurt my roll too much. I'll just have to be satisfied with whatever gains I can make with my current BRs at the Aquarium and PP. But like I said, PP is pretty unappealing after the fish fest at Pacific.



Tried Party for a bit...not impressed with the fishiness. I guess after Pacific anything else will seem like a let down. However, this is encouraging:

Party NL 100 6max + 6 tables = free money

No variance. Just free money.

Most days its an easy $750 - $1K.


I'm guessing guy clocks up 2K+ hands a day which will kill the variance. Can't be playing anything far from ABC that way, though. I need to try 6max :)

Finished up a buyin but lost a $5 on the last table. Would have been $4 had I not called CO raise from UTG with AQs. Then again, I almost have to call. One hand I hit a set on the turn after the 3 broadway flop was checked through. He bet, I raised (trying to build the pot, I don't think he had the straight [QJ, IIRC]). Turn made it 4 to a straight (only needed a Queen, I remember that much). He bet 1/10th pot. I merely called because while I don't think it likely as the PFR that he flopped a straight (think it was QJ needed, could have been QT or KQ), AQ was a real possibility. If I'd raised I'm open to a reraise which is an instafold. Might post it on 2+2.


Memorable Information

Just make morons use a strong password, for fucksake, instead of having to enter characters x,y,z from a piece of 'memorable information'. God.

Bonus whoring party would leave me a little short. I guess I could go without food...If only the heating bill wasn't so high. Wine is hardly ideal but it seems to be working now. Sort of. Think I'm going to have to go with a $350/£200 deposit. Grr @ life.

Laugh. Have to give my fucking passport number to make a goddamn deposit. There had better be zero problems when I come to withdraw. Interesting to watch the 2KNL table. I think I will shortstack 400NL and play the rest properly.

24: Continues to be excellent. Ended up watching the LoL release, though, and the quality is 'lol'. Very good season so far. Lynn's troubled family life is more interesting than...whatever the bitch CTU Director's was in Day4 ("oh no, my hatable daughter finally died. what a shame"). Lynn is actually quite an interesting character, better than Bill (even though I have fond memories of Space: Above and Beyond, chiglover). Jack's current girls are awful, no one compares to Kate Warner from Day2. When he hooked up with that Mexican chick in Day3, there was just no chemistry there. Audrey also has terrible chemistry with Jack. Diane has more but she's a bit homely. Bring back Kate! Chloe/Edgar are okay as background characters but I don't really see the appeal of Chloe. Edgar is great since not only does he act like your typical geek, he looks like one too! Tony and Nina or Tony and Michelle worked much better as Jack's backup. Oh yeah, WTF does Audrey do, anyway? Coordinate with DOD. Big fucking whoop. Yeah, she's vital to the operation. President Logan is looking less like a total incompotent now; Mrs Logan is looking less like a fruitcake. Mike's pragmatism is going to go through now, though, since Walt killing himself is a little too convienient for a public release. Aaron still can't act much but as Head of Secret Service (or whatever he is) that's okay. Hopefully Kim doesn't fuckup the reunion too badly, Elisha is not that talented of an actress. Hopefully Kim won't get too involved in the story. Tony would be an interesting character to revive if they're planning to do a Day6. In fact, Tony would be an interesting character to go bad. We could do with a decent villain after Nina. Day3 villains were rubbish (other than Nina...and Nina was a bit played out by then) but I prefered Ramone to Sanders (rofl). Day4 villain (the mummy guy) was dreadful. The ex-CIA guy in Day5 looks like a bit of a washout too. The pedo was a good scumbag...The terrorist leader is actually quite good but not fantastic. They should bring in Christian Troy!?!

Uh, that's more stream of concious on 24 than anyone could ever want but no one reads this shit anyway.

I skipped poker tonight! Spent time burning CDs, setting up a PP account, and reading 2+2. Haven't made one comment this evening. Ha! I was going to make one but the form expired. Screw it.

Depending on how much money I have left at the end of the month I might get some pherlure cologne (pheromones...). Anything is worth a shot. Might need to leave the house, though.


