
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



It's 3am, aliens have invaded, and Grace Park is finally talking to me. Time to go to bed.



Well...seven hours or so later, I can report that it's pleasantly challenging. I cruised though the first few GDI missions easily but Act III is proving much more difficult. Croatia: Oh, defend this underpowered base against 3 Nod bases until re-enforcements arrive...oops, they're pinned down, better go rescue them too. Hard as fuck. Once I had managed to get the MCV back (by the skin of my teeth), I immediately followed the upgrade path to get railguns. Then I took whatever ground forces I could north to destroy the main ground assult Nod enemy (north would send vehicles, east infantry, south aircraft). A lot of casualties there. Then bulldozed the eastern bastards. The southerns were inaccessible to ground troops but I eventually destroyed them...by the time I did, their aircraft were all elite units and dealing stupid amounts of damage.

The next mission, however, is a total bastard. Eva: "Engineer killed" FSCK! Little fuckers die far too easily. You have a tiny force to try and infiltrate a Nod base. 5 tanks, 3 APCs, 2 pitbulls, & 4 squads of elite infantry (2 riflemen, 2 grenadiers) plus a battle base. Yes, that's enough to take out a map full of Nod. Fucking accountant and his retarded strategy. Next time, I'm preserving one in an APC and trying to take the assimilation target as quickly as possible with the even smaller force.

I don't know how much poker I'll get through this weekend. I seem to mostly hate it at the best of times...

FTS has gone commercial. Why not? I mean, I'll probably pay it but it is after all A FUCKING SCRIPT so it may be hackable. If it is easy to do, great, save $20. If it looks like a nightmare, fine, pay $20. W/E.

Just give that mission one more go...

Snail mail

This is what pisses me off: I being an idiot preordered C&C3: Kane edition. I have not received it yet, and may not get it until Apr 4th. However, it's been on usenet for 3 days now...

Mole hill. Kane lives! Have the case on me now, just finish this and C&C weekend...

Friend was bemoaning XP not booting last night. I mentioned Ubuntu but...XP bothers nerds like me because it occasionally breaks for no reason. With my friend, there could be a good reason that it's FUBARed and he would never know. So I'm pretty reluctant to shove Ubuntu at him as a panacea. I honestly think that most lusers would be much better off with a Mac. In my friends case, I guess an iMac. But you're paying such a steep premium for a computing solution that actually works.



Tricia Helfer. Whoever decided to cast an ex-Victoria's Secret model in a sci-fi show is A GENIUS. Can't wait for C&C now. I've been playing some skirmishes against Brutal AI on the demo. Well, I can beat it with a handicap...

I think I prefer GDI. Mammoth's + railguns are...unstoppable. Getting to that stage is pretty hard, however. AI loves infantry, rocketmen & riflemen, and it loves to garrison them. It also loves to rush them. I've found that you need to gather more resources than the AI whilst holding off it's pressing attacks, until you have railguns. Then the range and power of the railguns have no problem chopping down the somewhat feeble attacks of the AI. Although, admittedly the handicap helps a lot so.

Also, the AIs base design is...retarded. It seems to invest all it's resources in refineries. But the way it places them is terrible. No where near tiberium fields, on bridges and whatnot. It also fails to build a decent force of vehicles, and no aircraft. So while I'm queuing 30 mammoths the AI is building some rocketmen and yet another refinery.

Lost.314: Nikki is hot. I guess Palo is too. Funny 4th wall with the guest star thing. OH, they're not dead...hang on...okay, they are now. heh.



Another fantastic session. Ended with JJ UTG (GREAT HAND, GREAT POSITION), 35BB shortstack calls OTB. Flop is 674r. I bet, SS calls. Turn is a 7. I check, SS checks. River is a King. I check, SS bets nearly all-in. I think that he thinks that the King is a scare card after I checked it and he could have a pair+SD. Well, that's all I can beat anyway. Six's full. Yep, that's good too. You thought the King hit me, huh?

That's a pretty crappy way to play it by me, push turn, I guess, or fold river. I was sick of not going to SD at that point. EVERY POT I got played back at mercilessly. Check/raises, check/minraises, raises, & minraises. Floats, OOP floats. Flop donks, turn donks, river donks. EXCEPT, OF COURSE, WHEN I HAVE SO MUCH AS TP. There was ONE HAND out of, what 400?, where I flopped TPTK with AJs. Donk check/minraises me from the blinds & there's a FD. I call. Turn is not a diamond. He pushes, I call. J3o no good.

Seriously wish I hadn't bothered.

2p2 are saying I should have bet/folded the turn with QQ...so money saved there by check/folding. 2p2 also say to commit with JJ on that turn which still leaves me losing to six's full...but it probably a better way to play it. As is bet/folding the QQ, normally. I guess, calling with JJ saved me maybe $8. Great result there.

Oh, and my MAC got rejected because it was already used...WTF, nice one Pipex.

Boom, headshot

I realise that I lied to my former ISP yesterday. Well, I mean, of course I lied about not getting the initial letter. What I mean is, they should have known I lied about not getting the first letter because I emailed them about it (lol, duh). I realised that after I phoned them of course.

Deleting lots of crappy wallpapers that I've snarfed. Particularly Halle Berry ones. That might sound slightly racist but I'm just not overly attracted to black women...Deleting mostly headshots. I mean, I personally find the face one of the most attractive features of a women but some of these are just awful. Either the photography is bad...or more often, the subject's best assets aren't captured in a headshot (i.e. they just don't have a great face). Obviously, supermodels aren't in that category. People like Denise Richards and Cameron Diaz are (although, Diaz doesn't always look terrible). Even beautiful people like Aniston & Jolie don't always look stunning in a headshot without makeup/photoshop.

Says the hideously ugly man behind his computer. I'm sure they couldn't care less about my opinions on their relative beauty.


Not much of a fight offered by Pipex. "Can I have a MAC code, please?" "Sure, no problem! Let me ask you some additional security questions...THERE YOU GOGOGO, SIR!" Heh.

Anyway, joined UKFSW (enta reseller). Just look at that generous allowance. 390GB ought to be enough for anyone...

You know what's ramped up my usage recently, though? ST:TNG. Fucking posting the entire series as only DVDs. Xvids and I'm looking at what? 1/5th the transfer? 7 seasons, 7 dvds a season, ~5GB a disk = 245GB.

Dude, your sister is hot. I would do obscene things to her. I may do obscene things while fantasizing about her. Aren't you glad you posted her picture?

