
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



All in all, I've got something to give.

Coherence is very nice.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Looks good. Only thing is WMP doesn't work...so I can't view cardrunners videos. Bummer.

Now I have to install XP natively to get my C&C3 fix. I might install Q4 too. LOL, to install Q4 natively on OSX I have to download the freaking DVD again and use my windows key on it.



Nuked Ubuntu in order to install OSX :( I hope it's worth it. I hope it's not a major hassle to install either.

Some of the advice on 2p2 is so bad it's hilarious. Yes, valuebet someone you think bluffs too much~!1 Good idea, FeltBelt. Actually, a lot of advice on 2p2 is very good but...most of the advice FeltBelt gives is terrible.

lol, the new computer is making me super cold with it's stupendous airflow. Ugh, 5am and I'm installing OSX and listening to Oakenfold.

Even once I get OSX playing nicely...I have to install Parallels and bootcamp XP for games. Hopefully the C&C3 demo hits this week.

UM, well, that was easy. Video, networking both working. Audio is probably working but I didn't check the right box in the installer. Supported resolutions are kind of crappy. 1920x1440@60Hz...ow. I get at least 70Hz with xorg. Installed a shareware thingy that might allow for better refresh rate. Only have it running on one monitor now at 1600x1200@85Hz. Using separate kb/mouse right now too. Not only do I have to do a lot of configuration to the OSX box, I have to then do some jiggery with the Debian box too. Updated, restarting...

Would like to monitor system temps but the InsanelyMac forums just went down. I went to 3.2GHz and DDR-720 (or something, pretty conservative with the RAM since it's only value stuff). Probably have more than sufficient cooling but I'd like to make sure it's not cooking. This shutdown is taking awhile...

Looks like I need to buy Parallels and download Bootcamp. Oh, Bootcamp doesn't work with non-Apple hardware. Have to install XP and hope it doesn't fuck up the Darwin bootloader. Think I'll install it to a separate drive and disconnect OSX's disk to be sure.

So the above paragraphs were written last night. It's morning now and I have audio working (in theory, at least an output device is showing up I haven't tested it yet). Need to fix the keyboard layout as it isn't mapping keys like '#' and '\' correctly. Unfortunately, the page that tells me how to do this is down due to the Flickr API borking. Isn't Web2.0 marvellous?

I have a brand new combined harvester


Well...I guess I won the auction. Meh. Time to get configurating!

Just come out of a second long session. Pretty grinding & gruelling. Highlights: Raise 66 UTG, AA 3bets. I decided I have set value and call. I flop a set, I check/raise all-in. Ace on the turn. Of course. 96% equity is really not what it used to be.

But other than that, fucking run over for the most part. Especially with JJ. Early in the session, I raise JJ, 277r flop. He bets 7BB, how cute. I raise, he pushes...unknown b3b all-in...I have one of the weakest overpairs...MEH and fold. Then, practically my last hand, JJ UTG (last hand at that table), 234r flop, I bet, uberlag pushes for 150BB. That's...just...great. I fold. I feel he's either doing that with 2pair+ or an OESD. He's never got 88-TT there. 100BB deep I may have called, 150...MEH. However, I got to that 150 on a previous hand: 334 I check 88, this guy raises, and check/raises practically any flop. I feel my eights are probably good but I'm not sure if I want to build a big pot. HE CHECKS BEHIND. Well, that throws me...but 8 on the turn. I bet 8BB (lolotricky!), he instantly raises. I imagine he has air or hearts a lot so I agonize a little and just call. 4 on the river, perfect card to check to monkey boy. He bets just over half pot with what is probably air, and I push. I honestly don't think he has much difficulty folding his high-card hand there. And then I played tight until the JJ hand.

Not a lot of action on sets...or draws when I made them. A lot of brilliant play on the part of my opponents. Guys getting it in frequently with the worst hand and winning (not just against me). Well, I guess that's why you run at such a high winrate. Aggression is key in NLHE but so is pushing with the worst hand and frequently sucking out. This wasn't all on me but w/e. Downieboy reg abused me with 3betting. He either called every 3bet I made, or 3bet most of my opens. I gave up on the table. 3bet QQ, Ace-high flop, BUT OF COURSE. I bet, he calls. I imagine he's floating me there some of the time but mostly...he has it and I check/fold the turn. I honestly can't remember the last time I 3bet AQ+ and flopped an Ace.

Very frustrating session. I thought things had turned around when I flopped sixs, c/r all-in and the guy instacalls with AA but alas no. Oh, AND GOD FORBID PAHUD WORKS. I don't think I can blame PAHUD but probably my postgresql server...or maybe just the size of the DB. Anyway, I intend to move the DB to this machine (since it's faster) and the vmware image to the new machine.


Uh oh

Getting more questions about E6600. I can see someone sniping it at the last minute so I get...like £50 profit. So glad I auctioned it to increase my margin...

Damn, and I was looking forward to keeping it! Well, 4hrs to go. We'll see.

Started getting a little wild at the end of my session in order to protect my big hands as Brian says. This is an important concept. I shouldn't have to think "OMFG, did he outflop me this time? Or has he made his fucking draw AGAIN?". Also, I shouldn't be making big calls ever at small stakes. It's just not the road to riches. To call 3 streets with an overpair when the board rivers 4 to a straight is pretty bad. Yes, bluff catching is cool but unnecessary. Also, I'm a little annoyed at the TPTK, bet flop, check turn, call PSB line that I've been taking. I mean, most of the time I can't call the river since I have 8-high or whatever. It's just annoying to see this line again and again used for value against me. Especially when I river trips. I am betting the fucking turn next time, I don't care if worse hands fold.

ALSO, I wish PAHUD would work all the time. Having no stats on a player makes things hard. Is he bluffing or is he too passive? Should I be valuebetting or inducing bluffs?

Meh, second time I've tried downloading Stringer's HU vid only to get it truncated. Thank you, Pipex.

Looks like I might be going to Entanet. 'Be' would have been better but, obviously, ASDL2+ is not available in the sticks. Enta has the problem of the network becoming swamped as soon as off-peak (2200) kicks in but other than that it looks good.

Went to the bank, got house contents insurance for £10 a month. Exciting! Although, I did talk to her about poker a little (because my bankroll is mostly offline in savings). She was friendly and gave me her card...so obviously she fancies me. Ha.

Think I may have played too long. Did a 3 hour session (1715-2015) at probably not the best time.

The top two hand. I played it wrong. I should have c/r the turn all-in if I intended to call a bet on a non-flush river. If I intended to fold to a river bet, calling would have been okay. I mean, yes, it's a marginal spot. Top two in an unraised pot is not the nuts but I was caught in two minds: Not paying off a set, and not getting bluffed by a draw. Decide which you are doing: If you're not paying off a set, you're folding the river. If you're extracting from a whiffed draw, you're calling the river...so may as well get it all-in on the turn. IDK, against his exact hand I played fine and he rivered me. Against his range (draws...sets, bottom two, top and bottom two)...I'm not so sure. It's probably the best, actually. And block flush rivers.

Heroes.117: Need to download this...at a socially acceptable time.

Cracking good show

Hey, hey, hey! I 'trap' with QQ (great idea), flop comes Ten-high, I payoff TT. Could have folded the river. KK. I 3bet, guy calls with 78s. 7-high flop and he has to call because a pair of sevens is close to the nuts in a 3bet pot. He turns two pair, and I try to squeeze a thin valuebet with KK as TT did to me on the river when the board is 4 to a straight. CAN THEY EVER CALL AND NOT GET THERE? ONE TIME. AKs Guy limps UTG, I raise OTB. KcJcT. Not the greatest of flops but okay. UTG check/calls. Turn is a low heart giving me a flushdraw. I check behind because something smells rotten. King on the river. He valuebets. OMFG. AQ...well done. AKs I 3bet UTGs open, he 4bets...I laugh and fold. I'm sure this time he doesn't have AA/KK but w/e. AKo Shortstack limps, I raise, KK5 flop. He check/calls. Jack on the turn. OH FOR FUCKSAKE. Why is that never a 2? Great, check behind. Ten on the river, he bets close to pot. OMFG. I don't beat KJ and KT...and a highly optimistic AQ. Why can't we go all-in on the flop you fucktard shortstack? You have a King, why not get it in? FUCKER. I call, KJ goot. 44 I finally flop a set. 3d45d. GREAT FLOP. I bet into...a few people, BTN calls. Turn is 8d. GREAT TURN. I bet/fold to his push. I mean, it's conceivable that I'm getting semi-bluffed off the best hand but I don't expect him to be that tricky.J5 BB special flops top two, I bet, limped AJo pots obviously. I call, I check thinking I'll raise it all-in. He bets...I abort and call thinking he likely only has a FD. Ace on the river. I check/call whiffed FD...only I totally misread his hand. I mean, TPTK in a limped pot should have been so obvious. 55 I check/raise turn all-in with a set, no call. Obviously, no call when MHIG.

