
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Oops, folded an OESD to a very SS all-in. Turn made my straight. KQo, make 2nd pair with my Queen (Ace on the flop) but don't call down. 99, flop K77. Fold.

Yeah, here it is: Button, 89s, I limp in. Flop: TJ3r. SS pushes, someone calls, and I fold. Turn: 7, river 9. Caller shows K3o (bottom pair, rofl), SS shows J2o. Doh! I doubt I'd have gotten much out of the caller when I made my straight, though.

Nearly 2006. Don't forget the leap second!


Just folded 98s on a 874r board when someone overbet the pot. KJs, AK4T, bet the flop to get it HU, I get raised when the T comes out. That's either a bluff or broadway and with only second pair I'm not paying to find out. KQo, lose my stack to KJo. FUCKYOU. Flop was KT4, I pot it and get raised. Call. Turn is a Queen. I push two pair. River is an Ace. 8.5% 17.4% chance he wins here. He's a scumbag, dontcha' know? For this to be a long term winning play he has to win a $100 pot. This play is +$0.82 ev for me an and +$0.18 ev for him. So, I just won $17.22 I just can't cash it in yet. He just lost $17.22 but doesn't know it yet.

Edit: Emotionally I miscalculated his chances last night (OESD not a gutshot). Still, if we play that hand 100 times at this limit I'll have won $2050 and he'll be on $450.

Arrgh, bad beat!

Hellmuth calls these people jopkes [sic] and yes, they are terrible players, but the difference between tournament and ring play is that I can expect to look up the jopke somewhere down the line because he'll do the exact same thing again. I need to add him to my watch list. All you can do in ring is keep putting you're money in when you've got the edge. Over the 'long run' jopkes will keep busting their roll and you'll make money. However, running into someone like this in a tourney would be hella fustrating.

Back to the hand: This guy had pushed me off my 98s before and I knew he overvalued/overbet his hand repeatedly. Taking a stand in the 98s hand was too risky. I put him on overcards or maybe even an OESD there. I then let someone push me off my gutshot when I had KJs for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, he made it unprofitable to draw. His large bet on the turn with 3 Broadway cards out means either: He has a made hand that's vulnerable to the gutshot (TPTK/top two) or he's made the nut straight already and I'm drawing semi-dead. Either way it's not +EV to chase. On the KQo hand, my read on the jopker was dead on too, since I figured him for TPGK and since I had TP2K going into the turn I was looking to bust him for overplaying his weak hand. I knew he didn't have AK since he'd have raised preflop, I was also pretty confident he didn't have AJ, since he liked to draw cheap. When I hit a Queen on the turn I pushed knewing he'd call with something I beat (KJ and down). With 3 Broadway out there (and pairing two) I was hoping for K/Q/8 or less. But he hits his draw and I feel like shit.


KK, I make it 4BB to go. 3 callers. Faggots. Ace on the flop plus a flush draw. I bet 2/3 pot. 2 callers. Faggots. Turn pairs the board, I check (doh). River completes the flush. Cunt puts in a 2/3 pot bet. I fold my second rate two pair. Faggot. Next time I make it 8BB or even 25BB and take the blinds. A naked Ace beats me here, let alone someone representing the flush. Without an Ace on the flop, I'd have potted the flop, 2x pot the turn, and probably called the river.

Christ, just watched two people give away their stacks preflop to AKs. Bitches need to stop raising, I just folded QJs. Would have missed the flop. JJ, 10BB raise, I win the blinds. Result! TT in the SB, complete, miss the flop. A set sometime soon would be nice, mkay?

zzz. EP A3s, fold to raise in front of me. I'm losing the will to live. -$6 (due to KK). /quit

tight ql

Can't sleep so I decided to play some quake. Server has 3 clan members on one team. Now I own each of them individually but together they're a problem. It makes their team inordinately stronger than mine. I never really played my best either :/ Our team was all defence too which gave us almost zero chance of scoring. There was one other player on ours who I rate as good if not better than myself. There's another one who's an annoyingly excellent campy defender. That's it. They had the three clanbangers and one other good random cunt. They also had 'Taight' who's just some random nub that thinks he's good. Dumbass, please. Long story short: q3ctf2 6-2, time 14m, score 88 (2nd), kills 57, deaths 33. Taight scored 71 in 20m. q3wcp9 5-0, time 20m, score 67 (6th), kills 50, deaths 40. Taight scores 61.

What a waste of time. Need to play some poker to untilt. Wow, AA ran into KK, both went mental preflop. KK lost a a shitload. I fold if I run into that much resistance since there's only one hand he can possibly have. Site's freezing up and it's pissing everyone off. Oh well, I quit -$2.

Oh, and I was thinking this earlier while trying to sleep: If I'm on the nut flush draw and 2 people go all-in on the flop I'm not wrong to follow if they both have me covered. That is assuming they have me covered and assuming I will definitely win with a flush. If they both have sets I lose to a full house or better 33% of the time. If they both have two pair I lose to a full house or better 17% of the time. I make the flush 35% of the time and am contributing 33.3% of the money. So, this isn't a +EV play if I suspect either one has a set because I will only win 23.5% of the time (-$0.53 ev). Even 3 people going all-in before me makes this wrong. You need 4 people to have you covered for this to be a winning play. SS only.



Jacked in quake since I'm lagged to fuck. You really notice how much some people suck when you're playing with such a handicap.

Raised TT up from EP/MP, 3 callers. Miss the flop, dickhead hits his Queen (Q8o, rofl nice hand to call a PFR with) and calls down. I guess I should have folded to his bet on the river (an Ace) but c'est la vie. He'll probably call down next time too. Had 33 twice and TT. Neither hit a set. Any time now...

Folded one hand by default when I went to the bathroom. Looks like it had paint on it :(

99, call and miss the flop. 72o, fold, would have hit two pair. Someone makes the wheel with A4o. Dealt A4o in the BB next hand. Fold to PFR. TT again, this time I limp. Miss the flop again. Board is A78KA, I folded to the turn bet. A5o wins.

AKs, raise. Flop QJT, Jack on the turn. QQ next hand. Board was something like A373A. Crappy but I still won this tiny pot. Just about covered my blinds.

JTs makes a flush on the turn. I go for overcalls and get them. When it's checked to me on the river (putting the 4th heart out there) I failed to bet, god knows why.

AA runs into 88 and someone wins a huge pot. The river completed the flush so I don't like his all-in here.

Pff, 33 just beat my AJ (TPGK) with a rivered straight. I should have bet at the scare card on the turn (Queen). I was certain I wasn't up against the backdoor flush so that bet looked like he was trying to represent the flush. Oops. This was against the person who won the huge pot.

Complete the SB with A9o, nothing on the flop for me. 'fish005' calls PFR with K7o vs. AA. Fish gets lucky and makes trips with his Seven.

77, miss the flop again. Board pairs twice giving someone an easy full house. In fact, two people as it turns out.

If I could get my reads perfect I would crush this game. That's the difference between me and an expert. An expert knows when his marginal hand is good and when it isn't. Against these fishy players he'll print money with their overcalling/overplaying. They'll take two pair or TPTK and double up.