Watched HSP. Really large pots, pretty sick.

apt-get banners. (moo).

I'm a mechanical man

Anyday now...Anyday...

Need to get MAC code and get the fuck off of Pipex today. Another sicky, makes yesterday's more credible. I play, played some poker already. KK v. middle pairs OOP turned trips. I thought his turn C/R was FOS and that he wasn't bad enough to OOP float me with a 9. Guess again. Also, AA v. J9o all-in pf vs. terrible shortstack. How best to lose? Um, let him flop an OESFD while I flop top set, that'd be cool. Think that's the second hand I've lost AA v. junk that makes broadway. AA, KK, what a load of crap.


Said the joker to the thief

WTF? We've seen 4/5 of the final cyclons. I guess the 5th is either Roslynn or Starbuck. Rosylnn's cyclon communication could be explained by the blood transfusion. Starbuck being a cyclon would make a hell of a lot of sense at this point (her special destiny, her visions).

Tigh, Anders, Tory, & Tyrell, though. Wow, did not see a single one of those coming. Looks like "Sarah" from Prison Break is joining BSG too. Where will Apollo fit in next season?

Can't complain

Set over set in my favour (only like 2 more to go to get even), AA v. AKs all-in preflop. That was about it for joy. Rest involved bluffs snapped off, every cbet raised, etc, etc. Oh wait, there was another set over set hand but I lost the minimum because my two outer completed a flush and river made 4 to a straight. Guy still made a thin valuebet, though.

I'm a lot quieter preflop than I was, discarding AK very often. So I doubt I'm ever getting AQs v. AK in preflop again. But, by the same token, I'm not getting AK in against KK+ anymore so w/e. Also, I think I'm adapting to table conditions better. E.g. where there are 5 people with 30%+ VPIP, playing looser is unnecessary. Although at some tables I find myself running way to tight after adapting, not raising marginal OTB because blinds never fold or there's a limper that never folds. I have to try and find a better balance.


Moved databases off of stone (233MHz AMD monster with 24MB of RAM) onto fire (2.2GHz AMD with 2GB of RAM). Surprisingly, it makes a difference...

Which is nice because before SixthSense took forever to score tables. More importantly, however, PAHUD was just not working at all. Which meant the only statistics I could glean were those that SixthSense had cached. Those, observational reads, & notes are all I've had to work with recently.

Called in sick. Not really ill, just didn't want to go. Excuse: Strained my neck pulling a network card. Pain prevented me from sleeping. Please feel free to use this one (although, it's not one you can use every month).

Work called me back. "Oh, two others are off sick...if you're feeling better, could you come in later? It would be appreciated." UH, no. 1) Appreciated? That and a dollar fifty gets me a cup of coffee. 2) If I were to go in, it's as good as admitting that there's nothing wrong with me. There is no way for me to legitimately claim illness and then merrily show up in the afternoon. Especially since my claim is to have had no sleep. 3) Get one of the other fucks who are bunking to come in. I'm sure they'll fall over themselves for the appreciation.

Watching TNG 518. Tim Russ and what looks like Major whatever from DS9 in bit parts as terrorists, interesting.

WHOA, good job I did pull a sicky. Went through mail, found suspension of service letter from ISP scheduled for tomorrow. Fortunately, I was able to put that off by ringing them up and saying I never received the first letter. 14 days now. Request MAC...either today, or tomorrow and get the fuck out of there.


Do the math

Wow, this must have happened while I was on 2p2 hiatus. Yes, that's right, he lost a moderate 2/4 BR ($15.4K) at 1/2. AND I THINK I PLAY/RUN BAD.

The amazing thing is...he's still playing. He's either a hero, very stupid, or addicted. I really don't think I could. Or, rather, I'd have the willpower to get coaching (HELLO?) and move down. Doing everything I could to improve my game. Then if AA always looses all-in pf, so be it.

UH, I think I've crashed Finder again trying to create a data dvd. Oops. Yesh, not responding. Super.


UHHHH. (Kylie.)

...WELL! That's a pretty severe exclamation. Yeah, old picture but dear Eris.

Played some hands. Flopped nut flush, all-in against set on the turn, no pair for you! Flopped set, 2p2 c/c two streets OOP and pushes flush river. A shame it paired the board, numbnuts. I was a little concerned about top-two overboating me, but I don't think he c/c's twice on a wet flop with that hand. I guess his plan was to push any river? God knows but I don't like his play.

My bad play...I flop a FD with QTs on J high flop, limper calls. Turn a Queen, I bet again. Limper pushes, I'm only getting 2.5 to 1 but I call. He surprises me with KK, I thought I was either in really bad shape to two-pair+ (QJ esp) or far ahead. I was happy to see a one pair hand since I had 14+ outs (can't remember if I had a SD as well). Still, not a good call. I need 3+ to 1 I think. Maybe I'm getting these pot odds calculations wrong as well.

Another hand: I raise T9s OTB or CO. Two many callers but I have position, all check to me. Flop is 9xxcc. I bet my TP since it's likely good. 40/16 guy c/c. Turn is nothing but not a club. Well, I can either bet here and fold to the inevitable river bet from the guy who's range is everything from whiffed clubs, whiffed straights, and underpairs or I can check behind. I choose the latter because I'm not calling a lot of rivers. River is another rag, he bets smallish. Meh, I call. Bottomset is good. WTF? C/C, C...way to give me two free streets to catch a straight or flush. Of course, with my actual hand, I have essentially no equity but w/e. Sometimes I have draws.

Anyvay...Um, KYLIE.



2 outer for me, yesh. I was going to fold, Josh says all-in, I do, Josh's presence luckboxes a 2 outer with one card to come. Josh says floating > raising shortstacks. Have to agree. Lots of bad spots all session. Did stack someone with flopped set, rivered boat. After they turned a flush and went for a check/raise on the turn but I checked behind.

Watching The Prestige. Very good. Excellent performances. Bale makes a great psycho. Scarlet & Piper make for cute female leads. Caine is great, obviously. Jackman is surprisingly good.

Not sure I like the ending. Bale was the antagonist, IMO, not Jackman. The sci-fi aspect was an interesting turn. The re-twist with Bale having a twin was hard to see coming. If I'm Jackman, I'm making at least one live backup of myself but that's just me.