Get AA and KK all-in pf twice. Against the other AA and the other KK. GREAT. One good hand: Complete 55 from the BB. Flop is Q45r. I pot, BB raises, limper calls. WTF? OH WELL, push. BB calls with Q4, limper shows 45. ONE TIME...YES. No Queen, no runner-runner quads. WOOT.

Oh, another good hand: I raise 33, flop is AJh3h. I bet, two shortstacks go all-in with AJ. HA!


God, I hate torrents but anime = torrents. Gunbuster looks pretty cool and I really want to see it after watching GB2:ep1. But finding seeds/peers for Gunbuster 2 is hard, finding ones for Gunbuster 1 is impossible. Oh, and part of the reason I want to see it is because of the boobies, yes. Topless!

Doesn't look like the Nine Hundred is going to sell. It has two watchers, and less than 24 hours left. I've had one question which was "Is that a MS Haku mouse pictured with it?". I was very helpful but I don't think he's going to buy it. Do I care? Not...really. It would have been nice to go: "Wow, I just made £££ for just assembling a cool system. I'll do that every week." But, equally, it will be nice to have a new computer...and possibly run OSX86 on it. And certainly play some new games on it (e.g. I've pre-ordered C&C3)...which means installing XP (boo, hiss!). Maybe I can find an unused PATA drive and just swap it in/out without having to actually infest the current one with MS crap. Anyway, who knows, maybe it will be sniped at the last minute.

Diamonds are for never

4 hours

Um, yeah, check/raising into the nuts is not a good idea. I raise A9s UTG, button calls, BB calls. Flop is TJx. WEEE, NFD! I make my standard bet, button calls, BB thinks about it and folds. Ace on the turn. I check the guy's aggression: 2.4. Time to check/raise all-in. He bets 1/3rd pot, I hesitate a little too much but it doesn't matter anyway. I push, he has KQo and I miss my diamond. I should have really made a note on the guy that says "draws to 3 outs (ip), bets miracle card small". Meh, w/e. I'd rather go broke with Axs there than two pair.

Did a lot of folding, even some really quite good hands against shortstacks. Folded a 7-high flush because it felt right. Paid off one guy with an underfull in Omaha (T88hh flop, he had TT, I lost about 20BB after I turned eights full).

Actually stacked some people and realized some equity. The irony being that I was playing pretty tight. Stacked two donkeys with a set of ducks, one had KQ, one had KJs. Wasn't actually sure MHWG on the turn since I bet, donkey1 pushes, and then donkey2 pushes. Donkey2 had KJs and had turned a flushdraw.

Just played pretty solid. Nothing fancy (other than the FD+TP push). Lots of folding, not many suckouts (other than one fun hand where I flop bottom set on monotone flop and guy calls with just a Q-high FD). Oh well.

Watched Brian's second video. He actually runs well in the videos. It's hard to believe he's running 25/19 since I'm playing almost exactly the same hands as he is most of the time (my button range is now: Axs, Kxs, Q8s+, J8s+, 32s+, 42s+, A7o+, JTo+, plus random semi-connect suited junk and off-suited connectors), yet my 'live' stats show me to be a serious nit. Of course, I don't always adhere to that range if the table conditions aren't suitable (shortstacks, calling stations, shortstacked calling stations), which often they aren't at small stakes.


Fruk off

Got a nastyogram from ISP about high usage. "Change your behaviour...or pay by the GB...or fuck off." Unlimited doesn't mean what it used to mean.

Interestingly, there's a /. article about this topic. I found this comment insightful. Basically, they're oversubscribed. They've sold 2Mbps to <50 people. Oops. Well, I feel bad for your miscalculation. And it's a shame that ADSL2+ and VOD are going to kill your network.



Thinking about it: Of course his bad play was justified based on results. He called 11.5BB and won ~145BB. I mean, OF COURSE, WHY NOT. He gets a slightly too big cbet from me (45BB total), and of COURSE, fish goes broke with Queen-high. I mean, why would fish NOT GO BROKE WITH QUEEN HIGH? Or, why would he not win a cbet from me?

Maybe I telegraphed my hand...but not really. I 3bet QQ+, probably AK, maybe AQ, sometimes on a squeeze with SCs or suited (sometimes semi-connected) junk. And yes, the same size raise (pot+some since I'm OOP). Does he really have such great implied odds against that range? FUCK NO. But, OF COURSE, this being FUCKING POKER, his bad play is rewarded HANDSOMELY. WHY ever would it NOT be?


"sigh" should be my default title: Raise A7s (OMG, how dare I?) more callers than I would like to the flop. 5T9 flop, I bet, 20/17 guy raises 3x, two folds, and back to me. Well, I have the NFD, an over, and runner-runner straight draws. Gamble. 55 is goot, obviously. I could have probably folded since I NEVER GET THERE when I push and he's raising with people to act behind. OH WELLS.

AA in the BB. Raise, call, and I over pot. Two calls, great. Flop is x89 OBV. I bet 30BB into 40, slightly too high. Fish calls, 'TAG' regular minraises. YOU FUCKING CUNTRAG, you're seriously calling without the correct implied odds with 88/99? FUCK YOU. I fold, fish calls. The get it all in on turn, regular idiot has 88, fish has QJs (no FD). YOU FUCKING CUNTS.

I win a buyin (miracle) off a nit in a blind battle: I have AA in the BB, SB raises, I repot, he calls. Flop is xQT. I bet my regular cbet, he calls. He bets the non-draw turn smallish, I push, he calls with 99. WTF? Thanks but...? I can understand everything up until the turn call. Well, at least I am getting some value from these idiots some of the time.

KQo OOP, 76Qr flop, I bet, call. Turn is a 3, I bet, call. River is a Ten. I check...fold. I really thought he was calling with an OESD (because these guys never fold draws with position)...and it just got there. Maybe I should have blocked.

Omaha: I flop NFD+TPTK 3handed after calling EP raise. He pots, I think about it and only call, blind calls. Board is 9J7K on the turn. EP checks, I bet 2/3rd pot, blind raises me all-in. I double check, yes, nuts, call. QTxx misses the 9 of hearts one time.

I think I should play more PLO. This holdem crap pisses me off. AK...oh, I flop A-K high and a shortstack pushes, FANDIDDLYTASTIC. After my double up thanks to idiots 99, I pick up 99 OTB. We're shorthanded and UTG raises, I call. Blind 3bets. Now, unlike these other morons, I don't call with insufficient pot odds. It was 9BB to call, he has less than 90BB left. OH, I have a pair and pairs can make sets, let's call! I can't get over that other guy: He's calling 12BB pf with 100BB stack...just because the fish called. WELL DONE. Yes, I'm sure you'll stack both of us because I'm an idiot and will go broke with an overpair 3 ways. FUCKING CUNT. Time and time again bad play is rewarded. Not only did the idiot cost me ~40BB finding out my overpair was no good, he cost me the money I would have won if he had FUCKING FOLDED.

OTOH, there was a raise, I call with JJ, and blind 3bets. PFR calls, I call. Why? Because JJ can be played for more than just set value. Although, in all honesty, I should have probably folded PF. Or 3bet PF. If I 3bet PF, I'm getting called by better hands, for sure, but at least I get to see a fucking flop once in a while.

OH, I do tell a lie: Bad play is not rewarded when it is my own. The NFD push for example. Is he raising a SC? HELL NO, not when I push he's not. Oh well, "Time to get there" AHAHAHAH.

Oh, and my own flopped monsters: Well, I didn't hit one but no doubt if I did, everyone would have folded.

I would like to play ~30hours (+/-10) next week. I doubt I'll make this quota because I hate poker. I. Hate. Poker.

Good is bad, bad is good, fish is lemon. Fnord. Fuck poker.

Oh yeah, and I think I'm firing my coach. Why? Because I asked him to set up a session over a week ago and he hasn't. If I'm prepared to pay for your help and you still can't be bothered: FUCK YOU. We've had 3 hours since...December 22. That is fucking ridiculous. Part of it is on me, most of it is on him. He has a service. I want to pay for it but he can't be bothered. So fuck him.



Oh yeah, I forgot, I actually made a the NFD oop and check/raised it. As part of metagame it's not bad but I should have bet or check/called.

Why not

That's my catch phrase. Played more nitty today, even though my range was theoretically wider (using BigJim's)...just totally card dead.

Why not one: 9% PFR raises, I call, shortstack fish min 3bets, PFR calls, I have 7BB more to call and do with 33. K72 flop. GREAT. Min3bettor checks, PFR checks, I check. 3 on the turn. M3B checks, PFR bets 1/5th pot. OKAY, I raise, M3B goes all-in, PFR folds. Ugh, what, you have one of the two flushdraws and a gutshot wheel draw? KK? Okay. AA, yes! Ace on the river. Why not?