The only real advanatge I have over these fish is: a) I don't play shit hands. Ever. I'm even 'tight' to the extent that I consider position with my hands and respect raises. I don't care if fish like to raise 69h I will still respect it. I think playing any premium hand from any position is dangerous, even under these conditions. b) I don't overplay my made hands or draws. Well, I try not to. c) If I can avoid paying off a monster, I do. If the board pairs I'll give them credit for trips or better when they raise. If the board flushes, I credit that. Case in point, playing T8o out of the BB, I flop mid-pair out of 987. I fold to a bet. Why? Because it's possible that he flopped a Jack high straight. The turn was a Ten, which would have given me two pair but made my hand even more precarious. A single Jack beats me and QJ was possibly chasing a gutshot. HU, I may be getting bluffed repeatedly but the times I've chosen to show aggression this is often not the case :)

So how do I actually make any money at all? Well, honestly this session I haven't. I think I may have lost some (confirmed, down $2). I make money simply by making a hand, and betting it hard. If I have the nuts I go all-in and people give me their stacks. Sometimes I will go all-in with the 2nd or 3rd nuts if I'm confident no one else is beating me. Why do people do this? Wouldn't the best bet be to fold whenever I come out betting? I mean, if you've seen me fold dozens of hands preflop, and then check/fold the flops when I have played a hand, shouldn't my pushing as much money into the middle as possible serve as a warning sign? I could change my name to 'IOnlyPeddleTheNuts' and people would still bet into me. At this level most players only consider they're own cards. If they have a full house/straight/flush it never crosses their mind that someone has a better full house/straight/flush.

I make money because these players overvalue their hands and their cards. Top pair or top two is not a hand to gamble your stack with at this level. The idiot end of the straight isn't either. 4 cards to a straight isn't for the same reason. 4 cards to a flush and a weak high card isn't (I saw someone all-in with a 3 high flush when the Ace was on the board). And when your cards can only beat a bluff is definitely not the time.


I have to do something about my PFR. 3xBB + 1 BB per limper (although I often forget to add in BB for limpers) isn't cutting it. Counterplay suggests one treats all hands except AA/KK as speculative. That is everything is limped in for as little as possible. I think I'm going to have to adopt this approach as the alternative is to increase my raises to an amount that actually limits the field. Raising more preflop might let me win more pots but they'll be much smaller. So I'm not sure I like that approach. Standard raising just costs me more to see a flop. It doesn't limit the field is still large and my c-bets are ignored (see TT vs. Q8o). Also, it broadcasts that I have a good hand to any decent player at the table. So I'm paying out large amounts for medium sized pots that I don't always win. Not good. Limping in allows me to make my hand cheaply and still get paid off. A bad habit to get into for higher limits, though.


AJo UTG. Limp but fold to button's raise. Flop: JJ7. Lucky me. This is a lose my stack or take his situation because I'd have pushed over his c-bet. If he had J7, I'd have been screwed. Table is shorthanded now so last orbit.

Uh oh, QQ UTG+1. I raise 3BB, reraised to 7BB by BB, I call and so do two others. Flop: 9c7hAc. Crap. Checked round, button bets 1/3 pot. Everyone calls. Turn: 2h. Checked through. River: 3c. If anyone was playing for the flush, they just got their hand. Checked through. If I have position I'm betting 4th and 5th streets for value. Being second to act a raise from behind makes me nervous. BB shows JJ, no one has an Ace, I win $15 pot (invested $4).

I leave up $10. Better than nothing. I had a few PP but didn't hit any sets. I must be due to hit some soon.

Once I'm up enough on my 'shot' BR (+$33 right now), I'll take a swing at 50NL. I think my counterplay (eschew small edges, push large) is fine up to 100NL. Maybe even higher on pacific. After that, standard play probably becomes optimal once again.

I also want to learn to deal with my Limit problem because NL games start getting tough pretty soon whereas Limit games remain soft at much higher stakes.

ho ho ho

Decided to have a shot at $25nl. Doubled up inside of 7 hands/10 minutes.

I'm watching this one table where this LAG is constantly raising preflop with any two cards. He's getting lucky, he even caught quads going all-in preflop with ducks (22) when he was short stacked. I keep waiting because I want to be on this guys left before I sit and seats keep opening on his right (gee, I wonder why).

I finally sit. I get ATo in the newbie blind, he raises, I fold. I don't get another hand until the BB hits me and then I get bullets, baby! 4 limpers until the lag who raises it to 24BB, I reraise him to 48BB. Limpers fold, he calls. Flop: Q47r. I push, he calls. Board: Q4748. He shows Q9o (rofl). So long and thanks for all the chips!

I think everyone at the table was thanking me for that one.



Deposited for $25nl. Haven't started playing yet. Hopefully I won't be seeing card death when I do. I've had a couple of PP so far but no sets. Haven't hit a single flop with anything. Closest I came as A7s but I didn't fancy my kicker. I'm sure vilain's river bet was a bluff, though. I did win a tiny amount with QQ on a scary flop (88x).

How long have I been playing? Hmm, an hour. So that's probably 60+ hands. Oh well, at least I know what to do with 93o. Uh oh, AQo. And the flop misses me. Winner shows J7s at SD, pair of Jacks. QTs, mmm. AQ9 flop, didn't fancy trying to suckout a straight with no flush outs. Wow, the way he just played that hand, it looked like he had a straight with flush outs. No, two freaking pair.

"I play for fun not bills fags." No wonder you lose. Gord, I am so freaking bored. And I'm still pissed off about missing out on tripling up earlier. AKs!!! Watch me miss. Woo, held up. Don't like my turn c/c. If I was ahead on the flop, I'm ahead on that blank. If he'd bet harder on the river when the flush came, I might have folded. Might. Doh, played K5o completing the SB. Not tight enough! Oh, lol, I'd have drawn two pair. KTo loses me a bit. Should have thrown it away on the turn rather than paying to draw.

30 mins to go. I'm sure my table image is rock like by now but the truth is I'm almost completely card dead, and I don't feel comfortable putting "any two" moves on these chumps since if they have even a whiff they generally call down. rofl, I was going to criticise someone for a calling down huge bets on a scary board (easy full house). The other guy shows air. Way to bluff off your stack. Button: 89s. Oh joy, raised, bah, wasted 1BB. JTo, paired my 10 but there's a King on the board. Don't feel comfy calling river bet. Probably should have. Since no one had shown any aggression at all my 2nd pair might beat a bluff.

UTG: KJo. Board: 85478. Gnarly. BB: QJo. Flop: 87A. There is so much dead money at this table it's unreal. All I have to do is make a hand...Guy three to my left keeps putting his entire stack on the line. Haha, T8o for the rivered 1 card straight. That's where JTo becomes a monster. Actually, I would have probably played JT to the river for implied odds against that guy.

KQo: Tripled up. Made my King high straight, got paid by Queen high straight. "The one time I had the nuts and all you motherfuckers had queens too. Yet another bad beat." Newcomer politely informs him that I had the nuts. Him: "That was absolutely only hand that could have beaten me." Newcomer: "Yeah, that's what they call the nuts."

KQ seems to be my most profitable hand. Since if I make my King high straight, I have the nuts and an Ace only strengthens my hand, not weakens it. However, if I had two pair I really would be worried. Shame I didn't destack the other 4 card to a straight boy as well.

Well, I made my hand and took the money. That almost makes up for the earlier 'glitch'. I feel confident taking a shot at $25nl now.