Sup with gbucks? Interesting article. Will need to reread. Talks about expanding it to encompass villains range, not just your own. To be honest, it's difficult enough to calculate when you assign villain a single hand. Expanding it to balance your range against his range is very, very hard. And, strictly speaking, totally unnecessary at SSNL where your opponents are so bad and so numerous that you don't need to concern yourself with balancing your play. Bet, bet, bet monsters into people who call too much. Call down overaggro monkeys.

It's a very useful tool, though. Especially if you make an honest evaluation about your hand ranges. If you're betting air more in one spot, he's right to call more. I was kind of getting to this concept myself when I was talking about value. In the past I've talked about betting air (bluffs) and betting TPTK hands the same for value. E.g. if I bet, bet, bet a missed draw I need to do the same with AA+. And say if I check behind with missed A-high draws & draws that caught a pair, he's clearly not going to be doing so hot against my 3 barrel range.



Very, very good, but it's an acquired taste.

To address some of the criticism: It's ultraviolent. If you dislike hyper-real graphic violence, you'll hate this. Even more, if you are ambivalent towards on-screen violence, you'll probably hate this as well. It is hard, nasty, and comic book in its intensity. You have to like this type of thing or else you'll undoubtedly hate the movie.

It's not racist. Sorry, but just because it's based on the Greco-Persian war does not mean that it has any significance on the current Arabic political situation. Yes, Persians are portrayed as sub-human beasts. No, that does not translate to overt racism against Arabian people. Although, I can certainly see how this could be offensive.

It's an action movie so of course there is a level of homoeroticism. More so than normal, what with the heavily pumped Spartans being half-naked throughout the movie. To call it 'camp' is a bit of a stretch, however.

Whatever, I'm dumb, white, and have a penis. I like it a lot. A lot of the film seems to be true to the comic book. For me that's a good thing, for others, I guess it's not.

Why do I like it? It's a simple tale of Greek heroism. Stunningly portrayed, I might add. It's not the best story in the world but it's far from the worst.

Great expectations

Not sure I can be bothered playing poker today. Although, I may try and get in an hour or so. The situations I get into (SET OVER SET, AGAIN & AGAIN) are essentially EV neutral. No one is folding bottom set. In a 3bet pot, most people are felting TPTK on a wet board OOP. The one that is semi curious is the shortstack hand. I mean, he's never stacking off with just an eight. Without two pair, he c/fs the turn. I guess in theory he's also going broke with AT+.


Yeah, I would say Gisele is better.

Watched the PC/Mac ads after the Novell Linux parodies. Those were rubbish. Wow, Linux exists. Wow, Linux runs on PCs and Macs. Wow, Linux can change GUIs.

My problem with them is they say nothing. The Apple ads are clever and have points to make. These Novell ones aren't in the same league. The /. thread makes some good suggestions for alternative versions. Oh, and I have no problem with Linux being portrayed as a women (because it's high maintenance, hrhr). They also didn't opt for stupidly sexy which makes sense. Although, there's a certain logic in using supermodels to sell anything, IMO.

But let's get real: Linux should be targeting Wintel users. Mac users are not going to switch to Linux. Disenchanted Windows users are going to be the easier sell.

Ain't broke

So don't fix it. I see no reason whatsoever for me to attempt to upgrade to 10.4.9. Best case scenario: Things go smoothly and I don't notice a difference. Worst case scenario: I end up with an unbootable install.

Yeah, call me crazy but I think I'll stick. 10.5, however, with it's new features (most important to me being spaces) would be worth such a risk.

srugby is better than me

Even when losing he runs at -90BB. heh.

Still, good video. It's nice to see him play a looser style too. Ended up being 30/25. Do not like the way he responded to the strong OOP leads. But then again he wins ~$1m a month so when he says that it's typical weakness, you've got to believe him. Of the two situations, the AA one was reasonable, but I didn't like the KT one too much. Also, I don't see how he's committed to the pot after raising to $280 or so. Yeah, he has an overpair, but wth is that guy b3bing on a QJ3r board that you beat He said that he'll have air and be folding enough that it doesn't matter. And after his raise, he's almost getting odds against QJ. Then the bluff into the nuts which is pretty standard.

The marginal hands, though, were played very interestingly. The one outer against good2cu was especially interesting. The c/c line with marginal hands, where no worse hand would call a bet but a worse hand might make a bet, was again interesting. The KJ one was odd as well. I guess Brian thought that the guy was valuepushing the river, putting him on a bluff catching Jack. It's also quite possible the guy had a worse hand.

Trouble with playing like that at SSNL, though, is players are donkeys. They're not going to bluff one street and give up. They'll bluff two, then push the river X% for good measure with a vast array of holdings.

I'm not sure if I hate poker, or just small-stakes. Either way, I just get sick of losing (when playing well, when playing badly). It almost wants to make me shortstack. Oh, and Brian had an interesting point about preflop equity: It's almost impossible to play profitably long term with bad cards OOP. Well, duh. And I'm sure the guys I keep doubling aren't playing profitably against my range, long term. However, in the short...100m hand run, they just take stack, after stack, after stack by taking their draws to the river and getting there everytime. But when they don't get there with the X-outer, I'm not getting value from bottom-pair on the river or whatever.

I don't even know what I'm whining about. The 3bet AK hand is semi-standard. As is the AK v. SS. As is the set over set. The only thing I have to say, I gave the 55 guy too good implied odds by 3betting AK (1BB too small, I might add) and stacking off. I should have 3bet him light to begin with. I haven't been raising light too often (although, the one time I have done in a very long time today, I get 4bet all-in). 3betting light, and standardly is a great way for me to improve my postflop expectation. Because if I make them put more money in preflop with worse hands or worse position, I should profit. Well, somewhere around hand 100m and two. Yep, I'm sure by that time I'll be net +1BB (including rakeback).


And again

Set over set, -100BB. AKo, -150BB. Somehow I lost another 50BB here and there. Excellent.

Amateur's do really have a big appeal. See also. Sexy time!


The very next day

And SB (the...victim) came back to work today. Makes for a great atmosphere.


Play, play poker. Sucky, sucky, session. Literally nothing happened. Oh, wait, 'pro' shortstacker raises the button w/ 44, I put him all-in with 99. Holds. That was about it, won a few pots w/ nothing, lost a few pots w/ nothing. Stole a few blinds, got defended against a few times.