Complete with 66 in the SB due to two limpers. T69 flop. Pot, one limper calls. 7 on the turn, OF COURSE. I bet planning to fold if raised. Call! I block Qx river. J8o calls. Why not? I mean, perhaps I should have c/f the river but I don't understand his turn play. He has the nuts, there are two flush draws. If I have a 7 and a flushdraw I will definitely give him action if he raises. If I have a set, I won't. What does he think I have on the river? KJ? You have the Jack of spades, numpty.

So, bad play: -20BB. Good play: -60BB. YEP, why not.

Heh, joking aside, I played better. Tighter (even though in theory I have a wider opening range...just card dead), and more concentrated. I only pulled a few fancy plays and they mostly worked (e.g. one limper and nit raises from the SB, I call with 55 in the BB, limper folds. Flop is 97Ar, he bets, I raise. He folds his ace magnets. I mean, that's the trouble with only raising premium pairs OOP there, I can play perfectly against him.)

Oh, did well in Omaha too. AQK7ss, limp the button (everyone limps in small stakes Omaha). 7K3, CO pots, I repot willing to gamble it up with top two + NFD. He calls with 33xx. King on the turn, giving me the nuts. He checks, I bet smallish, he stackadonks. OTAY! No 3 on the river. I kind of like Omaha because when people are behind...they are sometimes very behind.


Responsibility, Responsibility, Responsibility

As Aba says, I must take responsibility for me own results. If I bluff someone who is unlikely to fold, that's my own fault. If I call someone who's unlikely to be betting with a hand I beat, that's my fault too. Poker is fundamentally simple: Lose less with your losing hands, win more with your winning hands. Just like stock trading is easy: Buy low, sell high.

Play less HE tables. If I find the need, add some O8 to alleviate boredom. Today, I run much better at Omaha. Was able to get about of a third of my stack in preflop with AAds, so I took the opportunity.

Concentrate on what I am doing. A player who calls all bets with half his hands, more than often can't even beat top pair, so I need to valuebet appropriately...and stop cbetting whiffed flops. I mean, this is the type of player who is theoretically trivial to beat. And, in fact, I didn't lose all that much to this guy. True, it was frustrating as hell having him on my left but w/e.

Oh, and I play good defensively, so when the guy pushes over my blocking bet with TP2K...I don't call. I mean, I took almost this exact same line on my bluff...on a similar board...and the guy calls with TPTK. So, yeah, I lost money and may have folded the best hand but I played it 'okay'.

But a trend I've noticed from my biggest losses are: I pay off too weakly and I bluff too much (oh, and I lose when ahead too often). I mean, it's okay to bluff small amounts but the largest mistake small stakes players (good and bad) make is they call too much. I mean, if they'll call raises and bets OOP with very weak pairs and draws, I have two options: 1) Don't raise/bet with hands that have no showdown value or 2) Bluff the river. I think option 2 is pretty terrible when these guys call too much. So, yeah, from now I'm giving up when my hand has no equity on the flop/turn, and, like I said, I'll continue to bet draws until the river unless the board is paired.

The 50's

I've got money for you if you play half your hands to showdown. Just fucking ridiculous. I flopped a set, call, call with OESD, hit's river. I have no stats showing how passive this guy is (1.5) so I assume my set is good and he's bluffing the whiffed FD (yes, that's right, he's drawing to an OESD OOP on a FD flop)...or has made two pair. Good for you.

I spew chips to him because he doesn't fold ever. Not to flop bets, turn bets, or river bets. Nor raises. I tighten up with the intention of valuebetting. I hit nothing apart from:

Same table, different guy I call a 3bet IP with AKo. Flop KJx, check, check. Q on turn, pause, check...check. King on the river, small valuebet. OMFG, QQ is it? WHY NOT. YEP.

Same table. I raise AA (the audacity) shortstacked guy calls. Flop is A65r. Shortstack pushes, I make a small raise in case the 50% VPIP guy wants to call with 78/34 but he folds. Shortstack shows 78s, obv. Not only does he turn a 9, he backdoors a flush. WP.

KQ, flop top pair on rainbow board. Aggro reg calls IP. Turn pairs bottom pair, I check/call. I block the river, he pushes. OBV. I mean, he's repping a set but who knows.

Every 'premium' pair gets cracked except one, flop another set of Aces. Board makes a 4 card straight. OKAY. Shall I push IP when he checks the river? Oh, I got so much value there out of A9 but look, I lost it on the KQ hand.

I think I got all-in again and lost. I seem to be down two buyins. Made I lost an them both to 50% VPIP idiots.

I hate 100NL. There is just so much...CRAP play that gets constantly rewarded. It's almost tempting to tighten up and overbet PF, inflating the pots because then your hands make strong holdings postflop. Say I start raising every hand to 10BB, WTF is a 50% VPIP guy going to do against that?

Oh, and I've stopped bluffing rivers entirely. Yep, I checked behind 5 high because no one can fold a pair. I mean I'll still raise on a semi-bluff but when I miss I'll just check it behind.

Badly played hands: AK, but it's marginal. Yes, I payed off a tiny VB with trips, top kicker. MEA CULPA. The set. Perhaps if I had seen this guys aggression rating, I would have merely called the river.

In truth, that's the only bad hand I can think of. The KQo against an aggro player I always lose about the same OOP. I could have bet the turn, folded the river or to a raise.

I really don't see how I can lose so much. Yes, I went broke with sets, SO SORRY. Maybe I got bluffed off the best hand once or twice but it would have taken calling off my stack to find out. Wow, I chose not to.

I absolutely hate this type of 'poker'. Skill is hardly discernible. There are no plays. How the fuck are you supposed to put someone on a hand when their VPIP is over 40%? They can have almost any two and be calling with any draw or any pair...and sometimes without either. There is no way to say: Well, if I bluff this much he folds bottom pair (he doesn't), this much he folds middle pair (no, sir), and this much he folds top pair (think again). They don't fold, unless you put your stack in light.



£730 all-in. Build, short listing on ebay over the weekend with £750 start, £780 reserve, & £900 buy-it now. Plus £20 shipping. Might even not list the buy-it now.

I actually don't know if it will sell. I'm ambivalent about whether or not it does. If it does, cool, I take a little profit, and do it again...a few times maybe. If it doesn't, I use it as a new desktop.

Final core spec: E6600, Asus P5W DH Deluxe, Antec Nine Hundred case, Asus Nvidia 7600GT, WD 320GB SATA Caviar, & Corsair 2GB DDR2-667.

Weak points: 7600GT and DDR2-667, with RAM definitely being the worst of the two. It's a substantial saving over DDR2-800 but...when/if I add more, I believe I will be limited to only using DDR2-667 in future. Meh, whatever.

Um, installing OSX on a SATA drive is...not likely possible. I need to find a PATA drive, even a small one. I hope I can find one. There's one or two in my wireless router/relay. Need to fix that. Could even write over one of them since it's broken. Well, not broken but the NDIS device drops a lot. So...the fix is to have the other WLAN (WNIC?) card permanently 'up' so I can always connect to the machine using SSH, and then 'somehow' bring the miscreant NDIS device up and tunnel to the internet. Yes, that's probably as hard as it sounds. I may have to ask on some irc channels/mailing lists.

Anyway, points today: Stop calling bluffs. More bet/fold OOP. Hope system sells but if not, I will be enjoying a spanking new system from Friday onwards. If it does sell, I will have to wait a little while longer.

Play bad

Oh, I rivered two pair...that completes the flush. Let me check/call. Oh, you slowplayed a set. Very well. AT22T. Okay, I'll call your PSB with an Ace. Oh, you had a Ten all along. Well done.

OM: Oh, I made my straight, I'll bet it. Oh, you made the backdoor flush. Oops.

Oh, you keep check/raising and floating me. Are you sure you wouldn't rather die in a fire?

Even though I got paid off with two sets and one overpair, I think I at best broke even. 50% VPIP owns. I gave up cbetting in the end. Folded AA when I checked behind on monotone Queen-high flop, called a bet on the turn, folded to his push on the river. So much for pot control.

Two sets, one IP, one OOP. IP I raise, AA pushes a wet flop, 8-high flop. Um, shall I call with middle set? Yes, why not...Flopped second nuts after calling 3bet OOP. I was pretty sure I had the implied odds. TTh4h. Check, AA bets $10 (ho ho ho, you tricky fuck), I call, other guy folds. 7d on the turn, I check, he bets $21. Fuck, I raise all-in, I don't think you will call...snapcall. He misses two outs once. He then tilts off rest with A9 when big loser makes a bad call with TT on K9x flop.