Sucky, sucky

I'm down a bit (just over half a buy-in) but I can't really complain about how I played. Some hands that may have won (TPTK/TPGK) I folded to heat. Didn't connect with any flops. Folded, folded, folded. My worst money leak there was calling PFRs. Some of them I should have folded but others were strong enough to warrant calls.

No, can't complain about the play but the results were pretty shitty. I watched someone two to my left pick up KQs in EP/MP. He flops the nuts, King high straight. However, he got really lucky in that two other people flopped their sets (TT & JJ). All three all-in on the flop, board doesn't pair. He just won 4 buy-ins in one hand.

Someone says "well, played" in the chatbox and a shithead who should probably know better explains that "a four year old plays that the same." He then goes on to explain what happened. He hypothesis that the house set that up to take a bigger rake (unlikely). Don't scare the fish, you idiot!

I'm considering depositing $50 to take a shot at $25nl. The way I'm playing right now, I don't see myself pissing it away too easily. I am going to be taking shots sooner or later, BR permitting. I'm relatively flush right now so a shot and a half isn't breaking the bank.

"This CD cost me $20 :p"

I included a little note in the case. I was burning a CD for a friend and playing poker. I'm only breaking even and the all of a sudden I can't click anything. Arghh. I watch miserably as I slowly fold KQo in EP, hit two pair on the flop (KQJ), and full house on the turn (Kings full of Queens). On the flop I read that the guy sitting to my left flopped broadway. When the second King comes on the turn the guy to my right goes all-in. I'm thinking he has KJ, KQ, or just trips. I would have had the nuts either way and we'd have split Broadways stack. Broadway goes all-in. River is a blank. Guy on my right flips JJ, Jacks full of Kings. Oh. My. God. I'd have destacked them both!

I can't play now. That's tilted me slightly. Maybe later. Son of bitch.

How much credit?

Getting tired and going nowhere last night at the table I find myself in MP somewhere with AQo. I call since I'm first to enter the pot aside from the blinds and feel that it's likely that I'll have to call a raise. I'm fine calling a raise with AQo but if I raised and it was reraised behind me then I would either fold or reluctantly call. Both of which are bad situations.

Flop: AsQdJs. Top two but there's a flush draw. SB minbets, I pot it (I don't want to lose to a flush). Everyone folds except the deepstack PFR. Now, if I'm thinking here alarm bells should start ringing. Depending on how much credit I want to give him he could have: KT/JJ/AJ/Ax/Jx/XsXs, I'm ahead of everything but the first two. But I'm too tired to be worried about a flopped straight or set. Turn is a blank, I throw out the same size bet as before. Call. River is Qs, giving me the 2nd nuts Queens full of Aces. I put the rest of my chips in. Thinking about it for awhile he calls and mucks.

I would like to know if I got lucky on the river beating a straight (KT), a lower full house (JJ), or a flush (XsXs). Or, if I was ahead the whole way (AJ/Ax/Jx). I think he may have thought that my bet/AI on the river was a bluff at the flush, so he may have held flush cards. If he did have the flush, serves him right for trying to suck out on me. Also, he won a huge pot earlier playing K7o in a raised pot against AK. There he held crappy two pair to someones Aces and Kings until another 7 appeared on the river. Karma?



Nice 'girl' at the bank upgraded my account. I say girl since she's probably older than I am. Quite cute, not stunning but pleasent enough. Should have asked for her number.


My trips run into someones full house (T7o vs. my QTs). God, I should have folded that to the reraise. Every donkey has his day.

Someone just doubled off of him when their QT made a K-high straight. Ha. Ha.

Christ, I just folded AQs to a High card king on the river.

rofl, guy to my right took donkey boys stack.

Oops, didn't reraise the nuts...fucksake. I thought I was chopping but I should have put him all-in anyway. That only costs a tiny bit when we do chop, and I had the stone cold nuts. Miserable play. Even worse than the other broadway hand. At least there was a really danger of being outdrawn on that hand. Here he either calls or folds but I don't lose a thing either way.

Fucksake, QQ, make it 11BB to go, 2 callers, ace on the flop and a flush draw. Heavy betting and I have to throw them away. Well, I don't have to but I'm OOP and facing heat from two opponents.

Pfft. Just played 1 hour and broke even. Took JTs too far (I know, I know) chasing a gutshot. Should have folded preflop or on the flop. Then JJ ran into a shitty, shitty board (KTTK). I bet the flop and the turn but I thought to myself "If I get raised here, I'm not calling down. A single K or T gives a full house and I only have two pair."

down a bit

Paid of a flopped straight with my set (7's). If I'd PFR I might have kept the crap out but 54s would have probably called. Won a little back with AJo betting my nut flush draw.

So I'm down a little bit because I went nutso with my set. Others say if you don't go broke with a set, you played it wrong. Really still upset I didn't wring more from my Broadway hand. Oh vell.

Me too!

Daniel hates banks and so do I. Of course, he's got a whole lot more money than I do.

Ring telephone banking...
Me: I want to upgrade my account, please.
Them: Sure just give us digits 2 & 3 from your security number.
Me: What security number?
Them: The one you choose.
Me: Oh, I don't remember. It may written down somewhere, let me look...
Them: It's a 6 digit number your choose when you registered for telephone banking.
Me: Yeah, well, I've never used it before. I'm still looking.
Them: You'll have chosen it. Can you think of a number you may have chosen?
Me: Um, I guess X & X?
Them: No. You're now locked out of your account. Let me run through some security questions. What was the size of the payment you received on Dec 23rd?
Me: ...
Me: Let me logon to my account and I'll tell you. I think it was X but let me just check...
Them: It wasn't X. I have to take your first answer. You will no longer be able to use telephone banking. I suggest you go to your local branch.
Me: ...

Fucking cunts. So now I have to go into a branch (bit difficult without transportation...which is why I'm looking to upgrade my account). How convenient. At least it's possible during the holidays. During the working week it is impossible to do B&M banking unless you work within 5 minutes of one. Being over 30 minutes away I have to take time off for such dubious pleasures.


2nd innings not so good

Trying another session, couldn't get on earlier. Fishiest table ever. Shame I'm still card dead.

UTG+1: K9o, fold. UTG: Q6s, fold. UTG again (someone joined): 49o, fold. BB: KQo, 3bb raise, miss flop. Shit, I hate being OOP. Weak bet the flop, check the ace turn, call minbet river. Villain showed A6o.

olol, someone across the table goes all-in preflop with Cowboys (KK) and is called (I folded Kournikova [AKh]). Next hand I get Cowboys and consider just playing it normally. Recklessly I go all-in, called by 44. The only reason not to do this is that nobody sane calls you with anything that you beat. However, if you're called by a lesser hand than this is easy money. Fishy as hell, though.

I keep getting Q2/Q3/Q4. Yippe. haha, I'd have flopped trips with the 4 on that hand :)

I should have quit since I've almost doubled up and I'm card dead. The table is nice a juicy though. AA preflop! I go all-in, caller shows AA. Damn, rake wins. If we'd have got someone else in we could have split his stack :) I should have made it less to go and that might have happened. However, we could have both lost big too. Maybe I'd have folded to his post-flop aggression.

MP1: AQo. Finally a hand I can play! UTG does a stop 'n' go, probably with AA/KK. UTG: T2o, fold and I'm done. Wow, only 39% plrs/flop. That's low for pacific.