Watched HSP.310. Antonio plays very good. Shak plays very, very bad. Negraneu owned himself the first time when he was on air. Total fuckup there. Wee, bet flop randomly while knocking over my stack. However... when he had 99...ninjacall. Shak just played all kinds of bad. His check/minraise (almost) with KQ was just astoundingly bad. Gabe's commentary about summed it up. Mike's...whatever the hell that was against Jesus worked out well too. Check, check, cbet, raise, Mike minraises, fold, 3bet from the nit. Uh, yeah, fold your King, Mike.

Lost. Hi, Dad! At least these episodes actually carry the story forward. I am so sick of the normal crap like Hurley's campervan...or Claire's mother. I mean, WHO THE FUCK CARES?


I’m having sex right now

NewYorker via jwz.

You may not

Well, today there was a fight between the supervisor (SP) and one of his subordinates (SU). I mean a physical encounter. SP won, but is obviously no longer the supervisor. Funnily, SP & SB were friends before SB started working there.

Um, my thoughts, such as they are: SP was sufficiently provoked. Yes, SP should never hit him but...SB is a little twat when it comes to work. I don't dislike him but he does as little as possible, complains as much as he can, and when 'disciplined' constantly argues back. If I were SP (and I could have been, could be now, but there is no way in hell I want the job), given responsibility but no authority, I may have done the same. Although, I am different, and would have taken a more passive line.

The actual spark to this powder keg involved SB goofing off, SP saying "We're busy as hell, why the hell are you standing around doing nothing? Do you see anyone else doing that?" SB responds sarcastically so SP tells him to STFU and just do his fucking job. SB gets all sulky. Sometime later, SB comes in and asks "Can I just say something?". Argue, argue. SP warns SB that there's only so far he can be pushed. SB then goes into "yeah, yeah, what you going to do?" mode. SP tells him. SB continues to provoke him. SP tries to leave the room even though SB is standing in the doorway. Physical contact turns into fight.

From what I saw, this consists of SP putting SB on the floor quite easily. Then letting him up and punching him several times. I have to say: Owned. Very much like school when the mouthy shit who thinks he's hard runs into someone who actually is.

The fallout seems to be SB has quit (OH NOES), SP was demoted and is going to quit ASAP. I don't blame him. He's given a position of authority with no teeth. He's pointed out he has a serious problem with SB & that SB is a problem in and of himself. But of course he's given no help from upper management. And then it comes to this and SP is given all the blame by upper management. So standard.

My take: Fuck management. This, like many other things, is their fault. SP was out of line, no doubt. SB was out of line, too.

And just to clarify, I don't dislike SB. He's an alright guy but if he were my employee or subordinate, I'd have real problems with his attitude.



No, I don't think I have some false sense of entitlement. I just expect to not always lose. I expect to sometimes get set over set IN MY FAVOUR (I do, but...I can't recall the last time). I expect to sometimes get overpair v. set and suckout when behind (UH, maybe I don't B3B all-in on 257r boards enough...but I do get in against sets occasionally, and I HONESTLY can't recall when I've sucked out against one). But no, it's all one way. I know I'm harping on about it but it's been one way for six months now, and I'm sick of it.

What makes it more one way is that people refuse to fold worse hands. EVER.

I think I've gone over this before: I can't make people fold worse hands, if I have a better hand I either get sucked out on or make a bad fold, and I run into monsters when I do get to showdown. But, hey, once a month for 30 minutes, things go 'as expected'. That makes everything worthwhile, though, right? Right?

Uh, no. I play poker to make money. Having fun is not a consideration. I have no fun playing poker. None at all. It's gratifying to win a hand/pot. It's rewarding to play well and get rewarded. But that happens so infrequently that it's inconsequential. So the goal is to actually make money. But, for aforementioned reasons, that is beyond me.

IDK, all I want to do is scream FUCK over and over again. I am just so frustrated. Yeah, yeah, results orientation. WTF am I supposed to care about over tens of thousands of hands? Did I play this hand where I lost 100BB optimally? Why yes, isn't that helpful. In fact, I did that several times...and lost everytime. EXCELLENT, WELL DONE. I fully admit to making mistakes, plenty of them.

Today, with 44 on KQ4r facing a downie bet. I thought, he wants me to raise. PSR & call a push commits me...when I've never good. Don't like calling & c/r turn. Don't like calling & donking turn. Of all available options, calling and c/pushing turn is best. I see that in hindsight. It's all a lot of masturbation, however, since I AM LOSING THE FUCKING HAND ANYWAY. That way just wins more if he has AK/AA/JJ. UM, 22 on 257r. I got money in good, & lose obv. Nothing to say. 45s...3rd barrel is IDK, considering he's calling my turn bet with JT on A9J8, maybe good. MAYBE FUCKING TERRIBLE since the river hit him, even if it's not the flush. Even if he doesn't have a ten, he might have two pair. The AKs...I swear that guy had QQ. It's most likely given his downie bets OOP and the fact that I have AKs. Thank god I didn't try getting it in PF.

So I did learn something today: If you can't fold (e.g. a set), take the most optimal line against the part of villain's range that you beat...even if you suspect it doesn't matter. The overbet push is terrible...it probably folds AK/AA...and I get no value from JJ/TT if they bluff again. And, no, "Well, fuckit, I have bottomset, he's probably got an overset, let's do it, all-in" on KQxr is a terrible attitude. It's a losing attitude. I fully expected to lose if called but I did it anyway...so I turned my bottomset into a bluff. I mean, maybe if I had the image of a maniac but I didn't.

Sigh, all this stress over set over set. The 3 barrel is probably more interesting. IDK. Sent all hands to Josh so we'll see what he thinks. I'm sure he'll agree that the 44 hand was terrible.

Also, I think he may criticize my turn/river bet sizing again. Perhaps if I increase this to closer to pot, I will get less calls? Doubt it but w/e.



It totally is!

-$1 a hand is totally sustainable at 100NL. In fact, I think you could do even better if the site would let you flop more sets. Unfortunately, it's rigged, so you can only flop sets occasionally. BUT the good news is, when you do...it's an instant -$100! Losing has never been so much fun!!!