Oh, I did manage to busto an annoying frak with quad 5's. 55x flop, I pot from BB, he calls (and he'd been calling me down stupid light while I had King high). Turn 9 or something. I bet, he raises, I make a bad call, probably with fucking 3 kicker. River 5, I check, he pushes rest of it in. I regret not slowrolling but, yes, quads are goot. And then he was the guy whom my overpair held against on a QJ9r flop, I raise KK UTG on my last hand, he calls. Flop is the aforementioned, I cbet, he minraises. You know what? Fuck it, I'll pay you off, raise your last $10. I type 'fine' in the chatbox and do it. There you go KT/J9/QJ/Q9 have it. He thinks for awhile. Oh? You don't have me beat? Is that possible? He has to call with JTo. Turn: 6. HAH! River: 6. HAHAH! Fucking little piece of shit. HA!

Oh, and my AA got cracked early in the session. Ten high flop w/ FD, OOP against station type guy. 75%, call. 66%, call. 58% call. Oh, well done, you rivered two pair. NICE! This hand was played well by me, I think. Although stackadonking the turn might have worked if I thought he was aggressive enough to bet it if checked too.

Conclusion: Do not call. Let me say that again: DO NOT CALL. I have a tendency to call with too weak a hand. A9s hand, he's raising QTo UTG, and betting an AQ2 flop small. Raise the flop. It doesn't matter if WHF, raise the flop. Or call the flop, raise the turn. DO NOT CALL THE FUCKING RIVER. You have position, he's betting into you. Evaluate the hand. Does it look like second pair which just rivered you? Yes/No.

KQo, turn and river fucked you by giving you two pair...but you still played it badly. You turn top pair: Bet. Do not check/call. River completes the flush. Do not check/call. Bet/fold...and by bet, I mean block. Why is b/f superior? Because you set the price not him. If he calls with a better hand, so be it. If he raises you with nothing, NH, WP. It is still far superior when you hand is too weak to c/c with. If he has a worse hand, he can check behind and you win nothing. If he has a better hand, he can valuebet it.

Oh, and FORGET THE OMAHAHA. Small stakes O8 sucks. It involves 6 players to every flop, raised or unraised. 3 or 2 players to every river. It's only fun/profitable when you have idiots who do not know how to play it, or people who don't pay enough attention to the board like me. Oh, backdoor flush just got there, and I have the nut straight. Wee, bet into two people. Oh, I have the idiot end of the nut straight, let's get it all-in. If you're going to nut peddle, do it fucking right or not at all.


Time to order a new computer, I think.


uname it

Jesus, I know it's a lot to ask but could my computer just work? I mean I am pretty far from being a typical whiny technophobe but there is just no reason for it. Why do uname & sleep have to get corrupted and vanish from /bin? Hardware error? Filesystem error? Either way, such crap is entirely unacceptable.

Oh, and it appears I am no eligible for interest free credit. That must be because I actually have a job.

Edit: Yeah, I am pretty annoyed but not surprised. I have never done anything to obtain a decent credit rating, I have outstanding student loans, and no real interest in wasting money on credit products. Had they given me credit, they wouldn't have profited at all.

So, I probably have to pay cash. Great.


Watched the first 5 episodes. Highly entertaining. Gold is such a huge fish, it's unbelievable. Victor Ramdin (?) was not a whole lot better. 9dQdQQKd, I HAVE A STRAIGHT, WOOO~! Kaplan's play was actually pretty good, although the river bet with KK against Matusow shouldn't have worked.

One thing I've noticed, the pots are fucking tiny for the most part. Oh well.

Doyle is amazing. I think he was tempted to move in with KQ when Gold LRR A3o. One of the reasons I would guess he didn't would be that Jaime probably calls with everything there, including Ace-rag.

Aba also plays pretty standard, and really hasn't done anything out of line post or preflop yet. How he played the AK against Gold was tricky but not totally bizarre against a player calling every raise and bluffing at every pot.

DN has been quiet as a mouse. Aliea (?) hasn't done much but squeeze...and get sucked out on by fish. Although there was that turn bluff.

Anyway, watched a few CR videos today instead of playing since I'm under the weather. Aba's was by far the best. Most of the concepts he talked about I knew. His philosophy of results responsibility rang a little empty after he gets it all-in with KK v. AQs preflop and loses. I mean, that sort of +EV situation I am in constantly...and losing. I mean, yeah, I accept responsibility when I play bad (call/bet inappropriately) but it seems constantly a) I have the best hand and lose with all the money in or b) I bet because I think that move is +EV (either because worse hands call [value] or better hands fold [bluff]). There is still some c) I payoff some fuckwit draw. I'm trying to minimise that last one.

But, yeah, a lot of what he said resonated with me. His note shorthand was cool as well.

Inches away from purchasing new system. Unsure what speed RAM to get, 6400 or 5400. I actually don't think I'll see a justifiable performance increase for the money.

Installed hard drive. Was planning to swap one but decided to add it as a slave on the primary IDE channel. According to my googling, the performance impact of a slaved HD with master optical drive is only an issue when the optical drive is reading media. Only thing is now I have 3 hard drives in a single cage. That's a lot of heat.


One out is all you need

And with three, oh boy, are you bound to get there. So that was today's big hand. Then there was QQ v. KK with a 68/18 calling station. On a wet, ten-high flop. He just called all the way down with KK. And I thought I was betting for value. Got some back at the end with AA. 3bet from the SB, QJT flop (OBV). I bet flop, check turn, VB Jack river (thank you Doyle/Jaime Gold, AA v. KJ hand for that!). He has AQ. YESH!

Lost coinflip AKo v. 99. He then proceeds to donk his good fortune away by going all-in pf with AT. I forget what called him, actually, but he lost. Flopped one set, that I recall, may have flopped another. Decided I have been trying to c/r them too much so went for B3B. Everyone folds. Why don't they do that when I have a draw? Made a big call with Q5s. Turned a pair of fives to go with my FD, another 5 on the river. Guy overbets the pot. Uh, fuck. 45? Fuck. I call. T3s, no good, and would have been even worse if he'd got there (although I have a hard time calling a push with a Q-high flush).

I had a hard time calling a push with A6 on a J66r flop, tbh. But J6 and JJ made no sense. Although, it was possible for him to smooth call with JJ preflop OOP in a large multiway pot.

Big mistake: Raised AQ (uh, that wasn't the mistake), 4 people call (two blinds, button, and guy on my left). I bet the flop after it only gives me a gutshot (iirc). Um, one of the many guys raises. DUH. Count the the callers, FFS.

What really sucks is that was the biggest mistake that I made and yet I dropped a buyin or so because I can never realise any equity unless I have a total lock. They have to call and be drawing dead not to get there.

Oh, and FYI, set or a flush on a monotone board and I raise all-in. I realised after the quads hand that I am probably pushing AJo/ATo if I have the NFD+gutshot, so why the fuck am I slowplaying my big hands?

Oh, and I really hate shortstacks. Not because of the coinflip but because they call too much and really destroy the value of speculative hands...which I'm raising to build a pot and image against the other deep stacks. But no, 15BB mikey just has to see every flop and check/call every cbet. JJx flop, call. 976hh, call. OKAY BUDDY.

Overall, I played looser/more aggressive for small bets where possible (i.e. the table wasn't full of shortstacks). Quite happy with that. Not too much folding, although I did pass on AKo/AQo OOP once or twice, just because I didn't think I had any FE. I squeezed once or twice too. Once, the original raiser folded and the fish called...and folded to the flop bet. Nice one!

Tired, played longer than I intended. Still haven't watched last Sunday's BSG. Probably won't do that tonight as I doubt I can appreciate it. Need to shower, eat, and sleep. Need to shave too but that can wait until tomorrow.

Bird flu

Fird blu, par cark, sock cucker. Spoonerisms++

As luck would have it, I get sick in time for the weekend. Excellent. Feel fine all week and like shit on Friday morning. 3 days coming, 3 days here, 3 days going. The 'here' portion falls on the worst possible days of the week. Obviously.

Satellite hacking came up in conversation today. I've looked and it seems there is no public Sky digital hack, at least not on alt.satellite.tv.crypt. It's funny since I know Maxx claimed to have hacked satellite in Cana-duh and that it was pretty common there. Whether it still is or not now that DirectTV (?) have moved to digital is unknown, especially since I haven't talked to Maxx in years. I imagine he gets most of his media through the internet now, especially with his faster connection. 2mbps is a joke really. Roll on the wifi dirigibles!

It struck me after looking at PT: What the fuck am I trying to accomplish playing 17/15 at .5/1? Am I learning anything? Not really. Am I making money? Well, not really. Even 5BB is only $100 per 1k hands, and I'm only running at 3BB. I am stealing 30% of the time OTB, which is good. I have it on good authority that lolo plays 40% of his hands OTB, so maybe I should raise more. Preflop things: Get a range, stick to it. No "oh, I raised x & y, so I'll fold z this time." Fuck that, raise z too. That, and playing at tables with shortstacks has taken my numbers below where I want them to be. 20/20 is LAGY TAG. Even 18% VPIP would be better, and if my PFR is only 1% lower than my VPIP, that would be better still.