Least of my worries

Running slightly better today. Gone back to full on weak-tight counterplay. Made a bit back with a set of Jacks (after they cost me a buyin yesterday). Other than that, nothing much. Really need to get cracking on vmware station. Wow, just finished my session and I see I'm up much less than I thought. Oh well. I see it's because guy I stacked wasn't full. My run of great luck continues.

Shortstacking higher limits looks tempting. I might try 400NL open-push with 88+/AQs+. I'm pretty sure I have the skills to play higher. Those skills go out the window, however, when I'm on insane monkey tilt.

Anyway, Andy Beal, eh? OMGZ.

I see you can lease a Jag XKR for ~£200 p.m., full maintance, 30K miles allowance p.a. Sweet! Porsche Boxster and Audi TT are closer to £1K p.m. Which, even if were making a shitload of money, I don't think I'd bother spending that much. Boxsters, as far as my limited petrolhead knowledge goes, are girly cars anyway. 911 are for the guys :)

I do have a plan. A synergistic cunning plan that relies on me making money at poker to begin with but then subsidizing that with a porn site and advertising revenue. Obviously I'd have to get a few things fixed (14" ab. scar for a start...) but that would be the ultimate hedonistic trip. Quite a shallow pipedream but for a bitter nihlist it's a step-up from wishing for oblivion.



Finally hit top set with JJ, lose to the straight. I thought he might have it but I went broke anyway. Could have folded the turn.

Make a little back in an unraised pot with a set of 6's. Lose it back to a set of 4's. Great.

AKs: Two maniacs go nutso for 100bb preflop with AKs and JTs. AKs wins. I'd have split had I called.

Still running bad. Eff February.


Dropped another buyin against an uberfish (guy had dropped $150+ while I was sat at the table). The best part was when the other fish were congratulating him on playing well for a change. Yes, because hitting a backdoor flush when I hit my set is great play. He should write a book.

Although, I'm not enitrely happy with how I've been playing, that hand was okayish. TT: I raise 6bb. BB calls, uberfish reraises to 13bb, I call, BB folds. His raise there means he has two broadway cards, not a pair, not even AT+. Flop is 2s5cKd. I 2/3 pot it. He calls and I'm not investing anything further unimproved. Turn 7c, he checks and I have the C/F box ticked. River Tc. Jackpot? He goes all-in, which is 1bb more than I have left. I have to call and of course he shows KcQc for the backdoor flush. Of course.

Geegee, still running great today. AJs, call off 10bb after calling raises preflop. JJ never wins either, don't know why I even bothered raising it. Cuntrag takes a nice pot that I built. Probably with AKo. Can't believe how many people called that PFR. I guess that's what I want with Jacks but if they're all holding rags it doesn't make a difference.

AQs: Fold to JJ on a KQxr flop. Damnit. I should have bet ~half and see what he did after that instead of deferring to the PFR. Really smelled AKish but I should have given it a shot.

Haven't folded a PP, haven't hit a set. Two hands I would have won at SD if I'd paid to get there were AQs (mid pair) and AKo (nut flush).

JJ loses to QQ on an undercard flop. 12% of running into QQ+. Fuck poker.



No sets for me still. How upsetting.

Pick up red AA UTG. Take it down on the flop.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. Go loopy with 88 on a 999 flop when I was set mining. God, I'm retarded. I thought he was full of shit but I guess not. Guy showed QQ. MHING. Duh.

I was actually doing okay up until that point. Everyone seems to be picking up premium PP.

Idiot claiming he layed down KK vs AA on a King high flop. Why yes, I often fold top set when I think the other guy has Aces. It's fantastically EV.

Oh for fucksake. AJs vs 88, shortstack wants to go all-in, I let him. Again, I hit my card but the board has other ideas. He hits his 8 on the turn. Would I have taken that had I know he had 88? Of course not, but he was on tilt so his range was way broader than just pairs. That's 3 for 3 on coinflips.

Red KK. Get it all on the Queen high flop against AQ. River is an Ace. "fuckpoker."

-$95 in 60 mins. Impressive. 88 was retarded (-$41.13, preflop 0.2EV). Coinflip was standard (-$12.54, preflop 0.47EV, flop 0.9EV). KK was sick (-$47.50, preflop 0.7EV, flop 0.8EV, turn 0.85EV).