Ahem. Yes. Two sets, -2 buyins. One set over set (where I c/r all-in on KQ4r...terrible play, I guess, kind of irrelevant as I'm going broke regardless). One two outer (two outs twice = 100% equity). -1 buyin...misc. Including: a) JJ Td9d4x getting c/r huge by a nitty guy. I feel that was a fine fold. b) A9s flops TPMK, turns FD, blanks river...55% WSD guy bets half pot. WTFFFFF. & c) 45s AsJs9h check/call. 8h, check...I 2 barrel because that always works out so well...call. Qh on the river. CHECK...Well, I admit I missed the runner-runner 4 card straight, but I saw the heart & the queen, and I thought the board looked like it might have hit my nitty range quite hard...3rd barrel! CALL. JTo is teh good. d) AKs OTB, 3 handed, 20/17 TAG 3bets me from the SB, I...don't want to lose another buyin & call. Flop is QTxr, he bets ridiculously small. I call...thinking I have 4...7...or maybe even 10 outs, plus if he checks I will bet any turn. Turn is a 7 of crap, he bets half pot again....SHALL I FUCKING PUSH? INTO QQQ? WELL WHY...okay, no. e) Nothing hand. A2 in BB, SB limps. Ac6h7h, check/check. 2c, bet...I raise! SB calls. Jc on the river, 3/4 PSB...FUCKSAKE, did your FD get there or did you miss? Do you have 72/62/67? OH WELLS, BLIND BATTLE, I CALLS. T5cc, NH!

Sum: Fuck poker. Fuck full tilt (nah, losing multiple buyins w/ 33 & 22 to two outers is totally standard. That happens to everyone on every site. Yeah.). When was the last time I sucked out 2 outs? Oh, that's right, I DON'T DRAW THAT THIN EVERY FUCKING TIME. For the rest of the session (which I cut short) I was shouting "LET'S FLOP A SET, LET'S LOSE A BUYIN!" every time I had a pair. I think that's called tilt.

I mean, it's incredibly...incredibly easy to lose money playing poker. Winning is hard as fuck, then you run like a special Olympian and it's hard to tell. Hmm, am I playing terribly? Is this standard? WTH is going on?

You know what? Yesterday I was keen to do this. Now it's totally irrelevant to me. I mean, sure, if I was grinding...and running at even 3BB; marginally beating the rake. Fine, it's in my interest as well as FTP's. But clearly it's not in my interest. I'm not beating the games so clearly in my interest for FTP to go busto before I do. I wish them the same good luck that they've shown me. By rights that should mean they'll be sucking on shotguns shortly.

IDK, obviously I'm slightly tilty right now but it's honestly not worth it for me to try and ensure online poker stays around if it only means losing more. Leave it to the winning fuckers to protect it, I need to invest my money in getting better. And, honestly, I AM. I really don't play terribly, certainly not enough to justify -50BB. I mean that kind of loserate should be reserved for complete retards stacking off with bottom pair OR no pair, no draw. Not semi-nits who go broke with bottomset (over...and over...and over again).

I can only try my best...fix leaks...but if I can't get past this always losing with bottom/mid set, then there is just no way I can ever win (except to fold bottom/mid set every time).



Tiger went...boing. Twice. UGH. Cause ⌘+N in Terminal.app. WTH? Ugh, guess I have to blame my non-Apple hardware...but it's pretty flaky. MS flaky.

sexydeskop shellscript. E.g. ./sexydesktop giesele ro 118. Clobbers files in working directory which may not be desired. It is for me since OSX doesn't recurse subdirectories with random wallpaper. Although...symlinking might be/have been better (provided it would work).

No poker today. Too tired...spacey...whatever. It's weird, I just don't feel like it much come Friday/Saturday. Another session with Josh on Sunday at 7pm. Which will be the end of my credited sessions, after that I have to pay again. Josh seems cool. Younger than Kyle from what I can gather. A little bit more compatible with my personality perhaps. Although, it's hard to say since Kyle kind of...spaced out.

Downloaded about a gig of wallpaper (not all today). Tried to avoid 'meh' girls like Kirsten Dunst or Eva Longoria. Yes, they're really attractive after a lot of makeup+photoshop. Other than that...not especially. Wasn't even sure about including Cameron Diaz. She's not super attractive anymore. Hmm, reminds me, there were supposedly new pictures of her angry ass today. Although, now I can't find them. WTF? Okay, it might not be strange for me to imagine her ass but to associate it with British tabloids and 'angry ass' in the headline? That is a little bizarre.



And I thought I was weird.

WTF? I mean...well, I'm kind of speechless. How can people find that arousing?


wget desktops

wget -w 10 --limit-rate=20k http://www.imgsvr.com/tc/kelly{1..260}1600x1200.jpg ; wget -w 10 --limit-rate=20k http://www.imgsvr.com/jd/alba{1..403}1600x1200.jpg etc.

Balls, deviloid.net won't let me signup because...? Not sure, complains that I'm behind a proxy. Er, no. I have NAT, that's it.

Jesus, still bleeding. Not profusely but...nonetheless. If it hasn't congealed around the wound sufficiently by morning...what? Am I going to go to the doctor and say...? Superglue is probably the best answer if I don't want to go to the hospital. Best part is I had white boxers on. Not so white anymore.


Ow. When shaving...body hair, what's the worst place imaginable to cut yourself? Yes, the genitals. Ow.

Lots of blood. Hopefully it will knit back up. There really isn't any pain since I don't think there are that many nerves. I could do without side-effects.

Obviously, this happens after downloading 6 gigs of pr0n. Oh well.

Just checked it again, lots of blood but it seems to have stopped bleeding.

Pron: ivana...suckalot, latina, & ZTOD.

Hmm, must resist urge to subscribe to ZTOD.


Normal service

Back to nitdom. Shockingly, it works. And it works good. Why? Because this is SSNL and you just don't have to do a lot to get people to pay you off. They either have a hand they like and will call, or they have nothing and will fold. Your image actually makes negligible difference against the majority of these terrible players. So, today I was really tight and still got action on TPTK hands.

Whether I can crawl out of this...billion buyin downswing I'm in for my lifetime on FT is another matter. I will try.

One thing, though, I think I 'get' poker a little more. The key is to play deceptively loose. One wants to be raising and bluffing the guys who will fold enough to make it profitable. And, more importantly, one wants to not be raising/bluffing the guys who won't fold. Seems kind of obvious but it's taken me a lot of wannabe LAG play to figure that much out.


Monkey, monkey

Uh, check/raise monkeys > *. I must have lost a buyin or more by just getting check/raised. So I started checking more flops HU (and 3betting some)...which obviously improves my winloserate vastly.

B-b-but, they did let me win one hand! Raised 45s, flop comes A32r, really tight/passive guy check/raises me huge. I imagine he has at least two pair, so I put him all-in, he seems to take forever to call with 33. Yeah, fold middle set because I have the nuts, that would be great. Board does not pair!