Okay, I banked winnings and am back at the table. Card death continues. Not had a legitimate hand to play, folded my blinds when raised. 40 more minutes and I'm out of here. Woot, QTs followed by AQo. Won a little bit w/o SD. Oops, got greedy on the river with flopped trips.

Fuck me silly, lost an additional 10BB calling AQs on a shit flop (none of my suit). I'm back to less than my buy-in now. Villain showed K9s. Cool, but not worth reraising preflop with. Heh, if I'd have called the next preflop raise from the SB I'd have flopped trips.

Doh, made broadway on the turn (KQo) but didn't make as much money as I could have. Backdoor flush concerned me somewhat but I should have just put as much out there as I thought he would call. Even my whole stack. If I lose to some tard playing a backdoor flush, so be it. Didn't bet my draw either. Flop was AsJd2c. What better place to bet a gutshot? Turn: Tc. I put in a 1/6th pot bet hoping for calls. That gets it headsup. A c/r would have been better since button had already shown interest in the flop. River: 3c. I bet exactly the same as on the turn. No, no, no. 1/2 or 2/3 pot bet is much better here. I have the 2nd nuts, if he hung around with AcXc then I pay him off here. This is very disappointing play from me.

Bad session, didn't take my chance to win big.


JJ, QQ, & QQ, right after they other. Jacks flop a set, I get payed off pretty big. 1st QQ hits a nightmare flop AhAdKd. Turn is another diamond, I call to the river hoping for a 4th diamond, miss, call the pussy bet but fold to the raise. Villain shows 7d9d. 2nd QQ flop only has a King. I throw out 0.5 pot bet. Guy raises me by going all-in (which is only just over a regular raise). I call, pick up a Queen on the turn.

Back to card death. Short-stack goes all-in preflop with A6o, get's called by A6o. rofl. Oooh, get KTo UTG. Fold. Wow, won 4BB with 69o from the BB. SUPER! AI A6o man is back at it. Oops, played QJo OOP (UTG+1), paired my Jack on a raggedy board (J5653r), bet flop, checked turn, bet river. A winner is me.

Doubled up in 45 minutes of straight forward play. Never really committed my stack to any one hand. The set of Jacks was close, I would have gone all-in but I didn't think he'd have called it. I just kept stringing him along. Flop 1/2 pot (don't scare 'em), turn exact same size (I think a 1/2 pot bet might have scared off callers), river double the turn bet (instacall). I think I could have made more here by betting more on the turn and river. Guy seemed like a calling station, or maybe I got my bet sizes just right.


Large stack, small brain

Sat on my left is someone with 7 buy-ins. He is a LAG, spewing chips but getting lucky. I've seen him call numerous all-ins with junk. He called my all-in when I flopped a set from the BB (46o, flopped set of Sixs). Of course, he was playing 68o (premium hand UTG man!) so I was lucky to split the other guys stack with him. Otherwise I'd have been fuming.

Everyone at the table is slowly doubling up off of him. Just played K2s from the button trying to loosen up but he raised behind me. Gritting my teeth I called his minraise and folded on the flop.

Other than my blinds I don't think I've played a hand. Welcome to card death. Limped AJo in MP1, folded to large raise. Glad I didn't come out with a raise or call as I wouldn't have improved.

9bb more I'll spend then quit. Uh, oh, JJ on the button. Jep, lost a ton there after largeboy reraised me. Flop wasn't too bad (Q55), turn killed it (Q). Lost 40BB just getting to the turn, it was another 80BB to continue. Oh fuck right off, dude 4 to my left just took a huge pot on the next hand with JJ when the board gave him a straight Eight to Queen. I should have quit by now. I'll do it when the blinds reach me. Done.

Breakeven. zzz.

T is for...

The funny part is that once the table knew I was insane I got someone to go ai with me for $100 when I had 2 crazy pair and he had an overpair of Jacks. Guess what happened... he hit 2 runners to make a jack high straight. lol. So I got drunk and beat my dog...

"LOL. I didn't."


"I violated personal protocol and watched the hand after I folded." Um, dude, I know you're king of EARNING $7000 IN ONE DAY OMG but don't you think watching other players at showdown might actually help your reads and stuff?

Psychological Counelling Needed

"Something has gone wrong with my game...I'm playing like a moron."

Looks like I'm not alone. Misery demands company.


Wow, I'm retarded. Twice now I've been drawing to the flush, missed and hit two-pair, and then proceed to call off my stack. This time was particularly dumb since there were two aces on the board. WTF would I assume my two-pair was good when any ace beats me? My best bet was to have folded Q8s preflop to the minraise. Failing that, fold to the huge bet on the river when I'd missed my draw.

No discipline whatsoever. I have a little note under my monitor that says: "Never go all-in with less than a set. Any PP (AA-22) is JUST a pair! If in doubt fold. Folding preflop is a small mistake." If only I could follow my own advice.

Keep getting disconnected so maybe I should jack it in.

Just folded TT on the turn to 7J9Q board. I don't know if that's tight or stupid. Probably stupid (10 outs if I'm not already ahead) but the guy did raise preflop. So he probably had at least a pair of Jacks/Queens. Still I was getting pot-odds to call. Damnit.

Folded Q9s to a PFR in the BB. Should have played it since I'd have won with my straight Eight to Queen. Would have been even better since the winner (95o, rofl, he called a PFR with that) had a lower straight so I could have probably destacked his retarded ass. Christ, 95o-man just beat a flush when the river put 4-flush cards out there and he was holding A8o.

A9s on the button, 3BB raise, 3 callers. Christ. QJs in the CO, board puts 4-flush cards out, I fold on the river despite pairing my Jack. Haha, next flop/turn is 5JJQ. Fuck you.

QTo UTG, fold. J3o BB, c/f. Q9s SB, c/f. 32o button, fold. AJs CO, raise, pot bet, win! Missed two hands (MP3 & MP2) but they were both folded junk. AQs UTG, raise, reraise, call, call 5BB flop bet, fold to 10BB turn bet. Reraiser shows AKo, other shows K8o and wins. Haha.

Last orbit because I am really getting tilty now [Oh, and blowing off a stack with a crappy two-pair isn't?]. I can't connect with any flops, I get shitty starting hands, no one folds to my c-bets. My BR is at an all time low.

I give up, roll on July 1st. I might jump the gun on that deadline, so to speak. I mean, why wait?



I give myself until 2005/07/01 to improve my life in some way socially or financially. If I have not shown a marked improvement by then it's time to die.


Sit, dealt QQ 1st hand, two others go all-in with a set (okay, nice. fuck your mother.) and A7s on the turn. River is Js to complete the flush. Steam, leave. -1 buy-in.

Why the fuck do I have to play for sets with high pp? Other than the flush, that was an almost ideal flop for Queens. Great, I get trapped by pocket 5's, again. My consolation prize is that he got sucked out on. Haha, fuck your mother.

Fuck all the chase nibs on xs4all too. I like CTF. These are CTF servers. Why can't I just play CTF? No, I'm chased all over the shop by cock-smoking faggots. Pathetic TDMers. I made it my mission to 'tilt' the head cock-smoker. I think it worked :)

No all-ins, no all-ins, no all-ins. Tightening up now, folded KJo to a reraise. Rofl, A8s wins that round of retarded all-ins, pair of 5's on the board, Ace kicker (KTo and some other crap was shown). There was a Jack on the flop so had I called that time, I'd have won. Of course. This is one of my problems at this limit: People go all-in with monsters and retarded shit.