So things:

  • Select tables with fewer shortstacks. Or, select tables with tighter shortstacks.
  • Raise more. 3bet more. Those two combined kill downies implied odds calling OOP with terribly weak hands (e.g. SC UTG, 3bet, pair + gutshot).
  • Stop folding AK/AQ preflop because it's the easy option.
  • Squeeze where possible (i.e. where there's a raise and a call). This really kills implied odds because the original raiser cannot call with speculative hands (PPs & SCs) unless you're both deep. It also can tilt the original raiser and get you action later. E.g. I had a good run of cards and 3bet a lot (although, some where light, IIRC), I finally get AA and a guy whom I had 3bet a lot calls my turn push on a x555board with A4s. Quite why he did that is a mystery. Even if I am 3betting 'light' I may have an overpair like 88 (although, I wouldn't think it was good), and even if I am bluffing I probably have a better Ace than A4.
  • Start loose, tighten up. This really doesn't mean adjusting my range, just get overaggressive in the beginning and then fall back to plain old aggressive. 3betting light and squeezing helps establish a loose image.
  • The trick, as far as I can see, is to appear much looser than you actually are. This is done by betting/raising a lot on the cheap streets (preflop/flop, sometimes turn/river if pot is small), and conservatively on the expensive ones. This is a key point that I have missed. The most prevalent error in HE is calling too much, and if I am bluffing large to moderate amounts, than this weakness actually becomes a strength. So yeah, let the fish call the small bets too much, and I'll save the big bets for value. Against people who are actually capable of folding, I can and should occasionally make a bigger bet as a bluff. If they only have to ever call one small bet to get to showdown, they'll always call. If they have the spectre of future bets, they may not. Also, I think of the two big bluffs I've made, the second one was good. 9xxA9 board. I called on the flop in position since it's highly unlikely he hit the raggedy, 9-high flop with his UTG range. I abort the float when the Ace falls because, hey, guess what, that just connected with his range. So I check behind. Second 9 falls on the river, and he block/valuebets his Ace. So I raise. And he calls, which is pretty fucking terrible but, incidentally, the perfect play against my exact hand because I'm only representing a 9 and am only bluffing. But really he is only beating a total bluff since the flop was dry so I can't be bluffing a missed draw. But, w/e, I stand by the play: He's a player capable of folding an Ace, and I played it exactly like I hit trips. I am sure he told himself, "Oh, well, I have AK so I'll call but I would fold Ax". Sure, buddy.

Blue balls: Sophie's Silverstone forest hardcore won't be available until tomorrow. Sure, I've seen it, but this is probably better quality. As I recall, she's only done maybe 5 hardcore scenes with guys and now only does girls. Grr. Whether that's her sexual preference or vocational one, I don't know, but it's a trend amongst pornstars that I don't like much. Lesbian porn just doesn't do it for me.

Plan for today: Play a short session (try and hit points on that list), shower, maybe watch something and eat, sleep. Or shower, sleep, then stay up late. Exciting times.



Flopped the nut flush (well, at least I hope I did, for some reason I now think I had AJ of Spades on a diamond flop. I fucking hope not), board pairs on the turn, villain checks quads, and I push into him. I miss my one outer. UM. Not happy with how I played it. New rule: Flopped flush equals push. It looks weak as hell, and he's certainly calling with middle set. Provided I did indeed flop a flush, er, pushing the turn isn't terrible...since if villain is using 2nd level thinking, it looks like I want a fold from his one pair hand. Of course, he has a zero level decision with the nuts. And if he's only thinking on the 1st level, I'm folding all weaker hands. If the turn had paired the top card, I like mine line more. As played, I think I should check turn, and push river if checked too. If he bets river small, call, if he bets big, fold. But, me push was partly to protect me from myself, I knew I shouldn't call a big bet on the river so I pre-empted it. Highly sub-optimal.

Think I'll build E6600 system and list it on ebay. If I can sell it for a profit, then I'll do it a few times. If I can't...well, I keep the system. The trouble is, ebay seems saturated with systems that offer warranties and are probably better priced. Although, there was this one. Looks dodgy as hell, 39 feedback...allegedly one purchase by a guy with 10 feedback. And it's well overpriced. But I was thinking, added value: OSX86 'ready', overclocked. I mean, I can't provide a warranty so why not void it? The buyer will still get manufacture warranties on everything except the processor. Worth a try, anyway.

Checked PT, yes, I flopped a flush. Phew. My VPIP/PFR is not high enough. It's 17/15, and it should be ideally, 20/18. Maybe 18/17. Whatever, higher. This means raising more in LP.


Brown cow

How now? Played...better. Mis...thought my hand in HA(A) though. x96x7r board and I think 58xx is the nuts. I go totally broke against the actual nuts. Er. Dumbo.

HE: Better, less payoff wizardy. Made a nice call with KK against overaggro fish. Of course, he has 2 outs on for a full 4.5% equity. Or is that 99.45%? I honestly can't tell based on results with overpairs. But: I folded overpairs again and again. Except, 8J4. Guy calls my bet with AA. Queen on the turn, not the best card. I check, he bets high % of pot. Fuckit, all-in even though...yeah, QJ, what a surprise. Zzz. It would have been a much better situation for me if the Queen was on the flop and the Jack on the turn but, of course, that's not likely.

C/C 3bet with KK OOP for value. Beautiful QJT. SWEET, check. He checks behind. Club rag on the turn, I have no FD, check/fold. Yeah, yeah, you just ownt me with 32s of spades. Whatever.

And yet...I am not really super stressed. Guy hit two outer: Meh. Guy turned two pair v. my overpair: Happy birthday, fagwit.

Maybe I'm beginning to like losing (I mean, accumulating Sklansky bucks). Need to run a few things past Kyle.


Don't bluff idiots

Trouble is, every fucking one I play against is either an idiot (or a genius, I guess). I mean: 9xxr flop, guy raises UTG and cbets it. Okay, you probably have Ace-high, I will float you. A on the turn. He checks, I think, okay, time to abort the float since you most likely have top pair, so I check behind. 9 on the river. He bets, I think a little and raise. He uses most of his time bank and calls with AK. OKAY. You may as well be calling with A2s there, it holds the same value as a bluff catcher.

AND THEN. Whatever. Qxxr, MP raises, I call. He checks flop, I bet with nothing, he c/r. I feel like 3betting because well, he likely has NOTHING. Maybe a PP which he can't call with.

I try a donk line at a HA table (game was A): Donk pot flop with FH. Check turn. Donk pot river. This line has been owning me and it owned this guy too.

QQ: Ace magnets. Call 3bet, xAx. SB checks, I check. Small bet on the turn...meh, I call. River half-pot. Are you valuebetting or bluffing with what looks like a valuebet? STATS WOULD BE NICE. Meh, the latter, AQs. Later I flop quad bitches 3 handed and they both fold.

Thinking about it: I call too much with bluff catching hands. Maybe I need to 3bet a lot more. Right now I am almost justifying their implied odds. I mean there is no way opening 67s UTG and calling a 3bet OOP, then calling again with a pair + gutshot should be profitable. And it's not (unless they get there every time *whine*) but it's even less profitable if I can't call his river bet because I have nothing. And, yeah, I am 3betting light but I guess I need to do it more. In fact, I guess I need to do it at every available opportunity to 'get' these bastards.

I need to make more bets and less calls. And bluff with made hands for value. I mean, these monkeys are calling all my bluffs so I may as well bet for value. I've said this before, and I do mean it, but no one calls those bets so far. Although, today I did get it in with QQ v. AJo for 50BB when he called on an 89x. He had the Ace of hearts. Of course, the turn and river gave him a runner-runner straight. I mean, obviously. Ahead, behind, it's all money down the drain.


Get there

I discovered another terrible regular: 41/13/1.5. Yep, limp/call every pot preflop. C/C most flops. Obviously, call every 3bet OOP. He cracked my KK...for a change. 3bet, he calls with 67s OOP of course. Why would he fold? Flop 643. Bet/call. Turn 5. Check/check. River 3. PSB from downyboy. UGH. How can he have a 7 or a 3 raising UTG and then calling a 3bet OOP? Maybe he has a set but w/e. But no, he likes to see flops as they invariably turn his rags to gold. Fucksake.

Watched reg. get it all-in with KQo against donks 77 with just overcards on the flop. He plays bad, gets there. I do the same with A9s: SB donk raises, I call with A9s. Flop is 8xxcc. Overs + FD = bingo flop. He pots, I raise, he pushes. Play bad, get there: Call. He has 99. I suck out. I mean, I'm not proud of the call but it's something I've seen done at higher stakes against aggressive players.