So, get this, right: I won a hand with the nuts versus the 3rd nuts! ISNT POKER EASY?

Yeah, and other than that SINGLE fucking flop, I hit & got action on nothing. Oh, but when I have no pair, no draw, god do these fucks want to put the money in.

Other: I raise nit's BB from SB with JTs. I flop OESD on fd flop, he raises. I think...do I want to draw to 6 outs oop? Hmm. See a turn: TP+OESD. Um? What am I supposed to do here? Er...Bet. Nit pushes...wtf? Board is now three to a straight, with two flushdraws, I have TP+OESD, and you push? Well, fuck me, I don't think I'm ever good there. I can't understand how he would push that turn with a set/two pair so easily. I mean, he has to think I have something to bet, call a raise, and then bet again. I obviously have some sort of hand and yet he pushes with no second thought at all. The only hand I can really put him on was 76s, which got there on the turn. I think sets and two pair have to be worried that I don't have 76s.

That was the only interesting hand. Oh, I'd have flopped a set of Queens if I'd cold-called a 3bet OOP. Today, I don't think I 3bet anything myself except KK+. Which...on one occasion landed on a AcKxc flop...and got lead into...but...obviously...because I had a decent hand...he folds to the raise...guess I should have just pushed. Mostly folded AK OOP. Think I folded JJ/TT too. Why? Because they are fucking worthless without sets OOP. I hate poker.

If/when I go busto on FT, I quit. I quit poker, I probably quit life soon after. Provided I can find an easy way, of course, hanging is so...unappealing.


Me too

I too would like to see how that works! Jesus, what an ending to Heroes.118. Obviously, Peter can't die but will he finally destroy Sylar? I love the show but I wish I could watch 5+ episode blocks.

Oh, and I was dead wrong about Peter's power. Unlike X-men's Rogue, he can summon others powers at will...which makes him overpowered, if anything. What's more, his method of acquisition is non-destructive, which makes him more powerful than Sylar. Zomg, they should nerf Peter!

BSG. Is Starbuck dead? Doubt it. Do I care? Actually, yes, I kind of wish she were. The writers have completely destroyed her character during season 3 after she returned from New Caprica. I just want to be done with the bitch.

Meh, I guess I should laugh about misreading my hand. About the 3rd time I've done it. Gave me a great image...which I exploited to the full by making awesome second best hands and folding. I also have to laugh that I was way ahead on the flop even though I only had one pair with a mediocre kicker, and that, again, I get sucked out on. I guess I either had a moment of dyslexia with 6's & 9's or I had A6s on another table.

Whatever, it's funny now...not so much after I bet, called a push, and saw I only had TP5K...

I stand by the rest of my bitching, however. The JJ hand and that fumble were the only two huge mistakes.

Yeah, yeah

I 4bet AKo all-in all the time. Yeah, yeah, it's mad profitable. Yeah, yeah. I bluff a lot and win mad loot. Yeah, yeah.

Cocksucking, douchefag liars. Or maybe they're living in an entirely different world. One in which people call with worse hands than AA/KK when you push AK. Or people fold to bluffs. Or people call with worse hands. I wish I lived in that world.

I spend all day thinking about poker, I play an hour or two and never want to think about it again. I am inches from quitting.

Glasses and passes

I can't even spell dyslexia. Would have been a marginal/breakeven session except my flopped top and bottom two wasn't. Ac7c6, I think I have A6s, I actually have A9s. I raise flop donk, he calls. Turn is a 4, he checks, I figure...bet, call a push. I bet, call push, and wonder why the pot gets shipped to A4o. Ironically, MHWG until he catches a 3 outer. WHAT A SHOCKER, FISH CALLS AND GETS THERE. NEWS AT 11.

And then it kept raining: Completely owned by a check/raise monkey. Guy LRR's me, checks it down until I have bottom two...and shows flopped set of eights.

I got action on one set. Out of...three or more. I made...no other draws but then again I don't call every bet OOP with any part of the board.

I played JJ passively, undercard flop, taken to valuetown by middle set's tiny bets. In retrospect, I should have either played it aggressively pf, or raised the flop, or folded the river.

So today, I take full responsibility for my stacking. I misread my hand. I should never do that. I should never play tired. All the other crap (oh, I have a pair, let's turn it into trash on the river) is not my fault. I 3bet a LAG opening UTG with A6s, he calls, obviously. K55 flop, he check raises small. I mean, OBVIOUSLY. I happen to think he was FOS and didn't think I could call, and is just playing perfectly with total garbage (because why fold oop preflop when you can call with your whole range, and try to win every pot?). At least I protected myself with AK/AA. Why does that sound so fucking hollow. Oh, that's right, because he's got 5x when I have anything that can call, except when I have KK.

I only stacked one guy by playing QQ from the blinds for set value (it's not really worth much else). I hate all hands pf except KK/AA, and all hands postflop pretty much. Flop was QJ8 multiway. I check, guy donks, PFR raises huge, I call. HU turn is a T. Disgusting. How absolutely disgusting. I check, call push. KQ on this occasion does not get there.

I flop a FD with JTs ip, get B3B all-in. Great, just great.

I flop TP with JT, check raise monkey check minraises. SIGH, call ip. He pots turn. WTFold.

Got check/raised excessively. If this were live, I would just put my knife hilt deep into their throats. Or their eyes...

So yeah, I MISREAD MY HAND and lost 60/70BB. I misplayed a hand and lost 20/30BB. All the rest is just NORMAL DONKADONK, OH, WE CANT LET YOU WIN A POT SIR bullshit.



And now I see why playing my 10/10 nitty game was at least marginally profitable. All the other...crap is just smoke and mirrors. What I really need to do is play pairs, flop sets, get it all-in (unless board 4 to a straight/flush as normal).

Reviewed PT. Down 6.6 buyins or so. 2.3 with 33, two semi-bluffed flushdraws, and too much payoff wizardry. It's not good but it's not absolutely terrible. The one good thing about my nitting is I didn't use to care if I was being bluffed. "Hmm, well, I just have top pair here, not much reason to continue with the hand now that he's bet/raised." At least then I wasn't making calls so thin that they probably don't exist.