Just lost a few BBs with pocket 3's at SD. Shit happens. Was going to play ATs but UTG raised. Not sure how I'd have done on that flop, 2 of my suit, turn brought an Ace. PFR was throwing out pot sized bets so he either missed or was protecting against the flush draw.

I think the next JJ+ hand I get, I'm all-in preflop. I am so sick of the bullshit set trappers and suckouts. Yea, I'll only win the blinds but at least I'll fucking win for a change. Let's see a set trapper call that. *TILT*

I'm down over 10BB at this table (rebought at -10BB) and I haven't really played any hands. If I drop another 10 just sitting here, I'm done for the day. Fuck it.

Recap, both QQ and KK cracked today by inferior starting hands. QQ I blame myself for not reraising preflop. Doing so might have driven out 55 (but probably not if he knew what he was doing) or A7s (but probably not since he didn't). I'm confident I would have been paying someone off here either way.

KK, I should have folded on the flop. There's just no other way to have played it. Yes, I had straight (IIRC) and flush draws but without making those or a set, I need to lay down. River especially. I'd missed my flush draw and picked up a 2nd best two pair. Any Ace would have beaten me and I'm just crying here.

Why can't I get things to stick in my mind? QQ+ is just top pair. Put your money in when you're ahead. With a pp, that's preflop or when you hit your set. That's when I should go all-in. Otherwise I'm just throwing my money away.

Ha. Just played QJo UTG (oops), flop was 99Q, I bet 3BB, guy to my right goes all-in. I'm so tempted to call since it's a raised pot and there's a good chance he doesn't have a 9. Not good enough, though, so fold.

Set hunting is really paying off...No sets for literally days. Just got 33 and 99. 99 flop was AQA. Perhaps I should have gone all-in as a bluff like the rest of these tards.

And I'm done, -1.4 buy-ins. Yay.


Holdem Hi: 1370754 enumerated boards
cards  %win    %lose    %tie     EV
5s 5c  17.68   81.89    0.43     0.178
Qs Qc  56.27   43.30    0.43     0.564
As 7s  25.62   73.96    0.43     0.258
Holdem Hi: 1712304 enumerated boards
cards  %win    %lose    %tie     EV
Ks Kc  68.19   31.33    0.47     0.684
As Qs  31.33   68.19    0.47     0.316

Keep calling fucktards, keep calling.

Cute Donkeys

I get capped on every street by AQ(o?), Ace on the flop, Queen on the turn. I was holding KK hoping for a redraw to the flush. I probably should have folded the river when it didn't come. Any A-rag beat me at that point. Still, the pot was huge so calling was practically a given at that point. I should have folded flop/turn, probably. I actually thought I was up against AA & QQ the way the tards were playing it. I was thinking someone had made broadway by the end. I guess I should have gotten away from this on the flop.

Oh well, looks like this limit challenge is going to end pretty soon. I know this will sound whiny but I find it next to impossible to beat these aggro-shitheads. They don't fold, ever. They raise/reraise all sorts of crap preflop and bet/raise whatever the flop. Unless I have the stone cold nuts, I don't know where I stand.

Speculative hands are rarely worth shit (and PFR makes them expensive luxaries that 15BB cannot afford), powerhouse hands always get cracked (playing AA/KK for set value, rofl). Plus I've been card dead mostly (J9s & KK are the only two I remember; I folded a suited connector to a raise that hit the board).

There have been 0 blind steals at this table, 90% of the hands have gone to SD.

Okay the rabid LAG two seats to my right has gone, that just leaves AQ man 3 on my left.

On the plus side, I've seen Quads be paid off 3 times so far at this table!

AQ man disconnected :( Dealt Q3o, woot! Okay, 45d in the BB. Bottom pair on the flop, I call 1SB then I bail on the turn. I'm down to $2.90, I'm probably going to bust soon, thank god. KJo, limp/check/check/fold. Probably should have raised/bet/bet, might have won w/o SD. Table seems to have tightened up, fewer SD, less people in the pots. AKs, time to lose big! Okay, completely miss the flop so folded to the PFRR. AQs! Rofl, lost to AKo A-high.

I guess AKs would have been the hand to SD with. Oh well, fuck limit and all the aggro-retards. I'll have to try that again sometime never.

15BB & k3b

Starting roll: 15BB @ Limit .5X/X.
Move up to .5Y/Y everytime you make 15Y.
Continue until stuck.

An interesting 2+2 challenge that has the potential to get me 'unstuck' at LHE. I'm sure I'll bust out relatively quickly. I think my limit game sucks and I've grown fond of NL because opponents mistakes can be really punished. At limit they can get away with making horrendous mistakes before it bites them, and can be profitabke short term.

Finally dist-upgraded correctly, fixed k3b (some silly libopencd dependency was holding it back), updated nvidia driver, and installed a new kernel (2.6.14-archck5). Latest xserver-* packages don't work for me, though, so I had to downgrade them.

Ate a cracking Christmas lunch. Not so keen on the pudding but then I never have been.


Payed off a flopped monster (flop: 776, vilain shows Sixs full of Sevens) and watched the guy piss away my money slowly. When he started losing his, he quit. I could have gotten away from this cheaper on the river when he raised my bet. Of course, I thought he was bluffing since he was playing out of the newbie blind :(

Folded Ducks (pocket 2's) on the button to a 6bb raise. Deuce on the flop. Of course. That's probably the most -EV I've done in awhile. I imagine I could have doubled (I can never type 'bl', always 'lb') up here, easily.

Just folded Hiltons (pocket Queens) when someone seemed to like the 5678 OESD flop/turn. Yet he folds to the Ace on the river?! Well, at least he saved me from being rivered (still lost 8bb).

Saw 34s take down a huge pot with a straight Two to Six. Loser was fuming over that (showed AKo). Think the straight was made on the river too. Glad it wasn't me paying that one off.

First few hands at this new table have been good. Didn't SD broadway on a 4-flush flop (hopefully I forced out a one card flush here. The Ace was on the board).

(Wow, just won a huge pot with KQo, two pairs Kings and Fours! I thought I was behind the whole hand since I cold-called a PFR. I was hovering over 'fold' on every street but no one was betting large enough so it ended up being 7/8-way. I missed a value bet on the river, though. It was checked around to me on the button and I decided to check behind. I honestly couldn't believe my TP2K was good here and I didn't want to expose myself to a check-raise.)

Also won big with KJ before KQ. Two Jacks on the flop and I dodged the flush.

One more orbit and I call it a night. What day is it again?

Postscript: I think my game is improving but I'm probably not in danger of 'crushing' these limits just yet. Even still, another +2 buy-ins and I'll take a shot at the next limit. I think I can handle that game even if my BR can't yet.



Ha. Hahaha-ha. Destacked someone who was pissing me off to double up. On a previous hand my K9s hit the flop for a pair of 9's with no flush draw. I bet to protect, check the turn since it paired the board, bluffed on the river when an Ace came. Dick raised me so, reluctantly, I folded.