Pretty shitty session. Far too many regulars.

Still tempted to get that new system. Trouble is I know it's not something that I need more something that I want.

Flush rush

I know I complain that I don't make draws often enough but I seemed to get there quite often yesterday. Flopped spade flush over flush (mine was only 7 or 9 high, his was 32s...OOP), got it all-in. Same table I get KQ the very next hand but we don't see a flop, IIRC. Hand right after that I get A9 UTG...I decide to pass on it and the flop comes all spades (357, IIRC) and a guy pushes on it. Damn, I could have stacked someone again! Or maybe been owned by the straight-flush.

Um, I also hit a bingo flop with T9s: A49ss, pair+FD. There's a bet, I raise, obviously. Guy calls...Turn is an Ace and he half pots into me. UGH. I don't like that card for two reasons: If I raise, I have little to no FE against an Ace. If I call, I may be drawing dead. But I call. 7 of spades on the river, he pots putting me all-in. Fuck. Oh well, I can't get away now but I don't like it. 44. Yup. The biggest fish at the table stacks me and a few hands later leaves. Of course.

I'm not sure what to make of that hand. Nitty me might have folded the turn in order to avoid such a situation. It also pisses me off because the cards came perfectly for the way he played it but that's a flop I am happy getting it all-in on.

Found a guy who plays 65/40/2.x. WTF? And the thing is, I recognise the name from 1/2NL but I don't recall him being that god awful. Now, however, he plays terribly preflop which, even though I think he does play well postflop, can not be profitable. He also varies his bet sizes preflop based on his hand: minraise, pot, 1.5x pot. I can only speculate what those mean but I saw him minraise T2s UTG. I imagine overbetting preflop is either done with premium hands or perhaps all pairs. Um, so, I don't know how this guy can be profitable but he's playing multiple tables. I can only assume he's big gambler. And, even though he's not as fishy as those stats might suggest, he's definitely buddy listed.

Just looked on newegg and a P5W is only £85. Yeah, Americans don't show tax on the list price but come on.


All I do is copy

UGH. The bad thing about being the type of person I am, careful and conscientious, it is incredibly difficult for me to make purchasing decisions on my limited budget. This is especially true of computer components because I know a bit...and the internet gives me so much more information to process. I mean, if money was not a consideration, my decision would be relatively easy: Just select for the best current performance/price ratio. Right now that looks like P5W DH Deluxe and an E6600. Trouble is both the P5W and the E6600 haven't dropped a great deal in price. P5W = £131. Even getting a clearance one doesn't save a great deal, maybe £30-40. E6600 sits at £190 but should drop to £130 or below on April 22nd. That is a shitload to spend on core components. Just priced up a system (case, PSU, CPU, fan, mobo, RAM, GFX, HD, & DVD-RW): £785. That is over double what I spent on building my last system.

Yes, P5W is expensive...yes, E6600 is expensive but the alternatives (P5N and E4300) save little money. I could save some by getting 1GB instead of 2GB of ram to begin with but if the whole thing is on interest free credit that's not particularly helpful. Also, there is another reason to plum for the E6600 over the E4300: VT. My primary reason for upgrading is to improve my virtualisation performance. No matter what virtual technology I use (parallels, KVM, or VMWare), VT is an important feature.

So again, everything comes down to money. And I have little. Even taking advantage of interest free credit, I have to pay a crippling £150 a month. Well, in theory I could pay less over more months but I hate credit.

Played a little poker earlier, tables seemed to fill up with 3bet monkeys. Most of the time I folded, once I pushed KK OOP because I thought he'd likely make a bad call...wait, wait, wait. I think it was AA. BOLLOCKS. KK is worth pushing pf sometimes because they are fucking Ace magnets. AA, however, is wasted. I do push AKs too. Anyway, notable hands: 98x flop, I have 88. C/R the turn all-in. 99 is good. SIGH, at least he wasn't a full stack. Raise QQ UTG, solidish MP 3bets. This is one of the guys who hasn't been abusing me with reraises. Flop is QJxss. I check/raise all-in and he calls with KK. But the big news is I don't get sucked out on. Wow, amazing. Some other hands, I flop NFD, 2NFD. Both miss and I maybe get bluffed off the pot on the river. So, hmm, I make no draws, what a fucking shocker. Fortunately, I decide not to bluff them when they miss saving myself money.

That reminds me of yesterday: I double barrel QJo against a decent blind caller on a 554dd6d board. I know he has 77-99 on the river and I check behind Queen-high. Why? Because I doubt he will fold. I mean, compared to the rest of the board, the river changes nothing.

Today, I get semi-owned by a limp caller. Yes, limp call every raise, check/call every flop. Bet out every river. Excellent. I would try raising him off the pot but he has fucking no stack. It goes without saying that I didn't flop so much as second pair.

TNG: Tasha is dead now. Boo. She was considerably more attractive than Troy. Like I said, however, it's scary to think of how old these women are now. All good things...

My discipline is getting better playing poker but not that much so. I don't call 3bets light, even in position. I don't make 3bets light when people CAN'T fold. I haven't tried any extended move like I did with A5s. I still get insanely frustrated when people won't let me see a flop, let alone a showdown. Still, I think I was playing a TAGy game with decent VPIP (~18%). Maybe my table selection was awful. And, of course, my postflop skills are still pretty weak. I feel like I'm giving up the least EV by folding rather than bluffing. Perhaps that's just results orientated...but results fucking matter. Sorry, but they do. The only detriment to being results orientated is that you will make sub-optimal moves in future. And, right now, when people are tending to, on average, call much lighter than I would like. Making my adjustment to valuebet lighter and bluff less.

SUM: x86 components cost a lot...and don't seem to be getting cheaper; I don't have enough money; people call me too much in poker when I do not want them too...and fold too much when I do.


April 22nd

E6600 price drop to ~£135 (inc. VAT). Can I wait? What's more, the E4300 now looks stupidly attractive.


Hit by a bus

Very impressed with 2.6.19-beyond2 performance so far. Played 6 tables + HUD with no problem. Beyond4 compile failed but this will do me until *.20

SGA: I called it. Flying the city. Entirely obvious. Pretty cool, though.

Lost: Excellent. Watching it right now. Juliet is a hell of a woman.

TNG: God, it sucks. I guess I've been spoiled by BSG and Stargate now but season 1 (so far) is pretty damn terrible.

Still running out of space. .67TB, .11TB free. Could upgrade two drives, one IDE and one SATA (both 110GB). That'd give me another .4TB for £120. Think I'll only get one. Not sure whether to get a case or PSU at the same time. I think...it's probably best to wait and buy hardware at the last minute to maximise my utility.

The nice thing about upgrading the IDE drive is I should be able to add it into stone...even if I have to pull the cdrom out. More space, more!

The Eighties

So, we got a little snow. And by a little, I mean maybe 4-6cm maximum locally. This being Britain, however, that's enough to paralyse the country. Unfortunately not quite sufficient for me to blag a snow day.

I checked and CT averages 50-something inches annually, 11.3" in February alone. And it's considerably colder, -3C today there versus 4C here. Pretty hard for me not to laugh at these Brits antics.

Played some poker. Uh, didn't tilt. Guy kept 3betting me so I tried to put a move on him. Called with A5s OTB, called his flop bet on KKQhh, intending to push the turn. Thought about pushing the flop but that looks fishy. Only problem is he didn't check but pushed. Balls, so much for that move...Other than that, solid, by the numbers play. The Omaha-Hi was a bit of a downer, kept raising and missing every flop with EVERY pair/run/flushdraw. Did win two hands, both pretty marginal. Top and middle pair against a shortstacks shove. He had top and bottom pair. KKxx, called down minbets with just an overpair and it was good.

Holdem: Doubled up through AA. Unknown blind calls. 455dd, c/minraised. Uh, this looks familiar. 3bet...fold to a push. Hmm, no, actually, I don't feel it. A4s (no FD) no goot. AKo, K57hh flop OOP. Bet the turn (8s, backdoor spade draw), c/c the river (2s or some spade). TPTK good for 50BB pot. He didn't even have a heart draw, just 65. Keep callin, keep callin. Misplayed a set OOP. Meant to bet the flop, took too long and checked. Flush hit the turn, check/check. Can nay bet the river, Captain. He only had A8, TP8K, not too much value lost. Made a move that did work. Bluff raised the turn against over-aggro guy after floating him on the flop after he bet into me. Board was J352r or somesuch. Yeah, dude, I hit my wheel draw. NOT. 77 FTW. And that was the end of that chapter. I lament the move I tried making with A5s. Or, rather, I regret that it didn't effing work. I guess he had KK/QQ that time and not AK. Or maybe he had AK/AA with the NFD but I doubt that somewhat. Since he shoved into me on the turn, I am glad I didn't raise the flop. Guess I need to start believing people when they 3bet.