Need to get this through my head: BIG HAND = BIG POT. I'm not terrible at pot manipulation I just push semi-bluffs in inappropriate places. I think I should cut my suited crap from UTG/MP, it doesn't get there, implied odds are low, terrible position (unless blinds call). And, basically, it's unnecessary, I'm getting decent action without it and it doesn't protect my big hands at all either.


By jove

I did it. Used parted (actually, gparted on the the ubuntu 6.10 live-cd since that was the only live-cd that supported my SATA controller) and partitioned the free space. Just globbed it as one big 270G partition for now. Going to hold off on writing to it, however. I may either create multiple partitions or mirror my OSX partition in RAID-1. Having both partitions on a single disk is pretty far from optimal but it's better than nothing.

Played pokah. Put in all money with the best hands on every street but still lost some medium sized pots thanks to great rivers. If anything, I played a little weakly. w/e.

Josh, new coach, seems keen. He obviously grasps the concept of more sessions = more money for him. Oh, good start, 10PM EST after I told him EST was UTC-5. Yeah, sorry, dude, 3AM no goot.

Britney. lol. Her fans are like 10 times as hot as she is.

Christina, OTOH...

First day back at work and my arm/hand is already fucked. I've gotta get out of that place.


Guess they could be better

Spears satire.


Gots a new coach. Weee. Kyle was having family issues or something. Too bad, I hope it works out for him.

Hopefully I'll now be able to average more than one session of coaching a month, lol.

Installed gmail widget. Shiny! And, yeah, I'm not the only who can't login with the blogger widget. It doesn't work for anyone.

My /Applications dir is getting busy.

Deardo, Kay-quu

Expensive, this Mactardery. Just bought a Parallels license: £54. Ouch.

Screencasting is stupidly smooth with dualcores...unless I try directly encoding with H.264. 188% CPU usage, and that's without running Parallels at all. Think I'll have to stick with 'Apple Animation' and re-encode if the file size is too large. This is my test (4.1M). Boldly starting TNG.421.

I know no one reads this thing but I thought it was cool. Especially the mouse follow stuff :)

Want to try Goldeneye:Source. Not sure if I need to buy HL2 or if a, ehm, copy is sufficient to evaluate the mod.

I'd like for one goddamn game to work in OSX but whatever.

Testing speech in OSX, wrote my preflop range on a sticky: Computer says "Kay-quu" when reading KQo.

I said it before, but I'll say it again: Nine Hundred is oh so cold.


Unfortunately, the Blogger dashboard widget doesn't accept my username/pass. So there will be less one paragraph postings.

Need to buy Parallels. Something that I'm finding intriguing, this purchase of software. Downloaded iShowu for screencasting. Just tested it, works brilliantly but, again, I will have to buy it if I intend to use it (in this case it's not time limited but the overlaid text makes it unusable). It's only $20, though. Parallels is £47...with £4 being an optional EDS. What? Sounds like BS that they don't keep a copy of your license anyway but the price is so negligible that I guess I'll pay it anyway.


Vash is sexxy.


No such thing

Played 1h30. That will do. Ran/played better. How? Was squeaky tight. I mean, like stupidly so. Got roughly the same action on good/bad hands as playing looser.

That's SSNL for you.

Laggiest I got was 3betting UTG's open with AKo in the BB. He calls, flop is QsTxs. I fire, he calls...I check/fold the turn. WEE. I stopped 3betting AQ+ after that.

Only won two big pots...both with crappy hands. K7s, flop is 7AQ, I cbet, he calls. Turn is a King, I bet, he calls. River is an x, I check behind, and he shows QJ. Other one: I raise AJs in the SB over limpers, BB calls. I flop a FD on 97d5d flop, I bet, he calls. Turn bricks, I fire again, he calls...Jack on the river. I check, with the intention of calling a bet (maybe not full pot...then again, maybe), he checks behind. 76o, well done, you didn't get there.

HSP.307: LOL DONKAMENTS. I'm actually surprised Brian had such a hard time folding AT to Paul. Paul was playing pretty damn tight (although his line there was suspicious). Against Farahah, I bet he calls. I mean, Brian's saying "K+FD or bottom set" and his equity against that range isn't really that great so I don't understand the difficult. Unless he was hollywooding.

I don't get what was going on with Paul. He started off by folding KJ/QT type hands and then raises Q7o, a hand that's just terrible.

Installed Q3 on OSX. PB still doesn't work. Hooray. Semi-installed Q4, it doesn't run. Hooray.

nzbq stopped working. Installed hellanzb but it does't start. UGH. Something is dodgy with my RPC libraries, I guess. At least plain old nzbget works for now. I'd say "oh well, I'll run it on ice and not fire" but I'm not sure I want to. ice E6600's hostname, fire 2500+'s hostname. The point is to offload crap like that to fire.

And ice is living up to it's name. It really does shift a tremendous amount of air (1x200mm, 3x120mm, & 1x80mm fans). Thank god we're coming out of winter. Unfortunately, ACPI (sleep) doesn't work.

The finish

I can't be fucking bothered. Played...18 hours of poker...lost ~$400.

Time to quit...life.

It's by all means not all shoving AQs etc. but I do take responsibility for most of it. Why? Because I have to. Flush over flush? Yep, my fault. Two outers, 3 outers, 4 outers, yep. AA on innocuous TT7r flop in 3bet flop, not folding to a push because he obviously has T7, yep. Never winning big pots with big hands, always losing big pots, yep.


Poker is supposedly a means to an end. It's not working. The only other end I have is a drop at the end of a 10' rope.


Due to the irregular hours I've kept this past week, I need to stay awake now all day, and get a decent nights sleep in preparation for Monday. Whether or not I play any poker or not, dog tired as I am, remains to be seen. I'm thinking it's probably a horrible idea.

Nearly got Q4 working in OSX...nearly. Still a long way from getting Q3 working. Even if I could, PB would still probably be fucked.

My Matusow Moment

All-in pf again. This time with AQs. Snap called by...AKo. The one hand I thought he would fold. Why spew...I mean push? Well, it was the second time he had 4bet me. I mean, my 3betting range is now wide on the button, especially if you're opening in the CO but...COME ON. First time I folded Jacks. Kind of hate that I pushed there but after he had done it twice I figured 'hay, maybe he's doing it with weakish shit and is folding to a push?'. Well, he was weak but folding...no. Needless to say, I didn't suck out.

In actual terms of EV, it's not HUGELY bad (30/70), slightly worse than a FD vs overpair. And if you assume he folds sometimes...(maybe). However, the problem is...it's a lot of BBs down the drain.