Dealt KQo on the button. 3BB raise. Flop 9h7cJh, giving me a gutshot. I bet 5BB hoping to take the pot there. Vilain and UTG calls. Turn is Td. Hahah. Check, check, I bet 11BB. UTG sensibly folds. Dick calls. River is the As making broadway, I bet 21BB, which is just over a third of the pot. I figured if I bet too much he'd just fold and I really wanted a call since I'm holding the nuts. He raises me to 42BB :) I reraise back for 63BB (should have just gone all-in here since I had nothing left). He puts the rest of his chips (50bb) in! I go all-in. He shows Q8s, straight 8 to Queen. I show KQo, straight Ten to Ace :D

Even without the Ace on the river, I was ahead all the way through. That'll teach him to be wary of 3 broadway cards on a board.

I quit soon after since, as someone else said, "There's 1150BB on this end of the table."

With that, I've recouped my trips vs. full-house loss. Just need to stay focused and tight, plugging away at these limits. Need to double my BR before I consider moving up. Also really need to setup 'jackjack', the poker vmware server :)


Why do I call an all-in with A8s and made trips? Why? Vilain shows: pocket 7's, sevens full of eights. It's not even a bad beat; it's just a very bad call. I really need to stop paying off peoples monsters. I'm litterally incandescent with rage right now.

So that's another buy-in burned. Tight-Aggressive. Tight, tight, tight. For Fucks sake.

Rule now: Do not call an all-in and do not go all-in with less than the stone cold nuts. Board's paired, someone goes all in and I don't have a full-house? Fold. Fold. Fold.

Better to leave money on the table, right now, than to keep throwing away my stack. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.



Oh I'm pissed now. Managed to lose 1.5 buy-ins in 3 hands, more or less.

AKo: SB calls my PFR, flops his set of 4's. I make a pot bet on the flop, he calls. Turn completes the flush, we both check. River is a blank, he bets and I call.

AA: On the button, UTG min-raises, I raise 13xbb. 3 callers. Flop is Ks5hKh. Fucking bullshit. UTG goes all-in, I fold. The other guy called. Turn is 8s, river is Jh completing the flush. Caller flips over 79h. What utter fucking crap. Preflop, I was 80% favourite against 79s.

QQ: The very next hand I get pocket Hiltons. I don't raise as much (5xbb). 4 callers. Flop: 4s6d8s. Not great but much better than the last one. Checked around to me and I am feeling a bit fucking tilty so I all-in. Two callers, including the guy that won the last hand! Turn is the Ah and I think, "Fuck, I've lost to a pair of aces." River: 5s, completing the spade flush. Mr. 79s flips 56o for the rivered two pair. What the fuck. Preflop, I'm 81% favourite; flop, 65%; turn, 80%.

Fucking scumbag.

But the thing is, I'd want him to do the exact same thing in the future. Fortunately chat wasn't working :) Hurts losing 1.5 buy-ins, though, especially since my play was all +EV save for calling the river on the AK hand.

Mrs. Slick

Yeah, I was favourite to win AQo vs. A7 (well, duh): 66% vs. A7s, 71% vs. A7o.



Well, made my +0.5 buy-ins but stayed and lost it. How? AQo vs. A7o. He flopped two pair which improved to a full-house on the river. I knew he had Ax but I had no idea he'd gotten that lucky. My one fear was being dominated by AK. Little did I know...

I then watched him donk his entire stack off against two people who had made an obvious broadway with AK. After his rebuy he calls another donkeys all-in with AK. Fortunately for him the donkey also had AK...

So my new rule is: If I'm up half a buy-in or so in under 20 mins, consider leaving or finding a new table. Or just bank my profit and resit.


Finale was excellent. I knew it was frigging Quentin! I had no idea about Kitt, though. I also had no idea that Quentin didn't have a penis. ROFL. The Matt storyline was good too. I sometimes think he's a little prick but I think he redeemed himself for the most part here. He really fucking owned that Aryan shithead in the end. I only wonder what will come of that...


J-UNO is another chase noob/camp fag, leaving you no choice but to spawn rape him constantly. If you don't he'll just cess you to death. And for some reason, he thinks he's good. Now he's on my shitlist.

Yeah, I know my stats are shit but considering most of them were warpy as fuck, they could be much worse.



I'm also beginning to see why some of the things I've read are true, e.g. playing the player is more important than the cards.

Earlier I was in the BB and dealt 52o or somesuch. It's checked on every street until the river where someone donk bets his ace-high, I fold but he gets one caller. I folded the winning hand! I'm not really that bothered about this particular instance, though. A pair of deuces, no kicker is very rarely worth anything at all (especially when there's 3 to a flush on board). I folded because my play told him I really had no holding at all. If I had tried c/r him on the river, I would have only been called by a hand that had me beat.

Um, I'm not sure where I'm going with that. Only to say that my monster hands (pocket Aces, set of 10's, straight J-7) didn't even get called. So in every case I would have won just as much had I played any two cards the same way. Had I been called I would have won anyway but, since I've shown myself to be a dependable TAG, I don't get calls when I show huge amounts of strength.

I don't know, I just think it's interesting that on some levels the actual cards don't matter at all. I do use my TAG image to bluff/semi-bluff occassionally but most of my large bets/raises/all-ins I want someone to call me. Since I don't get a lot of calls, mixing in LAG play could be very profitable.


+0.5 buy-ins after 1h 30m. Kind of sucks but it's better than the alternatives.

Got bullets in the BB, managed to win a medium pot without SD. Next hand got dealt AKs, managed to win a smallish pot without SD. Got pocket 10's twice, held up once, IIRC. 1st time I made my set on the turn but only managed to bet 2bb since I was having problems with the slider. Luckily I was HU and the guy behind me raised, I came over the top for 3x his raise but he folded. Slider owned me on some other hand too. I meant to bet 20bb but ended up betting 1.1bb. I think that was with Aces.

Not a bad session. The worst mistake I made was calling a pot sized bet when I couldn't see my hole cards. Bit too much of a gambool. I nearly called a 50bb all-in with 10's but figured I was probably dominated.

All things, a pretty good game just a shame I'm at such small limits. I may try moving up limits for one buy-in. I've played it before -- and the limit above -- and the level of play is not substantially better at either level. I should do okay provided I don't play scared. Considering my game is very TAG I run the risk of turning weak-tight. Hopefully I'll still be able to push medium edges even if I shy away from the small ones.

Any Two

Bluffs, etc. I don't like the 8-10x reraise because: 1) If you're called, you're in trouble if you don't hit the flop hard. I'd still try and take the pot on the flop with a pot (or 0.5-75) pot) sized bet, but if that's called aswell, then it's shit creek time. 2) If you're reraised, you have to bail and that does nothing for your table image. However, it could set you up to try the same move later but with a monster hand. Then, depending on the amount of callers, you can either reraise again, or call.

gmail still not working for me. TTL is too small to reach me from gateways 9-14 (that's what the '* * *' means). Hop 8 is a telia.net relay. So I guess my problem is in France? Whatever. It's like I get asked at work, "Why isn't one of my hosted email accounts receiving any [test] messages?" Well, how the fuck should I know? And, since it's not actually my job to care about such things, I just say, "I don't know. Sorry." in the most passive-aggressive way possible.

First day of the lolidays for me. Feels good not to be waking up at 6am (and not going to bed early, either). Almost time to gambool...

Things I need to do over Christmas: a) Setup VMWare station for poker. b) Upgrade my account at the bank (not just for poker, but partly). c) Play and improve as much as possible. Sure this is a fishy, fishy time for the tables but really that should just make things easier.