So yeah, I lost ~$48.50 skalansky bucks, I won $52.50. That really is no comfort because losing like that is utterly retarded, and shows that I suck at the game.

If I had a gun I'd blow my brains out right now. Hanging is my only realistic option but it's slow and unpleasent. I doubt very much that I'd be able to break my own neck. Bullet to the brain is litterally fire and forget. Panecea.


I win some at 50NL. Got a donk all-in preflop with A8o vs my 88. Scumbag loses a 70/30, amazingly enough. UTG AA: 6bb raise (NO LRR!), too many callers. Pot KTxr flop. All fold. SB AKs: I complete and hit a flush draw. Bet it, raised. Think about it for a bit. I have two overcards, a backdoor straight draw, and a flush draw. I call. Turn completed the flush and I bet half pot. Villain didn't like his hand so much after that. Maybe I should have checked.

Pick up KK in LP, I don't get fancy. There's 3 limpers in front of me so I raise to 8bb. Should only be 7bb but I couldn't be bothered with the slider. No takers. I don't know why I'm still at this table. I have good reads on most of the players. One or two are spectacularly bad and have big stacks. Oh, saying that, one bust and the worst player at the table doubled up through another live one. New table. Still haven't hit a set for awhile. Have yet to take a ~100bb stack at 50NL.

All that for a piddling ~60bb. Better than posting losses, of course, but in terms of dollars won, 25NL is still considerably more profitable for me. Would have been better, actually, had I not misplayed AKs. I checked the turn and allowed KQo to hit a straight on the end, which given the large pot and his small stack size, I had to call. Should have either C/F or put him all-in on the turn. Being OOP sucks.

Marginal edges

Right, I've got to start eschewing marginal edges since I don't play a high enough volume of hands to iron them out. Taking a 50.00001% edge isn't worth it.

Within 4 hands at 25NL I've doubled up after flopping trip 4's with J4o out of the BB. Christ, that was easy. EP, I bet at them, got raised all-in. Other guy pushed. It's a no brainer call. If he has a better kicker, so be it. He shows 54s and MHIG. With all that action I was thinking I was up against a flopped full house...

The thing about that hand is it could have happened at any limit but at 25NL I get paid. By idiots, of course, but paid nonetheless.

Cheques cleared. Need to pay rent & bills which eats about a third of it. Then deposit on Party.

Haven't hit a set for awhile. Whee. Had 33 and if I'd peeled off on the flop I'd have hit the turn. Results! KQo turns a straight. No one overcalls my half-pot bet. See, this is what irks me. I've been playing for over an hour and I haven't made any money.

Table dies, I join waiting list on the largest avg. pot 25NL/50NL/100NL tables. 25NL opens first. 33, I miss the flop again.

Bollocks, fold AKo gutshot on the turn, rivered it. Other guy rivered the idiot end. Meh.

I'm "due" to get some big pairs and hit some sets but I'm pretty burnt out on folding, folding, folding for now.

Push the button

So, the time has come for me to donk off the remainder of my stack. Whee.

Pull the trigger with 33 and lose to AQo. Whee. Almost 53/47 and I still lose. NH. Only took 10 minutes.

Two for two on coinflips, super.



Idiot gets it all-in preflop with QTo. AKo follows. AA stacks them both. Easy money?

UTG KJo: Fold. Hey, look ma, I can play tight!

AQs kills a suited gapper when the flush comes on the river. Great play by AQs.

SB AJo: Folded to me and I fold preflop. BB is 24bb shortstack and unless I hit the flop for two pair, it's a waste of a call. I could probably try stealing but I don't like the reverse implied odds.

MP2 QQ: 4bb open raise, all fold. Pff.

UTG+1 AJo: Call minraise. Flop is KJx. I bet 2/3 of pot, both call. Turn is a blank. River is another King. Grr.

I don't think this was a good KK fold, personally, even without looking at the results. Folding to a 1/5 pot bet on a blank turn? No sir, I don't like it. If I get beat by Michael Jackson, so be it, I'm seeing the river with KK. I actually was going to suggest raising the turn to full pot and blocking the river. That would have been my line.