Watched one guy 40/30 get it all-in with Aces pf twice. Good for you, you lucky fuck. Yeah, he plays super-laggy but I think he's a regular. If he is, it's no wonder he hasn't progressed beyond 100NL. You just can't play that style profitably unless your opponents are truly terrible. And while I'm sure he is profitable at 100NL, he should do himself a favour and tighten up...and then move up. But, whatever, his game is not my concern.

Today I played better. Not impressed with my move so much. I figured KQQhh flop would be super scary but: He either had KK/QQ/AQ/KQ, or a ninja-read. Ehm, yeah, and like I said, otherwise quite solid. And my overpair wasn't actually outflopped one time...And I made no big bluff against a station.

Things are looking up. Maybe.


Tight is right

Today I played much tighter and ran...better. Still the same old BS: 3bet 74s against solidish guy who had just 3bet me OTB on another table. I had KQo so folded. I think that's what I had. He snap calls. 478dd flop. I wanna go all-in. I make my standard bet. He calls...FUCKING 6 of FUCKING diamonds on the turn. I check, he pushes. FUCK SAKE. I beat nothing (well, overpair with a diamond). I doubt he pushes a set there. I mean, seriously, WTF is he doing? Yeah, he might be bluffing with a pair+FD but why not just raise the flop? Maybe he had TT-QQ with a diamond and wasn't confident in his pair but figured he could get me to fold often enough with just his FD.

And even though I had tightened up considerably, everyone decided that they needed to 3bet me. Well, that was the reason I tightened up...and yet, even after I had they continued. Fucking cocksuckers. Didn't see a flop with AA/KK which suits me. Means I can't lose another buyin. In fact, since I get no value from worse hands (those worse hands win. always.) I much prefer if people just fold. It's kind of a sad attitude but that's my experience.


I wonder what they do if you raise

You're right, Taylor, they just call anyway. Dumped two buyins with KK and 79s. First hand, I 3bet J8s on the button, flop a flush. He bets, I PSR, he calls. Turn, 4th flush card. FUCKSAKE. He minbets, I call. He minbets river, I call. QQ with Queen of Hearts, yeah, well done. Time passes. I 3bet KK, he calls OOP with A8s. He check/minraises flop 88x. UH. I call, he checks turn. I decide I can't let fear of an eight/FH freeze me, and push (slightly over pot). Goodbye buyin.

79s, flopped a flush, he minbets, I raise, he, of course, calls. Turn gives me an OESD too. He minbets, I raise...he calls. River misses, he minbets...I shove, he calls with QJ (TPMK). If I could go back, I wouldn't shove but I didn't expect him to call with only a just a pair of Jacks and a crappy kicker.

So...I tried playing for value...and made NO hands. I'm not talking about no sets/2pair, I'm talking about NO PAIRS. Draws, meh, I stopped trying to play draws aggressively against him. I had AA but it didn't get cracked because guy didn't call and the other guy folded to my cbet. QQ saw a million flops with a million overcards. I 3bet the guy with AK. 998cc flop, I bet, he raises. Well, I'm sure I have fold equity. NOT.

Oh yeah, I got QQ on another table. Shortstack 3bets me...I call and intend to get it all in IF I CAN FIND A FLOP WITHOUT AN ACE OR A KING. He checks, I bet, he c/r...I have no idea how I can ever be good on a Ten-high flop but maybe he has JJ/AT. I call and he has AK. King on the turn, of course.

Oh, I forgot another hand. I raised AJo. Limpy guy who I've tripled up calls. Flop misses me so I check behind. Turn brings the flush and he minbets (obv.) I pot raise with my NFD. He calls. River is a 9. He minbets and I have Ace-high. I know I can't bluff this guy; any pair and he'll call. So I look him up for future information. A9o...OKAY. You are so fucking genius.

I've been clapping a lot of the great plays that people make against me. Today my hands are really sore.

3bet 67s on a resteal. Flopped the idiot end of an OESD on FD flop. I make my standard cbet, guy raises. OKAY, thanks!

Penultimate hand of the session after I am probably down 3 buyins and I STACK SOMEONE. Fucking christ. Raise A7s and FINALLY hit a flop: T95hh or some crap. I .75 pot, he calls. Turn misses but I figure I will keep firing and CHECK/FOLD the river in position if I miss. Yes, that's right, I am not bluffing the river because no one is folding today. He calls. River is the King of Hearts. I .66 pot, he check/minraises me. I push, he pretty much has to call with...*DRUMROLL* AKo. Yes, that's right, NO PAIR, NO DRAW LET'S SEE THE RIVER! Oh, it completes the obvious draw, buy hey, I just sucked out on JJ/QQ (HAHA!) let's raise...

Fucking cuntrag, bastard, shithead. Thanks for paying me off, come again.

So what did I learn today? Uh, LAG is totally unnecessary at these levels. They will call with any two at any time. Maybe it's the image I cultivated...yeah, except the guy I tripled was giving everyone action (and, consequently, all my money).

Oh, I can't forget one hand: I raise QQ, Kxxdd flop. I bet, guy calls. I check turn, he checks turn. I have no idea what to do here OOP on the river. FD missed but I have second pair. I check, he pots...I call. K7s (no FD). Great. I think I played this badly. IDK, and at this point I don't know that I care either.

This is why I don't think I'll be able to make my quota of hands/hours. I just don't enjoy poker that much. Yes, winning is fun...but I don't enjoy poker that much because I don't win. Let's see, ways I could have lost less (not won, oh no, not that) would be: Fold/pot control KK in a 3bet pot against some I know cannot fold 99+ on a 8-high flop. Yes, the c/minraise is nasty which is why I didn't push the flop. When he checked the turn, however...it's pretty much a green light against a calling station. And then I could have saved myself more by not bluffing the river. That would have saved 60BB or so. I can console myself with "Oh, he has a hard time calling with just a Jack there given how aggressively you played FT&R" but he doesn't. He calls because he has top pair, and top pair is a very good hand. The QQ call kind of bothers me but I can't see how blocking the river is good. And I don't see check/folding given the whiffed draw. Maybe all plays are bad and c/c is the least -EV?

I don't know, I don't even much care. This is the kind of crap I am used to playing tight, why on earth would it be any different if I increase my aggression (pre and post flop)? Except now I have to bluff more which means I lose money even faster. Excellent, I am so glad I've switched styles.

NEW RULE: No bluffs over 50BB for now. Any bet greater than that and I have to have a hand (even if it's just an OESFD). I am checking behind whiffed draws even with high-card 9 because, well, they aren't folding second pair.



Fuck you. So much for making 10+hrs a week. It's doubly annoying because had I known that it was scheduled for today, I would have gone and done my wifi helping after work instead of later in the evening.

Eh, did it. Networking was easy. Configuring printer/file sharing was a bit of a pain. Using XP home was intolerable. 2.8GHz, 256MB ram, and chock full of crap. Or...was it? Yes, there were a lot of processes in the task list...but not that many unidentifiable ones and none using cpu/ram. The notebook seemed cool. I was highly impressed with the screen (15", looked like 1600x1200). Performance no doubt makes my iBook look like shit. For now. I'm sure it will be chock full of malware in no time thanks to MS engineering.

Thinking of getting a case this month. Antec Nine Hundred or Coolermaster Centurion 532. They're similar in price but I think I'm leaning towards the Antec. Simply because of the stupid amount of cooling it offers and the fact that I want to eventually OC an E6600. If it really roars I might have to return it. I'm not really impressed by the other Coolermasters (e.g. Mystique) or Thermaltakes (Shark is about the only one I like). I think for <£100 there are only the Nine Hundred, Centurion, & Shark to consider.

Freed some space: sc3 unrar e ~usenet/TNG_1_7.part001.rar && echo 0 > ~usenet/TNG_1_7.* Can't delete them just yet or the freaking nzbq will reget the files. Just finished watching disc two. It's amazing just how much like TOS it was. I was going to watch the next episode as well but, of course, the .nzb was created in reverse order. I forced disks 1 & 2 and have 4-7. Disk 3 is inches from being done but not quite.

Hmm, just read a review of the Thermaltake Tsunami. Maybe I shouldn't write that off either. Decisions, decisions...


Why are the pretty ones

...Always so lacking in coordination. Cute waitress managed to spill condiments...and then managed to knock over a vase of flowers while relaying a table. Not that she would need a lot of hand-eye for what I had in mind.

Anywhoo...didn't manage to get any pokering in due to being dragged out to lunch. Did some rejigging of my system. Using 2.6.17-beyond4 now and there seems to be some improvement. Also using the xfce4-panel in fluxbox. Not sure if I'll keep it. Meant I had to remove the FB toolbar on screen0 and launch devilspie. Newsflash GNU/Hippies, cute names that are unsearchable fucking suck. Oh, and totally changing the configuration file from xml to lisp is not genius, it's annoying. I also recompiled 2.6.19-beyond2. I have tested this with 4-tbls+HUD and it worked...will see if it still works tomorrow.