EV ephiphany

I think things are beginning to click for me with poker. Things I knew but didn't understand: i) Poker is gambling & ii) Always put chips in the middle when expected value is positive.

What does this mean? If you want an easy decision, wait for AA and go all-in preflop. You will win >55% of the time with up to 4-callers. Of course, this strategy is extremely impractical. You only get dealt Aces every 220 hands or so and you'll probably only win a few blinds for you troubles since it's likely you'll get 0 callers. If you can get it all in preflop then you're laughing. You still might lose but it's stupidly +EV.1

So now I really don't care much about results so long as I'm making the right decisions, the ones that are +EV. Or, in a bad situation, the decisions with the least negative expected value. That's it. The money lands where it lands on any given hand but, so long as I keep making the right choices, it will gradually gravitate towards me.

1 0.76 ev (excluding ties). Versus KK (which I imagine is almost the only hand you would ever get to call your all-in): 0.82 ev.


Google services (Blogger and Gmail) aren't really working for me. Well, blogger is slow but gmail is totally unreachable. So I guess some monkey has buggered the routing (hops 9-14 are all '* * *' but I forget what that means...). Which is nice since I actually wanted to use my account for the first time in two months.

Poker whine was cut short yesterday so here's the end of it: KQs twice, first time I called $2 AI with 6 outs (pot would have had to have been ~$14). Duh. Second KQs I think I bought the pot with a decent bet.

Pocket 9's nearly got me in to trouble but I decided to lay it down. The winner of that hand had pocket 10's and a pair of Kings on the board. Good job I didn't stick around to the river. Although, saying that an agressive bet may have forced a fold.

Pocket 10's also lost me some money. I raise from EP, raised, and then reraised from LP (largest stack at the table; 4+ buy-ins) and SB (short-stack). I should have probably reraised here to something obscene but I'd have probably lost to the SB. Since I just called I saw a flop with three low diamonds on it. SB bets 50bb. Now, I'm really sure that the flush doesn't help him any more than it helps me, and since I have Td I think I'm probably ahead. I contemplate raising but while I'm pretty sure I can beat the SB, the LP raiser is another matter. I think about it for a bit before folding. Big stack raises to 100bb. SB calls, I can't remember if that put him all-in or if he went on the turn; either way he ends up AI, big stack shows K4s, SB is bust, and I'm glad I got away from it when I did. I hope that I would have folded a flopped set here too but somehow I doubt it.

Should this make me jealous? Abso-fucking-lutely. Then you have Daniel talking about all the million dollar bankroll 20-somethings. I think to myself, why the hell am I so late to the table? Will I ever get there? The way things are progressing so far, probably not, but who knows? Unless the poker industry stops growing in the next 18 months then I don't see why I can't enjoy some level of success. 500k/100k/10k BR would be awesome, and completely life changing. Even if I could only earn exactly what I make now by playing poker it would change my life. With that kind of freedom I would just travel the world. I quite fancy somewhere tropical...



Ugh, can't keep my end up at limit. Nothing especially bad. I think I may have got outdrawn once or twice but that's it. Still managed to lose 14 bb or so between that and blinds. Lost a monster (either AA or KK) to something like two pair.

NL was better. Almost doubled up with some agressive play. Made some good reads. Fired off a large bet with AA on a raggedy flop, went AI on the turn. Probably would have been sucked out on but it would have cost them so I won. Think I went AI again with a set of snowmen (8's) and didn't get called. Either way I wouldn't have minded one caller to win an even larger pot.

Then I went down back to my buy-in playing KQs v. AI A9o. Turn put a pair of 5's on the board and LAG went AI. I knew he didn't have a 5 but I should have probably folded since I knew my unmade hand, while undoubtably better than his, was vulnerable to any A-rag kicker.



-17 bb @ .5/1. What?

Deal breakers: AA vs. K5s(?), KK vs. XX.

AA: His mistake pre-flop to call a capped bet (reraiser folded after the flop), my mistake to not respect his aggression on the turn (xK55). This is a laydown I must be able to make which brings us to...

KK: Played exactly the same as AA except flop was quiet. Turn brought an Ace and a reraise to my bet, which I folded to. Good fold or bad? Did he mark me as KK/QQ or think I was just continuation betting? If the former, good read. If the latter, very poor read. Part of me wishes I'd shown down for 2 more bets, or even reraised (he'd have to be a complete donkey to 3-bet on a bluff). A-rag would have not been worth a raise; AA wouldn't have been limped. A[K-J] then? Perhaps the turn gave him two-pair? I think I'll ask on FTR (need to register). Actually, looking at the history again I think this was a very weak fold here, and one I wouldn't have made if my Aces hadn't been busted earlier. This turn was worth reraising (or calling). In fact, I think the best play here is C/R'ing the Ace, even though it hurts me.

Q8s: Bet my Q-8 straight draw, got it, didn't get called on the river. My best hand of the night...

A9s: Three Queens on the board, made a good read that the other guy didn't have Quads and won the pot vs. A3o (lol?).

Well, so much for "crushing the game with expert play" (SSH). Then again, my play is pretty far from expert. Lessons to learn: Fold monster starting hands to heavy action. Conversely, don't fold to weak action. Yes, it would have sucked to have lost to A-rag or some shitty two-pair but I really don't see him actually having a hand here (4T2A, two clubs on board).


"You are here"

I am between phase VII and VIII, hopefully followed by IX when I start playing again.

Ordered SSH by Miller. Also have two other poker books on order. Today's word is counterplay.

I'm going to do what I do best: Read, read, and read some more. Clearly I need a poker education beyond what the interweb has been able to provide.



I quit. No more poker this week, I'm playing on some sort of extended tilt. Completely donkeying any and all hands. E.g. trying to bully pocket Sevens off a pot with AJo when I missed the flop completely, ended up all-in with Ace high. How utterly retarded. That's the worst NL play I've made to date. If I wanted to buy the pot I should have just gone all-in on the flop, otherwise fold. And being short staked I doubt he'd respect my all-in on that flop anyway. My read on him was right, though, but unfortunately he had position on me. Still, going all-in then might have made him hesitate (thinking I had a higher set) even if he had made his set. Limit: Called BB raise with A8s from late position, two aces on the flop. Ran into AKo of course (duh, he raised pre-flop). I wasn't paying attention, otherwise I'd have figured out he was trapping me (as I was trying to trap him).

Lost 13bb & a $15 buy-in.

I think I'm so anxious to win a hand, any hand that I'm making mistakes that I wouldn't make if I was detached. So no more poker until Sunday, when I can hopefully come back refreshed and respect the game. I may even drop down in stakes (limit, nl is fine) until I think I have the fundamentals down.

I'll just have to keep raping noobs in quake to make up for it. I just wish my ping was better in the evenings. Got pissed off with this shit, campy, chasy twat that I normally don't give a second thought to. But with my ping twice as high I really began to get pissed off with his chasing and spawn raping me. Normally I'd just cess the fuck to death or grab the nearest weapon but with the extra lag he had the better of me. Fortunately the map changed to one I'm much better on and I utterly anhiliated him without any effort. Still with double my normal ping. I'll be sure to take extra effort to chase and spawn rape the cunt when my ping is normal.

At least when I lose there it doesn't mean anything. Unfortunately, the reverse is also true :)



I'm -63bb for the week, plus -$35 from trying $50nl & $25nl (-$25 & -$10, respectively). Where to begin...