Oh, you have to be kidding me. I raise AKo 4bb UTG. One caller. Comes around to SS who pushes. I isopush. Bitch behind calls. Caller has 99, SS has Q9o. Board makes a 4 card straight Nine high.

Right, fuckem. 25bb SSS it is. Stupid cunts. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Fuck poker.


Cheque hasn't cleared which is probably a blessing as I'm tempted to go shortstack the 1KNL on party. I'll probably play sensibly when I sign up, multitabling 25NL for a bit.

My 100NL roll is not healthy so I may have to shortstack that for 25bb. The trouble with that is I'm paying 1.5bb per orbit so if I have to fold 38 hands in a row, I'm buggered. The annoying thing is when I'm not tilting off, I feel I could play a solid game at this level (essentially counterplay but with maybe some more optimal TAG elements too). Since I fucked up already, might as well shortstack it. Starting hands: AQs/AKo/AKs/88+. Raising all, and pushing preflop/flop.

Ivey is obviously a fish.

Session one begins immenently (waiting for the BB). I fold 79o after hitting my 9 on the flop. Winner had a pair of 4's. Wow, dude bets $100 into a $30 pot and is called. Doesn't look like he was expecting that. Folds on the river? Unreal. AJo on the button, raised in front of me, I fold. Perhaps a mistake. Super deep stack uses his entire timebank for almost every decision. Oh, and now he's gone. KQs folded. That's one thing that irks me about Miller SSS.

SB QQ: Black hiltons, I raise $10 and collect the dead money. Grr.

BT AQo: Raised then reraised in front of me. It's almost a push if I thought either of these players were loose. I credit the reraiser with AK+. I seem to have started a raising trend.

Aces destack Jacks. Aces leaves the table quite a bit richer. I recognise the guy that took his place. He seemed solid the last time I saw him. Damn, I fold KJo preflop and the raiser/caller show A4s and A8o respectively. Goes to show, fish are really awful. I was respecting the guy with A4s because he destacked a really loose aggro guy with JJ.

Wow, JJ makes runner-runner quads against unimproved TT. Amazing hand. 44 races against AQs postflop. 44 wins by making a straight.

I haven't picked up a hand in forever, regardless of playing supertight.

UTG AKo: Open raise for $5. Almost perfect flop (AK3, two hearts). I open push but I'm uncalled. Grr.

Okay, I'm not feeling the love on this shortstack strategy. Maybe there just aren't enough LAGs around but I'm not getting called. MP1 AKo: UTG+1 raises to 4bb, I push 30bb or so. Dude folds. Shouldn't you be calling just to bust me? Am I annoying you? I'm not touching you. Am I annoying you? I guess I have to do this more often. Need to run hot, I guess. Maybe a reraise to $15 would have been better, and then open push. Still, I'm not unhappy to collect dead money with AKo.

That was a resounding failure. The key to this strategy is that people call your pushes. Not getting called kills it. I might just try a full buy-in.



Why am I playing poker? To make money. Why am I taking shots with ridiculous ROR? To make more money faster. So why am I donking off money in situations where I know MHING? I don't know.

CO KQs: Folded to me so I open raise for 4bb. BB calls. Bollocks. I c-bet the flop for half-pot but I give it up after that. He probably has next to nothing on the river but all I have is a busted straight draw. Ooh, now there's a flop I could have down with KKQ.

Haha, guy who loves to bluff and pushed me off my KQs hand just lost his stack after raising A4s (I think it was suited...) in EP and getting called by TT. I love it when maniacs get busted (although, I prefer to be the one busting them).

See, this is where I have trouble. I limp AKo and fold to a 5bb raise from MP. Now this is a pretty obvious call or reraise normally. Given that I'm shortstacked I should have probably pushed. But I folded. Grr. I'd like to say that if I had AKs I'd have pushed but I said the same thing about AQo earlier. That's why I'm playing as a shortstack after all, to get my pushes called.

So, okay. I'm now open pushing AJ+ and any pair higher than 55.

SB A8s: Folded to me...I fold too. Not really any implied odds in playing that against the BB.

I open push 55. No callers. Ship that dead money, baby!