Running out of space again. Tempted to get another 320GB (actual size: 300GB). Also tempted to get an Antec 900 case. My reservations about it are: Drive cages are apparently kind of crappy. No quick release. And noise. 200mm fan (!), 3 more 120mm case fans as standard. Plus whatever cooling I have on the CPU (120mm) and graphics cards. I don't want a fucking vacuum cleaner.

Watching TNG...just for something to do. Denise Crosby is damn hot. It's scary to think that she's now 49. All good things...

Poker thoughts: Need to start playing slightly longer sessions, 1.5hrs will allow me to clock up more hands a week. If I can get in 10hrs+ (7x1.5), things start looking sweet. In terms of money, it's nowhere near enough of course. At 1/2NL, it's only a measly $800 (+/- whatever ridiculous variance) at 5BB. Which is nice but not enough to quit my day job. Well, actually, if it were variance free it would be but I've had enough variance playing like a nit to know that, even if my true winrate is 5BB, on any given week I could be +$4k, or -$2k. And if that were my only source of income that would be pretty taxing on my mental health...which isn't terribly robust to begin with.

But enough about money. I will continue playing lower stakes and improving my game for the coming week. Ultimately, I have been playing better poker, and Kyle agrees. Part of the reason is I don't hesitate to bet when I think it's a good play. The other day I 3bet AQ in position, Txx flop. Guy check/calls, turn is a King. I checked behind...as I would do with AK most often. River missed me, he checked, and I didn't flinch in betting. Of course, he ultimately called me with AT. So maybe it wasn't such a good line to take as a bluff if I'm taking the same line with AK for value. Anyway, the point is, I can't hesitate to make the bet because of how large it is in absolute terms. If I was playing 5/10, I can't stress about bluffing $400 on the river. I can't berate myself with OMG you bluffed 40bb into a calling station. Yeah, if I'm bluffing a station, it's bad and I need to fix it. I just can't let the amounts paralyse my play.


Rebuy you piece of shit

Yeah, that about sums it up. Fucking shortstacks. Call every raise, shove every flop. Go play bingo you donkey fucks.


Well, balls, still got craptastic performance with 4-tables+HUD. Um, not sure what to do. 3 is 'okay' but, obviously, I'd like more.

As to the actual play, not very fun. 3bet 'guy' with AQ, whiffed, turn a gutshot (TxxrK), pause...check it, and bluff river...representing AK. Of course, he makes a big call with AT...even though he is beating no legitimate hands there except AQ. Had 'fun' on monotone flops. One hand, I had AT with no pair and NFD. I either bet or raised the flop, and I think I bet the turn. He calls those easily, and then bets 6BB on the river. Well, I know my ace-high is no good and I'm not sure he'll fold to a raise so I decide to look him up. He shows middle pair (7). Fucking genius, then he instantly leaves making the price of the information worthless. Hit a few more monotone flops, KJ landed TP+jack-high flushdraw, I wasn't about that. Um, I also landed a montster draw with AJs (OESD+NFD). Guy check calls, and pots into me when the 9 pairs. FUCKSAKE. If that had been any non-pairing card and he'd potted into me, I would have pushed. But no, the board has to fucking pair. Very frustrating session. Good hands: AA v. two shortstacks KK & TT. TT is all-in preflop and KK on the flop. Surprisingly, AA wins. Actually, not that surprising given they both had pairs. I much prefer that situation to one where they have random two cards. I also flopped a 7-high flush (74s on 956) but played it badly. Guy leads into me and I think back to the JJ-quads hand. 'Hey, he's probably FOS. Just call.' Turn is the 3 of hearts giving me a straight flush but killing my action, he check/folds. I think I would have done better to raise the flop like I would with the NFD. If he folds, who cares?

Trying to download something to watch. I have some films that I could see (apocolypto, prestige, um, blair witch 2...) but I don't really want to spend 2 hours watching stuff. Of those 3, I know I will enjoy The Prestige but the other two are probably going to be rubbish. So, I started downloading the first season of ST:TNG. Could only find the DVDs, though, so this will take some time...Then I discovered that there's some Ghost in the Shell I haven't seen (Solid State Society). Guess that will have to do!


And on, and on

Halcyon days: Shit worked. Maybe not perfectly but it fucking worked. Today: Take a fucking guess.

Spent the last X hours fucking about trying to bring vmware/nvidia/xorg performance back to levels it was at...in December. What has changed since then, exactly? A few apt-get dist-upgrades, maybe one nvidia driver version, and fuck all else. Hardware accel seems to be disabled altogether with twinview given the performance I'm seeing from xorg. Oh, try 'UseEvents'...and 'RenderAccel'. Neat, now give me something that makes a fucking difference. My bright idea: Well, since twinview performance is now terrible, have the second card use two different screens. Yeah, that worked well. Fucksake, all I want is dual-screen XP that doesn't crash if I have 4 tables of FTP with PAHUD. You know, like I had before Christmas?

Yeah, I've downgraded to previous xserver-xorg packages...No help. I've googled and not much help there either. May try reinstalling vmware afresh. If that makes no difference, I can try installing Workstation (but that probably won't recognise the server images).

The Good: XFCE. Trying it instead of Fluxbox for awhile. It really is pretty cool. Everything good from GNOME without the huge overhead. At least that's my impression so far. Oh, just spotted a 'niggle'. It would be nice to change alignment of the panel applets on a panel. I have sort of accomplished what I intended using spaces but still.

It's times like these when I'm tempted to throw money and hardware at the problem. Just configured a Dell Dimension C521...wow, £204 not including VAT and shipping, not bad. Including VAT and shipping, £300. Are you fucking kidding me? Not a bad config but, wow, what a rip on shipping. See some others on ebay but I'm not convinced.

Reinstalled vmware and applied latest any-any. Wow, was that all it fucking was? Are you kidding me? So far showing a load average below 0.2 with PAHUD on 3 tables. Xorg hasn't gone over 7% cpu yet. Wow, time to move back to xorg.conf.2p2 and abandon .four by the looks of things. Just waiting for some stats to show up on the 4th table. Wow, just saw runner-runner quads versus bottom set...and neither of the players managed to move a significant portion of their stack in. Way to get value there fellows.

Okay, we're good: 4-tables, HUD up, PT importing, and vmware-vmx is using ~20% CPU with Xorg staying on ~7%.

Time to restart X.


Details, details, details

Yeah, so, um, I didn't mention XV at all yesterday, even though I titled my post after it. I am having some problems with Xorg and xv. I don't know why exactly. Also, I am experiencing massive increase in CPU usage by Xorg when drawing FT tables with HUD overlay. To the point where vmware becomes unusable. Perhaps I should not of reniced vmware to 0...

Anyway, the xv output issue seems to be on my 6600GT. Mplayer will just crash, and take X with it. Problems seem even worse in the latest Debian revision of 7.1.0, so I've downgraded to -10 from -11. Although, my 6600GT could just be dying. I have had several 'no power' failures on rebooting. Once the actual connector was damaged and I replaced it fine. The second time, it may have been loose but I have my doubts.

Also, my xconfig may be partially responsible. Quad-head, both running nvidia, one in twinview? Yeah, that's bound to cause some problems.

Oh, and I need to burn ~210kWh a week/~800kWh a month so as my consumption doesn't look suspicious. I will then go 'geez, oh well, that's my problem. I guess I had better try and save some if I can find the time otherwise, no biggie.' I'll step it down to ~600, then 450. But, WTFever. Wow, you made slightly less profit then you should have. Because, you know, that's profit you're entitled to. Fuck the M*AAia and fuck capitalist entitlement. You're still profiting by exploiting me so I should shut the fuck up if I were you.


But, I can't focus on such trivial problems. Had second coaching session tonight. He sweated me again. Apparently, I am playing much better poker. This included observed hands such as, me 3betting AQo OOP and calling a push with AQ-high on a king-high flop against a shortstack (he has JJ, I hit an Ace). My bluffing a shortstack on the river with 75-high when the backdoor flush not only got there but an Ace fell on the river (he thought a long time but eventually called with Q7s, TP...7-kicker). Before we could begin the meat of the analysis, however, the fucking chatroom died. (Oh, and the aforementioned X problem locked up several of the tables during the sweat.) He's emailing me now...uh, later.

But, anyway, I agree with him: I am playing much better poker. Paying more attention to details and using that information to my advantage. Being a tricky player and not a robotic one (cero_z). Robotic is probably +EV (at least at SS), especially in limit but it's horrible.

Oh, btw, I can't believe I haven't seen Tricia Helfer's PB spread before now. She really does have a fabulous body. No full frontal shots but her breasts are literally perfect so who cares?