My total losses are 100bb, winnings 37bb. I had winning sessions tue (+3bb) & wed (+34bb)...and that's it. My biggest loss was friday (-43bb) over two sessions. Last sunday was also a killer (-26bb). Mon, thu, & sat, were all around -10bb.

Why? Well, a combination of variance and bad play. Examples of variance: Dealt pocket Hiltons UTG, I raise and get 3 callers. Flop brings another two Queens giving me quads. I check, someone bets, someone folds, I call. Pot is still tiny. Turn is a King, checked around to me, I bet, someone folds, 1 caller. River is some crap, I think I bet here because I was worried that I'd just get checked, guy folds. My quads net me 6bb minus the rake.

Another one that stings: AQs (I think suited, can't recall) versus JJ. Two Queens on the board, jackjack calls me to the river with his two outer and gets his miracle Full-house.

This one from $50nl: AJ vs. AQ. Jack on the flop, I raise, AQ reraises to put me all-in. I am confident that I'm ahead here (and I am). Go all-in and he rivers a Queen. Checked the stats and I had a 70% chance to win AJ v. AQ with that flop. Another good decision with a bad outcome.

Bad play is mostly just not laying down when I know that I've been drawn out. E.g. jackjack raised on the river. I called. Worst single play I can think of is limping with QTo in $25nl, and going all-in with flopped two-pair. Lost to K9 flopped straight.

Annoying play is I folded a straight-flush (86h) to CO raise in the BB. Then again I'm not psychic and I think 'suited gappers' are for morons.

I'm really worried that I've become weak-tight since almost every time I get outdrawn. I've been a veritable ATM to people flopping sets (I can't remember the last time I flopped a set and won). I'm going to consider check raising the turn to protect my hands. I'm sure it will do no good.

I'm also going to cut back on poker since my BR is nearly 100bb lighter (in part due to trying NL but mostly due to Limit).

Off I go to the tables to burn some more money...


True to form I burned through 21bb in 40 minutes. Impressive! Nothing really spectacular. Got AA and played it hard, board flushed on the turn and I lost to Jack-high flush (I had the Ace). Threw the tit who called with J9s two extra bb after I knew I was beat. He raised on the turn, I called that and the river bet. Turn call wasn't terrible since I was looking for a diamond but didn't get it. River call was just plain crying.

Other than that and paying to see the flop (and not hitting a goddamn thing), I did nothing except fold and pay the blinds.

Great way to waste $42.

I've fucking had it. I'm either playing low NL or a lower limit until my luck changes. Edit: Actually, I think I'll limit myself to -10bb per session at current limit.

Oh yeah, and every hand I folded (98o, Q5s) hit the flop for trips or better. Fuck you, Lady.

Later that night...

Just finished an hour of $25nl...break even (well, +$0.06). I doubled up and stayed at the table until I was back to my buy-in. Last hand I played was QQ, raised to $2.50 preflop and folded to me. I guess I should have only bet $1.50 but there was mucho chat about my pre-flop raising so I was hoping to get one caller (I had raised the previous hand -- KQo -- preflop too but not as high). Oh well.

Things learnt: 1) With TPTK on a low board (A9s, 9 paired) I should bet enough to take it right there and then (e.g. 2x pot), not 1x bet and get called to the river where a Queen appears. 2) If I double-up (or close enough), I should leave. Sure there's the possibility that I could double-up again but when things start going south I should just leave. 3) I shouldn't loosen up too much. Yes, it's fun being able to steal blinds and limped bets but it can get out of control.


Dumb Things

Played while drinking alcohol. Consquently played LAG. Tightened up but lost my set (best flop I've seen in days) to A4s when the board flushed (I knew he had a flush but I gave him an additional 2bb; -EV). Couldn't lay down KK when the board paired so lost to K5o. Lost 2 bb playing KJs to quad Aces once it dawned on me that his raise with 3 Aces on the board might just mean he's got quads. Lost another 13 bb in total (mostly due to my early alcoholic betting spree).

I've done all those dumb things.

Sooo, let's see, I'm 39 in the hole since Saturday. It's like I'm intentionally trying to wipe out my bankroll (which has only been 200bb max, 150bb left). From now on, I will straighten up and fly right. Boredom be damned.

Because, you know, these tables although fustrating when it's fold-fold preflop, and then when you do catch a bit of the flop but don't have the nuts, fold again (well, I should fold when the part of my poker brain tells me that my hand is no longer good), they are mad profitable. I'm talking stupidly large pots for limit.

It's the crazies you see. They will pay you handsomely if you have the nuts (most of the time). They will re-raise your straight/flush/set/full-house with next to nothing all the way to the river, and if they have something, oh boy, they'll max out betting on every street. We're talking 30bb pots between 3/4 people (one with the nuts, two with very little)!

Things to note: Bluffs don't work against them because everybody calls. They'll bluff you if you're a tight player. They'll play any junk so long as it's suited for flush value. They'll play any face card (inc. the Ten in there) with any other junk. Sometimes they'll just play any junk (e.g. 62o). Every time the board gives something (a flush, a straight, a set), someone is bound to have something so your TPTK/Two pair/lower set is no longer good. When your TPTK becomes second pair on the turn/river, you've probably been sucked out.

Good I hate love this game.

Q3, because Q4 has Downs

Now Pipex (or possible Hurricane Electric) have fixed my routing issues, I'm once again playing great in Q3. If only I could play this game online for money. I know teams are uneven but that's because dodad and some other fella wanted to spec me. It's okay, I like it when they watch...

P.S. zomg, blogger lied to me, it didn't upload the image at all!!1



The past week has been a bitch for me poker wise. From sun-sat playing 17h45m I'm +33bb, which is about 3.67bb/100 hands, or 1.83bb per hour. Pretty shitty really but it gets worse: I've been having terrible sessions (e.g. today I'm -26bb, what a great start to the week).

Why? A combination of bad luck and bad play on my part. The bad play has only lost me more but not prevented me from winning, e.g. playing 36o out of the Big Blind when it's checked round to me preflop. Flop is uncordinated crap but it has a 6, pot's big enough for me to call 0.5bb here so I do...and the turn's a 3. Two pair! So I bet the turn and it's raised by a tight fella to my left. Instantly I think to myself 'set' but when it's folded round to me I call. River pairs the board so he checks after me and turns over 33. Great read by me! Shame I threw 1bb away after I knew I was beat.

I haven't really had any premium-premium starting hands (AA-JJ) for awhile. I did get KK either today or yesterday but the river put 3x clubs(?) on the board so I lost to a flush (93s, great hand to call a preflop raise with, I'm sure). I've had a load of lower pocket pairs though but no sets. Of course, junk that I've thrown away (56o) have been hitting great on the flop (full-houses all over the place).

The previous week I was +111bb with only one losing session (-2bb). Last Sunday I lost 23bb and this Sunday 26bb. God.

Ach weil, thems the breaks I guess. I am trying to grow my bankroll enough to take a shot (25bb buy-in) at the next limit. Looks like I'll have to wait a little longer for that...

Also, I've completely lunched out on setting up a vmware poker machine so I can start multi-tabling. Why a dedicated machine? Well, vmware doesn't seem to like cutting edge kernels, and WINE doesn't work with all the poker clients.