Other than that blowup, played okay. Actually flopped a set a few hands after, got check/minraised on dryish flop (J82r), and pushed. Trying to take advantage of my image to get payed but, obviously, guy was either FOS or playing perfectly against me.

Got a little greedy with a turned FH. Flop was drawy so I potted the river against a calling station for value. OF COURSE, given that I wanted the calling station to call, he folded. I should have done my bluff size bet which is slightly smaller than pot.

Whatever, other than the huge AQs mistake, not badly played 2hr session. Stats wise, looking good: 20/20/5. Even my turn and river aggression was quite high. Aba says that your aggression by street should be: 5+/4+/3+.

Played Q4 CTF...since punkbuster has rendered Q3 useless for me in it's latest update. I mean, I get just as annoyed at the guys in quake as I do in poker. They play terribly (chasing, camping, misusing runes, spamming) and yet they mostly beat me. In CTF, that's because while I'm more skilled than they are, it's a team game. Even if I can destroy half their team without taking any damage, and the other half with more difficulty, it accomplishes nothing if the rest of my team doesn't a) capture the flag or b) defend the flag. I can sometimes single handedly do one or the other, but not both.

I'm being immodest anyway, I'm not that good, generally I'm one of the top 3 players on any given server but sometimes not even that. Besides, I've only really started playing Q4 (well, with any amount of FPS anyway!). Have to say, I don't really like it. I'd much rather be playing Q3.

CNC3demo is cool. You can play as Nod by clicking on the team and pressing N (G selects GDI). You can also alter some other stuff by pressing the first letter. It takes a few tries but it does work. Only played the AI on easy so far to look at all the units/structures/superweapons for each side. Nod's nuke is utterly devastating. Not sure how hot the multiplayer will be. GDI seem to be missing the Allies old satellite technology unless I'm missing something myself. The storyline looks cool with Grace Park, Tricia Helfer, 'Sawyer', 'Bald General', & Kane.



Managed to install XP! Hooray, I guess. Putting it on an old SATA drive...the drive is probably FUBARed but it's only for games. You know what the problem was? Trying to install to IDE. Hah! Yes, because SATA should obviously work...and IDE should not.

The problem is now...will I be able to play X hours of poker a day until Monday? Uh, NO. In fact, I don't even feel like playing at all today. This may be +EV, since I seem to be a loser on FT.

I mean, I used to complain about Party but, shockingly, I actually won some money. Not a lot and most of the time I was breaking even. Now, however, my play consists of: Breakeven/slight loser to the good players, lose to the bad players. And it doesn't actually matter what I do: I bluff, they call/rebluff. I valuebet, they fold. You'd think those two would be exclusive scenarios but there it is. If I'm bluffing I shouldn't worry about getting value from worse hands when valuebetting; if I'm valuebetting, I shouldn't worry about people calling my bluffs.

But no. People just...by sheer luck...play perfectly against me. And they get lucky, a lot. As a non-TAGfish (for the most part), I don't. When I know I should fold preflop, I do. When I know I should fold on the flop, I do. I don't call, call, call. OH THERE'S AN X OUTER, AREN'T I BRILLIANT? HAH, NICE RAISE, BUT YOU KNOW I'M CALLING WITH RANDOM CRAP. I PLAY ALL TEH CARDS!1

I raise, I bet, I fold. Now I really hate calling and I'm going to stop doing it as far as possible. Like I said before, it's not the road to riches in SSNL.


Fish will catch cards (T7o). TAGfish will catch cards (KJs). I have to concentrate on making good bets/raises...and worry less about making calls.

And, I honestly don't know why some people run over 8BB and I am breakeven/losing. The T7o fish dumped money to the other regulars but...when I get AA...and he calls my 3bet...and we get a decent flop for Aces considering he had about 50BB left to start the hand, 14 of which went in preflop. I mean, that's a situation that I can't play any differently.

The TT call was terrible. Bluff catching with second pair in a 3bet pot is not profitable. Just don't analyze the hand past the zeroth level: He 3bet, he can beat TT, maybe call one street.

Flush over flush. Bet the turn. C/C the turn. C/R gets called by nothing you beat. Your flush was probably high enough to go broke with (8, with SF redraw) but get the money in right.

UM. Raise some FTR donks. Guy's playing 50% of his hands, he can't call a raise everytime, even if he can call a cbet everytime.

Pot manipulation. Control the pot size better. Big hands (...what big hands?), big pots.

Take the aggressive line. Raise turn for free showdown, don't call turn, call river. Bet turn, don't call river. HIHI, don't CALL, get the aggression up.


Um. Not sure what to say about the poker. I could have folded to river bet in Omaha when the OESD got there. I'm not sure about the way I played the flush. C/R there is meh. Betting is probably better. Really bad call with the TT out of frustration. OTHER THAN THAT I PLAYED SORTA OKAY. Maybe a little weakly after a time. Very few +EV spots. Stacked one person with AA v. AT blind battle, monotone flop, and he C/R turn all-in with NFD. So, yeah, I could have certainly lost less than I did.

Let me say that again: I could have lost less. Lost less. Compare and contrast that with 'won'.

Anyway. If I do get the CNC3 demo working, I think I'll have an exceptionally hard time getting the hours in unless I run significantly better.

Got to try reinstalling XP...RETAIL and not SP2. Probably won't work but w/e.


No, sir, I believe you mean NICE CALL, or NICE FLOP, or NICE CATCH.

I think I dropped 5 buyins, maybe more. Aside from that fantastic hand imagine this: You raise AKs, everybody calls, you flop no pair, no draw. You flop a flush, people instafold to your raise. You 3bet light, people instacall. You 3bet AQ/AK, and never flop a pair. You raise AA, 77cTc flop, and you make a tight fold when the flush gets there. You flop a FD+GS, minraised, you call OOP, make your flush, and get it all-in against TP+FD's overflush. You 3bet QQ, KJs instacalls, and you check down the AK8 flop. You call a 3bet with TT (ip), flop is 33dQd, he checks, you check it back. He small bets 8 turn...you call?? He half pots 9 river...out of frustration you call and QQ is good.

You play Omaha. You keep flopping top set and losing. You can get in a significant portion of your stack with AAKds, shortstack calls and has 3BB left on the flop. You call with overpair+NFD, shortstack flopped two pair, and boats on the river.

You wonder if you'll be able to ever play poker again.