-$13 from the blinds, limps, and KQs hand. Next time I'll buy in with what I have left and open push whatever.


BT AQo: I fold to PFR. Of course the flop is TQQ. There's something to be said for being properly rolled. A few hands later I pick up KJs but fold to a button raise. Grr. Everytime I pick up AQo I seem to get raised. Being SS I'd push with AK/AQs.

Guy tears it up with 34s. Twice in a row he made the wheel and doubled up. I fuck up with KQo on the button. Folded to me and I limp? Duh, anymore obvious time to raise/steal?

And there we go. Blew through that 50bb at the speed of light. Lost AA to K6o (my idiot self went for UTG+1 LRR) and then AJs got setted with ducks on a 72J flop. Fucking typical. Suicide is the way forward since I suck too much at poker.


No lost this week :( Day off sick, backs playing up a bit.

Just watched ultra lag get busted after pushing in a 3 way pot. Called by 78s and 99, and he lost $200 to a straight and a set. NH. Shame, though, I was looking at him to double me up. If only I could get a hand.

Lose a little with ATo in a blind war. Flop was AKJ. I knew BB was laggy but whatever. I'm WA/WB. Villain then fucks me with the nut flush (A2s) with my 86s OESFD. Bollocks. Then again, I should have just pushed flop and hoped no one had landed a boat.

Nasty session loses me 1/4 of my shot BR. Other than those two hands, I played okay. I picked up 2 or 3 PP that I remember, and folded one of those preflop (can nay set mine). I didn't pick up one hand that neccessitated a PFR. There was one situation that I could have taken against another SS when I had AQo. That's a coinflip at best, though.

Good news is I identified two new fish, suited Michael Jackson villain and another. Both of them are loose but the other fish pushes all the goddamn time with air, bottom pair, etc. He also habitually raises preflop. Michael Jackson goes to far with shitty hands but he's not that bad, and no, his play in the two hands above isn't indicative of the rest of his game.

Just over 1h30m session, needed to break anyhow. Think I took my beats pretty well there :/



Scurvydog is dead on again. Play shorter sessions stupid. It's not coincidence that my marathons are breakeven at best. 2hrs max from now on.

Deposited $200 for 100NL BR. Only sat with $50 right now. Limits my play in some regards but makes things simpler in others. Not being able to set mine does suck, though. I'm not going to play anything lower than a class 4 hand except for SCs and PP. Typically I pick up K9s and K8s on the BT and CO. From a results viewpoint, neither connected. Now I get K8o...and damn, it would have hit two pair.

Saw someone lose with a set of 4's in an extremely obvious way. The flop was all diamonds and he didn't seem to think it was possible that someone might have the flush. Even when the fourth flush card fell on the river. Duh.

I've identified one donkey. There's another guy who's probably on tilt after his KK met AA preflop. AA started with a ~$50 stack, doubled up through JJ, and then again just now. Donkey's busted.

I pick up a small pot with 77 when I called a small PFR (didn't break the 5/10 rule) and rivered a straight. Almost a straight flush except the 5 was a club and not a spade. Hand before that I made the mistake of playing A4s. Not a good hand in EP when playing SS.

I've gotten J8 at least 3 times now. 18bb SS just went all-in on his first hand. Great :/

Actually, I can set mine small raises with this stack. Just saw a good call from A2s, called down with a pair of twos against AQo whiffed overs. Gutsy.

SSS goes all-in preflop with JTs, called by A9s. Idiot hits his Jack. Haha, fool busts himself when he pairs his 9 from J9s. Owned by JTo's flopped trips.

AKo doubles up through AA by hitting trips on the turn after calling all-in on the flop. That's a bad beat.

I finished Phil's LGB earlier. Excellent, definitely worth revisiting. What he says about "BOW's" strategy is interesting (unbeatable but high variance). Next on the ol' reading list is Yao's book.

SB K8s: Prepared to play this at a discount but SSS raises. He then bets $1 into a $10 pot leaving himself $3.50 left. And he doesn't get called?!? This table has broken now.

40m +$5. Could have been worse considering I only made two hands (AKo TPTK, 77 rivered straight 9-high).